All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Types of changes:
- Added; for new features.
- Changed; for changes in existing functionality.
- Deprecated; for soon-to-be removed features.
- Removed; for now removed features.
- Fixed; for any bug fixes.
- Security; in case of vulnerabilities.
- The Cursor transition caused the editor background to flicker. To fix this
will-change: opacity;
was set to add the cursor on a separate render layer.
- Darkened orange to better distinct from red.
- class attribute and css selector to orange.
- Dimmed text and comment color.
- Keywords also have a distinctive syntax color; green for control and red for oparators.
Color pallette has been changed back to meet around 5.0 contrast ratio. More contrast gives less color.
Syntax variables have their colors shuffled.
HTML; Syntax highlighting looks final like.
- Highlighting based on meta scopes. This proofed to be unreliable.
- Set both
- Make all foreground colors meet around contrast level 6.
- Other syntax color changes; reducing blue's.
- Basic architecture for adding new syntax highlighting.
- A Base syntax stylesheet adhering Textmate's Syntax Language naming conventions making this theme a perfect match with Textmate ported languages!
- Initial language syntax files which should be specificly supported by this Developers Day syntax theme.