- Command Line Interface (CLI) for techtonique.net’s API
- Gradient-Boosting and Boostrap aggregating anything (alert: high performance): Part5, easier install and Rust backend
- Downloading datasets from Our World in Data in R
- Thinking about covariates in an analysis of an RCT
- Porting a Shiny App to Observable Framework: Part 2
- New year, new blog
- Bayesian Thinking
- zigg 0.0.1 on CRAN: New Package!
- RcppStreams 0.1.4: Maintenance
- rOpenSci News Digest, January 2025
- Decomposing within and between person effects in longitudinal data with SEM in R workshop
- Three experiments in LLM code assist with RStudio and Positron
- nanoparquet 0.4.0
- Anomaly Detection of the S&P 500
- Alternative toolchains on Windows
- Complete Guide to Linux Printing Commands: From Basic to Advanced
- How to Remove Duplicate Rows in R: A Complete Guide to Data Cleaning
- A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Dealing with Arrays in C Programming
- How to Remove Duplicate Rows in R: A Comprehensive Guide
- How to Count Duplicates in R: A Comprehensive Guide with Base R, dplyr, and data.table Examples
- 3MW (Extract Information From Images and PDFs With R & LLMs)
- Python Rgonomics - 2025 Update
- Shiny Gathering x Pharmaverse Recap: Simplifying R Package Quality with the {riskassessment} App
- Everything You Need to Know About Submitting a Talk for ShinyConf 2025
- Dependency-free hex stickers with {hexbase}
- How to dynamically filter any dataset in R with purrr and dplyr
- Sharing data between pages in a multi-page Brochure Shiny application
- What’s New in Posit Package Manager 2024.11.0
- The potential for AI-powered Shiny app prototyping with Shiny Assistant
- December 2024 Top 40 New CRAN Packages
- {shinyCox} 1.1.3: Create 'shiny' Applications for Cox Proportional Hazards Models - diffify
- {zonohedra} 0.4-0: Compute and Plot Zonohedra from Vector Generators - diffify
- {RRPP} 2.1.0: Linear Model Evaluation with Randomized Residuals in a Permutation Procedure - diffify
- {ClustAssess} 1.0.0: Tools for Assessing Clustering - diffify
- {BIEN} 1.2.7: Tools for Accessing the Botanical Information and Ecology Network Database - diffify
- {tidychangepoint} 1.0.0: A Tidy Framework for Changepoint Detection Analysis - diffify
- {scpi} 3.0.0: Prediction Intervals for Synthetic Control Methods with Multiple Treated Units and Staggered Adoption - diffify
- {samplezoo} 1.2.0: Generate Samples with a Variety of Probability Distributions - diffify
- {attachment} 0.4.3: Deal with Dependencies - diffify
- {rredlist} 1.0.0: 'IUCN' Red List Client - diffify
- {teal.widgets} 0.4.3: 'shiny' Widgets for 'teal' Applications - diffify
- {robomit} 1.0.7: Robustness Checks for Omitted Variable Bias - diffify
- {gdm} 1.6.0-6: Generalized Dissimilarity Modeling - diffify
- {targets} 1.10.1: Dynamic Function-Oriented 'Make'-Like Declarative Pipelines - diffify
- {tarchetypes} 0.12.0: Archetypes for Targets - diffify
- {HMMpa} 1.0.2: Analysing Accelerometer Data Using Hidden Markov Models - diffify
- {distanceHD} 1.2: Distance Metrics for High-Dimensional Clustering - diffify
- {bioregion} 1.2.0: Comparison of Bioregionalisation Methods - diffify
- {tidycensus} 1.7.1: Load US Census Boundary and Attribute Data as 'tidyverse' and 'sf'-Ready Data Frames - diffify
- {MBBEFDLite} 0.0.5: Statistical Functions for the Maxwell-Boltzmann-Bose-Einstein-Fermi-Dirac (MBBEFD) Family of Distributions - diffify
- {hardhat} 1.4.1: Construct Modeling Packages - diffify
- {ggfootball} 0.2.0: Plotting Expected Goals (xG) Stats with 'Understat' Data - diffify
- {bibliorefer} 0.1.1: Generator of Main Scientific References - diffify
- {IndGenErrors} 0.1.6: Tests of Independence Between Innovations of Generalized Error Models - diffify
