You will need the following supplies:
wood stain/paint and lacquer/finish of your choice
and of course plenty more wire
mdf board (or similar) that is 1/4" thick.
glue (a hot glue gun will likely be fine)
The first step is to remove the leslie speaker/other remnants blocking access to the panel from the back. Once that is done cut the mdf to the odd shaped hole in the wood at the front (the tighter the fit the less glue/other hacks you will need to get this to stay put). Then chisel the edges to match the size as the buttons will also go through some of the wood on the original panel. Then at 3.5" apart each drill 12 holes in 2 rows (6 per row). The end result will look like this:
These can be wired like normal buttons once they are threaded into place.
Connect these wires to ground and 1-12 of the pins on teh mcp23017 chip.
For the wooden balls I elected to stain and lacquer them, then use an 11/32" drill bit to drill a hole in the center:
These were then glued once dry to the top of the buttons.