Releases: skodaconnect/homeassistant-myskoda
What's Changed
🛠️ Dependencies
- Bump ruff from 0.9.1 to 0.9.2 by @dependabot in #583
- Bump pyright from 1.1.391 to 1.1.392.post0 by @dependabot in #584
- Bump ruff from 0.9.2 to 0.9.3 by @dependabot in #589
🚧 Code Maintenance
- Add automatic version update to release process by @WebSpider in #585
🗒️ Other changes
- Update README with configuration and diagnostics sensors by @fursov in #555
- Update translations, adds Slovak by @github-actions in #573
- Fix slovak and czech translation by @prvakt in #577
- Update translations by @github-actions in #582
- Update translations by @github-actions in #588
Full Changelog: v1.19.1...v1.19.2pre0
What's Changed
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fix bug in migration causing a KeyError upon initialisation by @WebSpider in #571
🚧 Code Maintenance
- Set release to 1.19.1 by @WebSpider in #572
Full Changelog: v1.19.0...v1.19.1
- New minimal HA version due to security updates in
: 2025.1.0 - @prvakt and @fursov at it again, giving us a new sensor that tells us what events we received and AC timers! 💪
- Solved a display bug for the car battery state
- Fixed a translation bug for door states
- Minor tuning for when to show charging related sensors
- We are now starting to cache the list of cars you own to keep running when some API endpoints are down
- Improvements to the way we react unpredictable behavior of the MySkoda servers
- Translation updates: 🇨🇿 🇩🇪 🇫🇮 🇭🇺 🇳🇱 🇧🇷 🇵🇹 🇷🇺 🇸🇪
What's Changed
✨ New features
- Implement service event sensor with history by @fursov in #506
- add AirConditioningTimer 1,2 and 3 switch by @prvakt in #541
🐛 Bugfixes
- Remove battery deviceclass from TargetBatteryPercentage by @WebSpider in #534
- Handle ClientResponseError during integration config flow by @WebSpider in #554
- change required capabilities for some sensors by @prvakt in #567
🛠️ Dependencies
- Bump ruff from 0.8.4 to 0.8.6 by @dependabot in #530
- Bump myskoda to 0.17.0 by @WebSpider in #538
- Bump myskoda to 0.17.1 by @WebSpider in #549
- Bump minimal homeassistant to from 2024.10 to 2025.1.0 by @WebSpider in #552
- Bump myskoda to 0.17.2 by @WebSpider in #562
- Bump ruff from 0.8.6 to 0.9.1 by @dependabot in #565
🚧 Code Maintenance
- Fix CI by using snap install of Just by @WebSpider in #531
- (chore) Config migration flow by @WebSpider in #528
- Update categories for changelog generator by @WebSpider in #553
- Prepare release of 1.19.0 by @WebSpider in #568
🗒️ Other changes
- Update translations by @github-actions in #529
- Update de.json by @ChristophCaina in #537
- Change door/window friendly name by @WebSpider in #543
- Update translations by @github-actions in #536
- Update translations by @github-actions in #544
- (chore) Config updates: Cache list of seen vins in ConfigEntry by @WebSpider in #502
- Update translations by @github-actions in #551
- Update translations by @github-actions in #566
New Contributors
- @ChristophCaina made their first contribution in #537
Full Changelog: v1.18.1...v1.19.0
This version addresses several bugs introduced in the previous release (v1.18.0
- The integration now starts up correctly, and all sensors update immediately after startup.
- Previously unavailable sensors, including AddBlueRange, CombustionRange, GasRange, GasLevel, Range, and Sunroof, are now functional.
- As a side effect, some sensors may be created for vehicles lacking the corresponding features. These sensors will need to be disabled manually if not applicable.
What's Changed
🐛 Bugfixes
- workaround for unavailable sensors by @prvakt in #517
- fix sunroof sensor not being created by @prvakt in #523
- fix boot sequence by @prvakt in #525
🗒️ Other changes
Full Changelog: v1.18.0...v1.18.1
Happy New Year! 🥳
We've been saving up all the goodness over the holidays so you can enjoy in the new year!
- New departure timers (thanks @prvakt !)
- New switch to unlock car when charging is completed (thanks @prvakt !)
