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1185 lines (880 loc) · 42.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1185 lines (880 loc) · 42.1 KB

C6C Importers

  1. CoNLLUPlusImporter
  2. CoNLLUImporter
  3. CoNLL2000Importer
  4. TCFDTAImporter
  5. XMLDTAImporter
  6. DTATSVImporter
  7. TigerImporter
  8. TigerXMLImporter
  9. TuebaDzImporter
  10. TUEBADSConllImporter
  11. TuebaDZPTBImporter
  12. ANNISGridSentenceImporter
  13. WebAnnoTopFImporter
  14. WebAnnoTSVImporter
  15. CoraXMLReMImporter
  16. CoraXMLAnselmImporter
  17. CoraXMLReFBoImporter
  18. TextImporter
  19. XMLKaJuKImporter
  20. MercuriusTigerXMLImporter
  21. ReFUPImporter
  22. XMLFnhdCImporter
  23. GerManCCoNLLImporter
  24. DDBTigerNegraImporter
  25. FuerstinnenEXBImporter
  26. SDeWaCIteratorImporter
  27. GraphVarEXBImporter


  • Name for usage in command line: conlluplus

Input Format

  • CoNLL-U Plus Format
  • Lines containing the annotations of a word (seperated by tabs), blank lines marking sentence boundaries.
  • Comment lines starting with hash (#).
  • First line is a comment line listing the column names.
  • Field contains an underscore if info is not available for the current word.


  • No meta-info available in this format.


  • Can contain any subset of the following annotations plus additional annotations.
column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
UPOS Universal POS-Tag
FEATS morphological features
HEAD head
DEPREL dependency relation to the head
DEPS dependency graph
MISC other annotation


  • Name for usage in command line: conllu

Input Format

  • CoNLL-U Format
  • Lines containing the annotations of a word (seperated by tabs), blank lines marking sentence boundaries
  • 10 columns containing the following annotations for each word:
    ID (word index), FORM (word form), LEMMA (Lemma), UPOS (universal POS-tag), XPOS (language specific POS-tag), FEATS (Morphological features), HEAD (head), DEPREL (dependency relation to the head), DEPS (dependency graph), MISC (other annotation)
  • Field contains an underscore if info is not available for the current word

Input Data


  • No meta-info available in this format.


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
UPOS Universal POS-Tag
FEATS morphological features
HEAD head
DEPREL dependency relation to the head
DEPS dependency graph
MISC other annotation

Additional Info

  • Only for RIDGES Corpus: annotations in three columns of the CoNLL-U format (normally corresponding to UPOS, DEPS, MISC) weren't extracted because they contained the same information as the columns XPOS, HEAD, DEPREL


  • Name for usage in command line: conll2000

Input Format

  • CoNLL-2000
  • Lines containing the annotations of a word (seperated by whitespaces), blank lines marking sentence boundaries.
  • 3 columns containing the following annotations for each word:
    FORM (word form), XPOS (language specific POS-tag), CHUNK (syntactically correlated parts of words)
  • Field contains an underscore if info is not available for the current word.

Input Data


  • No meta-info available in this format.


column name annotation
FORM word form
XPOS language specific POS-tag
CHUNK syntactically correlated parts of words


  • Name for usage in command line: tcfdta

Input Format

  • Text Corpus Format
  • XML-File consisting of a <MetaData> and a <TextCorpus> node.
  • The <TextCorpus> node contains the tokens and further annotation layers.

Input Data


  • Not available.


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
NORM normalised word form
NORM_OP operation for normalising the word form
NORM_REASON reason for normalising the word form


  • Name for usage in command line: xmldta

Input Format

  • XML-Format
  • File consisting of a <teiHeader> node which contains meta-information and a <text> node which contains further annotation layers.

