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File metadata and controls

110 lines (77 loc) · 4.41 KB


Basically a way to run your unit tests runners in a way that continuous integration tools might like, including the GitHub Actions.


Assuming that you have a tests folder with all your tests. Map the volume to the repo that contains it and Port will automatically your cls folder.

If your cls files are inside a src folder, add that as part of the local path as well. e.g: -v $PWD/<your_repo>/src:/opt/ci/app

docker run -t --rm --name ci \
-e TEST_SUITE="tests" \
-v $PWD/<you_repo>:/opt/ci/app

Environment variables

There's two ways to provide an environment variable:

  • -e VAR_NAME="var value" while using docker run.
  • By providing an extra volume for docker run like this: -v /my/app/.env:/opt/ci/.env.

NOTE: In case a variable is defined in both formats, using the -e format takes precedence over .env files.

Types of environment variables

  • Variables prefixed with CI_{NAME} are passed down as name to the installer manifest.
  • Variables prefixed with TESPARAM_{NAME}are passed down as NAME to the unit test manager's UserFields property.
  • TEST_SUITEand TEST_CASE to control where to locate and which test case to target.

If you don't specify the TEST_CASE the recursive flag will be set.

So if you have a project with many classes, it might be interesting to at least define the TEST_SUITE and reduce the search scope due to performance concerns.

Using the default installer manifest for unit tests

This image ships with a installer manifest that uses two prefixes in order to configure and create web applications:

  • CI_CSPAPP_{param} is related to envs that can be used to configure CSP application.
  • CI_RESTAPP_{param} same as as CI_CSPAPP but allow providing configurations related to creating a REST-based application.

The param placeholder refers to the property names used by the Security.Applications. Usage example:

To create a CSP application named csp/myapp:


To create a REST application named /api/myapp:


Remember that additional parameters can be provided. Check the list below from the current installer implementation:

set params("AuthEnabled") = authMethods
set params("AutoCompile") = 1
set params("CSPZENEnabled") = 1
set params("CookiePath") = cookiePath
set params("DeepSeeEnabled") = 1
set params("Description") = ""
set params("DispatchClass") = dispatchClass
set params("Enabled") = 1
set params("InbndWebServicesEnabled") = 1
set params("IsNameSpaceDefault") = $case(dispatchClass, "": 1, : 0)
set params("LockCSPName") = 1
set params("MatchRoles") = roles
set params("NameSpace") = namespace
set params("Path") = directory
set params("Recurse") = recurse
set params("iKnowEnabled") = 1
set params("UseCookies") = 2

Note that some classes have default values while others have them hardcoded. This is because you mostly wouldn't care about those parameters while running the instance inside a CI environment.

Implementing your own runner

While the Installer.cls provides you flexibility enough to create your own setup, the Runner.cls must be composed by two classmethods Run and OnAfterRun, both must accept a configuration object provided by the CI.Configuration class. You can use configuration.GetEnv("YOUR_ENV_NAME") to consume environment variables and change your runner's behavior. iris-ci already includes a runner for running tests, but despite ci assumption, you can also use this tool as a cd companion. Check iris-ci-xml to see an example of a runner that generates a project XML artifact.

The template for creating a runner class follows the format below:

Class CI.Runner

ClassMethod Run(configuration As CI.Configuration) As %Status
  return $$$OK

ClassMethod OnAfterRun(configuration As CI.Configuration) As %Status
  return $$$OK



Although this project ¨works on my machine™¨, you might still find bugs along the road or have good ideas. You're encouraged to either open a PR or issue. Don't be afraid!