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Part 10: Multi-Host Invalidation and CQRS with Operations Framework

If you read Part 8, you know that multi-host invalidation requires the following components:

  1. Command execution pipeline.
  2. Command logger - a handler in this pipeline responsible for logging commands to some persistent store - and ideally, doing this as part of command's own transaction.
  3. Command log reader - a service watching for command log updates made by other processes.
  4. An API allowing to "replay" a command in invalidation mode - i.e. run a part of command's logic responsible solely for invalidation.

Operations Framework implements this in a very robust way.

Operations Framework

Useful definitions:

OF : A shortcut for Operations Framework used further

Operation : An action that could be logged into operation log and replayed. So far only commands could act as such actions, but for now the framework implies there might be other kinds of operations too. So operation is ~ whatever OF can handle as an operation, including commands.

It worth mentioning that OF has almost zero dependency on Fusion. You can use it for other purposes too (e.g. audit logging) - with or without Fusion. Moreover, you can easily remove all Fusion-specific services it has from IoC container to completely disable its Fusion-specific behaviors.

Enabling Operations Framework

  1. Add the following DbSet to your DbContext (AppDbContext further):
public DbSet<DbOperation> Operations { get; protected set; } = null!;
  1. Add the following code to your server-side IoC container configuration block (typically it is Startup.ConfigureServices method):
services.AddDbContextServices<AppDbContext>(db => {
    // Uncomment if you'll be using AddRedisOperationLogChangeTracking 
    // db.AddRedisDb("localhost", "Fusion.Tutorial.Part10");
    db.AddOperations(operations => {
        // This call enabled Operations Framework (OF) for AppDbContext. 
        operations.ConfigureOperationLogReader(_ => new() {
            // We use FileBasedDbOperationLogChangeTracking, so unconditional wake up period
            // can be arbitrary long - all depends on the reliability of Notifier-Monitor chain.
            // See what .ToRandom does - most of timeouts in Fusion settings are RandomTimeSpan-s,
            // but you can provide a normal one too - there is an implicit conversion from it.
            UnconditionalCheckPeriod = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Env.IsDevelopment() ? 60 : 5).ToRandom(0.05),
        // Optionally enable file-based log change tracker 
        // Or, if you use PostgreSQL, use this instead of above line
        // operations.AddNpgsqlOperationLogChangeTracking();
        // Or, if you use Redis, use this instead of above line
        // operations.AddRedisOperationLogChangeTracking();

Note that OF works solely on server side, so you don't have to make similar changes in Blazor app's IoC container configuration code.

What happens here?

  • AddDbContextServices<TDbContext>(Action<DbContextBuilder<TDbcontext>>) is a convenience helper allowing methods like AddOperations to be implemented as extension methods to DbContextBuilder<TDbcontext>, so you as a user of such methods need to specify TDbContext type just once - when you call AddDbContextServices. In other words, AddDbContextServices does nothing itself, but allows services registered inside its builder block to be dependent on TDbContext type.
  • AddOperations does nearly all the job. I'll cover every service it registers in details further.
  • And finally, AddXxxDbOperationLogChangeTracking adds one of two services implementing log change tracking notification / listening. It's totally fine to omit any of these calls - in this case operation log reader will be waking up only unconditionally, which happens 4 times per second by default, so other hosts running your code may see 0.25s delay in invalidations of data changed by their peers. You can reduce this delay, of course, but doing this means you'll be hitting the database more frequently with operation log tail requests. AddXxxDbOperationLogChangeTracking methods make this part way more efficient by explicitly notifying the log reader to read the tail as soon as they know for sure one of their peers updated it:
    • AddFileBasedOperationLogChangeTracking relies on a shared file to pass these notifications. Any peer that updates operation log also "touches" this file (just update its modify date), and all other peers are using FileSystemWatcher-s to know about these touches as soon as they happen. And once they happen, they "wake up" the operation log reader.
    • AddNpgsqlOperationLogChangeTracking does ~ the same, but relying on PostgreSQL's NOTIFY / LISTEN feature - basically, a built-in message queue. If you use PostgreSQL, you should almost definitely use it. It's also a bit more efficient than file-based notifications, because such notifications also bear the Id of the agent that made the change, so the listening process on that agent has a change to ignore any of its own notifications.
    • Right now there are no other log change tracking options, but more are upcoming. And it's fairly easy to add your own - e.g. PostgreSQL log change tracking requires less than 200 lines of code, and you need to change maybe just 30-40 of these lines in your own tracker.

