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Running raspiCamSrv as Docker Container

A container image is available for raspiCamSrv at

ATTENTION: Running raspiCamSrv in Docker is still somehow 'experimental'. Successful tests have been done only on Pi 4 and Pi 5. However, not all functions have so far been systematically tested. On Pi Zero W and Pi Zero 2 W, deployment of the image was not successful, probably because of its size (~475 MB).

1. Preconditions

2. Compose Service Definition

In an arbitrary working directory (e.g. ~/docker), create


    image: signag/raspi-cam-srv
    container_name: raspi-cam-srv
    network_mode: "host"
      - "5000:5000"
      - /dev/video0:/dev/video0
      # Uncomment resource mappings, if required
      # Configure and prepare container-external folders
      #- ./resources/database/:/app/instance/
      #- ./resources/config/:/app/raspiCamSrv/static/config/
      #- ./resources/events/:/app/raspiCamSrv/static/events/
      #- ./resources/photos/:/app/raspiCamSrv/static/photos/
      #- ./resources/photoseries/:/app/raspiCamSrv/static/photoseries/
      #- ./resources/tuning/:/app/raspiCamSrv/static/tuning/
      - /run/udev/:/run/udev:ro
      - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true

The volumes attribute includes prepared mappings of resource folders for database, configuration, events, photos, photoseries and tuning, which can/should be mapped to container-external folders in order to allow easy access and preserve the data also in case the container is removed or reset after a new image version has been pulled.
NOTE: For a quick test, the container can also be run without these mappings.

Consider that the database holds user data as well as event data which will be lost if the database exists only within the container and if the container is removed.

3. Pull raspi-cam-srv Image

docker compose pull raspi-cam-srv

Wait until all pulls are completed.

4. Create Container

docker compose create raspi-cam-srv

Create Container

5. Start Container

docker compose start raspi-cam-srv

Start Container

6. Initialize Database

This step is only required if the /app/instance/ folder, containing the database, has been mapped to a container-external folder.

The image includes already an initialized database. However, if the /app/instance/ is mapped, this database is not visible for the container and an empty database is created which needs to be initialized.

This can be done on an interactive command prompt for the container:

docker compose exec raspi-cam-srv sh

flask --app raspiCamSrv init-db

Initialize DB

7. Connect to raspiCamSrv

For usage of raspiCamSrv see the User Guide

Useful Docker commands

See Docker Reference

  • Stop Container
    docker compose stop raspi-cam-srv
  • Start Container
    docker compose start raspi-cam-srv
  • Show server logs
    docker compose logs raspi-cam-srv
  • Open shell for interactive prompt
    docker compose exec raspi-cam-srv sh
  • List Containers
    docker container ls
  • List images
    docker compose images
  • Pull latest image
    docker compose pull raspi-cam-srv

Update Procedure

Changes in the raspi-cam-srv Git repository will automatically trigger a new build of the raspi-cam-srv Docker Image.

To update to the latest version, proceed as follows:

  1. cd to your working directory, e.g. cd ~/docker
  2. docker compose pull raspi-cam-srv
  3. docker compose stop raspi-cam-srv
  4. docker compose rm raspi-cam-srv
  5. docker compose create raspi-cam-srv
  6. docker compose start raspi-cam-srv

Installation of Docker on a Raspberry Pi

The Docker documentation includes descriptions on how to Install Docker Engine on Raspberry Pi OS

The most convenient way is using the convenience script provided by the Docker team:

Step Action
1. Connect to the Pi using SSH:
ssh <user>@<host>
with <user> and <host> as specified during setup with Imager.
2. Update the system
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
3. Install Docker using the convenience script:
curl -sSL | sh
4. Add current user to the docker group:
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
5. Log out and log in to activate the modified group assignment:
ssh <user>@<host>
6. Check that Docker is working correctly:
docker run hello-world

Checking Contiguous Memory (CMA)

Cameras on Raspberry Pi use CMA memory (see Picamera2 Manual, chapter 8.3). The default size of CMA memory is different for different Raspberry Pi models and can be shown with cat /proc/meminfo

On a Pi 5, the available CMA memory (~65 MB) was found to be too small for accessing cameras from a Docker container when larger image sizes are used.

The value for CmaTotal should be at least the value found for Raspberry Pi Zero of 262144 kB.

If the value on your system is smaller, it needs to be increased:

Step Action
1. Edit the Raspberry Pi configuration file:
sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt
2 Find the line
and replace it with
dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d,cma-512 for > 2GB systems
dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d,cma-384 for > 1GB systems
dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d,cma-320 for smaller systems
3. Reboot
sudo reboot

Deactivate raspiCamSrv Service from manual Installation

If you have installed raspiCamSrv manually, you need to deactivate the service:

Step Action
1. Stop the service:
sudo systemctl stop raspiCamSrv.service
systemctl --user stop raspiCamSrv.service
2. Disable the service so that it does not automatically start with boot:
sudo systemctl disable raspiCamSrv.service
systemctl --user disable raspiCamSrv.service