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Terminal Cheat Sheet for using GitHub

  1. Create Project

mkdir project cd project/ git init # Initializes the Git repository/repo git add # Adds a markdown README file git add . # Adds the 'Unknown' files git reset # Unstage all changes git commit # Commits all changes git commit -m # Commits all changes with a message git rm --cached ... # Command to undo, in case you forgot .gitignore git config credential.helper store # Used to save your credentials (username and password) for GIT in the .init # folder for future logins. The login will be saved once you enter this command # on the terminal followed by a command which requires login. git config --global # To include user name as a part of the information in a commit git config --global # To include user email as a part of the information in a commit git config --global color.ui true # Add color to Git output git config --list # Check all configuration settings

  1. Quick Start

git clone # Obtains a local copy of an existing repo git pull # Updates the local copy with new commits in the master branch of the remote repo git pull # Updates the local copy with new commits in the specified branch of the remote repo git checkout -b # Creates a new local branch git checkout # Checkout to the specified branch git push -u origin # Syncs local branch with remote git push origin # Pushes all local commits to the remote git status # Checks the status of the changes made to the repo git remote -v # View the remote repos git remote add origin # Adds the link/tag "origin" to the remote repo

  1. Branching and Merging

git branch # Shows a list of all branches (* is active) git checkout master # Takes you back to the master branch git branch -m # Renames the specified branch git branch -m # Renames the current branch

git checkout && git merge master # Merge the branch to the master branch

  1. Delete Project

git branch -d # Deletes the local branch git push origin : # Deletes the remote branch

  1. Summary: Create a New Repository on the Command Line

  1. Online: Create a new Repository on GitHub Web UI named
  2. On your system: mkdir cd echo "# " >> git init git add git commit -m "Add a README file" git remote add origin<github_id>/.git git branch -M main git push -u origin main