Using Operations Framework

Here is how Operations Framework requires you to transform the code of your old action handlers:

Pre-OF handler:

public async Task<ChatMessage> PostMessage(
    Session session, string text, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    await using var dbContext = CreateDbContext().ReadWrite();
    // Actual code...

    // Invalidation
    using (Computed.Invalidate())
        _ = PseudoGetAnyChatTail();
    return message;

Post-OF handler:

‎1. Create a dedicated command type for this action:

public record PostMessageCommand(Session Session, string Text) : ICommand<ChatMessage>
    // Newtonsoft.Json needs this constructor to deserialize this record
    public PostMessageCommand() : this(Session.Null, "") { } 

Notice that above type implements ICommand<ChatMessage> - the generic parameter ChatMessage here is the type of result of this command.

Even though it's a record type in this example, there is no requirement like "every command has to be a record". Any JSON-serializable class will work equally well; I prefer to use records mostly due to their immutability.

‎2. Refactor action to command handler:

public virtual async Task<ChatMessage> PostMessage(
    PostMessageCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    if (Computed.IsInvalidating()) {
        _ = PseudoGetAnyChatTail();
        return default!;

    await using var dbContext = await CreateCommandDbContext(cancellationToken);
    // The same action handler code as it was in example above.

A recap from Part 8 of how [CommandHandler]s should look like:

  • Add virtual + tag the method with [CommandHandler]. You can apply it to corresponding interface member as well, the attribute is "inherited" and can be "overriden" like [ComputeMethod] does too.
  • New method arguments: (PostCommand, CancellationToken)
  • New return type: Task<ChatMessage>. Notice that ChatMessage is a generic parameter of its command too - and these types should match unless your command implements ICommand<Unit> or you write filtering handler (in these case it can be Task too).
  • The method must be public or protected.

The invalidation block inside the handler should be transformed too:

  • Move it to the very beginning of the method
  • Replace using (Computed.Invalidate()) { Code(); } construction with if (Computed.IsInvalidating()) { Code(); return default!; }.
  • If your service derives from DbServiceBase or DbAsyncProcessBase, you should use its protected CreateCommandDbContext method to get DbContext where you are going to make changes. You still have to call SaveAsync on this DbContext in the end.

And two last things 😋:

‎1. You can't pass values from the "main" block to the invalidation block directly. It's not just due to their new order - the code from your invalidation blocks will run a few times for every command execution (once on every host), but the "main" block's code will run only on the host where the command was started.

So to pass some data to your invalidation blocks, use CommandContext.Operation().Items collection - nearly as follows:

public virtual async Task SignOut(
    SignOutCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    // ...
    var context = CommandContext.GetCurrent();
    if (Computed.IsInvalidating()) {
        // Fetch operation item
        var invSessionInfo = context.Operation().Items.Get<SessionInfo>();
        if (invSessionInfo != null) {
            // Use it
            _ = GetUser(invSessionInfo.UserId, default);
            _ = GetUserSessions(invSessionInfo.UserId, default);

    await using var dbContext = await CreateCommandDbContext(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

    var dbSessionInfo = await Sessions.FindOrCreate(dbContext, session, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
    var sessionInfo = dbSessionInfo.ToModel();
    if (sessionInfo.IsSignOutForced)
    // Store operation item for invalidation logic
    // ... 

‎2. Calling some other commands from your own commands is totally fine: OF logs & "plays" their invalidation logic on other hosts too, it also isolates their own operation items.

