Within a Resource section, links to THAT resource, actually link externally to the resource \
i.e. in the blog resource section, links to the blog link to https://ropensci.org/blog
Links to a Resource in a DIFFERENT section link to that section
i.e. in the blog resource section, links to the blog guide link to #blogguide
Text in the MAIN bullet is the "common" action text, and ALSO the text to be inserted into Motivations Chapter.
Text in SUB bullets is either for Resources Chapter (noted Chp 3) with additional details that may differ depending on the section but which are easier to keep consistent if we have it here (e.g., for the "Write a blog post" text which occurs in three different sections), OR it shows slightly different variations on the action depending on the specific "I want to.."
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- Read blog posts or tech notes
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- Write a blog post or tech note (see both the Blog and the Blog Guide)
- (Chp3 text) Take a look at examples of posts above and on the blog, consult the blog guide to see what's involved then contact our Community Manager via our contact form to discuss your idea.
- Submit a correction
- (Chp3 text) See a typo or something that's not clear? Submit a correction. Open an issue in the blog guide repository or make a pull request with your suggestion and one of the authors will review it. GitHub has helpful documentation for opening issues and making pull requests.
- Write a blog post or tech note (see both the Blog and the Blog Guide)
- (Chp3 text) Read about some blog themes, browse the Blog Guide to see what's involved, then contact our Community Manager our contact form to discuss your idea.
- Browse rOpenSci packages
- Use an rOpenSci package
- Tell a friend about an rOpenSci package that may be useful for their work
- Browse citations of rOpenSci packages to find interesting applications
- Cite rOpenSci packages** in manuscripts and presentations and encourage your colleagues to cite software. Highlighting software and its maintainers will help promote software behind research
- Write a post about using rOpenSci packages** on your own blog
- Report a bug by opening an issue. If you're asking for R help, reporting a bug, or requesting a new feature, you're more likely to succeed if you include a good reprex (a reproducible example).
- Make a pull request
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- To add/clarify documentation
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- Review the documentation
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- Address any open issue. Explore open issues in rOpenSci packages and consider submitting a fix.
- Read the Dev Guide
- Read the Dev Guide, especially the Reviewer Guide section
- Read the Dev Guide, especially the CRAN Gotchas section
- Volunteer to review a package
- Submit your package for peer review after determining whether it's in scope for rOpenSci
- Acknowledge your reviewers in your package DESCRIPTION (with their consent). Read about this in Thanking Your Reviewers: Gratitude through Semantic Metadata.
- Ensure your package is easily citable
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- Publish a paper about your package
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- Submit a correction
- (Chp3 text) See a typo or broken link in the Dev Guide? Submit a correction. Open an issue in the dev guide repository or make a pull request with your suggestion and our Community Manager will review it. GitHub has helpful documentation for opening issues and making pull requests.
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