- Fixes for CitigoE running into battery protection
- Quicker startup of the integration
- Translation updates: 🇨🇿 🇫🇮 🇵🇱 🇧🇷 🇵🇹 🇷🇺 🇸🇮 🇸🇪
- New language support: 🇷🇴
- We are now using
version 0.16.2, which has bugfixes for MQTT and tweaks for departure plans
What's Changed
✨ New features
- Add Departure Timer 1,2,3 switch by @prvakt in #498
- add "Unlock Plug when Charged" switch by @prvakt in #503
🐛 Bugfixes
- add generate diagnostics feature for the config entry section by @prvakt in #500
- remove AuxiliaryHeating from partial update for CitigoE IV by @prvakt in #491
- Add seperate setup flow to coordinator by @WebSpider in #447
🛠️ Dependencies
- Bump ruff from 0.8.3 to 0.8.4 by @dependabot in #485
- Bump pyright from 1.1.390 to 1.1.391 by @dependabot in #486
- Bump myskoda to 0.16.2 by @prvakt in #514
🗒️ Other changes
- Add quality scale by @WebSpider in #481
- Update translations by @github-actions in #488
- Document adding a vehicle by @WebSpider in #478
- Doc: template sensor for vehicle_in_motion by @dvx76 in #490
- Update translations by @github-actions in #492
- Update translations by @github-actions in #495
- Update translations by @github-actions in #501
- Added romanian translation by @green-dragon-pixel in #499
- Update translations by @github-actions in #505
- Update translations by @github-actions in #508
- (chore) Reference ConfigEntry consistently by @WebSpider in #511
New Contributors
- @green-dragon-pixel made their first contribution in #499
Full Changelog: v1.17.2...v1.18.0
This is a maintenance release only, aimed at fixing our release process
What's Changed
🛠️ Dependencies
- Revert releaser by @WebSpider in #482
🗒️ Other changes
- Bump version to 1.17.2 by @WebSpider in #483
Full Changelog: v1.17.1...v1.17.2
Same as v1.17.0, but now the version was also adjusted, so HACS sees it as an update. 🙈
What's Changed
✨ New features
- Add AdBlue range sensor by @prvakt in #466
- add Gas Range and Gas Level sensors by @prvakt in #467
- Add Image entities for vehicle status by @WebSpider in #437
🛠️ Dependencies
- Bump myskoda to 0.16.0 by @WebSpider in #476
🗒️ Other changes
- Update translations by @github-actions in #469
- Update translations by @github-actions in #472
- Update translations by @github-actions in #473
- Bump to 1.17.1 by @WebSpider in #477
Full Changelog: v1.16.1...v1.17.1
- New sensors for AdBlue, CNG and Image for your door/trunk/window status
- Translation updates: 🇨🇿 🇳🇱 🇳🇴 🇧🇷 🇵🇹 🇸🇪
- We now depend on
v0.16.0, that adds support for Departure Charging/Heating Timers.
What's Changed
✨ New features
- Add AdBlue range sensor by @prvakt in #466
- add Gas Range and Gas Level sensors by @prvakt in #467
- Add Image entities for vehicle status by @WebSpider in #437
🛠️ Dependencies
- Bump myskoda to 0.16.0 by @WebSpider in #476
🗒️ Other changes
- Update translations by @github-actions in #469
- Update translations by @github-actions in #472
- Update translations by @github-actions in #473
Full Changelog: v1.16.1...v1.17.0
Bugfixes for mileage sensor for CitigoE and main image missing
What's Changed
🐛 Bugfixes
- Introduce fallback for mileage sensor by @WebSpider in #462
- fix for fix missing main render by @sonar98 in #463
🗒️ Other changes
- Set version to 1.16.1 by @WebSpider in #465
Full Changelog: v1.16.0...v1.16.1
- New sensors for individual door and window state + underlying changes, thanks @prvakt !
- Add support for CNG engines
- Improve the way we handle failures when you need to accept new T&C or give consents (thanks @Thor77 !)
- Add support for newly encountered capabilities and error states
- Translation updates: 🇳🇱 🇧🇷 🇵🇹
- We now depend on
What's Changed
✨ New features
🐛 Bugfixes
- Handle marketing consent error in integration by @WebSpider in #453
- fix missing main render by @prvakt in #456
🛠️ Dependencies
- Bump myskoda to 0.15.4 by @WebSpider in #451
- Bump ruff from 0.8.2 to 0.8.3 by @dependabot in #457
- Bump softprops/action-gh-release from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 by @dependabot in #460
🗒️ Other changes
- Refactor _on_charging_event by @fursov in #417
- Update translations by @github-actions in #459
- Prepare release 1.16.0 by @WebSpider in #454
Full Changelog: v1.15.3...v1.16.0