This is a simple RESTful API built with PHP to demo retrieval of customer information from a MySQL DB and output to JSON
Enpoint Outputs:
- /clients
- Total number of clients
- Number of clients with an application
- Number of clients missing credit data
- Average credit score
- /applications
- Total number of applications
- Number of applications that qualify
- Qualification is defined as:
- Debt to income ratio LESS than 50%
- Debt to income ratio is defined as (monthly debt / monthly income)
- If income or debt is missing then the application does not qualify
- Credit score above 520
- If the credit score is missing for the client then the application does not qualify
- Debt to income ratio LESS than 50%
- Qualification is defined as:
Head over to the Postman testing workspace for this project. Set the Environment to Demo. There you should find 4 request examples that return JSON responses according to the specifications provided.