The Unified Communications Interface (UCI) aims to democratize the use of different communication channels such as WhatsApp, Telegram, SMS, email and more for governance use cases through a standard configurable manner that is reusable and scalable across all governance use cases.
Transport socket takes request from chatbot client and send it to UCI adapter to get response and return it back to bot client
[UCI] <---> [Socket Transport Layer] <---> [Frontend]
This document helps you to setup transport socket which helps communicate between UCI backend and frontend. To experience the conversation with chatbot on UCI web channel, UCI-PWA needs to be setup from here.
Update to latest version
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade
Install Git
$ sudo apt-get install git
Install curl
$ sudo apt-get install curl
Install Node.js, npm, yarn
$ sudo apt install nodejs $ sudo apt install npm $ sudo npm install yarn
Node version should be latest or stable (v16.15.0)
To check node version:
$ node -v
Install NVM
$ curl -o- | bash
- Make nvm command available to terminal
$ source ~/.nvm/
- For more information of node and NVM installation, check here.
Switching node version
- Run the following command to check node version
node -v
- If your node version is not v16.15.0 or latest, even after installation, you can switch to the required version by the following command:
$ nvm install 16.14.0 $ nvm alias default 16.14.0 $ nvm use default
Set up on Docker
Install Docker
Setup and run redis on docker
$ sudo docker run --name my-first-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
Fork the repository:
- To get a copy of the repository, you need to fork the following:-
Clone the forked repository:
To download the forked repository, you need to clone it.
$ git clone repository-link
Move to the directory with the cloned repository:
$ cd transport-socket or $ cd <path of transport-socket folder>
Run the following command to see if your local copy has a reference to your forked remote repository in GitHub:
git remote -v # which should give this output- origin (fetch) origin (push)
Import the cloned repository to the chosen IDE.
Move to required branch:
$ git checkout uci-pwa
Install the required packages
- In terminal (location should be same as the current location of the repository), run this command to install all the packages required to run the code:-
$ yarn install
Setup all the environment variables:-
- Make a file named '.env' in the base location of the project directory(where .env-sample is located) and add the following in it.
Contact the administrator to use the production inbound url or setup inbound repository on local using this link
Once all the required packages are successfully installed and .env files are setup, start the project.
To start the project, run the following command:-
$ yarn start