Compute service interface:
// IComputeService is just an optional tagging interface.
// Nevertheless, we highly recommend to "implement" it -
// it allows you to use a few extension methods, such as
// .GetServices() and .GetCommander().
public interface ICartService : IComputeService
// When applied to interface method, this attribute
// is "inherited" by the implementation
Task<List<Order>> GetOrders(long cartId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
Compute service implementation:
public class CartService : ICartService
// The method must be virtual + return Task<T>
public virtual async Task<List<Order>> GetOrders(long cartId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Implementation goes here
Add invalidation logic (after any code that changes the result of what's invalidated inside the using
block below):
using (Computed.Invalidate()) {
// Whatever compute method calls you make inside this block
// are invalidating calls. Instead of running the actual method
// code they invalidate the result of this call.
// They always complete synchronously, and you can pass
// "default" instead of any CancellationToken here.
_ = GetOrders(cartId, default);
Register compute service:
fusion = services.AddFusion(); // services is IServiceCollection
fusion.AddService<ICartService, CartService>();
Configure Fusion RPC client (this has to be done once in a code that configures client-side IServiceProvider
var baseUri = new Uri("http://localhost:5005");
var fusion = services.AddFusion();
Register Compute Service client:
Use use it:
// Just call it the same way you call the original one.
// Any calls that are expected to produce the same result
// as the previous call with the same arguments will
// be resolved via locally cached IComputed.
// When a IComputed gets invalidated on the server,
// Fusion will invalidate its replica on every client.
Declare command type:
// You don't have to use records, but we recommend to use
// immutable types for commands and outputs of compute methods
public record UpdateCartCommand(long CartId, Dictionary<long, long?> Updates)
: ICommand<Unit> // Unit is command's return type; you can use any other
// Compatibility: Newtonsoft.Json needs this constructor to deserialize the record
public UpdateCartCommand() : this(0, null!) { }
Add command handler in the compute service interface:
public interface ICartService : IComputeService
// ...
[CommandHandler] // This attribute is also "inherited" by the impl.
Task<Unit> UpdateCart(UpdateCartCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
Add command handler implementation:
public class CartService : ICartService
// Must be virtual + return Task<T> for ICommand<T>;
// Command must be its first argument; other arguments are resolved
// from DI container - except CancellationToken, which is
// passed directly.
public virtual Task<Unit> UpdateCart(UpdateCartCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (Computed.IsInvalidating()) {
// Write the invalidation logic for this command here.
// A set of command handlers registered by Fusion will
// "retry" this handler inside the invalidation block
// once its "normal" logic completes successfully.
// Moreover, they'll run this block on every node on the
// cluster if you use multi-host invalidation.
return default;
// Command handler code goes here
Register command handler:
// Nothing is needed for handlers declared inside compute services
var computed = await Computed.Capture(() => service.ComputeMethod(args, cancellationToken));
Check whether IComputed
is still consistent:
if (computed.IsConsistent()) {
// ...
Await for invalidation:
// Always pass CancellationToken here, otherwise you'll
// end up with a memory leak due to growing number of
// event handler registrations. They'll be gone on
// invalidation, of course, but what if it never happens?
await computed.WhenInvalidated(cancellationToken);
// Or
computed.Invalidated += c => Console.WriteLine("Invalidated!");
To be continued.