Starlark transition support for Apple rules.
This module makes the following distinctions around Apple CPU-adjacent values for clarity, based in part on the language used for XCFramework library identifiers:
s or "arch"s represent the type of binary slice ("arm64", "x86_64"). -
s represent a platform variant ("device", "sim"). These sometimes appear in the "cpu" keys out of necessity to distinguish new "cpu"s from an existing Apple "cpu" when a new Crosstool-provided toolchain is established. -
s represent the Apple OS being built for ("ios", "macos", "tvos", "visionos", "watchos"). -
s are keys to match a Crosstool-provided toolchain ("ios_sim_arm64", "ios_x86_64"). Essentially it is a raw key that implicitly references the other three values for the purpose of getting the right Apple toolchain to build outputs with from the Apple Crosstool.
load("@rules_ios//rules:transition_support.bzl", "transition_support") transition_support.current_apple_platform(apple_fragment, xcode_config)
Returns a struct containing the platform and target os version
Name | Description | Default Value |
apple_fragment | - |
none |
xcode_config | - |
none |