- {iadf} 0.1.3: Analysis of Intra Annual Density Fluctuations - diffify
- {tramvs} 0.0-7: Optimal Subset Selection for Transformation Models - diffify
- {popEpi} 0.4.13: Functions for Epidemiological Analysis using Population Data - diffify
- {exametrika} 1.2.0: Test Theory Analysis and Biclustering - diffify
- {editbl} 1.1.0: 'DT' Extension for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Applications in 'shiny' - diffify
- {ecospat} 4.1.2: Spatial Ecology Miscellaneous Methods - diffify
- {comets} 0.1-1: Covariance Measure Tests for Conditional Independence - diffify
- {tramicp} 0.1-0: Model-Based Causal Feature Selection for General Response Types - diffify
- {riem} 1.0.0: Accesses Weather Data from the Iowa Environment Mesonet - diffify
- {mvp} 1.0-18: Fast Symbolic Multivariate Polynomials - diffify
- {geonapi} 0.8: 'GeoNetwork' API R Interface - diffify
- {admiralvaccine} 0.4.0: Vaccine Extension Package for ADaM in 'R' Asset Library - diffify
- {ggstackplot} 0.4.1: Create Overlapping Stacked Plots - diffify
- {Copula.surv} 1.8: Analysis of Bivariate Survival Data Based on Copulas - diffify
- {TailClassifier} 0.1.2: Tail Classifier - diffify
- {emmeans} 1.10.7: Estimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares Means - diffify
- {HiGarrote} 1.0.2: Nonnegative Garrote Method Incorporating Hierarchical Relationships - diffify
- {bslib} 0.9.0: Custom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown' - diffify
- {RFlocalfdr} 0.9: Significance Level for Random Forest Impurity Importance Scores - diffify
- {lavaangui} 0.2.3: Graphical User Interface with Integrated 'Diagrammer' for 'Lavaan' - diffify
- {dplR} 1.7.8: Dendrochronology Program Library in R - diffify
- {brulee} 0.4.0: High-Level Modeling Functions with 'torch' - diffify
- {torch} 0.14.0: Tensors and Neural Networks with 'GPU' Acceleration - diffify
- {chattr} 0.2.1: Interact with Large Language Models in 'RStudio' - diffify
- {tsibble} 1.1.6: Tidy Temporal Data Frames and Tools - diffify
- {SIAtools} 0.1.2: 'ShinyItemAnalysis' Modules Development Toolkit - diffify
- {BSTZINB} 2.0.0: Association Among Disease Counts and Socio-Environmental Factors - diffify
- {parallelly} 1.42.0: Enhancing the 'parallel' Package - diffify
- {BCDAG} 1.1.2: Bayesian Structure and Causal Learning of Gaussian Directed Graphs - diffify
- {agricolaeplotr} 0.6.1: Visualization of Design of Experiments from the 'agricolae' Package - diffify
- {freegroup} 1.1-9: The Free Group - diffify
- {datasetjson} 0.3.0: Read and Write CDISC Dataset JSON Files - diffify
- {cgmanalysis} 3.0: Clean and Analyze Continuous Glucose Monitor Data - diffify
- {gammi} 0.2: Generalized Additive Mixed Model Interface - diffify
- {epiR} 2.0.80: Tools for the Analysis of Epidemiological Data - diffify
- {doBy} 4.6.25: Groupwise Statistics, LSmeans, Linear Estimates, Utilities - diffify
- {DatabaseConnector} 6.4.0: Connecting to Various Database Platforms - diffify
- {weyl} 0.0-6: The Weyl Algebra - diffify
- {sstvars} 1.1.3: Toolkit for Reduced Form and Structural Smooth Transition Vector Autoregressive Models - diffify
- {simer} Data Simulation for Life Science and Breeding - diffify
- {SMNlmec} 1.0.0: Scale Mixture of Normal Distribution in Linear Mixed-Effects Model - diffify
- {LMPdata} 0.2.0: Easy Import of the EU Labour Market Policy Data - diffify
- {LearnNonparam} 1.2.7: 'R6'-Based Flexible Framework for Permutation Tests - diffify
- {bsvarSIGNs} 2.0: Bayesian SVARs with Sign, Zero, and Narrative Restrictions - diffify
- {av} 0.9.4: Working with Audio and Video in R - diffify
- {greenfeedr} 1.1.0: Process and Report 'GreenFeed' Data - diffify
- {Blend} Robust Bayesian Longitudinal Regularized Semiparametric Mixed Models - diffify
