The raspiCamSrv API allows access to several RaspberryPi camera functions through WebService endpoints.
Configuration of the API is done on the Settings/API screen.
For testing the API, a Postman collection is available at docs/api/postman which can be downloaded and imported into a Postman instance.
The docs/api/postman folder contains also the API Documentation generated from Postman.
The collection uses a set of variables:
, user
and pwd
need to be adjusted to the current environment for a user which has been previously created in raspiCamSrv.
and refresh_token
will be automatically filled from responses of the /api/login and /api/refresh endpoints.
Use the api login
request to log in to raspiCamSrv and receive an Access Token and a Refresh Token
Use any of the GET requests to interact with raspiCamSrv.
These requests use the Access Token for authentication.
If a request returns a token expiration error, refresh the Access Token using the api refresh
This will use the Refresh Token for authentication and return a fresh Access Token.