That's mostly it. Now, if you're curious how it works - continue reading. Otherwise you can simply try this. To see this in action, try running:

How all of this works?

OF adds a number of generic filtering command handlers to Commander's pipeline, and they - together with a couple other services - do all the heavy-lifting.

  • "Generic" means they handle ICommand - the very base type for any command you create
  • "Filtering" means they act like middlewares in ASP.NET Core, so in fact, they "wrap" the execution of downstream handlers with their own prologue/epilogue logic.

Here is the list of such handlers in their invocation order:

1. PreparedCommandHandler, priority: 1_000_000_001 and 1_000_000_000

This filtering handler simply invokes IPreparedCommand.Prepare (higher priority) and IAsyncPreparedCommand.PrepareAsync (lower priority) on commands that implement these interfaces, where some pre-execution validation or fixup is supposed to happen. And as you might judge by the priority, this supposed to happen before anything else.

You may find out this handler is actually a part of Stl.CommandR, and it's auto-registered when you call .AddCommander(...), so it's a "system" command validation handler.

The only command that currently implements validation is ServerSideCommandBase<TResult> - actually, a super-important base type for commands that can be invoked on server-side only. Check out its source code - it's super simple, and it's clear how it's supposed to work:

  • If you inherit your command from ServerSideCommandBase<TResult> it will expose IsServerSide property, which isn't serialized. So creating a command with IsServerSide = true is possible on the client, but this flag will be lost once it gets deserialized on the server side.
  • IServerSideCommand implements IPreparedCommand, and ServerSideCommandBase.Prepare fails if IsServerSide == false. So you can run such commands on server by explicitly settings this flag to true there - the best way to do this is to use MarkServerSide() extension method, which returns the command of the same type, but with this flag set to true

2. NestedCommandLogger, priority: 11_000

This filter is responsible for logging all nested commands, i.e. commands called while running other commands.

It's implied that each command implements its own invalidation logic, so "parent" commands shouldn't do anything special to process invalidations for "child" commands - and thanks to this handler, they shouldn't even call them explicitly inside the invalidation block - it happens automatically.

I won't dig into the details of how it works just yet, let's just assume it does the job - for now.

3. TransientOperationScopeProvider, priority: 10_000

It is the outermost, "catch-all" operation scope provider for commands that don't use any other (real) operation scopes.

Let me explain what all of this means now 😈

Your app may have a few different types of DbContext-s, or maybe even other (non-EF) storages. And since it's a bad idea to assume we run distributed transactions across all of them, OF assumes each of these storages (i.e. DbContext types) has its own operation log, and an operation entry is added to this log inside the same transaction, that run operation's own logic.

So to achieve that, OF assumes there are "operation scope providers" - command filters that publish different implementations of IOperationScope via CommandContext.Items (in case you don't remember, CommandContext.Items is HttpContext.Items analog in CommandR-s world). And when the final command handler runs, it should pick the right one of these scopes to get access to the underlying storage. Here is how this happens, if we're talking about EF:

  • DbOperationScopeProvider<TDbContext> creates and "injects" DbOperationScope<TDbContext> into CommandContext.GetCurrent().Items collection.
  • Once your service needs to access AppDbContext from the command handler, it typically calls its protected CreateCommandDbContext method, which "pulls" the DbOperationScope<AppDbContext> and asks it to provide actual AppDbContext.
  • Finally, DbOperationScope.CreateDbContext does all the magic: when you call this method for the first time, not only it creates "primary" DbContext, but also starts a new transaction there. And when you call it later, it creates a DbContext that shares the same DbConnection as the the "primary" one.

In other words, DbOperationScope ensures that all DbContext-s you get via it share the same connection and transaction. In addition, it ensures that an operation entry is added to the operation log before this transaction gets committed, and the fact commit actually happened is verified in case of failure. If you're curious why it makes sense to do this, see this page.