- {REDCapCAST} 25.1.1: REDCap Metadata Casting and Castellated Data Handling - diffify
- {multpois} 0.3.2: Analyze Nominal Response Data with the Multinomial-Poisson Trick - diffify
- {cocoon} 0.2.0: Extract, Format, and Print Statistical Output - diffify
- {SEMgraph} 1.2.3: Network Analysis and Causal Inference Through Structural Equation Modeling - diffify
- {tosr} 0.1.5: Create the Tree of Science from WoS and Scopus - diffify
- {broom.helpers} 1.19.0: Helpers for Model Coefficients Tibbles - diffify
- {quantreg} 6.00: Quantile Regression - diffify
- {mlt} 1.6-2: Most Likely Transformations - diffify
- {acro} 0.1.4: A Tool for Semi-Automating the Statistical Disclosure Control of Research Outputs - diffify
- {trtf} 0.4-3: Transformation Trees and Forests - diffify
- {multcomp} 1.4-28: Simultaneous Inference in General Parametric Models - diffify
- {geometa} 0.9: Tools for Reading and Writing ISO/OGC Geographic Metadata - diffify
- {basefun} 1.2-2: Infrastructure for Computing with Basis Functions - diffify
- {shinyscholar} 0.2.4: A Template for Creating Reproducible 'shiny' Applications - diffify
- {RcppStreams} 0.1.4: 'Rcpp' Integration of the 'Streamulus' 'DSEL' for Stream Processing - diffify
- {phoenics} 0.5: Pathways Longitudinal and Differential Analysis in Metabolomics - diffify
- {nanoparquet} 0.4.0: Read and Write 'Parquet' Files - diffify
- {remstimate} 2.3.13: Optimization Frameworks for Tie-Oriented and Actor-Oriented Relational Event Models - diffify
- {remstats} 3.2.4: Computes Statistics for Relational Event History Data - diffify
- {remify} 3.2.8: Processing and Transforming Relational Event History Data - diffify
- {MVA} 1.0-9: An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis with R - diffify
- {multiplex} 3.9: Algebraic Tools for the Analysis of Multiple Social Networks - diffify
- {GeneralizedUmatrix} 1.3.1: Credible Visualization for Two-Dimensional Projections of Data - diffify
- {party} 1.3-18: A Laboratory for Recursive Partytioning - diffify
- {vegan} 2.6-10: Community Ecology Package - diffify
- {LaMa} 2.0.3: Fast Numerical Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Latent Markov Models - diffify
- {ijtiff} 2.3.5: Comprehensive TIFF I/O with Full Support for 'ImageJ' TIFF Files - diffify
- {gasanalyzer} 0.4.3: Import, Recompute and Analyze Data from Portable Gas Analyzers - diffify
- {survivalSL} 0.97: Super Learner for Survival Prediction from Censored Data - diffify
- {rtypeform} 2.1.1: Interface to 'typeform' Results - diffify
- {prqlr} 0.10.0: R Bindings for the 'prqlc' Rust Library - diffify
- {spray} 1.0-27: Sparse Arrays and Multivariate Polynomials - diffify
- {Rdiagnosislist} 1.4.0: Manipulate SNOMED CT Diagnosis Lists - diffify
- {MiscMetabar} 0.12.1: Miscellaneous Functions for Metabarcoding Analysis - diffify
- {yulab.utils} 0.2.0: Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'YuLab-SMU' - diffify
- {PAMscapes} 0.10.0: Tools for Summarising and Analysing Soundscape Data - diffify
- {renv} 1.1.0: Project Environments - diffify
- {mixedBayes} Bayesian Longitudinal Regularized Quantile Mixed Model - diffify
- {FIESTAutils} 1.3.0: Utility Functions for Forest Inventory Estimation and Analysis - diffify
- {asm} 0.2.1: Optimal Convex M-Estimation for Linear Regression via Antitonic Score Matching - diffify
- {SMLE} 2.2-2: Joint Feature Screening via Sparse MLE - diffify
- {ggpattern} 1.1.4: 'ggplot2' Pattern Geoms - diffify
- {aopdata} 1.1.1: Data from the 'Access to Opportunities Project (AOP)' - diffify
- {Splinets} 1.5.1: Functional Data Analysis using Splines and Orthogonal Spline Bases - diffify
- {HelpersMG} 6.4: Tools for Environmental Analyses, Ecotoxicology and Various R Functions - diffify
