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File metadata and controls

4128 lines (3997 loc) Β· 122 KB

GraphQL Schema Types for the RetroBox API πŸ“

Schema Types

Table of Contents


Field Argument Type Description
getManyGames [Game] Get many games
limit Int Number of items to get
orderBy String Order by a field
orderDir String Direction of the order
getOneGame Game Get a game by id
id String The Id of the game
getManyGameEditors [GameEditor] Get many GameEditors
limit Int Number of items to get
orderBy String Order by a field
orderDir String Direction of the order
getOneGameEditor GameEditorWithDepth Get a game editor by id
id String The Id of the game editor
getManyGamePlatforms [GamePlatform] Get many GamePlatform
limit Int Number of items to get
orderBy String Order by a field
orderDir String Direction of the order
getOneGamePlatform GamePlatformWithDepth Get a platform by id
id String The Id of the game platform
getManyGameMedias [GameMedia] Get many GameMedias
limit Int Number of items to get
orderBy String Order by a field
orderDir String Direction of the order
getOneGameMedia GameMedia Get a game media by id
id String The Id of the game media
getManyGameRoms [GameRom] Get many GameRom
limit Int Number of items to get
orderBy String Order by a field
orderDir String Direction of the order
getOneGameRom GameRom Get a game rom by id
id String The Id of the game rom
getManyGameTags [GameTagWithDepth] Get many GameTags
limit Int Number of items to get
orderBy String Order by a field
orderDir String Direction of the order
getOneGameTag GameTagWithDepth Get a game tag by id
id String The Id of the game editor
getManyPosts [Post] Get many posts
limit Int Number of items to get
orderBy String Order by a field
orderDir String Direction of the order
getOnePost Post Get a post by id
id String The Id of the post
getManyShopItems [ShopItem] Get many shop item
limit Int Number of items to get
orderBy String Order by a field
orderDir String Direction of the order
locale String Filter by locales
getOneShopItem ShopItemWithDepth Get a shop item by id
id String The Id of the shop item
slug String The Slug of the shop item
getManyShopCategories [ShopCategory] Get many shop category
limit Int Number of items to get
orderBy String Order by a field
orderDir String Direction of the order
locale String Filter by locales
getOneShopCategory ShopCategory Get a shop category by id
id String The Id of the shop category
getManyShopOrders [ShopOrderWithDepth] Get many shop order
limit Int Number of items to get
orderBy String Order by a field
orderDir String Direction of the order
all Boolean True to get all orders
getOneShopOrder ShopOrderWithDepth Get a shop order
id String The Id of the shop order
getManyUsers [User] Get many users
limit Int Number of items to get
orderBy String Order by a field
orderDir String Direction of the order
getOneUser User Get a user by id
id String The STAIL.EU uuid of the user account
getManyConsoles [Console] Get many consoles
limit Int Number of items to get
orderBy String Order by a field
orderDir String Direction of the order
all Boolean Fetch all consoles
getOneConsole Console Get a console
id String The Id of the console
with_status Boolean Flag to retrieve console status thought web socket server and overlay
getConsoleVersions [ConsoleVersion] Get all the console versions
openConsoleTerminalSession Boolean Open a remote terminal session on a console
id String The Id of the console
webSessionId String The id of the websocket session opened by a web client
getManyConsoleImages [ConsoleImage] Get many console image

Mutation (Mutations)

