!/miketaylr/status/139032445872910336 "Much like IPv4, "[Subject] is dead, long live [Subject]!" blog titles are nearly exhausted. Claim yours today!"!/kitcambridge/status/139033650485407744 "@miketaylr "[Subject] is dead, long live [Subject]" blog titles are dead, long live "[Subject] is dead, long live [Subject]" blog titles!"
So, yeah... add yours.
Here's what you do:
- If a dir for the language you want to use doesn't exist, create it. If not, then skip to #2
- Create a file in the dir of the language you intend to use
- In that file, write a program:
- For the given string "[Subject] is dead, long live [Subject]"
- Create an infinite loop, each time replacing "[Subject]" with "[Subject] is dead, long live [Subject]"
- Print the new string
- Record the results of the crash with a screen shot
Multiple approaches for the same language are welcome! Just give yours a different name and add the instructions to the readme in that directory. \BOOM/