- What is OSIRIS-REx and where is it going?
- Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer
- Why? What is the scientific goal?
- Why this particular asteroid?
- Easy to reach
- or scientifically especially interesting.
- What sensors does the spacecraft have for the science?
- What's new? What will OSIRIS-REx do that's never been done before?
- When did it launch? How long do we expect the trip to be?
- The spacecraft itself
- sizes, weights
- bus systems (not scientific)
- Electronics, Processors, Software, Languages.
- Trajectory overview.
- Slingshot. Explain.
- What is the required precision wrt. to timing, locations, etc. to make such a slingshot work?
- Can a slingshot change the orbital plane/inclination?
- Bennu is six degrees off ...
- I thought one can only boost "in plane"?
- How have previous missions helped NASA perfect the art of the gravity assist?
- Which kinds of trajectory-altering burns are necessary
- How do you monitor, control, the trajectory?
- Longer "sleep" phases?
- What kind of propulsion? Chemical vs. Electric?
More like a "docking" as in Rosetta? Or real "landing"?
- What is the gravitational situation like?
- How does it "anchor" itself to the asteroid?
How do you technically grab the sample?
- Drill?
Why not do the science there?
- is it easier to get material back vs.
- bringing the lab there for in-situ analysis?
What kind of science do we hope to gain from studying Bennu, especially with samples here on Earth?
How do you determine when and where to get the sample from Bennu?
How to get back?
- "Reverse" the trajectory to get there feasible?
- How long will it stay? The asteroid will have moved on wrt. earth at the time of return. Different trajectory?
When back? arrive at Earth in 2023.
- map the asteroid in exquisite detail
- study its orbit and interior
- coincidental? Pictures of Jupiter.
LBT "sees" OsirisRex: https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/goddard/2017/large-binocular-telescope-snags-first-glimpse-of-osiris-rex