Mes notes du semestre 3 de bachelor informatique à l'EPFL.
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- Notes de cours (jusqu'au midterm) : PDF
- Notes de cours (Pipelining) : PDF
- Notes de cours (Multiprocessors) : PDF
- Notes (exercices pipelining et multiprocesseurs) : PDF
- Download
file from here. - Extract the contents so the
directory is located in/opt/riscv
in your computer. - Run the debugger and see if it is showing the memory preview.
If verilator can not be built on your computer, you can use the docker image:
sudo docker run -ti -v ${PWD}:/work --user root:root \
verilator/verilator:latest --timescale 1ns/1ns --top-module tb \
--cc --exe --binary --timing --trace --trace-underscore -O2
If you can not build verible on your computer, you can use my docker image:
sudo docker run -ti -v ${PWD}:/work --user root:root androz2091/verible:sha-2195809 verible-verilog-lint