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Part 5: Fusion on Server-Side Only

Even though Fusion supports RPC, you can use it on server-side to cache recurring computations. Below is the output of Caching Sample (slightly outdated):

Local services:
Fusion's Compute Service [-> EF Core -> SQL Server]:
  Reads         : 27.55M operations/s
Regular Service [-> EF Core -> SQL Server]:
  Reads         : 25.05K operations/s

Remote services:
Fusion's Compute Service Client [-> HTTP+WebSocket -> ASP.NET Core -> Compute Service -> EF Core -> SQL Server]:
  Reads         : 20.29M operations/s
RestEase Client [-> HTTP -> ASP.NET Core -> Compute Service -> EF Core -> SQL Server]:
  Reads         : 127.96K operations/s
RestEase Client [-> HTTP -> ASP.NET Core -> Regular Service -> EF Core -> SQL Server]:
  Reads         : 20.46K operations/s

Last two results are the most interesting in the context of this part:

  • A tiny EF Core-based service exposed via ASP.NET Core controller serves 20,500 requests per second. That's already a lot - mostly, because its data set fully fits in RAM on SQL Server.
  • An identical service relying on Fusion (it's literally the same code plus Fusion's [ComputeMethod] and Computed.Invalidate calls) boosts this number to 128,000 requests per second.

And that's the main reason to use Fusion on server-side only: 5-10x performance boost with a relatively tiny amount of changes. Similarly to incremental builds, the more complex your logic is, the more you are expected to gain.

The Fundamentals

You already know that Computed<T> instances are reused, but so far we didn't talk much about the details. Let's learn some specific aspects of this behavior before jumping to caching.

The service below prints a message once its Get method is actually computed (i.e. its cached value for a given argument isn't reused) and returns the same value as its input. We'll be using it to find out when IComputed instances are actually reused.

public class Service1 : IComputeService
    public virtual async Task<string> Get(string key)
        return key;

public static IServiceProvider CreateServices()
    var services = new ServiceCollection();
    services.AddSingleton<ISwapService, DemoSwapService>();
        .AddService<Service2>() // We'll use Service2 & other services later
    return services.BuildServiceProvider();

First, IComputed instances aren't "cached" by default - they're just reused while it's possible:

var service = CreateServices().GetRequiredService<Service1>();
// var computed = await Computed.Capture(() => counters.Get("a"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("a"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("a"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("a"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("a"));

The output:


As you see, GC.Collect() call removes cached IComputed for Get("a") - and that's why Get(a) is printed twice here.

All of this means that most likely Fusion holds a weak reference to this value (in reality it uses GCHandle-s for performance reasons, but technically they do the same).

Let's prove this by uncomment the commented line:

var service = CreateServices().GetRequiredService<Service1>();
var computed = await Computed.Capture(() => service.Get("a"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("a"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("a"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("a"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("a"));

The output:


As you see, assigning a strong reference to IComputed is enough to ensure it won't recompute on the next call.

So to truly cache some IComputed, you need to store a strong reference to it and hold it while you want it to be cached.

Now, if you compute f(x), is it enough to store a computed for its output to ensure its dependencies are cached too? Let's test this:

public class Service2 : IComputeService
    public virtual async Task<string> Get(string key)
        return key;

    public virtual async Task<string> Combine(string key1, string key2)
        WriteLine($"{nameof(Combine)}({key1}, {key2})");
        return await Get(key1) + await Get(key2);
var service = CreateServices().GetRequiredService<Service2>();
var computed = await Computed.Capture(() => service.Combine("a", "b"));
WriteLine("computed = Combine(a, b) completed");
WriteLine(await service.Combine("a", "b"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("a"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("b"));
WriteLine(await service.Combine("a", "c"));
WriteLine("GC.Collect() completed");
WriteLine(await service.Get("a"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("b"));
WriteLine(await service.Combine("a", "c"));

The output:

Combine(a, b)
computed = Combine(a, b) completed
Combine(a, c)
GC.Collect() completed
Combine(a, c)

As you see, yes,

Strong referencing an IComputed ensures every other IComputed instance it depends on also stays in memory.

Let's check if the opposite is true as well:

var service = CreateServices().GetRequiredService<Service2>();
var computed = await Computed.Capture(() => service.Get("a"));
WriteLine("computed = Get(a) completed");
WriteLine(await service.Combine("a", "b"));
WriteLine("GC.Collect() completed");
WriteLine(await service.Combine("a", "b"));

The output:

computed = Get(a) completed
Combine(a, b)
GC.Collect() completed
Combine(a, b)

So the opposite is not true.