Input Data


  • Following meta-infos are extracted into a seperate file: filename, DTA filename, author, title, subtitle, year, place, number of tokens, number of types, number of characters, URL, text class (DTA main), text class (DTA sub), language code, language
  • Following meta-infos are extracted into the output file: sent_ID (DTA), paragraph_id, text_section, div_type


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
DTA:NORM normalised word form
DTA:ORIG original word form
DTA:REG regularised word form


  • Importer for WebAnno TSV export of custom annotations from project C6 (SFB 1102).


  • Name for usage in command line: tiger

Input Format

  • CoNLL-2009
  • Lines containing the annotations of a word (seperated by tabs), blank lines marking sentence boundaries
  • 15 columns containing the following annotations for each word:
    ID (word index), FORM (word form), LEMMA (Lemma), PLEMMA (automatically predicted Lemma), POS (language specific POS-tag), PPOS (automatically predicted POS-tag), FEAT (Morphological features), PFEAT (automatically predicted features), HEAD (head), PHEAD (automatically predicted head), DEPREL (dependency relation to the head), PDEPREL (automatically predicted dependency relation), FILLPRED (contains Y if PRED should be filled), PRED (predicate), APREDs (additional predicates)
  • Field contains an underscore if info is not available for the current word

Input Data


  • TSV-Files containing the meta-info for all documents are stored in the directory\TIGER2.2.doc
  • Following meta-infos are extracted into a seperate file:
    filename, author, gender (of the author), folder (train/dev/test), category of note (collection/other), note (type/heading of collection doc/description)
  • Following meta-infos are extracted into the output file:
    sentence ID in Tiger, sentence type


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
UPOS Universal POS-Tag
FEATS morphological features
HEAD head
DEPREL dependency relation to the head
DEPS dependency graph
MISC other annotation


  • Name for usage in command line: tigerxml

Input Format

  • TIGER-XML Format
  • The <head> node contains meta-information and information about the annotations.
  • The <body> node contains the individual sentences with their syntax-graphs.
  • Each graph consists of <terminals>, which contain the words and the corresponding annotations, and <nonterminals>, which contain the structure of the syntax-tree including the corresponding edge and node labels.

Input Data


  • Not available in this format.


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
FEATS morphological features
TigerID word index in the Tiger-files


  • Name for usage in command line: tuebadz

Input Format

  • CoNLL-U Format
  • Lines containing the annotations of a word (seperated by tabs), blank lines marking sentence boundaries
  • 10 columns containing the following annotations for each word:
    ID (word index), FORM (word form), LEMMA (Lemma), UPOS (universal POS-tag), XPOS (language specific POS-tag), FEATS (Morphological features), HEAD (head), DEPREL (dependency relation to the head), DEPS (dependency graph), MISC (other annotation)
  • Field contains an underscore if info is not available for the current word

Input Data


  • Following meta-infos are extracted into the output file:
    document ID in TüBa, sentence ID in TüBa


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
UPOS Universal POS-Tag
FEATS morphological features from the universal feature inventory
HEAD head
DEPREL dependency relation to the head
DEPS dependency graph
MISC SpaceAfter
Morph morphological features from the source TüBa-D/Z data
NE named entity type
TopoField topological field
Typo typo correction
WSD GermaNet ID of the word sense

Additional Info

  • We divided the documents up into a training, development and test set (80-10-10) via random choice.


  • Name for usage in command line: tuebadsconll

Input Format

  • CoNLL Format
  • Lines containing the annotations of a word (seperated by tabs), blank lines marking sentence boundaries
  • 5 columns containing the following annotations for each word:
    ID (word index), FORM (word form), XPOS (language specific POS-tag), POS:HD (head), SYNTAX (syntactical information)
  • Field contains an underscore if info is not available for the current word

Input Data

  • Tübingen Treebank of Spoken German (TüBa-D/S)


  • Not available in this format.


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
POS:HD head
SYNTAX syntactical information

Additional Info

  • The Processor TUEBADSTopFExtractor can be used to extract the topological field information out of the SYNTAX column.