Now, back to TransientOperationScopeProvider - its job is to provide an operation scope for commands that don't use other operation scopes - e.g. the ones that change only in-memory state. If your command doesn't use one of APIs "pinning" it to some other operation scope, this is the scope it's going to use implicitly.

Finally, it has another grand role: it runs so-called operation completion for all operations, i.e. not only the transient ones. And this piece deserves its own section:

What is Operation Completion?

It's a process that happens on invocation of OperationCompletionNotifier.NotifyCompleted(operation). IOperationCompletionNotifier is a service simply "distributes" such notifications to IOperationCompletionListener-s after eliminating all duplicate notifications (based on IOperation.Id). By default, it remembers up to 10K of up to 1-hour-old operations (more precisely, their Id-s and commit times).

Even though it invokes all the handlers concurrently, NotifyCompletedAsync completes when all IOperationCompletionListener.OnOperationCompletedAsync handlers complete. So once NotifyCompletedAsync completes, you can be certain that every of these "follow up" actions is already completed as well.

CompletionProducer (check it out, it's tiny) - is probably the most important one of such listeners. The critical part of its job is actually a single line:

await Commander.Call(Completion.New(operation), true).ConfigureAwait(false);

Two things are happening here:

  1. It creates Completion<TCommand> object - in fact, a command as well!
  2. It runs this command via Commander.Call(completion, true).

The last argument (isolate = true) indicates that ExecutionContext flow will be suppressed for this Commander invocation, so the pipeline for this command won't "inherit" any of AsyncLocal-s, including CommandContext.Current. In other words, the command will run in a new top-level CommandContext and won't have a chance to "inherit" any state via async locals.

For the note, it's a kind of overkill, because OperationCompletionNotifier also suppresses ExecutionContext flow when it runs listeners. But... Just in case :)

Now, notice that ICompletion implements IMetaCommand interface - a tagging interface for various "follow up" commands that aren't executed directly, but invoked by some pipeline handlers. Some of generic command handlers have special checks for such commands - e.g. you might notice that Completion<SomeCommand> will never push another Completion<Completion<SomeCommand>> into the pipeline due to one of such checks.

Any IMetaCommand implements IServerSideCommand, so it will run successfully only when it's marked as such. And indeed, the Completion.New does this:

public static ICompletion New(IOperation operation)
    var command = (ICommand?) operation.Command
        ?? throw Errors.OperationHasNoCommand(nameof(operation));
    var tCompletion = typeof(Completion<>).MakeGenericType(command.GetType());
    var completion = (ICompletion) tCompletion.CreateInstance(operation)!;
    return completion.MarkServerSide();

Above code also shows that the actual type of command becomes a value of generic parameter of Completion<T> type. So if you want to implement a reaction to completion of e.g. MyCommand - just declare a filtering command handler for ICompletion<MyCommand>. And yes, it's better to use ICompletion<T> rather than Completion<T> in such handlers.

So what is operation completion?

  • It's invocation of OperationCompletionNotifier.NotifyCompleted(operation)
  • Which in turn invokes all operation completion listeners
    • One of such listeners - CompletionProducer - reacts to this by creating a "meta command" of ICompletion<TCommand> type and invoking Commander for this new command. Later you'll learn the invalidation pass is actually triggered by a handler reacting to this command.
    • And if you registered any of operation log change notifiers, all of them currently implement IOperationCompletionListener notifying their peers that operation log was just updated.

Now, a couple good questions:

Q: Why NotifyCompletedAsync doesn't return instantly? Why it bothers to await completion of each and every handler?

This ensures that once the invocation of this method from TransientOperationScopeProvider is completed, every follow-up action related to it is completed as well, including invalidation.

In other words, our command processing pipeline is built in such a way that once a command completes, you can be fully certain that any pipeline-based follow-up action is completed for it as well - including invalidation.

Q: What else invokes NotifyCompletedAsync?

Just DbOperationLogReader - see how it does this.

As you might notice, it skips all local commands, and a big comment there explains why it does so.

Q: So every host invokes some logic for every command running on other hosts?

