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{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"ar-Arab":["حماية التراث الليبي من خلال تقوية الرابط بين المجتع و تاريخه"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2023],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1444,1445],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"ar-Arab":["الحلقة 154: حماية التراث الليبي من خلال تقوية الرابط بين المجتع و تاريخه في هذا البودكاست، يتحدث خليفة البشباش ،باحث في تاريخ ليبيا، عن المجلة الإلكترونية والمطبوعة History of Libya التي اسسها والتي تعد بمثابة مشروع تاريخي توثيقي وثقافي، يشرف عليه مجموعة من الشباب اللذين يقومون بجمع المعلومات حول التراث والتاريخ الليبي و عرضها بطريقة مبسطة و ميسرة للقارئ بالرغم من نقص المعلومات الدقيقة والموثوقة حول هذه المواضيع داخل الوطن وصعوبة اقتنائها من خارجه. يسلط خليفة البشباش الضوء على اهمية حماية التاريخ والتراث الليبي المادي و اللامادي من خلال ضمها الى قوائم التراث في الهيئات الوطنية و الدولية المعنية بالامر مثل IASESCO و UNESCO ورغم أن درجة اهتمام الشعب بالتراث تختلف، فمن الواجب حمايتها على كل المستويات – تنظيميا وقانونيا واجتماعيا وتعليميا – لأنها تساهم في تكوين الهوية الجامعة. لذلك تسعى هذه المجلة لإثراء المحتوى الفكري والعلمي والثقافي، و رفع مستوى الوعي لدى المجتمع فيما يخص التاريخ و الإرث الإنساني و الذاكرة الوطنية في ليبيا، و فتح نوافذ على ماضي هذه الأرض لتقليص الفارق المعرفي و تقوية الرابط بين المجتع و موروثه بغية المحافضة عليه تم تسجيل هذه الحلقة من طرف مركزالدراسات المغاربية بتونسCEMAT في 28 سبتمبر 2022 في إطار The 2022 AIMS Humanities and Arts Conference on Libya"]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["12:35"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/31570cb6-69c6-35b9-8980-0f2638f01022","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/%d8%ad%d9%85%d8%a7%d9%8a%d8%a9%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%aa%d8%b1%d8%a7%d8%ab-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%84%d9%8a%d8%a8%d9%8a%d9%85%d9%86-%d8%ae%d9%84/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Khalifa_Bishbash_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Rencontre avec Ahmed Mahiou autour de son ouvrage: Au fil du temps et des événements, Mémoires."]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2023],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1444,1445],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 153: Rencontre avec Ahmed Mahiou autour de son ouvrage: Au fil du temps et des événements, Mémoires. Dans ce podcast, Pr. Ahmed Mahiou, ancien doyen de la Faculté de Droit d’Alger, ancien directeur de l’IREMAM, ancien président de la Commission pour le Droit international, et ancien juge ad hoc à la Cour internationale de Justice, présente son dernier ouvrage Au fil du temps et des événements, Mémoires. « Bien que j'aie lu un certain nombre de mémoires de personnages historiques connus ou de personnes privées, parfois inconnues, l'idée d'écrire mes Mémoires n'a germé que très tardivement. Jusqu'à la fin de la décennie 2010, je ne voyais pas de raison particulière d'en écrire. C'est l'enchaînement de quelques circonstances qui ont finalement fait naître l'envie, puis le besoin de les écrire, en privilégiant l'approche du témoin des événements vécus et commentés. Le lecteur constatera que je parle essentiellement de mon itinéraire professionnel, avec le parcours de l'élève, l'étudiant, l'enseignant, le diplomate, l'arbitre international, le législateur international, le juge international et enfin le retraité provençal. C'est la trame ou le plan qui sera retenu. Il ne m'apparaissait pas utile ou opportun d'évoquer outre mesure les rapports familiaux ou amicaux qui ont jalonné cet itinéraire dont, cependant, quelques brefs éléments sont mentionnés dans les deux premiers chapitres. Quelques autres éléments apparaîtront également, dans d'autres chapitres, mais juste dans la mesure où ils s'avèrent nécessaires pour la compréhension de ce qui est évoqué et écrit. En revanche, il m'a semblé utile et opportun de témoigner sur des faits et événements auxquels j'ai été mêlé, en les relatant de la manière la plus objective possible et, surtout, en les éclairant par la façon dont je les ai vécus au moment de leur déroulement, pour approuver ou désapprouver. Cela permet, directement ou indirectement, de contribuer à enrichir la connaissance d'épisodes de l'histoire interne et externe de l'Algérie, pays auquel je reste profondément attaché, quelles que soient les diverses contingences du moment ». (Texte tiré de la 4ème de couverture : Mahiou, Ahmed, 2022. Au fil du temps et des événements, Mémoires, Éditions Barzakh, Alger.) Les débats de cette rencontre on été modérés par Manssour Kedidir, docteur en sciences politiques. Cette conférence a été co-organisée par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre de Recherche Scientifique et Technique en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC). Elle a eu lieu le 24 octobre 2022 et a été suivie d’une vente dédicace. Retrouvez également l'episode de Ahmed Mahiou sur Le Maghreb Aujourd'hui. Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón, pour sa prestation à la guitare pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Yebbous Bensaid, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:38:19"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/0ff3f824-af4c-37c9-a90e-36c9e754aae8","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/rencontre-avec-ahmed-mahiou-autour-de-son-ouvrage-au-fil-du-temps-et-des-evenements-memoires/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Ahmed_Mahiou_sizea67s9.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["A Critical Analysis of Heritage Preservation in Libya"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 150: A Critical Analysis of Heritage Preservation in Libya In this podcast, AIMS Cultural Heritage Fellow Reem Furjani discusses her research in the Old City of Tripoli, the field of critical heritage studies and her work bridging scholarly research and practice. Cultural heritage studies is a burgeoning academic field that seeks to contribute and expand classic work on heritage practices by introducing bottom-up approaches to preservation theory and practice. Reem’s work specifically integrates the involvement, thoughts and practices of inhabitants in preserving sites and spaces. In this approach, heritage moves beyond a static condition and instead becomes a living, and dynamic area of focus. Furjani eloquently condenses this academic field into approachable terms, thereby putting her own work in critical heritage studies into practice. The debate on heritage is not and should not be approached as something exclusive and limited to a field of technical experts, but as an inclusive movement that takes into consideration those living and experiencing heritage every day. Furjani integrates examples and experiences from her own work, specifically her various projects in the Old city of Tripoli, throughout this talk. Reem Furjani is a cultural activist and researcher focused on critical heritage studies and cultural democracy. She is the founder and director of Scene, a non-profit that protects cultural heritage in Tripoli. She is completing her PhD and holds a Masters Degree in Architecture from Cardiff University. Furjani was the AIMS Libya Cultural Heritage Fellow and is currently a fellow at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies. This podcast is part of \"Libya Studies\" series and was recorded at Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) on April 26, 2022 with Neely Egan, the CEMAT Cultural History of Tourism Researcher. We thank Dr. Jonathan Glasser, Cultural Anthropologist at au College of William & Mary, for his istikhbar in sika on viola for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Edited & Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["28:57"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/8dfd4e90-e5aa-3416-8f64-ff0f0f15734a","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/a-critical-analysis-of-heritage-preservation-in-libya/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Reem-Furjani-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["A History of Franco-Muslim Education in Morocco and in Northwest Africa"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 147: A History of Franco-Muslim Education in Morocco and in Northwest Afric Between the 1850s and 1950s, colonial schools called médersas combined elements of French and Islamic educational traditions. First created in Algeria in 1850, the schools spread to the West African colonies of Senegal, French Soudan (today Mali), and Mauritania. The place of Morocco in this history is the subject of this discussion. In the 1910s, early in the protectorate period, the French established two “collèges musulmans,” the Collège Moulay Idriss in Fes and the Collège Moulay Youssef in Rabat. These were similar to the médersas in their curriculum and institutional framework; several of their directors had experience running médersas in Algeria and Senegal. In a field that remains deeply structured by national borders and by the notion of a “Saharan Divide” between North and West Africa, this research reveals close connections between societies usually considered in isolation. Dr. Samuel Anderson is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor of History at Pomona College in Claremont, California. He received a PhD in African History from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 2018. His research focuses on education, race, and religion in northwest African Muslim societies under colonial rule. His current project examines the médersas, so-called “Franco-Muslim” schools, that combined Islamic and European curricula in a French effort to colonize Islamic schooling and the Muslim elite in the Maghrib and West Africa. He has conducted research on this topic in Algeria, Mauritania, Senegal, France, and now Morocco, with the support of the American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS), the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC), and other organizations. Portions of this project have been published in the journals Islamic Africa and History in Africa. This episode was recorded on July 22st, 2022 