  • Name for usage in command line: tuebatrees

Input Format

  • Penn Treebank Format
  • Each line contains one sentence in a syntactic bracketing style

Input Data


  • Following meta-info is extracted into the output file: syntax-tree string


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
PTBLabel Penn Treebank Label


  • Name for usage in command line: annisgrid

Input Format

  • Grid-Format from the GridExporter of ANNIS
  • Each entry contains one sentence, blank lines mark sentence boundaries
  • Each line consists of an annotation layer and the corresponding annotations, in which the span of tokens covered by each annotation is given in square brackets
  • Lines containing metadata are marked with meta::

Input Data


  • Following meta-infos are extracted into a seperate file:
    filename, selection, edition, Überlieferungsträger (transmitter of the tradition), language stage, corpus part
  • Following meta-infos are extracted into the output file:
    sentence ID in Grid


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
CAT category of a phrase (nominal, verbal etc.)
CLEAN normalized word form
EDITION page and line number of the corresponding edition
FOKUS focus type
GF grammatical function
IS information status
Kommentar remark
Rekonstruktion reconstructed word
SATZKLAMMER left or right sentence bracket
SATZSTATUS sentence status
Sprache remark about the language
UEBERLIEFERUNGSTRAEGER information about the transmission

Additional Info

  • The Processors HIPKONtoSTTSMapper and addmissingSTTStoHIPKON can be used to match the POS-tags of HIPKON to the corresponding STTS-tags.


  • Name for usage in command line: webannotopf

Input Format

  • WebAnno TSV 3.2
  • Lines containing the annotations of a word (seperated by tabs), blank lines marking sentence boundaries.
  • Comment lines starting with hash (#).
  • Field contains an underscore if info is not available for the current word.


  • Following meta-info is extracted into the output file: sent_id(TSV)


  • Can contain a subset of the following annotations:
column name annotation
TSVID sentence and word index
CharOffset character offset
FORM word form
CHUNK syntactically correlated parts of words
TopF Topological Field
HEAD head
DEPREL dependency relation to the head
DepFlavor dependency annotation
animacy morphological feature
aspect morphological feature
case morphological feature
definiteness morphological feature
degree morphological feature
gender morphological feature
mood morphological feature
negative morphological feature
numType morphological feature
number morphological feature
person morphological feature
possessive morphological feature
pronType morphological feature
reflex morphological feature
tense morphological feature
transitivity morphological feature
FEATS morphological features
verbForm morphological feature
voice morphological feature


  • Name for usage in command line: webannotsv

Input Format

  • WebAnno TSV 3.2
  • Lines containing the annotations of a word (seperated by tabs), blank lines marking sentence boundaries.
  • Comment lines starting with hash (#).
  • Field contains an underscore if info is not available for the current word.


  • Following meta-info is extracted into the output file: sent_id(TSV)


  • Can contain the following annotations plus additional ones.
column name annotation
TSVID sentence and word index
CharOffset character offset
FORM word form


  • Name for usage in command line: coraxmlrem

Input Format

  • CorA-XML Format
  • Each document may contain the following elements:
    <cora-header>, <header>, <layoutinfo>, <shifttags> and an ordered list of <token> and <comment> elements
  • Each <token> element may contain diplomatic (<tok_dipl>) and modernized (<tok_anno>) tokens which could contain further annotations
  • Sentence boundaries are realized different: In this corpus there is a sentence bound if the punc-annotation is one of "DE", "IE", "EE", "QE" and if the punc-annotation is "$E", the current token also belongs to the sentence before

Input Data


  • Meta Information is included in the <header> element of each XML-file.
  • Following of these meta-infos are extracted into a seperate file:
    filename, text, abbr_ddd (abbreviation of the text in ReM), abbr_mwb (abbreviation of the text in the dictionary of Middle High German), topic, text-type, genre (P = Prose, U = Urkunde (certificate), V = Verse), reference, reference-secondary, library, library-shelfmark, online (link to online database), medium, extent, extract, language, language-type, language-region, language-area, place, time, notes-manuscript, date, text-place, text-author, text-language (language of the author), text-source, edition, notes-transcription, notes-annotation


