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Angular Express Mongoose Seed

This is based on Brian Ford's Angular Express seed. Angular Express seed is based upon what appears to be the latest stable release of Angular. In comparison and contrast, this project includes the next release candidate from the unstable branch of Angular.

This project also includes:


Express - 3.4.0 Jade - 0.35.0 Less-Middleware - 0.1.12 Mongoose - 3.6.20 Connect Mongo - 0.3.3


Angular - 1.2.0-rc.2 Strapless - 3.0.0 - less files from Bootstrap 3 Angular-Resource - 1.2.0-rc.2 Angular-UI-Router - 0.2.0

As identified above, this project features AngularJS on the front end, and Express + Node + Mongoose on the back end. This project is an application skeleton for a typical AngularJS web app for those who want to use Node to serve their app.

It also includes Jade and Less-Middleware. Jade is used to prepare templates for Angular. In other words, Jade is not being used to inject Javascript or provide interpolation.

Less-Middleware is used to compile less stylesheets on the server. It forces compilation when Node is in development mode. Otherwise, it compiles spreadsheets only the first time. It also incorporates the Bootstrap 3.0.0 less files and hooks them into the less compile process in a fashion that you can choose what files to incorporate.

This seed app shows how to wire together Angular client-side components with Express on the server. It also illustrates writing angular partials/views with the Jade templating library.

The seed also shows how to use angular-ui-router, a state router for Angular.

The seed also shows how to use ngResource to access REST services and features a simple backend REST service.

How to use angular-express-mongoose-seed

  • Install Node and NPM -
  • Install Bower -
  • Either install Mongodb or change dbUri an dbName (in server.js) to point to a Mongodb database.

Then, clone the angular-express-seed repository, run npm install to grab the dependencies, run 'bower install' and start hacking!

Running the app

Runs almost like a typical express app:

node server.js

Receiving updates from upstream

Just fetch the changes and merge them into your project with git. After an update, run npm update and bower update to update the packages used by the seed.

Directory Layout

node_modules            --> NodeJS modules - install using npm install
server.js               --> app config
public/                 --> all of the files to be used in on the client side
    bower_components    --> for bower components - install using bower install
    css/                --> css files
        fonts/          --> web font files
        app.css         --> default stylesheet
        app.less        --> less files used to compile app.css
        img/            --> image files
    js/                 --> app javascript files
        app.js          --> declare top-level app module
        controllers.js  --> application controllers
        directives.js   --> custom angular directives
        filters.js      --> custom angular filters
        services.js     --> custom angular services
server/                 --> server files
    models/             --> Mongoose models
        api.js          --> route for serving JSON
        index.js        --> route for serving HTML pages and partials
        index.jade      --> main page for app
        partials/       --> angular view partials (partial jade templates)
.bowerrc                --> bower configuration file
bower.json              --> for bower
package.json            --> for npm               --> This readme


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