1st terminal:
yarp server
2nd terminal:
Update the
environment variable to point to thetutorial
folder:export GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH = $GZ_SIM_RESOURCE_PATH:<path-to-tutorial-folder>
Then, launch Gazebo:
cd <path-to-tutorial-folder>/imu gz sim model.sdf
3rd terminal:
yarp name list yarp read /read /IMU/measures:o
Finally start the simulation in Gazebo. The output is:
(((0.0 0.0 0.0) 0.790000000000000035527)) (((0.0 0.0 0.0) 0.790000000000000035527)) () (((0.0 0.0 1.0) 0.790000000000000035527)) () () () () () ()
(((-8.67083959466306219856e-18 -9.04614162502292736348e-17 6.31690337169893099938e-18) 0.856999999999999984013)) (((-3.75849095399637712398e-15 -5.98854508443207591236e-16 9.79999999999999715783) 0.856999999999999984013)) () (((-4.6463335023590564651e-18 7.44705833710973762087e-18 1.0) 0.856999999999999984013)) () () () () () ()
(((-2.65163859086565008197e-17 -6.92733521733797742996e-17 1.07010834988178922973e-17) 0.918000000000000038192)) (((-4.09782279403881113319e-15 5.95134124642898954114e-16 9.79999999999999715783) 0.918000000000000038192)) () (((-4.95593801967022345119e-18 7.07755278231224452645e-18 1.0) 0.918000000000000038192)) () () () () () ()
Run the model:
gz sim model.sdf
List all available Gazebo topics:
gz topic -l
Print the topic that correspond to the IMU sensor:
gz topic -e -t <imu_topic_name>
where you should substitute <imu_topic_name>
with the topic of the IMU name.
Youl should see an output like this:
header {
stamp {
nsec: 950000000
data {
key: "frame_id"
value: "sensor_box::link_1::imu_sensor"
data {
key: "seq"
value: "95"
entity_name: "sensor_box::link_1::imu_sensor"
orientation {
x: -5.1247474484916385e-18
y: 6.78498225005388e-18
w: 1
angular_velocity {
x: -1.4944019409287915e-18
y: 9.4674654834166837e-18
z: 4.3001709350815993e-19
linear_acceleration {
x: -7.07328548583498e-16
y: 2.4369443497133971e-15
z: 9.8