This file outlines the current priorities for the Universal Constructor project.
- Get OpenAI API working
- Create command line REPL that lets you talk to the assistant
- Add basic ability to read and edit files so it can work on itself
- Clean up, add a README and push to GitHub so others can try it
- Make the search/edit functionality robust, so that UC can reliably commit changes
- Simplify the tools code until UC can reliably add and edit its own tools
- Add the ability to reliably verify if a given changeset is valid/working/good
- Add the ability to make modest changes end-to-end (from description to tested, merged PR)
- Add the ability to work on projects beside itself
- Build the ability to run in a CI environment, so you can fire off a task that comes back with a PR
- Build a meta testing environment that does CI on the CI tool, that tests which tasks it is up to
- Improve UC until it can handle the easiest 20% of real tasks
- Use UC to improve testing tools & UC itself until it can handle 50%
- Make a new, small, real "UC-first" project build and maintained by UC with only high level direction.
- Add ability to fully monitor projects in production
- Add ability to make small fixes & self-deploy
- Add ability to communicate directly with users and summarize information
- Add ability to suggest its own tasks based on monitoring and user input
- Start making small changes all the way from conception (based on monitoring & input)
- Add ability to subjectively judge simplicity and quality, in addition to user feedback/monitoring
- Start making small self-improvement fully autonomously (humans get a changelog)
- Ability to complete most tasks a human software developer can
- Ability to build, monitor, and iterate on most software that a human developer can
- Ability to go from high level human objectives to working software & systems
- Ability to, with human assistance, start and run a company
- ... a profitable company
- ... a company with IRL footprint & goals
- ... a successful group of companies providing all reasonably required capital/income
- ... full-stack company, able to bootstrap from raw materials to all physical needs
- Achieve material abundance for a small group of humans. All "single player" needs/wants too cheap to meter.
- Build a healthy, self-propagating, growing culture that inspires those humans to reach the stars
- Expand abundance to a larger group of humans
- Set up first permanent human habitation off-planet
- Expand abundance to all humans who want it
- Multiple permanent human habitations in the solar system that could survive the destruction of earth
- First human interstellar voyage
- TODO: what next?
- Upgraded context awareness via system messages and/or simulated tool calls (in progress)
- fix listening
- Better tool call visibility
- Clean up multiple messaging/pasting/the repl
- Test (on e.g. fresh setup, other dirs) & merge to master
- Better markdown behaviour with streaming responses
- Get editFile to 95%+ reliable for small code changes (might be there; add challenges to test?)
- Ability to work in a git branch, where small steps can get committed / rolled back, to allow more complex changes