description |
Guide of how to set up bot for the first time |
Config.js is the file which gives you option to control over your bot, like enabling/disabling features, customizing preferences and more...
- Setting up general bot informations:
OWNER_IDS: [""],
Here you can pass owner IDs (developers team members IDs) so you can access to OWNER Commands
Also you can add your support server invite URL for buttons
- Setting up prefix commands:
ENABLED: true, // Enable/Disable prefix commands
DEFAULT_PREFIX: "!", // Default prefix for the bot
Here you can enable or disable prefix commands as you want, also you can setup the global bot prefix
- Setting up Slash Commands:
SLASH: false, // Should the interactions be enabled
CONTEXT: false, // Should contexts be enabled
GLOBAL: false, // Should the interactions be registered globally
TEST_GUILD_ID: "", // Guild ID where the interactions should be registered. [** Test you commands here first **]
Property | Type | Description |
SLASH | Boolean | Whether the Slash Commands are enabled or not (set it to true to enable) |
CONTEXT | Boolean | Whether the Context Menus are enabled or not (set it to true to enable) |
GLOBAL | Boolean | Whether the Slash Commands should be globally registered or not (set it to true to enable) |
TEST_GUILD_ID | String | Guild ID where interactions should be registered [**here you should try your slash command for the first itme**] |
{% hint style="warning" %} Global slash commands can take up to 1 hour to be shown across all guilds {% endhint %}