The Currency Converter App is a Python application that allows users to convert currencies using real-time exchange rates fetched from an online API. The app provides a modern and intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) for a seamless user experience.
To use the Currency Converter App, follow these steps:
Install Python: If you don't have Python installed on your system, download and install it from the official Python website (
Install Dependencies: Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command to install the required dependencies:
pip install tkinter requests
Download the Source Code: Download the source code of the Currency Converter App from the provided repository or copy the code from the task description.
To use the Currency Converter App, follow these steps:
Run the App: Open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where you saved the source code, and run the following command:
GUI Overview: The Currency Converter App window will open, displaying the following elements:
- Amount Label: Enter the amount you want to convert.
- Amount Entry: Enter the amount you want to convert.
- From Currency Label: Enter the currency you want to convert from.
- From Currency Entry: Enter the currency you want to convert from.
- To Currency Label: Enter the currency you want to convert to.
- To Currency Entry: Enter the currency you want to convert to.
- Convert Button: Click this button to perform the currency conversion.
- Result Label: Displays the converted amount and currencies.
Perform Currency Conversion: Enter the amount, from currency, and to currency in the respective entry fields. Then, click the "Convert" button to fetch the real-time exchange rates and display the converted amount in the result label.
Error Handling: If there is an error in fetching the exchange rates or the currencies are invalid, an appropriate error message will be displayed in the result label.
Repeat Conversion: You can repeat the currency conversion by entering new values and clicking the "Convert" button again.
The Currency Converter App provides a convenient way to convert currencies using real-time exchange rates. With its modern and intuitive GUI, users can easily perform currency conversions with accurate results. Enjoy using the app and have a great experience!
For any further assistance or support, please contact our customer support team.