Taskmasterctl and Taskmasterd communicate over a simple TCP socket. The communication language is simple json.
The valid commands and their required extra fields are:
> # Start a job."stop"
> # Stop a job."kill"
> # Kill a job."repair"
> # Repair a job (Reset to default state non-destructively)."status"
> # Get status of a job."pull"
> # Download a job.tm.json file from taskmasterd."push"
> # Send a job.tm.json file to taskmasterd."delete"
> # Delete a job."list"
# List all jobs."reload"
> # Reload a job."restart"
# Reload all jobs
In the case of most commands, they will need one or two extra fields.
For example, when killing a job you will need an extra "job" field in the json query so that taskmasterd knows which job to kill.
When pushing a job, you will need an extra "data" field containing the contents of the file you are pushing.
Note: The "job"
and "data"
fields will always be base64 encoded.
A query might look something like this:
"command" : "kill",
"job" : "bmdpbng="
Where "bmdpbng="
is "nginx" in b64.
A push would look something like so:
"command" : "push",
"job" : "<b64-encoded job name>",
"data" : "<b64-encoded file>"
Note: Although whitespace is shown in these examples, the actual transmitted data shouldn't have any whitespace.
The responses will be transmitted in a similar manner. The valid responses and their required extra fields are:
# Command successful."fail"
> # Command failed."invalid"
# Invalid command."status"
> # Returning the status of a job."redundant"
# Redundant command (eg. attempting to start a job already running)."file"
> # Responding (to a pull query) with a job file."list"
> # Responding (to a list query) with a json string containing list of job names.
Note: Just as with commands, the "error"
, and "data"
fields will always be base64 encoded.
A response might look something like this:
"response" : "fail",
"error" : "SW52YWxpZCBqb2IgbmFtZS4="
Where "SW52YWxpZCBqb2IgbmFtZS4="
means "Invalid job name.".
A file would look something like this:
"response" : "file",
"job" : "<b64-encoded job name>",
"data" : "<b64-encoded file>"
And a list would look like so:
"response" : "list",
"list" : "<b64-encoded json list>"
The json list itself would look something like:
{"name" : "nginx"},
{"name" : "apache2"}
Note: Just as with commands, the transmitted data shouldn't have any whitespace.
The connection by default runs over port 7777
and only accepts connections from localhost
, although these can both be configured. There is no authentication nor encryption so using this over a network for anything but testing is not recommended. All queries/responses end in ";;" to indicate the end of transmission.