Field Argument Type Description
storeGame GameStoreOutput
game GameStoreInput! Game to store
updateGame Boolean
game GameUpdateInput
destroyGame Boolean
id ID
storeGameEditor GameEditorStoreOutput
editor GameEditorStoreInput! GameEditor to store
updateGameEditor Boolean
editor GameEditorUpdateInput
destroyGameEditor Boolean
id ID
storeGamePlatform GamePlatformStoreOutput
platform GamePlatformStoreInput! GamePlatform to store
updateGamePlatform Boolean
platform GamePlatformUpdateInput
destroyGamePlatform Boolean
id ID
storeGameMedia GameMediaStoreOutput
media GameMediaStoreInput! GameMedia to store
updateGameMedia Boolean
media GameMediaUpdateInput
destroyGameMedia Boolean
id ID
storeGameRom GameRomStoreOutput
rom GameRomStoreInput! GameRom to store
updateGameRom Boolean
rom GameRomUpdateInput
destroyGameRom Boolean
id ID
storeGameTag GameTagStoreOutput
tag GameTagStoreInput! GameTag to store
updateGameTag Boolean
tag GameTagUpdateInput
destroyGameTag Boolean
id ID
storePost Post
post PostInput Post to store
updateUser Boolean
user UserUpdateInput User to update
destroyUser Boolean
id ID
storeShopItem ShopItemStoreOutput
item ShopItemStoreInput Item to store
updateShopItem Boolean
item ShopItemUpdateInput Item to update
destroyShopItem Boolean Destroy a shop item
id String The Id of the shop item to destroy
storeShopCategory ShopCategoryStoreOutput
category ShopCategoryStoreInput Category to store
updateShopCategory Boolean
category ShopCategoryUpdateInput Category to update
updateShopCategoriesOrder Boolean Update the shop categories order
categories [ShopCategoryUpdateOrderInput] List of categories
destroyShopCategory Boolean Destroy a shop category
id String The Id of the shop category to destroy
destroyShopImage Boolean Destroy a shop image
id String The Id of the shop image to destroy
updateShopOrder Boolean
order ShopOrderUpdateInput Order to update
destroyShopOrder Boolean
id ID
storeConsole ConsoleStoreOutput
console ConsoleStoreInput! Console to store
updateConsole Boolean Update a console
console ConsoleUpdateInput! Console to update
destroyConsole Boolean
id ID
shutdownConsole Boolean Shutdown a console
id String The Id of the console
rebootConsole Boolean Reboot a console
id String The Id of the console
resetConsoleToken ConsoleResetTokenOutput Reset a console token
id String The Id of the console
storeConsoleImage ConsoleImageStoreOutput
image ConsoleImageStoreInput! Image to store
updateConsoleImage Boolean Update a console image
image ConsoleImageUpdateInput! Console image to update
destroyConsoleImage Boolean
id ID!



A user's console

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
user User
order ShopOrder
token String Authentication token for the console overlay
version String
storage String
color String
first_boot_at datetime
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime
is_online Boolean
up_time Int
used_disk_space Float
free_disk_space Float
disk_usage Float
disk_size Float
cpu_temp Float
gpu_temp Float
ip String
wifi String The wifi network SSID that the console is connected to
free_memory Int The amount of free memory, in bytes
total_memory Int The total amount of memory, in bytes


A SD-Card image specific version

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
console_version String The console hardware (or PCB) version
software_version String A new software version represent for example a update in linux kernel or others new version of integrated software all packed up inside a single image release
version String The full version string with the console and the software version
description String Can serve as a changelog field for this version of the image
size Int The size of the zip file
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime


Field Argument Type Description
id ID
saved Boolean


Field Argument Type Description
token String
overlay_killed Boolean


Field Argument Type Description
id ID
saved Boolean


A console version

Field Argument Type Description
id String A class version string format
image_url String The url to download the image of this console version to flash the sd card with


The retrogame

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
name String
esrb_level String The Entertainment Software Rating Board level of the game
locale String A comma list of locale supported by this game
players Int Numbers of maximum players that the game allow to play with
thegamesdb_rating Float Average rating of TheGamesDB
igdb_rating Float Average rating of IGDB users
description String
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime
released_at datetime
original_file_name String The original file name used when the rom file was uploaded by a user
user User
platform GamePlatform
editor GameEditor
tags [GameTag]
medias [GameMedia]


The editor of the game

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
name String
description String
games_count Int
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime


Field Argument Type Description
id ID
saved Boolean


The editor of the game

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
name String
description String
games_count Int
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime
games [Game]


A media of a game or a platform (image/video)

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
type String
url String
is_main Boolean
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime


Field Argument Type Description
id ID
saved Boolean


The platform of the game

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
name String
description String
short String
manufacturer String
cpu String
memory String
graphics String
sound String
display String
max_controllers String
thegamesdb_rating String
medias [GameMedia]
released_at datetime
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime


Field Argument Type Description
id ID
saved Boolean


The platform of the game

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
name String
description String
short String
manufacturer String
cpu String
memory String
graphics String
sound String
display String
max_controllers String
thegamesdb_rating String
medias [GameMedia]
released_at datetime
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime
games [Game]
games_count Int


A game rom file

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
size Int
url String
sha1_hash String
last_checked_at datetime
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime


Field Argument Type Description
id ID
saved Boolean


Field Argument Type Description
id ID
saved Boolean


The tag of the game

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
name String
description String
icon String
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime


Field Argument Type Description
id ID
saved Boolean


The tag of the game

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
name String
description String
icon String
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime
games [Game]
games_count Int


Field Argument Type Description
shop_item_custom_option_storage String
shop_item_custom_option_color String
### Post A post in the blog
Field Argument Type Description
id ID
title String
image String
description String The post description, written in plain text, showed on preview
content String The post body, written in markdown
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime


