We welcome all contributions! You can check the Issues Tab and add your feedback on a feature or a bug if it has not been submitted yet. We gather user feedback to improve SecureFolderFS however, it doesn't guarantee a ticket to be approved for further development. We always seek constructive conversation and collaboration, we'll notify you on the status update of your issue.
Decide on the feature request or bug report you would like to work on by heading to the Issues Tab. Issues marked with triage approved
and those approved by the team can be developed. Make sure to notify others under the issue's thread to avoid duplicating efforts.
We require pull requests to be well organized and match the exact goal of solved problem. Here are some general rules for pull requests:
- Write a good summary of changes you have made
- Test your changes to find unwanted bugs or performance regressions
- Associate pull requests with one issue, unless the solved problem applies to multiple tickets
- Don't fix multiple unrelated issues in one pull request, split them into multiple PRs if needed
- Test your changes with Accessibility Insights (if applicable)