Name | Type | Description | Notes |
links | list[Link] | [optional] | |
properties | list[PropertyResource] | Properties of the Defect | [optional] |
attachments | list[AttachmentResource] | Attachments of the Defect | [optional] |
id | int | ID of the Defect | [optional] |
pid | str | PID of the Defect | [optional] |
submitted_date | datetime | The date Defect was created | [optional] |
last_modified_date | datetime | Last modified date | [optional] |
submitter_id | int | ID of the User who create the Defect | [optional] |
last_modified_user_id | int | Last ID of the User who updated the Defect | [optional] |
web_url | str | Web url to the Defect | [optional] |