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form (utf-form of tok_anno)
ANNO_ASCII ascii-form of tok_anno
ANNO_ID word index of tok_anno
ANNO_TRANS trans-form of tok_anno
DIPL utf-form of tok_dipl
DIPL_ID word index of tok_dipl
DIPL_TRANS trans-form of tok_dipl
INFL morphological information
INFLCLASS specific inflection class
INFLCLASS_GEN general inflection class
LEMMA_GEN general Lemma
LEMMA_IDMWB Lemma index in the dictionary of Middle High German
LOC location
NORM normalized word form
POS word-specific HiTS-Tag
POS_GEN lemma-specific HiTS-Tag
PUNC Tag marking a sentence or segment boundary
SHIFTTAG Tag marking that a range of token has certain attributes (e.g. "quote")
TOKEN trans-form of token-element
TOKEN_TYPE Tag marking the type of difference (if there is one) between the diplomatic and modern token
TOK_ID word index of token-element

Additional Info

  • The Processor HiTStoSTTSMapper can be used to match the HiTS-tags of ReM to the corresponding STTS-tags.


  • Name for usage in command line: coraxmlanselm

Input Format

  • CorA-XML Format
  • Each document may contain the following elements:
    <cora-header>, <header>, <layoutinfo>, <shifttags> and an ordered list of <token> and <comment> elements
  • Each <token> element may contain diplomatic (<tok_dipl>) and modernized (<tok_anno>) tokens which could contain further annotations
  • Sentence boundaries are realized different: In this corpus there is always a sentence bound if the pos-annotation is "$."

Input Data


  • Meta Information is included in the <header> element of each XML-file.
  • Following of these meta-infos are extracted into a seperate file:
    filename, Sigle (abbreviation), Aufbewahrungsort (place to keep), shelf mark, printed work, handwritten or printed, prose or verse, date, language, language type, language area, number of token, label, URL-facsimile


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form (utf-form of tok_anno)
ANNO_ASCII ascii-form of tok_anno
ANNO_ID word index of tok_anno
ANNO_TRANS trans-form of tok_anno
DIPL utf-form of tok_dipl
DIPL_ID word index of tok_dipl
DIPL_TRANS trans-form of tok_dipl
MORPH morphological information
NORM normalized word form
NORM_BROAD modern equivalent of the word form
NORM_TYPE type of adjustment between normalized and modern word form
POS POS-Tag (slightly modified version of the STTS)
SHIFTTAG Tag marking that a range of token has certain attributes (e.g. "quote")
TOKEN trans-form of token-element
TOKEN_TYPE Tag marking the type of difference (if there is one) between the diplomatic and modern token
TOK_ID word index of token-element

Additional Info

  • The Processor ANSELMtoSTTSMapper can be used to match the POS-tags of Anselm to the corresponding STTS-tags.


  • Name for usage in command line: coraxmlrefbo

Input Format

  • CorA-XML Format
  • Each document may contain the following elements:
    <cora-header>, <header>, <layoutinfo>, <shifttags> and an ordered list of <token> and <comment> elements
  • Each <token> element may contain diplomatic (<tok_dipl>) and modernized (<tok_anno>) tokens which could contain further annotations
  • Sentence boundaries are realized different: In this corpus there is always a sentence bound if there is a boundary- or a punc-annotation which contains "(.)"

