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| 47 | +<li><a href="/mst/9/">The Semantic Truth</a> <strong>#philosophy</strong> <strong>#logic</strong> <em>7 Oct 2017</em></li> |
| 48 | +<li><a href="/mst/8/">The Referential Use</a> <strong>#philosophy</strong> <strong>#logic</strong> <em>26 Sep 2017</em></li> |
| 49 | +<li><a href="/mst/7/">The Logical Implication</a> <strong>#logic</strong> <em>6 Sep 2017</em></li> |
| 50 | +<li><a href="/mst/6/">The Stateful Automata</a> <strong>#formal languages</strong> <strong>#automata</strong> <strong>#computability</strong> <em>12 Apr 2017</em></li> |
| 51 | +<li><a href="/mst/5/">The Fundamental Justification</a> <strong>#philosophy</strong> <em>6 Feb 2017</em></li> |
| 52 | +<li><a href="/mst/4/">The Measurable Entropy</a> <strong>#information theory</strong> <strong>#statistics</strong> <em>11 Jan 2017</em></li> |
| 53 | +<li><a href="/mst/3/">The Adversarial Computation</a> <strong>#cryptography</strong> <em>1 Jan 2017</em></li> |
| 54 | +<li><a href="/mst/2/">The Probable Outcome</a> <strong>#probability theory</strong> <em>23 Dec 2016</em></li> |
| 55 | +<li><a href="/mst/1/">The Decisional Hardness</a> <strong>#algorithms</strong> <strong>#complexity</strong> <em>1 Nov 2016</em></li> |
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| 61 | +<li><a href="/notes/171109/">Underrated Gems (1) – Tarski’s Undefinability Theorem</a> <em>9 Nov 2017</em></li> |
| 62 | +<li><a href="/notes/170306/">An Intuitive Exposition of “Proof by Contradiction vs. Proof of Negation”</a> <em>6 Mar 2017</em></li> |
| 63 | +<li><a href="/reports/bloom-filters-in-adversarial-environments/">Bloom Filters in Adversarial Environments (Reading Report)</a> <em>15 Nov 2016</em></li> |
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| 74 | +<li><a href="/notes/171103/">Go Away, tracker-store</a> <em>3 Nov 2017</em></li> |
| 75 | +<li><a href="/notes/170902/">When GNOME Shell Freezes (But You Have Unsaved Stuff There)</a> <em>2 Sep 2017</em></li> |
| 76 | +<li><a href="/notes/170407/">Recovering from a Corrupted Arch Linux Upgrade</a> <em>7 Apr 2017</em></li> |
| 77 | +<li><a href="/notes/170323/">A Pandoc Filter for Typesetting Operational Semantics</a> <em>23 Mar 2017</em></li> |
| 78 | +<li><a href="/notes/161208/">Remember My Last Tabs, File Manager</a> <em>8 Dec 2016</em></li> |
| 79 | +<li><a href="/notes/161117/">Boilerplating Pandoc for Academic Writing</a> <em>17 Nov 2016</em></li> |
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| 85 | +<li><a href="https://blog.soimort.org/comp/c/boolean-circuit/">What I Wish I Knew When Learning Boolean Circuits</a> <em>24 Feb 2017</em></li> |
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| 91 | +<li><a href="https://blog.soimort.org/cv/colors/">Understanding Colors – A Walkthrough of Modern Color Theory and Practice</a> <em>3 Aug 2017</em></li> |
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