diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 97d7ba8..e6694cc 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -30,12 +30,13 @@ unicore -v
### GPU acceleration with Foldseek-ProstT5
-Foldseek provides a GPU-compatible static binary for ProstT5 prediction (requires Linux with AVX2 support, `glibc` ≥2.17, and `nvidia-driver` ≥525.60.13)
-To use it, please install it by running the following command:
-wget https://mmseqs.com/foldseek/foldseek-linux-gpu.tar.gz; tar xvfz foldseek-linux-gpu.tar.gz; export PATH=$(pwd)/foldseek/bin/:$PATH
-Then, add `--gpu` options to either `easy-core` or `createdb` module to use Foldseek implementation of ProstT5-GPU:
+Foldseek features GPU-acceleration for ProstT5 prediction under following requirements:
+ * Turing or newer NVIDIA GPU
+ * `foldseek` ≥10
+ * `glibc` ≥2.17
+ * `nvidia-driver` ≥525.60.13
+Apply `--gpu` option to either `easy-core` or `createdb` module to use it, e.g.
unicore easy-core --gpu