Video covering this part:
Fusion's Computed<T>
is a fairly unique abstraction describing
the result of a computation. Here is how it compares with computed
observables from Knockout.js and MobX:
We're going to use the same CounterService
and CreateServices
as in Part 1:
public class CounterService : IComputeService
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, int> _counters = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, int>();
public virtual async Task<int> Get(string key)
return _counters.TryGetValue(key, out var value) ? value : 0;
public void Increment(string key)
_counters.AddOrUpdate(key, k => 1, (k, v) => v + 1);
using (Computed.Invalidate())
_ = Get(key);
public static IServiceProvider CreateServices()
var services = new ServiceCollection();
var fusion = services.AddFusion();
return services.BuildServiceProvider();
First, let's try to "pull" Computed<T>
instance created behind the
scenes for a given call:
var counters = CreateServices().GetRequiredService<CounterService>();
var computed = await Computed.Capture(() => counters.Get("a"));
WriteLine($"Computed: {computed}");
WriteLine($"- IsConsistent(): {computed.IsConsistent()}");
WriteLine($"- Value: {computed.Value}");
The output:
Computed: Computed`1(Intercepted:CounterService.Get(a) @xIs0saqEU, State: Consistent)
- IsConsistent(): True
- Value: 0
As you may notice, Computed<T>
- Some representation of its input:
- Version:
- State:
- Value:
Overall, its key properties include:
, which transitions fromComputing
over its lifetime.IsConsistent()
extension method is a shortcut checking whether the state is exactlyConsistent
. You may find more of such shortcuts by Ctrl-clicking onIsConsistent()
property — an unique value for anyComputed<T>
struct uses 64-bit integer under the hood, so "unique" actually means "unique assuming you don't run a process for a few hundreed years".Output
— the properties describing the result of the computation.Invalidated
— an event raised on invalidation. Handlers of this event should never throw exceptions.
implements a set of interfaces — most notably,
— interestingly, it both "mimics"IResult<T>
behavior, but also exposes a property ofResult<T>
describes an object that stores the result of computation of typeT
, which is either aValue
, or anError
type). The interface itself provides a number of convenience methods (such asIsValue(out var value)
, etc.), and there are a few extension methods for it as well.Result<T>
is its struct-based implementation that's frequently used to store the actual result.Computed<T>.Output
is the property of exactly this type. But sinceComputed<T>
as well (by, basically, forwarding all the calls to itsOutput
property), you can writecomputed.Value
instead ofcomputed.Output.Value
and so on.- Later you'll find out there are other types in Fusion that follow
the same pattern (i.e. similarly implement
) — in particular,IState<T>
— an interface allowing computed instances to list themselves as dependencies of other computed instances. Most likely you won't ever need to use it, which is why the interface is declared inStl.Fusion.Internal
namespace and implemented explicitly. It's mentioned here mostly to explain that dependency graph in Fusion is explicit, and this interface provides a way to update it. Most of other frameworks rely on event handlers to implement cascading invalidations, which actually is quite inefficient from GC perspective: it's enough to keep reference to either dependency or dependent instance to ensure both stay in RAM. Fusion, on contrary, doesn't prevent unreferenced dependent instances to be garbage collected.IComputed
— "untyped" versions ofComputed<T>
. Similarly toIEnumerable
), you can use them when the type of result isn't known.
And finally, there are a few important methods:
— triggers invalidation, which turns the instance intoInvalidated
state. This is the only change that may happen withComputed<T>
over its lifetime; other than that, computed instances are immutable. As withIDisposable.Dispose
, you are free to call this method multiple times, though only the first call matters.WhenInvalidated(...)
— an extension method allowing to await for invalidation.Update(...)
— finds or computes the consistent version of this computed instance. Finds means the computation will happen if and only if there is no cached consistent instance inComputedRegistry
(~ a cache tracking the most up-to-date version of every computed while they're used). Note that it returns the most up-to-date computed, which is likely, but not necessarily, consistent, because it could be invalidated either in between the computation and the moment you check its status, or even right during the computation.Use(...)
— gets the most up-to-date value of the current computed and makes sure that if this happens inside the computation of another computed value, the currentComputed<T>
gets listed as a dependency of this "outer" computed.
A bit of code to help remembering this:
interface IResult<T> {
T ValueOrDefault { get; } // Never throws an error
T Value { get; } // Throws Error when HasError
Exception? Error { get; }
bool HasValue { get; } // Error == null
bool HasError { get; } // Error != null
void Deconstruct(out T value, out Exception? error);
bool IsValue(out T value);
bool IsValue(out T value, out Exception error);
Result<T> AsResult(); // Result<T> is a struct implementing IResult<T>
Result<TOther> Cast<TOther>();
// CancellationToken argument is removed everywhere for simplicity
interface Computed<T> : IResult<T> {
ConsistencyState ConsistencyState { get; }
event Action Invalidated; // Event, triggered on the invalidation
Task WhenInvalidated(); // Async way to await for the invalidation
void Invalidate();
Task<Computed<T>> Update(); // Notice it returns a new instance!