- {epiworldR} Fast Agent-Based Epi Models - diffify
- {tablespan} 0.2.1: Create Satisficing 'Excel', 'HTML', 'LaTeX', and 'RTF' Tables using a Simple Formula - diffify
- {mirt} 1.44.0: Multidimensional Item Response Theory - diffify
- {teal.data} 0.7.0: Data Model for 'teal' Applications - diffify
- {sharpPen} 2.0: Penalized Data Sharpening for Local Polynomial Regression - diffify
- {HiddenMarkov} 1.8-14: Hidden Markov Models - diffify
- {medfateland} 2.5.1: Mediterranean Landscape Simulation - diffify
- {CGNM} 0.9.1: Cluster Gauss-Newton Method - diffify
- {georob} 0.3-23: Robust Geostatistical Analysis of Spatial Data - diffify
- {OmopSketch} 0.2.2: Characterise Tables of an OMOP Common Data Model Instance - diffify
- {gausscov} 1.1.4: The Gaussian Covariate Method for Variable Selection - diffify
- {baguette} 1.1.0: Efficient Model Functions for Bagging - diffify
- {relsurv} 2.3-2: Relative Survival - diffify
- {qmap} 1.0-6: Statistical Transformations for Post-Processing Climate Model Output - diffify
- {animint2} 2025.1.28: Animated Interactive Grammar of Graphics - diffify
- {EHRmuse} Multi-Cohort Selection Bias Correction using IPW and AIPW Methods - diffify
- {XDNUTS} 1.5.6: Discontinuous Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Varying Trajectory Length - diffify
- {WorldMapR} 1.1.0: Worldwide or Coordinates-Based Heat Maps - diffify
- {restatapi} 0.24.2: Search and Retrieve Data from Eurostat Database - diffify
- {metafor} 4.8-0: Meta-Analysis Package for R - diffify
- {medfate} 4.8.0: Mediterranean Forest Simulation - diffify
- {aifeducation} 1.0.1: Artificial Intelligence for Education - diffify
- {zephyr} 0.1.1: Structured Messages and Options - diffify
- {emayili} 0.9.2: Send Email Messages - diffify
- {CodelistGenerator} 3.3.2: Identify Relevant Clinical Codes and Evaluate Their Use - diffify
- {childsds} 0.9.8: Data and Methods Around Reference Values in Pediatrics - diffify
- {bullseye} 0.1.2: Visualising Multiple Pairwise Variable Correlations and Other Scores - diffify
- {meteoland} 2.2.3: Landscape Meteorology Tools - diffify
- {rapidsplithalf} 0.4: A Fast Permutation-Based Split-Half Reliability Algorithm - diffify
- {jmastats} 0.3.0: Download Weather Data from Japan Meteorological Agency Website - diffify
- {HDTSA} 1.0.5-1: High Dimensional Time Series Analysis Tools - diffify
- {fmtr} 1.6.8: Easily Apply Formats to Data - diffify
- {nanonext} 1.5.0: NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen) Lightweight Messaging Library - diffify
- {tmap} 4.0: Thematic Maps - diffify
- {tidyclust} 0.2.4: A Common API to Clustering - diffify
- {teal.code} 0.6.0: Code Storage and Execution Class for 'teal' Applications - diffify
- {FPDclustering} 2.3.3: PD-Clustering and Related Methods - diffify
- {LOST} 2.1.2: Missing Morphometric Data Simulation and Estimation - diffify
- {handwriterRF} 1.1.1: Handwriting Analysis with Random Forests - diffify
- {skipTrack} 0.1.2: A Bayesian Hierarchical Model that Controls for Non-Adherence in Mobile Menstrual Cycle Tracking - diffify
- {mongolite} 3.0.0: Fast and Simple 'MongoDB' Client for R - diffify
- {earthtide} 0.1.7: Parallel Implementation of 'ETERNA 3.40' for Prediction and Analysis of Earth Tides - diffify
- {cdid} 0.1.1: The Chained Difference-in-Differences - diffify
- {worldbank} 0.5.0: Client for World Banks's 'Indicators' and 'Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP)' APIs - diffify
- {OlinkAnalyze} 4.1.2: Facilitate Analysis of Proteomic Data from Olink - diffify
- {giscoR} 0.6.1: Download Map Data from GISCO API - Eurostat - diffify
- {viafr} 0.3.2: Interface to the 'VIAF' ('Virtual International Authority File') API - diffify
- {patrick} 0.3.0: Parameterized Unit Testing - diffify