Input Data


  • Meta Information is included in the <header> element of each XML-file.
  • Following of these meta-infos are extracted into a seperate file:
    filename, language area, language region, language type, genre, medium, time, reference, corpus-sigle, text, author, text type, assignment quality, hoffmann_wetter_nr, library, library-shelfmark, date, place, printer, edition, literature, size, language, notes-transcription, abbr_ddd (text abbreviation), extent, extent-size


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form (utf-form of tok_anno)
ANNO_ASCII ascii-form of tok_anno
ANNO_ID word index of tok_anno
ANNO_TRANS trans-form of tok_anno
ANNO_TYPE type of annotation (manually or automatically)
BOUNDARY type of punctuation
DIPL utf-form of tok_dipl
DIPL_ID word index of tok_dipl
DIPL_TRANS trans-form of tok_dipl
LEMMA_ID Lemma index in the dictionary of Middle High German
LEMMA_URL Link to the entry in the dictionary of Middle High German
LEMMA_VERIFIED annotation is y (yes) or n (no)
MORPH morphological information
POS word-specific HiTS-Tag
POS_LEMMA lemma-specific HiTS-Tag
PUNC type of punctuation (if not in BOUNDARY-column)
SHIFTTAG Tag marking that a range of token has certain attributes (e.g. "quote")
TOKEN trans-form of token-element
TOKEN_TYPE Tag marking the type of difference (if there is one) between the diplomatic and modern token
TOK_ID word index of token-element

Additional Info

  • The Processor ReFHiTStoSTTSMapper can be used to match the POS-tags of ReF.BO to the corresponding STTS-tags.


  • Name for usage in command line: text

Input Format

  • One word per line, blank lines marking sentence boundaries.


  • No meta-info available in this format.


  • Except of the word form there are no annotations available in this format.


  • Name for usage in command line: xmlkajuk

Input Format

  • XML-Format
  • Sentences consist of one or more <lb> nodes which contain annotated parts of the sentence
  • One of these parts can have up to three annotation levels which possibly have further attributes
  • Second annotations are put into square brackets (for example used at clitics)
  • For further information refer to KaJuK Documentation

Input Data


  • XML-Files containing the meta-info for each document are stored in
  • Following of these meta-infos are extracted into a seperate file:
    filename, file_id, style, author, editor, title, number of tokens, publisher, place, year, series, language code, language


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
ADDIR additional content relation
ADDtype additional type
Ebene1 tag at hierarchical level 1 (if there is another <lb> node under the current lb node the tag here is lb_1 or lb_2, according to the current lb level)
Ebene2 tag at hierarchical level 2
Ebene3 tag at hierarchical level 3
Ebene4 tag at hierarchical level 4 (can only exist if the first level has tag lb)
IR content relation (causal, temporal etc.)
Ident identity of a verb (finite, infinite etc.)
change change of an ellipsis
dir direction of an ellipsis
lb_ADDIR additional content relation of the current <lb> node
lb_EB level of the current <lb> node
lb_IR content relation of the current <lb> node
lb_n number of the current <lb> node (for expressing the relations between different <lb> nodes)
lb_type type of the current <lb> node
line line number
norm normalised spelling
page page number
real realisation of a word/phrase
type type of a word/phrase

Additional Info

  • Manual changes of the input files (because of mistakes in the xml-format) are documented in the file Korrektur.txt
  • In the text of the output file, parts of the sentence that are annotated as ellipsis are put into square brackets


  • Name for usage in command line: mercuriustigerxml

Input Format

  • XML-Tiger/Negra-Format
  • The <head> node contains meta-information and information about the annotations.
  • The <body> node contains the individual sentences with their syntax-graphs.
  • Each graph consists of <terminals>, which contain the words and the corresponding annotations, and <nonterminals>, which contain the structure of the syntax-tree including the corresponding edge and node labels.

Input Data


  • Not available.


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
FEATS morphological features
POS POS-Tag from Mercurius
TigerID word index in the Tiger/Negra-files

Additional Info

  • The Processor MercuriusToSTTSMapper can be used to match the POS-tags of Mercurius to the corresponding STTS-tags.


  • Name for usage in command line: refup

Input Format

  • XML-Tiger/Negra-Format - The <head> node contains meta-information and information about the annotations. - The <body> node contains the individual sentences with their syntax-graphs. - Each graph consists of <terminals>, which contain the words and the corresponding annotations, and <nonterminals>, which contain the structure of the syntax-tree including the corresponding edge and node labels.

