JumpCloud's V1 API. This set of endpoints allows JumpCloud customers to manage commands, systems, & system users.
This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.0
- Package version: 1.34.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
All URIs are relative to https://console.jumpcloud.com/api
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ApplicationsApi | ApplicationsList | Get /applications | Applications |
CommandResultsApi | CommandResultsDelete | Delete /commandresults/{id} | Delete a Command result |
CommandResultsApi | CommandResultsGet | Get /commandresults/{id} | List an individual Command result |
CommandResultsApi | CommandResultsList | Get /commandresults | List all Command Results |
CommandTriggersApi | CommandTriggerWebhookPost | Post /command/trigger/{triggername} | Launch a command via a Trigger |
CommandsApi | CommandFileGet | Get /files/command/{id} | Get a Command File |
CommandsApi | CommandsDelete | Delete /commands/{id} | Delete a Command |
CommandsApi | CommandsGet | Get /commands/{id} | List an individual Command |
CommandsApi | CommandsList | Get /commands/ | List All Commands |
CommandsApi | CommandsPost | Post /commands/ | Create A Command |
CommandsApi | CommandsPut | Put /commands/{id} | Update a Command |
OrganizationsApi | OrganizationList | Get /organizations | Get Organization Details |
RadiusServersApi | RadiusServersList | Get /radiusservers | List Radius Servers |
RadiusServersApi | RadiusServersPost | Post /radiusservers | Create a Radius Server |
RadiusServersApi | RadiusServersPut | Put /radiusservers:id | Update Radius Servers |
SearchApi | SearchOrganizationsPost | Post /search/organizations | Search Organizations |
SearchApi | SearchSystemsPost | Post /search/systems | Search Systems |
SearchApi | SearchSystemusersPost | Post /search/systemusers | Search System Users |
SystemsApi | SystemsDelete | Delete /systems/{id} | Delete a System |
SystemsApi | SystemsGet | Get /systems/{id} | List an individual system |
SystemsApi | SystemsList | Get /systems | List All Systems |
SystemsApi | SystemsPut | Put /systems/{id} | Update a system |
SystemsApi | SystemsSystemusersBindingList | Get /systems/{id}/systemusers | List system user bindings |
SystemsApi | SystemsSystemusersBindingPut | Put /systems/{id}/systemusers | Update a system's or user's binding |
SystemusersApi | SshkeyDelete | Delete /systemusers/{id}/sshkeys/{id} | Delete a system user's Public SSH Keys |
SystemusersApi | SshkeyList | Get /systemusers/{id}/sshkeys | List a system user's public SSH keys |
SystemusersApi | SshkeyPost | Post /systemusers/{id}/sshkeys | Create a system user's Public SSH Key |
SystemusersApi | SystemusersDelete | Delete /systemusers/{id} | Delete a system user |
SystemusersApi | SystemusersGet | Get /systemusers/{id} | List a system user |
SystemusersApi | SystemusersList | Get /systemusers | List all system users |
SystemusersApi | SystemusersPost | Post /systemusers | Create a system user |
SystemusersApi | SystemusersPut | Put /systemusers/{id} | Update a system user |
SystemusersApi | SystemusersResetmfa | Post /systemusers/{id}/resetmfa | Reset a system user's MFA token |
SystemusersApi | SystemusersSystemsBindingList | Get /systemusers/{id}/systems | List system user binding |
SystemusersApi | SystemusersSystemsBindingPut | Put /systemusers/{id}/systems | Update a system user binding |
TagsApi | TagsDelete | Delete /tags/{name} | Delete a Tag |
TagsApi | TagsGet | Get /Tags/{name} | List a Tag |
TagsApi | TagsList | Get /tags | List All Tags |
TagsApi | TagsPost | Post /tags | Create a Tag |
TagsApi | TagsPut | Put /Tag/{name} | Update a Tag |
- Application
- ApplicationConfig
- ApplicationConfigConstantAttributes
- ApplicationConfigConstantAttributesValue
- ApplicationConfigDatabaseAttributes
- ApplicationConfigIdpEntityId
- ApplicationConfigIdpEntityIdTooltip
- ApplicationConfigIdpEntityIdTooltipVariables
- Applicationslist
- Body
- Command
- Commandfilereturn
- CommandfilereturnResults
- Commandresult
- CommandresultResponse
- CommandresultResponseData
- Commandresultslist
- Commandslist
- CommandslistResults
- Errorresponse
- Fde
- Organizationslist
- OrganizationslistResults
- Radiusserver
- Radiusserverpost
- Radiusserverput
- Radiusserverslist
- Search
- Sshkeylist
- Sshkeypost
- System
- SystemNetworkInterfaces
- Systemput
- SystemputAgentBoundMessages
- Systemslist
- Systemuser
- Systemuserbinding
- Systemuserbindingsput
- Systemuserput
- SystemuserputAddresses
- SystemuserputPhoneNumbers
- Systemuserputpost
- SystemuserputpostAddresses
- SystemuserputpostPhoneNumbers
- Systemuserreturn
- SystemuserreturnAddresses
- SystemuserreturnPhoneNumbers
- Systemuserslist
- Tag
- Tagpost
- Tagput
- Tagslist
- Usersystembinding
- Usersystembindingsput
- Type: API key
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAPIKey, sw.APIKey{
Key: "APIKEY",
Prefix: "Bearer", // Omit if not necessary.
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)