Task<T> Use();
A diagram showing how ConsistencyState
transition works:
Since every Computed<T>
is almost immutable, a new instance of
gets created on recomputation if the most recent one is
already invalidated at this point (otherwise there is no reason to
recompute). Here is how 3 computations (of the same value) look
on a Gantt chart:
An ugly visualization showing how multiple Computed<T>
instances get invalidated and eventually replaced with their consistent
was calledRenew
, so as you might guess, the animation was made before this rename :)
Ok, let's get back to code and see how invalidation really works:
var counters = CreateServices().GetRequiredService<CounterService>();
var computed = await Computed.Capture(() => counters.Get("a"));
WriteLine($"computed: {computed}");
WriteLine($"computed: {computed}");
var newComputed = await computed.Update();
WriteLine($"newComputed: {newComputed}");
The output:
computed: Computed`1(Intercepted:CounterService.Get(a) @1EhL08uaNN, State: Consistent)
computed: Computed`1(Intercepted:CounterService.Get(a) @1EhL08uaNN, State: Invalidated)
newComputed: Computed`1(Intercepted:CounterService.Get(a) @1EhL08uaPR, State: Consistent)
Compare the above code with this one:
var counters = CreateServices().GetRequiredService<CounterService>();
var computed = await Computed.Capture(() => counters.Get("a"));
WriteLine($"computed: {computed}");
WriteLine("using (Computed.Invalidate()) counters.Get(\"a\"))");
using (Computed.Invalidate()) // <- This line
_ = counters.Get("a");
WriteLine($"computed: {computed}");
var newComputed = await Computed.Capture(() => counters.Get("a")); // <- This line
WriteLine($"newComputed: {newComputed}");
The output:
computed: Computed`1(Intercepted:CounterService.Get(a) @R0oNKnVbo, State: Consistent)
using Computed.Invalidate(() => counters.Get("a"))
computed: Computed`1(Intercepted:CounterService.Get(a) @R0oNKnVbo, State: Invalidated)
newComputed: Computed`1(Intercepted:CounterService.Get(a) @R0oNKnVds, State: Consistent)
The output is ~ identical. As you might guess,
under the hood to capture the computed instance and invalidate it.IComputed.Update(...)
invokes the method that was used to produce it and similarly captures the newly produced computed.
And finally, let's see how you can "observe" the invalidation to trigger the update:
var counters = CreateServices().GetRequiredService<CounterService>();
_ = Task.Run(async () =>
for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
await Task.Delay(1000);
var computed = await Computed.Capture(() => counters.Get("a"));
WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now}: {computed.Value}");
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
await computed.WhenInvalidated();
computed = await computed.Update();
WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now}: {computed.Value}");
The output:
9/1/2020 5:08:54 PM: 0
9/1/2020 5:08:55 PM: 1
9/1/2020 5:08:56 PM: 2
9/1/2020 5:08:57 PM: 3
9/1/2020 5:08:58 PM: 4
9/1/2020 5:08:59 PM: 5
So even though Fusion doesn't update anything automatically, achieving exactly the same behavior with it is pretty straightforward.
A good question to ask is: but why it doesn't, if literally everyone else does? E.g. MobX even tries to re-compute all the derivations atomically — so why Fusion does literally the opposite?
The answer is:
- If your model is tiny (KO / MobX case), these computations are relatively cheap, and moreover, they run on the client. So normally it's fine to run them even if you aren't going to use the result.
- On contrary, Fusion is designed to deal with huge models "covering" your whole data; and even though it works on the client too, the most significant work it typically does happens on server, where most of its Compute Services live. Recomputing every dependency on change isn't just inefficient, but almost never possible in this scenario.
What's totally possible though is to notify the code using certain computed value that it became obsolete and thus has to be recomputed. And this notification — plus maybe some other "knowns" about the domain would let the code to determine the right strategy for triggering the recomputation.
Think of these two cases:
- We're recomputing the "view" of a Twitter post (tweet)
- And in one case we know the current user just pressed "Like" icon there, so most likely it was invalidated due to this action. In this case we can immediately update it to reflect the result of user action; there are no potential scalability problems here.
- In another case the post was invalidated w/o current user action. And in this case we may delay the update for several seconds — in fact, as for long as we think is reasonable taking into account such factors as current backend load or the current rate of actions on this post.
Such an approach allows you to have nearly instant updates in most cases, but selectively (i.e. per piece of content + user) throttle the update rate (without affecting user-induced updates) in cases when instant updates create performance problems.
It worth mentioning that Fusion offers all the abstractions you need to
have this behavior, and moreover, similarly to almost-invisible Computed<T>
you normally don't even need to know these abstractions exist.
But they'll be ready to help you once you conclude you need throttling.