at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["16:01"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/aee59a2e-cc98-3b92-9f4c-a913df3679de","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/a-history-of-franco-muslim-education-in-morocco-and-in-northwest-africa/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Samuel_Anderson_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["The Worlds of Safia Farhat"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 146: The Worlds of Safia Farhat In this podcast, the visual artist Slim Gomri speaks about his role in preserving the artistic legacy of Tunisian fibre artist Safia Farhat (1924-2004). Having worked for a number of years at the Abdallah and Safia Farhat Foundation in Radès, near Tunis, Gomri has been involved in the programming of both the Centre des arts vivants and the Safia Farhat Museum in Radès. Established by Safia Farhat in 1982, the Centre des arts vivants offers residencies for artists and workshops in calligraphy, ceramics, textiles, photography, etching, and painting. The Safia Farhat Museum, which opened in 2016, displays Farhat's works, hosts a group exhibition once a year, and organizes film screenings. Slim Gomri is a visual artist based in Tunis. His photobook Vie de pêcheurs (2021) is inspired by the artist’s contact with the world of fishermen in different towns along the Tunisian coast. He is currently preparing a film on the fibre artist Safia Farhat, one of the most recognizable artists in Tunisian modern art. This podcast is part of the Modern Art in the Maghrib series and was recorded on September 22, 2022, by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). We thank Dr. Jonathan Glasser, Cultural Anthropologist at au College of William & Mary, for his istikhbar in sika on viola for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Edited and Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["13:24"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/37ede49b-cb40-30cf-80f8-a0b0abcd7328","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/the-worlds-of-safia-farhat/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Slim_Gomri_Size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Landscape and Identity in Medieval Morocco"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 145: Landscape and Identity in Medieval Morocco In this podcast, Dr. Abbey Stockstill asks the question why does Marrakesh look the way that it does? The 'Red City' is the topic of her forthcoming book, in which she discusses the medieval city’s relationship with its founding dynasties, the local landscape, and Berber politics in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. As the notion of what it meant to be 'Berber' was being defined, the city of Marrakesh emerged as a metropolis that actively engaged the multivalent identities of Almoravids and Almohad dynasties. Rather than taking individual monuments in isolation, Dr. Stockstill’s work looks at how those monuments worked with each other and the local landscape to create a stage for these identities to be expressed. What emerges is a city that is both paradigmatic in its structure, yet innovative in its social and historical context. Dr. Abbey Stockstill received her Ph.D. in the History of Art & Architecture from Harvard University (2018), and is currently an assistant professor of Islamic art and architecture at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. She has contributed essays to academic journals such as Muqarnas and Hésperis-Tamuda, as well as to a number of edited volumes. She is also an assistant editor for the International Journal of Islamic Architecture, and serves on various committees within the International Center for Medieval Art and the Historians of Islamic Art Association. This episode was recorded on July 21st, 2022 at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["16:49"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/89097004-ea11-38ac-b6b2-7c6c516e565d","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/landscape-and-identity-in-medieval-morocco/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Abby_Stockstill_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Contemporary Art in Tunisia"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 144: Contemporary Art in Tunisia As part of the AIMS Contemporary Art Fellowship, Ignacio Villalón conducted research into the contemporary art scene in Tunisia, exploring private and public cultural institutions, sources of funding, questions of language, and ongoing challenges. This project culminated in a report, written for academic and non-academic audiences alike. In this podcast, Villalón summarises the main findings of his research, focusing on a few select phenomena in the Tunisian art scene. Ignacio Villalón is a writer, researcher, and journalist with a focus on politics and culture in the Mediterranean region. He received his Master's degree in History from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, for which he conducted research on emigration (hijra) in early 20th century Algeria. As AIMS Contemporary Arts Fellow, he carried out research on the arts scene in Tunisia. He has published articles in \"Le Quotidien d'Oran\" and \"Africa is a Country.