The bread-and-butter of Storyhunter is the ability of freelancers and publishers to communicate with each other. As such, we'd like to explore how you would structure a simple message exchange API. This test is designed to verify that:
- You have proficiency with our tech stack
- You are able to architect a working system from a small design brief
- You are able to model relationships
We will be building the api interface and data model for a simple message board.
You should write your API in Laravel PHP. Feel free to use any officially supported packages. Your application and database should be able to run locally on a Mac or Linux system using Sail.
Your APIs should follow a RESTful pattern. Responses should be sent in a well structured format of your choice.
Please create one additional feature of your choosing. This can be anything you think might be interesting or demonstrate your knowledge.
Sending a new Message on a Thread should queue a job to notify the other members of the Thread of new activity.
- This job should be delayed 1 minute
- Additional jobs queued within that 1 minute for the same Thread + User should be consolidated. In other words, a User should get at most one notification per Thread per minute.
- This job does not need to send an actual email. For the purposes of this project, it can simply log or output a notice to console.
- id (int)
- email (string)
- full name (string)
- password (hashed string)
- bio (string)
- id (int)
- title (string)
- id (int)
- user_id (int)
- thread_id (int)
- body (string)
Endpoint parameters and return values are defined. You may decide whether parameters should be passed as part of the URL (eg /users/{userId}
), as a query parameter, or as value in the request body. This does not need to be strictly RESTful, but you should be thoughtful in your decisions.
- Accepts an email, password, full name, a short biography
- Returns an authentication token
- Accepts email and password
- Returns an authentication token
- Accepts User id
- Returns User model
- User model password should be omitted
- User model email should be omitted if User is not the authenticated User
Any authenticated user can create a new Thread
- Accepts a title
- Returns a Thread model
Returns all Threads that a given User has participated in
- Accepts a User id
- Returns a collection of Thread models
Adds a Message to a given Thread. Authenticated users can add a Message to any existing Thread
- Accepts target Thread id, sending User id, Message body string
- Returns a Message model
A User may edit the body of a message they have sent for up to 5 minutes after creation Accepts target Message id, new Message body string Returns 200 status
Returns all Messages associated with a given Thread
- Accepts target Thread id
- Returns a collection of Message models
Returns all Messages that a given User has sent, that match a provided search term
- Accepts target Thread id, search term string
- Returns a collection of Message models
- NOTE - You can decide whether to search strictly or loosely. Please document the behavior.
- When you have finished the assignment, create a github repository and share it with @jknight12882 and @soundsgoodsofar.
- All submissions must include a
explaining how to install and run your application. - The
should contain notes about any design choices made that may not be immediately understood from reading the code - Code should be well commented
- Your work should be "production ready"