Here is an example custom processor. It's important to remember that you'll be dealing with a buffer of bytes when the response is being read, so you need to make sure to read it into the appropriate format. In this example, because we know the response is going to be JSON, we read the response into a StringBuffer
and then parse the json after the total amount has been read from the stream.
SyncHttpClient<JsonElement> client = new SyncHttpClient<JsonElement>("");
JsonElement encodedResponse = client.get("api/v1/", new ResponseHandler<JsonElement>()
private StringBuffer stringBuffer;
@Override public void onByteChunkReceived(byte[] chunk, int chunkLength, long totalProcessed, long totalLength)
if (stringBuffer == null)
// make sure we're initialising our buffer to make sure we dont run out of memory
int total = (int)(totalLength > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : totalLength);
stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(Math.max(8192, total));
if (chunk != null)
stringBuffer.append(new String(chunk, 0, chunkLength, "UTF-8").);
catch (Exception e)
@Override public JsonElement getContent()
return new JsonParser().parse(stringBuffer.toString());
catch (Exception e)
return null;
stringBuffer = null;