Input Data


  • Not available.


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
FEATS morphological features
POS POS-Tag from ReFUP
TigerID word index in the Tiger/Negra-files

Additional Info

  • The Processor ReFUPToSTTSMapper can be used to match the POS-tags of ReFUP to the corresponding STTS-tags.
  • The Processor ReFUPCoding can be used to have the correct coding of 'ß' in the output file.


  • Name for usage in command line: xmlfnhdc

Input Format

  • XML-Format
  • The <bibliographie> node contains meta-information
  • The nodes <seite> and <zeile> contain the wordforms and their annotations
  • For further information refer to the XML-schemata files (e.g. Fnhd.rnc) or the Online-Documentation

Input Data


  • Following meta-infos are extracted into a seperate file:
    filename, textname, textnumber, specification number, author, text, title, editor, place of publication, year of publication, number of pages, included pages, language area, place, year, text type, URL


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form given under the annotation gelesen (if not available, word form under the annotation gefunden is taken)
lemma Lemma
Anmerkungen annotation is Name if the word belongs to a name
Layout layout information (title, quotation etc.)
Seite_col page column
Seite_lage page location
Seite_lf_nr page number
Seite_nr original page number
Seite_position page position (recto/verso)
Seite_teil text part on this page
Seite_typ page type (sheet/chapter/page)
Zeile_lf_nr continuous line number
Zeile_nr original line number
adj_links word form on the left side of an adjective
adj_rechts word form on the right side of an adjective
adj_rolle adjective role
adverbial marking if an adjective is used adverbial
anno_nr annotation number
fern_teile number of seperated parts
flexiv flexes of an adjective
fremdwort marking if the word form is a foreign word
gefunden word form where the morphemes are connected via #
genus gender
kasus case of a noun or adjective
klasse inflection class of a verb
komparation comparison morpheme
komparationsstufe degree of comparison (superlative etc.)
leer marking if a word form has no morphological annotations
lemma Lemma
link_lemma Lemma for searching in the "Wörterbuchnetz" (a digital dictionary network)
modus mood of a verb
morph single morphemes of a word form, seperated by whitspaces (only if the morphemes in the original text are not written in one word)
numerus number (singular/plural)
person person
praefixe prefix blocks (![a,b] means that there is an isolated prefix block that contains the prefixes a and b; ~[c,d] means there is an non-isolated prefix block that contains the prefixes c and d)
suffix suffix of the word form
tempus tense
typ word form type (noun, verb etc.)
verb_form form of a verb (infinitive, participle etc.)
vokal stresed vowel
wf_nr word form number


  • Name for usage in command line: germanc

Input Format

  • CoNLL-U Format
  • Lines containing the annotations of a word (seperated by tabs), blank lines marking sentence boundaries
  • 10 columns containing the following annotations for each word (the columns here differ slightly from the original CoNLL-U format):
    ID (word index), FORM (word form), NORM (normalized word form), POS (POS-tag), LEMMA (Lemma), FEATS (Morphological features), HEAD (head), DEPREL (dependency relation to the head), DEPS (dependency graph), MISC (other annotation)
  • Field contains an underscore if info is not available for the current word
  • For further information refer to the GerManC documentation

Input Data


  • XML-Files containing the meta-info for each document are stored in
  • Following of these meta-infos are extracted into a seperate file:
    filename, style, author, title, number of words, place and year of publication, scope of bibliographic reference, source, reference, language, language code, language type


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
UPOS Universal POS-Tag
FEATS morphological features
HEAD head
DEPREL dependency relation to the head
DEPS dependency graph
MISC other annotation
NORM normalized word form
POS POS-Tag from GerManC

Additional Info

  • Several documents contain only 8 columns (ID, FORM, NORM, POS, LEMMA, FEATS, DEPREL, HEAD) instead of 10.
  • In some documents the columns HEAD/DEPREL/FORM or NORM/LEMMA are swapped.
  • Sometimes there is a single line containing a bracket ) as word form, without any other annotations. In this cases the bracket will be attached to the preceding sentence.


