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Markdown formatting

nene edited this page Feb 21, 2013 · 3 revisions

To support Markdown we can implement a format method in our License tag class (from previous chapter):

  def format(context, formatter)
    context[:license].each do |license|
      license[:doc] = formatter.format(license[:doc])

It gets passed our familiar context hash and a formatter object (an instance of JsDuck::Format::Doc), which provides a format method to convert Markdown to HTML. But not just that - it also processes all the inline tags (like {@link} and {@img}) and the special @example tag, checks the correct nesting of HTML tags, and a few more little things - so it's a generic JSDuck content formatting routine.

So using the format method we loop through all the :doc fields and convert them to markdown, giving us the following final output:

Screenshot of Markdown-parsed @license tag rendering

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