Yes. All of this means that:

  • Even though there are typically way more queries than commands, some actions (e.g. presence info updates) might be quite frequent. And you should avoid hitting the DB or running any resource-consuming activities inside your invalidation blocks. Especially - inside such blocks for frequent actions.
  • If you know for sure that at some point you'll reach the scale that won't allow you to rely on a single operation log (e.g. an extremely high frequency of "read tail" calls from ~ hundreds of hosts may bring it down), or e.g. that even replaying the invalidations for every command won't be possible - you need to think how to partition your system.

For the note, invalidations are extremely fast - it's safe to assume they are ~ as fast as identical calls resolving via IComptuted instances, i.e. it's safe to assume you can run ~ a 1 million of invalidations per second per HT core, which means that an extremely high command rate is needed to "flood" OF's invalidation pipeline, and most likely it won't be due to the cost of invalidation. JSON deserialization and CommandR pipeline itself is much more likely to become a bottleneck under extreme load.

Ok, back to our command execution pipeline 😁

4. DbOperationScopeProvider<TDbContext>, priority: 1000

This filter provides DbOperationScope<TDbContext>, i.e. the "real" operation scope for your operations. As you probably already guessed, the fact this filter exists in the pipeline doesn't mean it always creates some DbContext and transaction to commit the operation to. This happens if and only if:

  • You the DbOperationScope<TDbContext> it created for you - e.g. by calling CommandContext.GetCurrent().Items.Get<DbOperationScope<AppDbContext>>()
  • And ask this scope to provide a DbContext by calling its CreateDbContextAsync method, which indicates you're going to use this operation scope.

Note: if your service derives from DbServiceBase or DbAsyncProcessBase, they provide CreateCommandDbContext method, which is actually a shortcut for above actions. If you like the idea of such shortcuts, derive your DB-related services from one of these types or their descendants like DbWakeSleepProcessBase.

5. InvalidateOnCompletionCommandHandler, priority: 100

Let's look at its handler declaration first:

[CommandHandler(Priority = 100, IsFilter = true)]
public async Task OnCommand(
  ICompletion command, CommandContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    //  ... 

As you might guess, it reacts to the completion of any command, and runs the original command plus every nested command logged during its execution in the "invalidation mode" - i.e. inside Computed.Invalidate() block. This is why your command handlers need a branch checking for Computed.IsInvalidating() == true running the invalidation logic there!

You're welcome to see what it actually does - it's a fairly simple code, the only tricky piece is related to nested operations.

On a positive side, InvalidateOnCompletionCommandHandler is the last filter in the pipeline, so we can switch to this topic + one other important aspect - operation items.

Operation items

API endpoint: commandContext.Operation().Items

It's actually a pretty simple abstraction allowing you to store some data together with the operation - so once its completion is "played" on this or other hosts, this data is readily available.

I'll show how it's used in one of Fusion's built-in command handlers - SignOutCommand handler of DbAuthService:

public override async Task SignOut(
    SignOutCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    var (session, force) = command;
    var context = CommandContext.GetCurrent();
    if (Computed.IsInvalidating()) {
        _ = GetAuthInfo(session, default);
        _ = GetSessionInfo(session, default);
        if (force) {
            _ = IsSignOutForced(session, default);
            _ = GetOptions(session, default);
        var invSessionInfo = context.Operation().Items.Get<SessionInfo>();
        if (invSessionInfo != null) {
            _ = GetUser(invSessionInfo.UserId, default);
            _ = GetUserSessions(invSessionInfo.UserId, default);

    var dbContext = await CreateCommandDbContext(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
    await using var _1 = dbContext.ConfigureAwait(false);

    var dbSessionInfo = await Sessions.GetOrCreate(dbContext, session.Id, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
    var sessionInfo = SessionConverter.ToModel(dbSessionInfo);
    if (sessionInfo!.IsSignOutForced)

    sessionInfo = sessionInfo with {
        LastSeenAt = Clocks.SystemClock.Now,
        AuthenticatedIdentity = "",
        UserId = "",
        IsSignOutForced = force,
    await Sessions.Upsert(dbContext, sessionInfo, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

First, look at this line inside the invalidation block:

var invSessionInfo = context.Operation().Items.Get<SessionInfo>()

It tries to pull SessionInfo object from Operation().Items. But why? Well, because needs pre-sign-out SessionInfo that still contains UserId. And the code that goes after this call invalidates results of a few other methods related to this user.

