diff --git a/authortechnical.Rmd b/authortechnical.Rmd
index 2d2ac87..dd4f071 100644
--- a/authortechnical.Rmd
+++ b/authortechnical.Rmd
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Briefly, the process is:
 1. Get the go-ahead and a tentative publication date from our Community Manager.
 1. Fork the repository (repo) of the rOpenSci website.
-1. Draft your post in R Markdown or Markdown and create or update your author metadata.
+1. Draft your post in R Markdown or Quarto or Markdown and create or update your author metadata.
 1. Preview and refine your post locally.
 1. Submit via pull request and preview your post.
 1. A blog editor reviews your post.
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ knitr::include_graphics("images/blogdownaddin.png", dpi = 25)
   * Choose the correct date.
   * Enter a new slug if the default one is too long.
   * Choose "blog" as a Subdirectory from the drop-down menu.
-  * Choose an Archetype, Rmd or md, from the drop-down menu.
+  * Choose an Archetype, Rmd or qmd or md, from the drop-down menu.
   * Also choose the correct Format: .Rmd if Rmd, Markdown (.md) if md. Never choose .RMarkdown.
   * Ignore Categories.
   * Select "tech notes" tag if this is a tech note
@@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ Your post source and its images should live in `/content/blog/YYYY-MM-DD-slug/`.
 * [R Markdown template](#templatermd) is to be saved as `/content/blog/YYYY-MM-DD-slug/index.Rmd`. It will need to be knit (RStudio knit button, or `blogdown::build_site(build_rmd = <path_to_file>)`). Add both `index.Rmd` and `index.md`to your PR.
+* [Quarto template](#templatermd) is to be saved as `/content/blog/YYYY-MM-DD-slug/index.qmd`. It will need to be rendered. Add both `index.qmd` and `index.md`to your PR.
 * [Markdown template](#templatemd) is to be saved as `/content/blog/YYYY-MM-DD-slug/index.md`.
 ## Adding content {#usetemplates}