- iSEG has been successfully built using Visual Studio 2015 with x64 C++ compiler
Boost installer: boost_1_64_0-msvc-14.0, or newer
- Download the installer boost_1_64_0_msvc-14.0-64.exe
- Run the installer and follow the default instructions
HDF5 installer: v1.8.18, or newer
- Download the installer hdf5-1.8.18-win64-vs2013-shared.zip
- Unzip the installer
- Run the installer and follow the default instructions
ITK source code: v4.12.2, or newer
- Download and unzip the ITK folder
- CMake (source ITK folder, build in separate folder), press Configure
- Press configure and select VS Studio 14 2015 Win64
- Press Advanced checkbox and select BUILD_SHARED_LIBS , press configure again (CMake will find the ZLib library installed with the HDF5 package above)
- Press Generate
- Press Open Project and build the solution in Debug and Release
VTK source code: v7.1.0, or newer
- Download and unzip the VTK folder
- CMake (source VTK folder, build in separate folder), press Configure
- Set ISEG_VTK_OPENGL2 depending on the value of VTK_RENDERING_BACKEND (OpenGL or OpenGL2)
- Press Generate
- Press Open Project and build the solution in Debug and Release
Qt: v4.8.7 (min 4.8.6)
- Download and unzip the Qt folder
- Apply the patch located in the repo root folder(02-fix_build_with_msvc2015-45e8f4ee.diff) (based on these instructions)
- Open a VisualStudio 2015 x64 prompt
- Go to downloaded Qt folder (cd %QTFOLDER%)
- Input set Path=%PATH%;%QTFOLDER%\bin
- Input configure -debug-and-release -opensource -confirm-license -opengl desktop -nomake examples -nomake tests in the command window
- Compile Qt by inputing nmake
- Clone the repository
- CMake (source root folder, build in separate folder), press Configure
- Define BOOST_ROOT as the folder where Boost library was installed (e.g. c:\boost_1_64_0), press Configure
- Define HDF5_ROOT as the folder where HDF5 was installed (e.g. C:\Program Files\HDF_Group\HDF5\1.8.18), press Configure
- Define ITK_DIR as the folder where ITK was built (e.g. ITK_BUILD_DIR), press Configure
- Define QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE by selecting qmake.exe in the folder where Qt was compiled/Installed (e.g. QT_DIR/bin/qmake.exe), press Configure
- Define VTK_DIR as the folder where VTK was built (e.g. VTK_BUILD_DIR), press Configure
- Press Generate, then Open Project
- In Visual Studio, build the solution (Debug/Release)