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NRF52 Modularity PoC

This is a toolchain for compilation of project nrf52-modularity for Nordic NRF52 microcontroller.

To build docker image for cross-compilation, use docker build -t nrf52-toolchain:v0 .

To use this image afterwards, use docker run -it nrf52-toolchain:v0 /bin/bash. All tools related to NRF52 development are stored in /tools folder.

Please be aware that all the necessary tools are held within the image, so building it won't make SDK available in the host system. In order to resolve that issue and be able to reference the SDK from the host machine, you have to somehow obtain copy of the SDK on host machine. One of the options is to enter image and copy the SDK folder (/tools/nRF...) into the mounted volume.

In order to assure that minimal basic toolchain works, in the running image perform the following actions: cd /tools/nRF5SDK160098a08e2/examples/peripheral/blinky/pca10056/blank/armgcc/ && make. Build process should pass without errors.

Build project script: cd nrf52 && docker run -v $(pwd):/host:cached nrf52-toolchain:v0 /bin/bash -c "cd /host/base/src && make" && cd ../

Flashing is performed this way: nrfjprog -f nrf52 --program ./nrf52/base/src/_build/nrf52840_xxaa.hex --sectorerase && nrfjprog --reset

Upload dump

A small Python tool has been introduce to perform upload of the test dump to the chip. One can find it by path python/upload_dump/

Requirement: library pyserial (pip3 install pyserial)

Usage: python3 python/upload_dump/ -p /path/to/tty/PORT -P path/to/binary.

It is very raw and primitive, it's purpose just to get started with uploading the data and executing it. All further improvements can be done further.

Right after usage, Nordic DK attempts to execute the code from the test memory. If it fails, it calls UsageFault_Handler(). This handler blinks LED1 on the board 10 times and then resets the board.

Extract code

A Python utility to extract code of the function from objdump output python/upload_dump/

Usage: python3 [-h] [-t TOOLING_PREFIX] [-f GCC_FLAGS] [-o OUTPUT] [-c] [-v] source function.

The utility will extract function (first mangled match in case of c++) binary code from source compiled with flags GCC_FLAGS If the -o parameter is specified the binary dump will be stored in the file To output the code as c array the -c switch can be used

To function the utility requires TOOLING_PREFIX prepanded gcc and objdump to be available via PATH. As an alternative TOOLING_PREFIX can also contain path to the utilities.

Example: python3 -t arm-none-eabi- -f "-mcpu=cortex-m4 -g3 -o0 -fPIC" -o dummy.hex ./main.c dummy


A fork from Godbolt repository has been performed to ease installation of the IDE. Fork has happened at revision 0c07215ab421505cc894caa11f342d8466fccc13.