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252 lines (224 loc) · 8.02 KB

File metadata and controls

252 lines (224 loc) · 8.02 KB


  • A light-weight(size 69KB) Markdown editor of React component
  • Support TypeScript
  • Support custom markdown parser
  • Support Markdown Syntax: bold, italic, etc.
  • Support UI configuration: show only editor or previewer area
  • Support image upload
  • Support synch scrolling with editor and previewer
  • 一款轻量的基于React的Markdown编辑器, 压缩后代码只有69KB
  • 支持TypeScript
  • 支持自定义Markdown解析器
  • 界面可配置, 如只显示编辑区或预览区
  • 支持常用的markdown编辑功能,如加粗,斜体等等...
  • 支持图片上传
  • 支持编辑区和预览区同步滚动


online demo image


npm install react-markdown-editor-lite --save


Property Description Type default Remarks
value markdown content String '' required
name the name prop of textarea String 'textarea' not required
style component container style Object {height: '100%'} not required
config component config Object {view: {...}, logger: {...}} not required
config.view component UI Object {menu: true, md: true, html: true}
config.htmlClass Html section class attribute String <Empty string>
config.markdownClass Markdown section class attribute String <Empty string>
config.imageUrl default image url String ''
config.linkUrl default link url String ''
config.table table maximum value of row and column Object {maxRow: 4, maxCol: 6}
config.logger logger in order to undo or redo Object {interval: 3000}
config.synchScroll Does it support synch scroll? Boolean true
config.imageAccept Accept image extensions, such as .jpg,.png String <Empty string>
onChange emitting when editor has changed Function ({html, text}, event) => {} not required
onImageUpload when image uploaded, callback emitting will get image markdown text (file: File, callback: (url: string) => void) => void; ({file, callback}) => {} not required
renderHTML Render markdown text to HTML. You can return either string, function or Promise (text: string) => string|function|Promise none required


MdEditor.getMdValue () => String

this api return a markdown content

MdEditor.getHtmlValue () => String

this api return a html text

Custom Markdown Parser

we recommend using markdown-it as markown parser, because it supports configurable syntax and has many community-written plugins.You can use any other parser instead of markdown-it.

npm install markdown-it --save

Basic Usage

Use markdown-it as markdown parser

'use strict';
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import MdEditor from 'react-markdown-editor-lite'
import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it'

const MOCK_DATA = "Hello.\n\n * This is markdown.\n * It is fun\n * Love it or leave it."
export default class Demo extends React.Component {
  mdParser = null
  constructor(props) {
    this.mdParser = new MarkdownIt(/* Markdown-it options */)
  handleEditorChange ({html, text}) {    
    console.log('handleEditorChange', html, text)
  render() {
    return (      
      <div style="height: 500px">
          renderHTML={(text) => this.mdParser.render(text)}

More Example

'use strict';
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import MdEditor from 'react-markdown-editor-lite'
import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it'
import emoji from 'markdown-it-emoji'
import subscript from 'markdown-it-sub'
import superscript from 'markdown-it-sup'
import footnote from 'markdown-it-footnote'
import deflist from 'markdown-it-deflist'
import abbreviation from 'markdown-it-abbr'
import insert from 'markdown-it-ins'
import mark from 'markdown-it-mark'
import tasklists from 'markdown-it-task-lists'
import hljs from 'highlight.js'
import 'highlight.js/styles/atom-one-light.css'
// import 'highlight.js/styles/github.css'
import './index.less';

const MOCK_DATA = "Hello.\n\n * This is markdown.\n * It is fun\n * Love it or leave it."
export default class Demo extends React.Component {
  mdEditor = null
  mdParser = null
  constructor(props) {
    // initial a parser
    this.mdParser = new MarkdownIt({
      html: true,
      linkify: true,
      typographer: true,
      highlight: function (str, lang) {
        if (lang && hljs.getLanguage(lang)) {
          try {
            return hljs.highlight(lang, str).value
          } catch (__) {}
        return '' // use external default escaping
    .use(tasklists, { enabled: this.taskLists })
    this.renderHTML = this.renderHTML.bind(this)
  handleEditorChange({html, text}, event) {
    console.log('handleEditorChange', html, text, event)
  handleImageUpload(file, callback) {
    const reader = new FileReader()
    reader.onload = () => {      
      const convertBase64UrlToBlob = (urlData) => {  
        let arr = urlData.split(','), mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1]
        let bstr = atob(arr[1])
        let n = bstr.length
        let u8arr = new Uint8Array(n)
        while (n--) {
          u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n)
        return new Blob([u8arr], {type:mime})
      const blob = convertBase64UrlToBlob(reader.result)
      setTimeout(() => {
        // setTimeout 模拟异步上传图片
        // 当异步上传获取图片地址后,执行calback回调(参数为imageUrl字符串),即可将图片地址写入markdown
      }, 1000)
  renderHTML(text) {
    // 模拟异步渲染Markdown
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 1000)
  handleGetMdValue = () => {   
    this.mdEditor && alert(this.mdEditor.getMdValue())      
  handleGetHtmlValue = () => {    
    this.mdEditor && alert(this.mdEditor.getHtmlValue())
  render() {
    return (      
          <button onClick={this.handleGetMdValue} >getMdValue</button>  
          <button onClick={this.handleGetHtmlValue} >getHtmlValue</button>  
        <section style="height: 500px">
            ref={node => this.mdEditor = node}
            style={{height: '400px'}}
              view: {
                menu: true,
                md: true,
                html: true
              imageUrl: ''

Using in Next.js

import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'

const MdEditor = dynamic(() => import('react-markdown-editor-lite'), {
  ssr: false

export default function() {
  return (      
    <div style="height: 500px">
        renderHTML={/* Render function */}