  • Name for usage in command line: ddbtigernegra

Input Format

Two different formats:

  • XML-Tiger/Negra-Format - The <head> node contains meta-information and information about the annotations. - The <body> node contains the individual sentences with their syntax-graphs. - Each graph consists of <terminals>, which contain the words and the corresponding annotations, and <nonterminals>, which contain the structure of the syntax-tree including the corresponding edge and node labels.

  • EXMARaLDA-Format - The <head> node contains meta-information about the file. - The <basic-body> consists of a <common-timeline> and the <tier> nodes, where each node contains the words or one annotation category. - Each word and each annotation belong to one or more timeline-IDs, so one can match the words to their corresponding annotations with this IDs.

Input Data


  • XML-Files containing the meta-info for each document are stored in
  • Following of these meta-infos are extracted into a seperate file:
    filename, style, title, author, number of tokens, publisher, place and year of publication, scope of bibliographic reference, original year/place/title, source, reference, language, language code, language type, language area
  • Following meta-infos are extracted into the output file (only for files in Tiger/Negra-Format):
    sentence ID in the Tiger/Negra-files, syntax-tree string


Annotations of files in XML-Tiger/Negra-Format:

column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
FEATS morphological features
POS POS-Tag from DDB
TigerID word index in the Tiger/Negra-files

Annotations of files in the other XML-Format:

column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
FEATS morphological features
ASPECT aspect
CAT corresponding syntactical sentence part
CONTEXT context
POS POS-Tag from DDB
TENSE tense
TimelineID corresponding index in the timeline
VOICE voice

Additional Info

  • Not all files of the corpus are avilable in the XML-Tiger/Negra-Format; only the files in the folder with Old High German texts have this format, while the other texts (Middle High German and Early New High German) have a different format (as discribed under "Input Format").
  • Since the POS-tags from DDB partly are uncomplete or do not contain the right STTS-tag (especially for punctuation marks), the tags are corrected in the Importer and the right STTS-tags are saved in the XPOS-column.


  • Name for usage in command line: fuerstinnenexb

Input Format

  • EXMARaLDA-Format
  • The <head> node contains meta-information about the file.
  • The <basic-body> consists of a <common-timeline> and the <tier> nodes, where each node contains the words or one annotation category.
  • Each word and each annotation belong to one or more timeline-IDs, so one can match the words to their corresponding annotations with this IDs.

Input Data


  • XML-Files containing the meta-info for each document are stored in
  • Following of these meta-infos are extracted into a seperate file:
    filename, style, title, author, addressee, number of tokens, place, date, scope of bibliographic reference, manuscript name, language, language code, language type, language area, comment


column name annotation
ID word index
FORM word form
FEATS morphological features
CLAUSE-ST clause-status
COMMENT explanation of the features that are tagged under LEX_GR
COMPLEX sentence complexity
FORMAL formal features
GRAPH graphematic features
GRFUNCT grammatical function
LEX_GR lexical or grammatical features
MANU marking if text is from foreign hand
MEAN meaning of certain lemmata
MOD_POLITE tagging signals of modesty and politeness
NORM normalized word form
ORIG original writing
PHON phonological features
PHRAS phrasing categories of the letter
POS POS-tags from the Fuerstinnnen-Corpus
QUOT biblical quotations or proverbial expressions
S_GRFUNCT grammatical function of subclauses
TimelineID corresponding index in the timeline

Additional Info

  • The Processor FuerstinnentoSTTSMapper can be used to match the POS-tags of the 'Fuerstinnenkorrespondez' to the corresponding STTS-tags.