- {CRTspat} 1.3.2: Workflow for Cluster Randomised Trials with Spillover - diffify
- {MultiATSM} 1.2.0: Multicountry Term Structure of Interest Rates Models - diffify
- {UniversalCVI} 1.2.0: Hard and Soft Cluster Validity Indices - diffify
- {nlme} 3.1-167: Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models - diffify
- {acepack} 1.5.2: ACE and AVAS for Selecting Multiple Regression Transformations - diffify
- {splineCox} 0.0.3: A Two-Stage Estimation Approach to Cox Regression Using M-Spline Function - diffify
- {singR} 0.1.3: Simultaneous Non-Gaussian Component Analysis - diffify
- {laminr} 0.4.1: Client for 'LaminDB' - diffify
- {SCtools} Extensions for Synthetic Controls Analysis - diffify
- {axisandallies} 0.1.1: Axis and Allies Spring - diffify
- {admiralonco} 1.2.0: Oncology Extension Package for ADaM in 'R' Asset Library - diffify
- {surveydown} 0.8.0: Markdown-Based Surveys Using 'Quarto' and 'shiny' - diffify
- {PvSTATEM} 0.2.1: Reading, Quality Control and Preprocessing of MBA (Multiplex Bead Assay) Data - diffify
- {HIMA} 2.3.1: High-Dimensional Mediation Analysis - diffify
- {RcppAlgos} 2.9.1: High Performance Tools for Combinatorics and Computational Mathematics - diffify
- {ISR} 2025.01.14: The Iterated Score Regression-Based Estimation - diffify
- {bibliometrix} 4.3.2: Comprehensive Science Mapping Analysis - diffify
- {VFP} 1.4.3: Variance Function Program - diffify
- {sTSD} 0.2.0: Simulate Time Series Diagnostics - diffify
- {somhca} 0.2.0: Self-Organising Maps Coupled with Hierarchical Cluster Analysis - diffify
- {ggsem} 0.2.3: Interactively Visualize Structural Equation Modeling Diagrams - diffify
- {ggblanket} 12.1.0: Simplify 'ggplot2' Visualisation - diffify
- {shiny.ollama} 0.1.1: R 'shiny' Interface for Chatting with Large Language Models Offline on Local with 'ollama' - diffify
- {kstMatrix} 1.1-0: Basic Functions in Knowledge Space Theory Using Matrix Representation - diffify
- {preventr} 0.11.0: An Implementation of the PREVENT and Pooled Cohort Equations - diffify
- {hbamr} 2.4.0: Hierarchical Bayesian Aldrich-McKelvey Scaling via 'Stan' - diffify
- {AtmChile} 1.0.4: Download Air Quality and Meteorological Information of Chile - diffify
- {report} 0.6.0: Automated Reporting of Results and Statistical Models - diffify
- {JSmediation} 0.2.3: Mediation Analysis Using Joint Significance - diffify
- {DataVisualizations} 1.3.3: Visualizations of High-Dimensional Data - diffify
- {moodef} 1.2.0: Defining 'Moodle' Elements from R - diffify
- {tidyHeatmap} 1.11.4: A Tidy Implementation of Heatmap - diffify
- {smplot2} 0.2.5: Create Standalone and Composite Plots in 'ggplot2' for Publications - diffify
- {fedmatch} 2.1.0: Fast, Flexible, and User-Friendly Record Linkage Methods
- {EmbedSOM} 2.2: Fast Embedding Guided by Self-Organizing Map
- {RcppUUID} 1.1.2: Generating Universally Unique Identificators
- {xmap} 0.1.0: Transforming Data Between Statistical Classifications
- {StratifiedSampling} 0.4.2: Different Methods for Stratified Sampling
- {SurvImpute} 0.1.0: Multiple Imputation for Missing Covariates in Time-to-Event Data
- {shortr} 1.0.0: Optimal Subset Identification in Undirected Weighted Network Models
- {networksem} 0.2: Network Structural Equation Modeling
- {MultiGrey} 0.1.0: Fitting and Forecasting of Grey Model for Multivariate Time Series Data
- {mtrank} 0.1-0: Ranking using Probabilistic Models and Treatment Choice Criteria
- {MRMCbinary} 1.0.4: Multi-Reader Multi-Case Analysis of Binary Diagnostic Tests
- {ggsurveillance} 0.1.1: Tools and 'ggplot2' Extensions for Infectious Disease Surveillance and Outbreak Investigation
- {zigg} 0.0.1: Lightweight Interfaces to the 'Ziggurat' Pseudo Random Number Generator
