Name | Type | Description | Notes |
PolicyID | string | ObjectId uniquely identifying the parent Policy. | [optional] [default to null] |
SystemID | string | ObjectId uniquely identifying the parent System. | [optional] [default to null] |
Id | string | ObjectId uniquely identifying a Policy Result. | [optional] [default to null] |
StartedAt | time.Time | The start of the policy application. | [optional] [default to null] |
EndedAt | time.Time | The end of the policy application. | [optional] [default to null] |
Success | bool | True if the policy was successfully applied; false otherwise. | [optional] [default to null] |
ExitStatus | int32 | The 32-bit unsigned exit status from the applying the policy. | [optional] [default to null] |
StdErr | string | The STDERR output from applying the policy. | [optional] [default to null] |
StdOut | string | The STDOUT output from applying the policy. | [optional] [default to null] |