- rhf-adapters: exports fields path for package import (1362c33)
- sadik-malik
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
- updated react version for react 19 support (c7a9353)
- sadik-malik
- imports from nested path for @piplup/rhf-adapters and @piplup/rhf-core (ecfdb53)
- sadik-malik
- sadik-malik
- Bump package version for "mui-chips-input", "mui-color-input" and "mui-tel-input"
- Minimum version for packages from "@mui" is now v6.0.0
- rhf-adapters: update mui-chips-input as optional peerDependency (1ba881e)
- sadik-malik
- bump package version (8c74c30)
- added playground to .gitignore and .nxignore (80487af)
- update package.json (a86e22e)
- make children prop optional (3c89cda)
- update README.md (5230a7d)
- bump package version (acbb25e)
- added shebang line to script (78aec77)
- move generate-release-id script to bin (ad83edb)
- bump package version (8ae853b)
- move package to stable version (0e21e93)
- bump package version (71e99bd)
- bump package version (ec3148d)
- added use-event-listener package (8a44257)
- added use-local-storage (85847ac)
- change default import to name import (14b96bf)
- added useLocalStorage hook (153ed88)
- added .eslintignore to playground (3a0552e)
- added package @piplup/react-acl (8653496)
- update README.md for @piplup/react-acl (1264ccb)
- added code of conduct markdown (d69c41a)
- updated README.md (7ffc21c)
- added @piplup/vite-plugin-cache-buster (2e16b0b)
- bump package version for @piplup/vite-plugin-cache-buster (2b4f59c)
- added active development message and docs boilerplate code (9f15e65)
- reduced bundled size by optimizing babel configuration (c80327f)
- use Object.hasOwn if supported and updated stories (e3c40bd)
- added more components to x-date-pickers, storybook examples and improved transform prop type (224e1a8)
- @piplup/use-local-storage: added @piplup/use-event-listener to external (336067f)
- cache-buster: added @piplup/vite-plugin-cache-buster to README.md (5b1dbbd)
- cache-buster: added a new hook useReleaseStatus (58aaa52)
- rhf-adapters: added MuiXDatePickerElement (b44f873)
- rhf-adapters: added MuiXDateFieldElement (83b25a8)
- rhf-adapters: added date time components from @mui/x-date-pickers (33e396e)
- rhf-adapters: added components from react-number-format (328cf22)
- rhf-adapters: added mui-color-input, mui-file-input and mui-one-time-password-input (9f5a982)
- rhf-adapters: added component from mui-tel-input (8564bdb)
- rhf-adapters: added component from mui-chips-input (d18929c)
- rhf-adpaters: added loading button from @mui/lab (bbadc7e)
- rhf-adpaters: added more components from @mui/x-date-pickers (8b3ea87)
- rhf-core: move imports for html components to @piplup/rhf-core/html (2f82b5d)
- rhf-core: expose utilities functions and hooks used by rhf-core from @piplup/utils (a19f7c3)
- vite-plugin-cache-buster: bump package version (39b9e76)
- package.json (de62877)
- repository directory (7567eef)
- package name (14c4eca)
- update package json and replaced rmdir with rm (40260ac)
- README.md (b66ac77)
- cache-buster return type (755dc7d)
- generate-release-id script and package.json peerDependencies (5bdce5a)
- piplup-cache-buster cli command (2425794)
- README.md (03b30ed)
- children not visible when enabled is false (26d675b)
- isAuthorized default values (ba43bc0)
- isAuthorization role and permission match (4e8c778)
- remove the component prop from HTMLFormHelperText and fix type import (10e2003)
- rhf-adapters exports and updated README (6a0a8f8)
- bugs for helper text rendering in FormHelperText and required prop in case of type checkbox (2663e2e)
- nx config for publishing package and removed dist from package.json (942dc1f)
- rollup.config.js for additionalEntryPoints (ef673b2)
- fixed type warning for useMuiOtpInputAdapter (930ba53)
- @piplup/use-local-storage: fixed license path (c30e2de)
- cache-buster: fixed rollup.config.js for bin folder (943019e)
- cache-buster: fixed status value in case enabled is false or window is undefined (3221197)
- react-acl: must return false if no permission is matched (5d18b12)
- react-acl: fixed README.md glob path (c283949)
- rhf-adapters: return checked instead of value from useMuiSwitchAdapter (7db4dad)
- rhf-adpaters: loading indictor when form is submitting (4080815)
- rhf-core: fixed README.md glob path (f206bf4)
- storybook: typo in adapter name (fed5fe7)
- use-event-listener: fixed README.md glob path (39084ea)
- use-local-storage: fixed usage example (de654f5)
- use-local-storage: fixed README.md glob path (ae0c638)
- vite-plugin-cache-buster: README.md usage instructions (87d9dcc)
- vite-plugin-cache-buster: README.md options instructions (bbb2d4b)
- vite-plugin-cache-buster: README.md fix import in options (8cf59e0)
- vite-plugin-cache-buster: fixed README.md glob path (5a40153)
- Sadik Malik
- sadik_malik
- sadik-malik