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Moves code that is marked with .top to the beginning of the file
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sol committed Jul 10, 2023
1 parent 649f3da commit 5e15242
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Showing 2 changed files with 90 additions and 20 deletions.
54 changes: 44 additions & 10 deletions src/Text/Markdown/Unlit.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Text.Markdown.Unlit (
Expand All @@ -9,19 +12,22 @@ module Text.Markdown.Unlit (
, CodeBlock (..)
, parse
#ifdef TEST
, parseReorderingKey
, parseClasses
) where

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List.Compat
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Char
import Data.List.Compat
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Text.Read

fenceChars :: [Char]
fenceChars = ['`', '~']
Expand All @@ -43,7 +49,7 @@ run args =
-- #line 1 "label"
case break (== "-h") args of
(mkSelector -> selector, "-h" : foo) -> case foo of
(mkSelector -> selector, "-h" : files) -> case files of
[src, cur, dst] -> do
readFileUtf8 cur >>= writeFileUtf8 dst . unlit src selector
[src] -> do
Expand All @@ -70,20 +76,48 @@ run args =
writeUtf8 handle str = hSetEncoding handle utf8 >> hPutStr handle str

unlit :: FilePath -> Selector -> String -> String
unlit src selector = unlines . concatMap formatCB . filter (toP selector . codeBlockClasses) . parse
unlit src selector = unlines . concatMap formatCodeBlock . sortCodeBlocks . filter (toPredicate selector . codeBlockClasses) . parse
formatCB :: CodeBlock -> [String]
formatCB cb = ("#line " ++ show (codeBlockStartLine cb) ++ " " ++ show src) : codeBlockContent cb
formatCodeBlock :: CodeBlock -> [String]
formatCodeBlock cb = ("#line " ++ show (codeBlockStartLine cb) ++ " " ++ show src) : codeBlockContent cb

toP :: Selector -> [String] -> Bool
toP = go
sortCodeBlocks :: [CodeBlock] -> [CodeBlock]
sortCodeBlocks = map fst . sortOn snd . addSortKey
addSortKey :: [CodeBlock] -> [(CodeBlock, (ReorderingKey, DeclarationOrder))]
addSortKey = zipWith ((id &&&) . sortKey) [0..]

sortKey :: a -> CodeBlock -> (ReorderingKey, a)
sortKey n code = (reorderingKey code, n)

toPredicate :: Selector -> [String] -> Bool
toPredicate = go
go s = case s of
Class c -> elem c
Not p -> not . go p
a :&: b -> (&&) <$> go a <*> go b
a :|: b -> (||) <$> go a <*> go b

newtype DeclarationOrder = DeclarationOrder Int
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Enum, Num)

newtype ReorderingKey = ReorderingKey Int
deriving newtype (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, Bounded, Num)

reorderingKey :: CodeBlock -> ReorderingKey
reorderingKey = parseReorderingKey . codeBlockClasses

parseReorderingKey :: [String] -> ReorderingKey
parseReorderingKey = go
go :: [String] -> ReorderingKey
go = \ case
[] -> 0
"top" : _ -> minBound
('t' : 'o' : 'p' : ':' : (readMaybe -> Just n)) : _ -> minBound + n
_ : classes -> go classes

infixr 3 :&:
infixr 2 :|:

Expand Down
56 changes: 46 additions & 10 deletions test/Text/Markdown/UnlitSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,36 +34,72 @@ spec = do
it "unlits code marked with .haskell by default (unless it is marked with .ignore as well)" $ do
withTempFile $ \infile -> withTempFile $ \outfile -> do
writeFile infile . build $ do
"~~~ {.haskell}"
"some code"

"~~~ {.haskell .ignore}"
"```haskell ignore"
"some other code"

run ["-h", "Foo.lhs", infile, outfile]
readFile outfile `shouldReturn` (build $ do
"#line 2 \"Foo.lhs\""
"some code"

it "moves code that is marked with .top to the beginning of the file" $ do
withTempFile $ \infile -> withTempFile $ \outfile -> do
writeFile infile . build $ do
"```haskell top"
"module Foo where"
"foo :: Int"
"foo = 23"
"```haskell top"
"import Bar"
run ["-h", "Foo.lhs", infile, outfile]
readFile outfile `shouldReturn` (build $ do
"#line 2 \"Foo.lhs\""
"module Foo where"
"#line 11 \"Foo.lhs\""
"import Bar"
"#line 6 \"Foo.lhs\""
"foo :: Int"
"foo = 23"

it "can be customized" $ do
withTempFile $ \infile -> withTempFile $ \outfile -> do
writeFile infile . build $ do
"~~~ {.foo}"
"some code"
"~~~ {.bar}"
"``` {.bar}"
"some other code"
run ["bar", "-h", "Foo.lhs", infile, outfile]
readFile outfile `shouldReturn` (build $ do
"#line 6 \"Foo.lhs\""
"some other code"

describe "parseReorderingKey" $ do
it "returns 0" $ do
parseReorderingKey [] `shouldBe` 0

context "with .top" $ do
it "returns minBound" $ do
parseReorderingKey ["top"] `shouldBe` minBound

context "with top:n" $ do
it "returns (minBound + n)" $ do
parseReorderingKey ["top:20"] `shouldBe` minBound + 20

describe "parseSelector" $ do
it "parses + as :&:" $ do
parseSelector "foo+bar+baz" `shouldBe` Just ("foo" :&: "bar" :&: "baz")
Expand Down

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