A category of item in the shop

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
title String
order Int
is_customizable Boolean
locale String
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime
items [ShopItem]
items_count Int


Field Argument Type Description
id ID
saved Boolean


A image belong to a shop item

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
url String
is_main Boolean
name String
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime


A item in the shop

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
title String
image String
identifier String Identifier is used to identify the same product in two different locale
slug String Generated on identifier
weight Float Weight of the item in g SI
images [ShopImage] Images belongs to this shop item
description_short String
description_long String Written in markdown
price Float
version String
locale String
show_version Boolean
allow_indexing Boolean If true, the item should be indexed by robots
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime


Field Argument Type Description
id ID
saved Boolean


A item in the shop

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
title String
image String
identifier String Identifier is used to identify the same product in two different locale
slug String Generated on identifier
weight Float Weight of the item in g SI
images [ShopImage] Images belongs to this shop item
description_short String
description_long String Written in markdown
price Float
version String
locale String
show_version Boolean
allow_indexing Boolean If true, the item should be indexed by robots
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime
category ShopCategory
pivot PivotOutput


A user's order

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
user User
shipping_method String
shipping_id String
on_way_id String
total_price Float
sub_total_price Float
total_shipping_price Float
status String
way String
bill_url url
note String A message left by customer at checkout to specify instructions to the order agent (or preparator)
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime


A user's order

Field Argument Type Description
id ID
user User
shipping_method String
shipping_id String
on_way_id String
total_price Float
sub_total_price Float
total_shipping_price Float
status String
way String
bill_url url
note String A message left by customer at checkout to specify instructions to the order agent (or preparator)
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime
items [ShopItemWithDepth]
items_count Int


A user account

Field Argument Type Description
id String The user STAIL.EU uuid
first_name String
last_name String
last_locale String
address_first_line String
address_second_line String
address_postal_code String
address_city String
address_country String
last_username String
last_email String
last_avatar String
last_ip String
last_user_agent String
last_login_at datetime
is_admin Boolean
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime



Field Type Description
console_version String!
software_version String!
description String


Field Type Description
id ID!
software_version String!
description String


Field Type Description
id String
version String
order_id String
user_id String
color String!
storage String!


Field Type Description
id String
version String
order_id String
user_id String
color String!
storage String!


Field Type Description
name String!
description String!


Field Type Description
id ID
name String!
description String!


Field Type Description
url String!
type String!
is_main Boolean


Field Type Description
id ID
url String!
type String!
is_main Boolean


Field Type Description
name String!
description String!
short String
manufacturer String
cpu String
memory String
graphics String
sound String
display String
max_controllers Int
thegamesdb_rating Float
released_at datetime
medias [ID]


Field Type Description
id ID!
name String!
description String!
short String
manufacturer String
cpu String
memory String
graphics String
sound String
display String
max_controllers Int
thegamesdb_rating Float
released_at datetime
medias [ID]


Field Type Description
url String!
size Int
sha1_hash String


Field Type Description
id ID
url String!
size Int
sha1_hash String


Field Type Description
name String!
description String!
esrb_level String
locales String
players String
thegamesdb_rating Float
rom_url String
editor_id String
platform_id String
released_at datetime
tags [ID]
medias [ID]


Field Type Description
name String!
icon String
description String


Field Type Description
id ID
name String!
description String!


Field Type Description
id ID!
name String!
description String!
esrb_level String
locales String
players String
thegamesdb_rating Float
rom_url String
editor_id String
platform_id String
released_at datetime
tags [ID]
medias [ID]


Field Type Description
name String!
description String!
content String!
image String!


Field Type Description
title String!
is_customizable Boolean!
locale String!


Field Type Description
id String!
title String
is_customizable Boolean
locale String
order Int


Field Type Description
id String
order Int


Field Type Description
url url!
is_main Boolean!


Field Type Description
url url!
is_main Boolean!


Field Type Description
title String!
identifier String!
description_short String!
description_long String!
show_version Boolean!
price float!
weight float!
image url!
version String
allow_indexing Boolean
category_id String!
images [ShopImageStoreInput]


Field Type Description
id String!
title String!
description_short String!
description_long String!
show_version Boolean!
price float!
identifier String!
weight float!
image String!
version String
allow_indexing Boolean
category_id String!
images [ShopImageUpdateInput]


Field Type Description
id String!
shipping_id String
status String
bill_url String


Field Type Description
id String!
is_admin Boolean
first_name String
last_name String
address_first_line String
address_second_line String
address_postal_code String
address_city String
address_country String



The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.


The Float scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.


The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.


The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.


The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.