- {rmonocypher} 0.1.8: Easy Encryption of R Objects using Strong Modern Cryptography
- {forgts} 0.0.1: Convert Formatted Spreadsheets to Presentation-Ready Display Tables
- {DDPstar} 1.0-1: Density Regression via Dirichlet Process Mixtures of Normal Structured Additive Regression Models
- {compdb} 0.0.1: Generate Compilation Database for Use with 'Clang' Tools
- {YEAB} 1.0.6: Analyze Data from Analysis of Behavior Experiments
- {survNMA} 1.1-1: Network Meta-Analysis Combining Survival and Count Outcomes
- {fkbma} 0.1.0: Free Knot-Bayesian Model Averaging
- {connectcreds} 0.1.0: Manage 'OAuth' Credentials from 'Posit Connect'
- {stochvolTMB} 0.3.0: Likelihood Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models
- {jobqueue} 1.0.1: Run Interruptible Code Asynchronously
- {hrf} 0.1.3: Hemodynamic Response Function
- {shrinkGPR} 1.0.0: Scalable Gaussian Process Regression with Hierarchical Shrinkage Priors
- {massProps} 0.2.0: Calculate Mass Properties and Uncertainties of Tree Structures
- {javateak} 1.0: Javanese Teak Above Ground Biomass Estimation
- {ggfootball} 0.2.0: Plotting Expected Goals (xG) Stats with 'Understat' Data
- {distanceHD} 1.2: Distance Metrics for High-Dimensional Clustering
- {adplots} 0.1.0: Ad-Plot and Ud-Plot for Visualizing Distributional Properties and Normality
- {BKT} 0.0.1: Bayesian Knowledge Tracing Model
- {SparseICA} 0.1.4: Sparse Independent Component Analysis
- {rdlearn} 0.1.1: Safe Policy Learning under Regression Discontinuity Design with Multiple Cutoffs
- {PopulateR} 1.13: Create Data Frames for the Micro-Simulation of Human Populations
- {ordinalsimr} 0.1.3: Compare Ordinal Endpoints Using Simulations
- {lifepack} 0.0.8: Insurance Reserve Calculations
- {bosfr} 0.1.0: Computes Exact Bounds of Spearman's Footrule with Missing Data
- {textanalyzer} 0.2.0: 'textanalyzer', an R Package to Analyze Text
- {smarter} 1.0.0: A Collection of Modified R Functions to Make Basic Coding More Convenient
- {shinyCLT} 0.9.3: Central Limit Theorem 'shiny' Application
- {RAFS} 0.2.5: Robust Aggregative Feature Selection
- {MatTransMix} 0.1.18: Clustering with Matrix Gaussian and Matrix Transformation Mixture Models
- {layer} 0.0.3: Tilt your Maps and Turn Them into 'ggplot' Plots
- {deprivateR} 0.1.0: Calculating and Analyzing Measures of Deprivation in the United States
- {reproducibleRchunks} 1.0.2: Automated Reproducibility Checks for R Markdown Documents
- {MEGB} 0.1: Gradient Boosting for Longitudinal Data
- {BayesCPclust} 0.1.0: A Bayesian Approach for Clustering Constant-Wise Change-Point Data
- {MBNMAtime} 0.2.6: Run Time-Course Model-Based Network Meta-Analysis (MBNMA) Models
- {handwriterRF} 1.1.1: Handwriting Analysis with Random Forests
- {EcoMetrics} 0.1.1: Econometrics Model Building
- {RulesTools} 0.1.1: Preparing, Analyzing, and Visualizing Association Rules
- {generalRSS} 0.1.3: Statistical Tools for Balanced and Unbalanced Ranked Set Sampling
- {Certara.Xpose.NLME} 2.0.2: Enhances 'xpose' Diagnostics for Pharmacometric Models from 'Certara.RsNLME' and Phoenix NLME
- {scopr} 0.3.5: Read Ethoscope Data
- {APCalign} 1.1.2: Resolving Plant Taxon Names Using the Australian Plant Census
- {ubair} 1.1.0: Effects of External Conditions on Air Quality
- {superspreading} 0.3.0: Understand Individual-Level Variation in Infectious Disease Transmission
- {rplec} 0.1.3: Placental Epigenetic Clock to Estimate Aging by DNA Methylation
- {Reacnorm} 0.2.1: Perform a Partition of Variance of Reaction Norms
- {PIE} 1.0.0: A Partially Interpretable Model with Black-Box Refinement
- {oncmap} 0.1.5: Analyze Data from Electronic Adherence Monitoring Devices
- {localsp} 0.1.0: Local Indicator of Stratified Power
- {unstruwwel} 0.2.2: Detect and Parse Historic Dates