\" Ignacio is currently CAORC Social Sciences Fellow. This interview was recorded on May 13, 2022, via Zoom and led by Katarzyna Falecka, Lecturer in Art History at Newcastle University and Project Coordinator at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) To see related slides, please visit our website: www.themaghribpodcast.com We thank our friend Ignacio Villalón, AIMS contemporary art follow for his guitar performance of A vava Inouva of Idir for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Edited and Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["31:55"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/7ab002fd-c4ac-3b48-96fa-eb83f4f324d5","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/contemporary-art-in-tunisia/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Ignacio_Villalo_n_sizeaf193.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["The ”Lush Garden” of Andalusian Music"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 143: The \"Lush Garden\" of Andalusian Music In this podcast, Dr. Carl Davila explores the Andalusian music tradition of Morocco, known as al-ala, through the written song collections, such as the famous Kunnash al-Ha'ik. By examining the literary record, embodied in around 40 handwritten manuscripts found in libraries across Europe and North Africa, we can come to understand the evolution of the repertoire over the past two and a half centuries. Of special interest here is a little-known work called al-Rawdat al-Ghanna' fi Usul al-Ghina' (\"The Lush Garden for the Principles of Song'') of which there are just three surviving copies — including one in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Rabat. In this podcast we will explore such questions as: Who wrote this work, and when? What is actually in it? And perhaps most significant: Where does it fit in the history of the written repertoire of Andalusian music? Dr. Carl Davila holds a PhD in Arabic Studies from Yale University (2006). He lived in Fez off and on for nearly three years in the early 2000s and has visited Morocco frequently since then. Being the first scholar to write extensively in English on the Andalusian music in Morocco, he has published two monographs and numerous articles on the cultural, historical and literary aspects of this grand musical tradition. At the moment, he is developing a book series with E.J. Brill that will present English translations and commentary for all eleven nubas in the modern and historical repertoires. He is currently Associate Professor of History at the State University of New York in Brockport. This episode was recorded on April 21st, 2022 at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). To see related slides, please visit our website : www.themaghribpodcast.com Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["19:52"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/056ed1a5-6e08-3730-9826-a5c2f5395fb9","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/the-lush-garden-of-andalusian-music/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Carl_Davila_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Entretien avec Farah Khelil au sujet de son projet Effet de Serre."]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 142: Entretien avec Farah Khelil au sujet de son projet Effet de Serre Dans ce podcast, Farah Khelil parle de l’inspiration et du raisonnement derrière le projet Effet de Serre et revient sur la dualité et la tension entre tradition et modernité à travers une analogie botanique originale. D’une part, ce projet évoque le palmier, arbre symbolique de la tradition coranique, d’autre part l’eucalyptus, symbole de l’empreinte des colons. D’après elle, la plupart des milieux naturels apparaissent en réalité dessinés par l’action humaine. Avec Effet de Serre, Khelil sort des structures d’exposition et réinvente une autre expérience de rencontre avec ses œuvres, s’interrogeant sur le rôle de l’artiste et la place du public. Partant de la relation existante entre les palmiers et les serres botaniques qui les ont souvent accueillis dans des visées d’acclimatation ou d’ornementation elle décide dans une esthétique du don de financer la restauration de la serre du Parc du Belvédère où elle met en place l’installation. Ceci en espérant qu’au-delà de la présentation de ses recherches et de la publication elle redynamise cette zone du parc. Farah Khelil est née en 1980 à Carthage, en Tunisie. Après des études aux Beaux-Arts de Tunis, elle s’installe en France où elle obtient un doctorat de l’École des arts de la Sorbonne en 2014. Artiste essentiellement conceptuelle, elle recompose des textes, des images et des objets dans des agencements protéiformes qui en reconfigurent le sens. Empruntant des techniques et des matériaux divers, ses œuvres mettent en forme une réflexion sur le rapport de l’art à l’écriture, au langage et à l’information. Cet entretien, enregistré le 07 avril 2022 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) a été mené par Ignacio Villalón, boursier en histoire de l’art contemporain au CEMAT. Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón, étudiant en master à l'EHESS, pour sa prestation à la guitare pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["35:48"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e43c7c17-eec9-3e48-a114-cce3d3cfea7d","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/entretien-avec-farah-khelil-au-sujet-de-son-projet-effet-de-serre/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Farah_Khelil_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Thoughts on State-Building, Decolonization, Gender, and Tunisia: Insights from the Global 1960s"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 141: Thoughts on State-Building, Decolonization, Gender, and Tunisia: Insights from the Global 1960s In this conversation, Amy Kallander reflects on how the work of Tunisian scholars on trade unions, feminism, and patriarchy informed her approach to thinking critically about state-building in the first decades after independence. Placing ideas about gender and women’s rights in relation to broader debates about cultural decolonization, transnational political movements, pan-Arab and Maghribi intellectual projects and the power dynamics of the Cold War era offers insights on thinking intersectionally and local articulations of global phenomena. Drawing from her new book Tunisia’s Modern Woman: Nation-Building and State Feminism in the Global 1960s she gestures towards the importance of women in the realms of diplomacy, economic development, and intellectual life, as well as in social and cultural domains. As a way of placing women into standard histories of the era, gender analysis points towards the necessity of considering class, regional, and other disparities. Amy Kallander is Associate Professor of History and Affiliated faculty with Women’s and Gender Studies at Syracuse University, NY, USA. A scholar of early modern and modern Middle East history, she is the author of Tunisia’s Modern Woman: Nation-Building and State Feminism in the Global 1960s (Cambridge 2021) and Women, Gender, and the Palace Household in Ottoman Tunisia (Texas 2013). These works place gender in relation to social history and political power, population politics, fashion, consumerism, and love. She has authored articles and book chapters exploring the role of social media in Tunisian social movements, postcolonial and transnational relations with France, has appeared in the International Journal of Middle East Studies, Middle East Report Online, Arab Media & Society, French Politics, Culture and Society and Nouri Gana ed. The Tunisian Revolution: Contexts, Architects, Prospects (Edinburgh 2013). This interview was recorded on March 24, 2022, via Zoom by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and was led by CEMAT Director, Dr Laryssa Chomiak. Nous remercions Mr. Souheib Zallazi, (Étudiant au CFT, Tunisie) et Mr. Malek Saadani (Étudiant à l'ULT, Tunisie), pour leur interprétation de « al-Ardh Ardhi » de Sabri Mesbah, pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Souheib au mélodica et Malek à la guitare. Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["32:58"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/9f09c1c3-2d0b-3d5e-9a89-3cbb05953bfa","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/thoughts-on-state-building-decolonization-gender-and-tunisia-insights-from-the-global-1960s/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Amy_Kallander_Size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Modern Art and Architecture in Morocco in the Aftershock of the 1960 Agadir Earthquake"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 140: Modern Art and Architecture in Morocco in the Aftershock of the 1960 Agadir Earthquake On February 29, 1960, an earthquake leveled much of the southern Moroccan coastal city of Agadir. Over the next decade, a new Agadir would be built in an avant-garde brutalist architectural style, representing a concrete example of Morocco’s newly independent future. And yet, this future is haunted by the trauma and violence of the past, by way of both the earthquake as well as colonialism. The literal and figurative aftershocks of the earthquake would go on to impact, in ways that are often obscured, various facets of life all around Morocco and beyond, especially with regards to visual and material culture. This raises the questions about the entanglements of human actors with non-human forces when it comes to histories of modernism, decolonization, and nation-building. Riad Kherdeen studies global modern art and architecture, with a focus on the region of West Asia/Middle East and North Africa (MENA). He is working on a doctoral dissertation project on modernist art and architecture in Morocco related to the Agadir earthquake of 1960 titled “Spectral Modernisms: Decolonial Aesthetics and Haunting in the Aftershock of Morocco’s Agadir Earthquake (1960).