The code that stores this info is located below:


As you see, it stores sessionInfo object into context.Operation().Items right before creating its copy with wiped out UserId - in other words, it saves the info it wipes for the invalidation logic.

And this is precisely the purpose of this API - to pass some information related to the operation to "follow up" actions (currently "invalidation pass" is the only follow-up action). As you might guess, this info is stored in the DB along with the operation, so peer hosts will see it as well while running their own invalidation logic.

Q: How this differs from CommandContext.Items?

CommandContext.Items live only while the top-level command runs. They aren't persisted anywhere, and thus they won't be available on peer hosts too.

But importantly, both these objects are OptionSet-s. Check out its source code to learn how it works - again, it's a fairly tiny class.

Nested command logging

I'll be brief here. Nested commands are logged into one of operation items - you may quickly find that its type is ImmutableList<NestedCommandEntry>.

  • The logging is happening in NestedCommandLogger type. You might notice that nested commands of nested commands are properly logged too - moreover, their Operation().Items are captured & stored independently as well! In other words, you're free to call other commands from your commands w/o a need to worry about their invalidation piece of work (it will happen) or collisions of their operation items with yours.
  • The "invalidation mode replay" of these commands is performed by InvalidateOnCompletionCommandHandler.

There is nothing like a "generic" handler triggering completion for such commands - as you might guess, completion is meaningful for top-level commands only. Nested commands are captured and stored solely to simplify invalidation, and if this piece won't be there, you'd have to manually duplicate any logic triggering commands both in the "main" and in the "invalidation" sections. Luckily, I'm a big fan of DRY, so I had no choice other than solving this problem once and forever 😎

How can I learn Operation Framework deeper?

The easiest way to find all the components used by Operations Framework is to see the implementation of DbContextBuilder.AddOperations and IServiceCollection.AddFusion. Both methods invoke corresponding builder's constructor first, which I highly recommend to view:

Below is a brief description of some of the services I didn't mention yet; as for anything else, above code is the best place to start digging into the Operations Framework a bit deeper.

AgentInfo is a simple type allowing Operations Framework to check if an operation is originating from this or some other process. Check out its source code - it's tiny.

You might be confused by Symbol type there - it's actually just a string with cached result of GetHashCode (actually, a struct with both these fields + a number of overloaded operations & implicit conversions). Symbol-s are used in Fusion to speed up string comparisons and dictionary lookups. If you know for sure that for certain strings you'll do lots of equality comparisons - try using Symbol instead.

As you see, AgentInfo.Id is ~ a Symbol that includes:

  • Machine name
  • Unique process ID
  • Unique ID for every new AgentInfo you create. This ensures that you can run a number of IoC containers with different services inside the same process & use OF to "sync" them. This is super useful for testing any OF related aspects (e.g. that all of your commands are actually "replayed" in invalidation mode on other hosts).

InvalidationInfoProvider is a service that tells whether a given command requires invalidation. Its default implementation returns true for any command with a final handler that lives inside IComputeService, but not IReplicaService (details).

Why not IReplicaService, you might guess? Because replica services are allowed to register their command handlers on the client side too, and since these handler are routing commands to corresponding server-side services, the invalidation and any other post-processing should happen there, but not on the client.

IDbOperationLog is a repository-like service providing access to DB operation log.

P.S. I certainly realize that even though OF's usage is fairly simple on the outside, there is a complex API with many moving parts inside. And probably, some bugs. So if you get stuck, please don't hesistate reaching me out on Discord. My nickname is "AY" (Alex Yakunin), and I'll be happy to help.