Please read this guide before contributing to this project.
It is assumed that you are on a Mac/Linux machine and have Node.js and Grunt installed.
Clone this repo to your local machine:
git clone [email protected]:stormpath/stormpath.js.git
Then install the required dependencies:
npm install
You can build this library by running:
grunt build
The output of the task is placed in the tmp/
folder. The output is a Browserified
CommonJS bundle. If you are developing a project which will depend on your development version of this
library you should depend on the output in this tmp directory
The tests can be run with:
grunt test
The tests will run inside a Chrome instance, using Karma as the test runner. The tests also create a temporary webserver on port 8085 to run the integration tests against a mock API.
The automated development environment will automatically run the build and tests as you modify your code. You can run the development environment with this command:
grunt dev
If Karma crashes because of a major error you should use Ctrl+C
to kill the dev environment, then run again.
If Karma appears to be exiting for no good reason you should stop the dev environment and
try running the tests manually with grunt test
Please ensure that the tests are passing before making a pull request, and please add tests if you add new functionality.
If you are a maintainer of this repository you can make use of the grunt release task to speed up the release process. Before running the release task you must have:
- Merged all relevent changes and pull requests into master
- Pulled master to your local machine
You can begin the release task with this grunt command:
grunt release
You will be prompted for the type of release (path, minor, major). Please select the appropriate option and press enter.
The task will then do the following for you:
- Build the project and place the ouput in the
folder - Bump the verion numbers in these files:
- package.json
- bower.json
- dist/stormpath.js
- dist/stormpath.min.js
It will then ask if you would like to commit the files and push them to origin/master with a new tag. Before answering "yes", you should use your git tool of choice to review the changes to make sure that everything looks sane.
When you answer "yes", these changes will be committed and pushed to origin. Bower is updated automatically by the presence of the new tag in the origin. NPM will not be updated automatically, you must do that manually:
npm publish
If you answer no, it is epexcted that you will manually commit, push and tag the changes.