The Resources Team currently maintains three official social media accounts:
- Twitter: @rustembedded
- Maintained by @jamesmunns
- Cohost: @rustembedded
- Maintained by @adamgreig and @jamesmunns
- Mastodon: @[email protected]
- Maintained by @adamgreig
The purpose of the social media accounts are to spread awareness of topics related to embedded rust.
Social Media accounts will typically:
- Post about specific announcements from the working group, e.g. to tell people about some major new release, a breaking change, etc
- Post WG blog posts
- Repost/share people offering and seeking jobs, with reasonable rate-limiting (e.g. one post/week per person/group), see below for more info
- Repost/share people's posts tagged/mentioning embedded rust, with reasonable rate-limiting (e.g. one post/week per person/group)
- Repost/share other major Rust related posts, e.g. from the official Rust account
In general, we ask that all social media account maintainers use their best judgement to uphold the Rust Code of Conduct, and operate the account in a way that is both generally appropriate in representing the Rust Embedded Working Group, as well as appropriate for the social media community and norms of that particular site.
Each platform has different mechanisms/norms for sharing content, or marking a post as "wanting to be reposted".
Social media accounts should periodically remind followers how to do this, and include it in the profile, if possible.
On twitter, we ask that people "@ mention" the rustembedded account, e.g. include "@rustembedded" in a tweet.
The twitter account will directly be notified by these mentions.
On Cohost, we ask that people include the #rustembedded tag on their posts.
The cohost account follows this tag, and pulls posts from the stream.
TODO: James doesn't know how this works
We will, at the account maintainer's discretion, repost "looking for work" or "job offer" posts. Generally with the twitter account, we've asked that:
- For Job offers, the job offer must:
- Be public (e.g. a tweet, blog post, or on a public job posting board)
- Mention Rust (may be one of multiple mentioned languages, but should be relevant to the posting)
- Mention Embedded
- For "looking for work" posts, the user must:
- Be an individual or business directly looking for work (e.g. not a staffing agency)
- Mention Rust
- Mention Embedded