- meld (diff)
- catfish (gui file search)
- variety (time-base wallaper change)
- xfburn (cd DVD tool)
- dictionary
- usb stick formatter
- usb image writer
- thunar (file manager)
- ncdu (terminal disk space usage monitor)
clear paru cache ->
paru -Sc
clear pip cache ->
rm -r .cache/pip
keep only last 100MB log files in systemd ->
sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=100M
clear go cache ->
go clean -cache -modcache
empty trash ->
\rm -r ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*
show information about installed pakcages ->
paru -Ps
sort packages by size ->
pacgraph -c
curl cheet.sh/git
# or any other command -
tldr command
-> help like man pages, but simple -
-> time.ir in shell -
-> xfce editor with good persian support
- od, od -a -> hexdump
- xdg-open -> double click
- alsamixer -> sound setting
- fd -> find
- fzf -> find files (fuzzy fle finder)
- ag -> grep in text files
- http -> cli http client like curl
- auto-xflux (f.lux automatic)
- nnn -> beautiful file manager in terminal
- n -> open nnn, ctrl g to close with cd
- bandwhich: which app is using bandwidth
- zellij: good tmux alternative
- ncdu & diskonaut -> check hdd usage
fzf (in terminal)
\ + tab (in neovim)
fkill -> select a process to kill with FZF
fe -> selec with fzf and edit
fd -> fudn dir with fzf and cd to it
fh -> history repeat
in -> install paru package
re -> remove paru package
nn -> same as nnn but with fzf and cd
-> open fzf for file choose -
-> cd to fzf chosen folder -
kill -9
-> kill the fzf chosen process -
CTRL-T -> Paste the selected files and directories onto the command-line
CTRL-R -> Paste the selected command from history onto the command-line
ALT-C - cd into the selected directory
- ctrl c -> clear the line
- ctrl l -> clear terminal
- ctrl w -> delete last word
- ctrl u -> delete to beginning
- z some_folder -> instant cd to folder name
git log --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline
git blame -c somefile.txt
git tag -> show all tags
git tag "V1.0" [commit sha]
git diff HEAD -> what is changed after last commit
git diff HEAD^ -> what is changed after commit before last commit
git diff HEAD~3 -> what is changed after 3 commit before last commit
git diff --staged -> which change stagged after last commit
git reset somefile -> unstage changes
git checkout -- somefile -> revert to last commit for somefile
git branch -> show current branches
git branch branchname -> create new branch branchname
git checkout branchname -> go to branchname
git merge branchname -> merge branchname to current branch
git brach -d branchname -> delete branchname
git stash -> save current uncommited but staged works in a stash and revert back to lastest commit
git stash -u -> track and untracked files
git stash -a -> track and untracked and ignored files
git stash apply -> revert to last stash
git stash list, git stash show -> list of my stashes
git commit --amend -> change last commit
git commit --amend -m 'new commit message for last commit'
git clean -ix -> delete ignored files
git clean -i -> delete untracked files (not changed) --> replace i with f -> not interactive, force --> use d -> dry-run : just test, don't do anything
- folder
- Docker in arch uses iran server repository for bypassing sanctions.
- Docker in mac uses orbstack currently.