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gzyarp::ConfigurationOverride Plugin

name filename
gzyarp::ConfigurationOverride gz-sim-yarp-configurationoverride-system

The gzyarp::ConfigurationOverride plugin can be attached to a model in order to override the configuration of any other gz-sim-yarp plugin that is attached to the same model and that occurs in xml after the insertion of the ConfigurationOverride plugin, even in a nested model.

Each ConfigurationOverride plugin points to another plugin using a unique identifier, and can override the values of its configuration parameters.


Add the gzyarp::ConfigurationOverride plugin to the model SDF before the overriden plugin declaration (i.e. before the <include>) and define the yarpDeviceName attribute of the yarpPluginConfigurationOverride element as the yarpDeviceName of the YARP plugin that will be overriden.

A typical usage of the gzyarp::ConfigurationOverride plugin is to specify parameters of a model included in a world, without the need to modify the model itself, that is convenient when the model is installed by another package and so it cannot be easily modified.

An example of its usage can be seen in the tutorial/single_pendulum/single_pendulum_world.sdf

The relevant snippet is:

    <!-- This is an example of how to override the initial configuration -->
    <plugin name='gzyarp::ConfigurationOverride' filename='gz-sim-yarp-configurationoverride-system'>
      <!-- The yarpPluginConfigurationOverride device is used to override the configuration of
           a given yarp device, whose name is specified via the yarpDeviceName attribute -->
      <yarpPluginConfigurationOverride yarpDeviceName='controlboard_plugin_device'/>

      <!-- If you want to override the initialConfiguration xml element, set it -->

The original initialConfiguration of the controlboard_plugin_device was 0.0, while via the gzyarp::ConfigurationOverride plugin we override its value to be 0.785398 rad (i.e. 45 degrees).

Note that the <plugin name='gzyarp::ConfigurationOverride' [...]> element is child of another parent <model>.

This is required as Gazebo Harmonic (gz-sim8) there are some inconsistency related to the scoped name of the entity passed to plugin inserted under the world element. If you are using Gazebo Ionic (gz-sim9) or later, you can also insert directly the <plugin name='gzyarp::ConfigurationOverride' [...]> as a child of the <world> element.

Another tipical example of gzyarp::ConfigurationOverride plugin is to set the enable and disable tags of a gzyarp::RobotInteface plugin, you can read more about that in gzyarp::RobotInterface documentation.

Reference documentation of plugin child XML elements

XML element Documentation
yarpPluginConfigurationOverride The attributes of this element specify the plugin of which we will override the parameters. Possible attributes are yarpDeviceName, that specifies the yarpDeviceName='@yarpDeviceName@' instantiated by the plugin to override, or yarpRobotInterfaceName='@yarpRobotInterfaceName@' to override the parameters of gzyarp::RobotInterface plugins named yarpRobotInterfaceName. In both cases, you can pass all to override the parameters of all YARP devices or YARP RobotInterface plugins in all nested models.

The parameters and plugins currently supported by the gzyarp::ConfigurationOverride plugin are the following:

Parameter SDF Element name Overrided Plugin
initialConfiguration gzyarp::ControlBoard
yarpRobotInterfaceEnableTags gzyarp::RobotInterface
yarpRobotInterfaceDisableTags gzyarp::RobotInterface

Any other parameter is not overriden. The plan for the future is to support more parameters in the gzyarp::ConfigurationOverride, if there is some specific parameter that you would like to override via the gzyarp::ConfigurationOverride, please open an issue.