  • Name for usage in command line: sdewac

Input Format

  • Lines containing the annotations of a word (seperated by tabs), blank lines marking sentence boundaries
  • Field contains an underscore if info is not available for the current word

Input Data


  • Following meta-info is extracted into the output file:
    sentence ID in SDeWaC


column name annotation
ID word index
Joined_ID sentence and word index
FORM word form
UPOS Universal POS-Tag
FEATS morphological features
HEAD head
DEPREL dependency relation to the head
UNK1 unknown
UNK2 unknown
UNK3 unknown
UNK4 unknown
UNK5 unknown
UNK6 unknown


  • Name for usage in command line: graphvar

Input Format

  • EXMARaLDA-Format
  • The <head> node contains meta-information about the file.
  • The <basic-body> consists of a <common-timeline> and the <tier> layers with <event> nodes, where each node contains the words or one annotation category.
  • Each word and each annotation belong to one or more timeline-IDs, so one can match the words to their corresponding annotations with this IDs.

Input Data


  • Following meta-info is extracted into a separate file:
    Dokument (text ID), Jahr (year), Fach (subject), Punkte (credit points), Geschlecht (sex), Topologie (whether syntax annotation has been validated)


column name annotation
ID word index within a sentence
FORM corrected word form (new orthography; called NORMAL in the original corpus)
LEMMA lemma (NORMALlemma)
TimelineID start attribute of events
IST original writing
IST_ZIEL corrected writing (old or new orthography) (separated by comma, if more than one according to rules of 1991 vs. 1996)
IST_INDEX IST word index
IST_NORMAL_DIFF difference between orig and corrected writing
ZEILENTRENNUNG line break in original writing
FEHLER error (binary: "XXX" or "_") (separated by comma, if more than one according to rules of 1991 vs. 1996)
FEHLERKATEGORIE type of error (separated by comma, if more than one)
SENT sentence spans (NORMALS)
SYNTAX path of syntactic nodes (topological fields and phrases), starting with top node (nodes separated by |, e.g. I-SIMPX|I-SIMPX|B-VVINF|B-VXINF|B-VC)
UEBERSCHRIFT header spans
ZITAT citation
KOMMENTAR comments
WEBANNO annotation validated (using WebAnno)
... (further annotation layers are possible)

Additional Info

  • FORM consists of corrected forms. If the original writing contains additional words (e.g. a superfluous comma), there is no corresponding corrected form. Instead, an artificial empty token <EMPTY> is introduced.

  • Span annotations use prefixes B- (begin of span), I- (internal), and E- (end of span). Singletons are not marked as such.

  • Such prefixes may occur even at free-text layers such as FORM, LEMMA or IST. In theses cases, the prefixes are <B->, <I->, and <E->, to avoid confusion with real characters. Example: If students incorrectly spelled one word as two words (e.g. "weiter vererben" instead of "weitervererben"), the corrected form FORM is represented as <B->weitervererben + <E->weitervererben (and, similarly, the LEMMA).

  • Vice versa, if students incorrectly spelled two words as one word (e.g. "Desweiteren"), this word is split in two at the layer FORM: Des + weiteren, and the IST form becomes a span annotation: <B->Desweiteren + <E->Desweiteren.


# sent_id = 68
# text = Auch der weitere Verlauf der Romans <EMPTY> lässt das Geschehen realistisch wirken.
6 Romans Roman _ NN ... _ 0 Romans ...
7 <EMPTY> _ _ _ ... 1 PKT , ...

# sent_id = 143
# text = Sein Stoffwechselsystem würde gefährdet werden und er kann seine Erbinformationen nicht an die Nachfolgegeneration <B->weitervererben <E->weitervererben.
15 <B->weitervererben <B->weitervererben _ B-VVINF ... B-1 B-GZS weiter ...
16 <E->weitervererben <E->weitervererben _ E-VVINF ... E-1 E-GZS vererben ...

# sent_id = 13
# text = Des Weiteren bewahre die Poesie das, was ...
1 Des die _ ART ... B-1 B-GZS <B->Desweiteren ...
2 Weiteren Weiter _ NN ... E-1 E-GZS <E->Desweiteren ...