But why Fusion behaves this way? The answer is actually super simple:

  • Fusion has to strong-reference every computed instance used to produce an output because if any of them gets garbage collected before the output itself, the invalidation passing through such an instance simply won't reach the output.
  • But since it has to propagate the invalidation events from dependencies (used values) to dependants (values produced from the used ones), it also has to reference the direct dependants from every dependency. And these references have to be either weak or simply shouldn't be .NET object references, coz if they were strong references, this would almost certainly keep the whole graph of IComputed in memory, which is highly undesirable. That's why Fusion uses the second option here - it stores keys of direct dependants of every IComputed and resolves them via the same registry as it uses to resolve IComputed instances for method calls.
  • Interestingly, there is a fundamental reason to weak reference every IComputed: imagine Fusion doesn't do this, so calling the same compute method twice with the same arguments may produce two different IComputed instances representing the output (of the same computation). Now imagine you invalidate the first one (and thus all of its dependants), but don't do anything with the second one (so its dependants stay valid). As you see, it's a partial invalidation, i.e. something that may cause a long-term inconsistency - which is why Fusion ensures that at any moment of time there can be only one IComptuted instance describing given computation.

Default caching behavior - a summary:

  • Nothing is really cached, but everything is weak-referenced
  • When you compute a new value, every value used to produce it becomes strong-referenced from the produced one
  • So if you strong reference some IComputed, you effectively hold the whole graph of what it's composed from in memory.
  • If IComputed containing the output of f(someArgs) doesn't exist in RAM, it also means none of its possible dependants exist in RAM.

Caching Options

As you probably already understood, Fusion allows you to implement any desirable caching behavior: all you need is your own service that will hold a strong reference to whatever you want to cache for as long as you want.

Besides that, Fusion offers two built-in options:

  • [ComputeMethod(MinCacheDuration = TimeInSeconds)], ensures a strong reference w/ specified expiration time is added to Timeouts.KeepAlive timer set every time the output is used. In fact, it sets a minimum time the output of a function stays in RAM.
  • [Swap(SwapTime = TimeInSeconds)] enables swapping feature for the compute method's output. It's a kind of similar to OS page swapping, but stores & loads back the output instead.

Let's look at how they work.


Let's just add MinCacheDuration to the service we were using previously:

public class Service3 : IComputeService
    public virtual async Task<string> Get(string key)
        return key;

    [ComputeMethod(MinCacheDuration = 0.3)] // MinCacheDuration was added
    public virtual async Task<string> Combine(string key1, string key2)
        WriteLine($"{nameof(Combine)}({key1}, {key2})");
        return await Get(key1) + await Get(key2);

And run this code:

var service = CreateServices().GetRequiredService<Service3>();
WriteLine(await service.Combine("a", "b"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("a"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("x"));
WriteLine(await service.Combine("a", "b"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("a"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("x"));
await Task.Delay(1000);
WriteLine("Task.Delay(...) and GC.Collect()");
WriteLine(await service.Combine("a", "b"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("a"));
WriteLine(await service.Get("x"));

The output:

Combine(a, b)
Task.Delay(...) and GC.Collect()
Combine(a, b)

As you see, MinCacheDuration does exactly what's expected:

  • It holds a strong reference to the output of Combine for 0.3 seconds, so the output of Combine("a", "b") gets cached for 0.3s
  • Since Combine calls Get, the outputs of Get("a") and Get("b") are cached for 0.3s too
  • But not the output of Get("x"), which wasn't used in any of Combine calls in this example.

That's basically it on MinCacheDuration.

A few tips on how to use it:

  • You should apply it mainly to the final outputs - i.e. compute methods that are either exposed via API or used in your UI.
  • Applying it to other compute methods is fine too, though keep in mind that whatever is used by top level methods with MinCacheDuration is anyway cached for the same period, so probably you don't need this.
  • And in general, keep in mind that ideally you want to "recompose" or aggregate the outputs of compute methods rather than "rewrite". In other words, if you have a chance to use the same object you get from the downstream method - do this, because this won't incur use of extra RAM.
  • This is also why you might want to return just immutable objects from compute methods – and C# 9 records come quite handy here. Alternatively, you can use freezable pattern implementation from Stl.Frozen; actually, you can use any implementation, though if Fusion sees you return Stl.Frozen.IFrozen from compute method, it automatically freezes the output.

P.S. If you love algorithms and data structures, check out ConcurrentTimerSet - Fusion uses its own implementation of timers to ensure they scale much better than Task.Delay (which relies on TimerQueue), though this comes at cost of fire precision: Fusion timers fire only 4 times per second. Under the hood, ConcurrentTimerSet uses RadixHeapSet - basically, a Radix Heap supporting O(1) find and delete operations.