This Settings screen allows configuration of function buttons which will be shown on the Console screen.
The screenshot above is an example layout. Initially, the Button Settings area is empty.
Buttons on the Console screen are arranged in an N x M grid where the Number of Rows and Number of Columns can be configured.
Once non-zero values have been specified and submitted, the Buttons Settings area will show a list of parameters for specification of button properties.
If an existing grid layout is modified by changing either the number of rows and/or the number of columns, the configured rows and columns of buttons will be preserved if the new values are larger than the old ones. Superfluous rows or columns will be removed in case that new dimensions are smaller than the old ones.
The checkbox Interactive Commandline controls whether Console will show an interactive commandline where commands can be directly entered.
IMPORTANT: You need to Store Configuration if you want the button settings to survive a server restart!
- Row
The row in which the button will be placed. - Col
The column in which the button will be placed. - Visible
When the checkbox is activated, a button will be shown in the given grid cell, otherways the grid cell will remain empty. - Shape
The shape of each button can be selected from a small set of standard shapes (Rectangle, Rounded, Circular, Square).
The example layout of the above configuration is shown for the Console screen. - Color
The Color of each button can be selected from a small set of standard Colors (Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue).
The example layout of the above configuration is shown for the Console screen. - Button Text
Text to be shown on the button. - Command
Linux command to be executed on OS level.
You may use available Linux commands or run your own scripts.
It is recommended to test these commands on an OS prompt before configuring and running them out of raspiCamSrv
The working directory is that of the service (see Service Configuration). - Conf
If the checkbox is checked, the respective button will require a confirmation before the command will be executed.
Any changes for these settings need to be submitted with the button underneath the table