\" His interests fall within three main clusters of study: the first is in comparative and planetary modernisms via postcolonial studies and critical theory; the second is in the study of perception, including aesthetics, phenomenology, psychoanalytic theory, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience; and the third is in materialisms, ranging from the micro scale with technical studies of visual and material cultural production, including techniques, processes, technologies, and materials/conservation science, to the macro scale including Marxist/historical materialism, new materialism, ecocriticism, and systems theory. Riad holds a B.A. in Art History and a minor in Chemistry from New York University (2013) and an M.A. in the History of Art and Archaeology from the Institute of Fine Arts (2016). His M.A. thesis “Masdar City: Oriental City of the Twenty-First Century,” advised by Jean-Louis Cohen, looks at the urban design and architecture of Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates as a new iteration of the “Orientalized” city within a genealogy of recent urbanism in the Arab world, one that still succumbs to the imagined representations of the region created by European imperialism yet embraces those stereotypes to construct new narratives about its people and its nascent nation. Previously, Riad has held positions at the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Art Genome Project at Artsy. This episode was recorded on November 19th, 2021 at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["30:49"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/3098b4d9-7819-3cba-834e-d4590e5161ac","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/modern-art-and-architecture-in-morocco-in-the-atershock-of-the-1960-agadir-earthquake/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Riad_Kherdeen_size8s459.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["From Palestine to North Africa and Back: Transnational Solidarity in the Arts in the 1970s"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 139: From Palestine to North Africa and Back: Transnational Solidarity in the Arts in the 1970s The International Art Exhibition for Palestine opened in Beirut in 1978 with nearly 200 artists from 30 countries. For over a decade, Rasha Salti and Kristine Khouri led a research project to uncover the history of this and other art collections/museums built in solidarity with political causes, and map networks of artists, intellectuals and activists that extended from these projects. The Moroccan chapter revealed links and practices from publications like Souffles, to proximity of the PLO’s office to writers and artists, and the work and interventions by artists bringing work to public space and out of the galleries. Kristine Khouri is a researcher whose background is in Arab cultural history and art history. Her interests began in the history of arts circulation, exhibition and infrastructure in the Middle East and North Africa as well as archives, practices in and with them, and knowledge dissemination. In the past few years, she has been focused on critical engagement with digital archives, and issues that emerge from them including rights, access, and language. She co-led, with Rasha Salti, the Past Disquiet research project unearthing the histories of exhibitions and museums in exile, and transnational solidarity in the arts in the 1970s. Kristine is currently a board member of the Arab Image Foundation in Beirut. This episode is part of the Modern Art in the Maghrib series, and was recorded on March 3, 2022, via Zoom. This is part of a larger Council of American Overseas Research Centers program organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and financed by the Andrew Mellon Foundation that seeks to collaborate with local institutions for a greater awareness of art historical research in North Africa. We thank the duo Ÿuma for use of their song, \"Smek\", from their album Chura for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["47:31"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/8bffb46d-349f-34d2-a50e-84e6e0c43ca2","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/from-palestine-to-north-africa-and-back-transnational-solidarity-in-the-arts-in-the-1970s/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Kristine_Khouri_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"ar-Arab":["رمي النفيات بالوسط الحضري: اغتراب في المجال ام عوز في التحضر؟"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"ar-Arab":["Episode 138: رمي النفيات بالوسط الحضري: اغتراب في المجال ام عوز في التحضر؟ في إطار التحقيق الميداني الأنثروبولوجي، الخاص بالنفايات المنزلية والتحولات الحضرية، اختار الاستاذ مختار مروفل العمل على تحليل الذهنيات والكيفيات ذات الصلة بالبقايا والآثار، وهذا حتى نفهم الكيفية التي على أساسها ينموا ويتطور المجتمع. إن الذات القمامية -Homo Détritus-، البنت الشرعية لاقتصاد السوق إنما تحيا على الاستهلاك والرمي المزمنين، اللذين غدا بمثابة الرياضة اليومية التي يمارسها الإنسان المعاصر بنهم وشره شديدين، الذات القمامية الجزائرية لا تشذ عن هذا المعنى، لذلك اظهر الاستاذ مروفل وبشكل متزامن من خلال الملاحظات المحكية كيفيات وأنماط تنظيم المجموعات الملاَحظَة، لعلاقاتها مع المتبقيات الناتجة عن الأنشطة سواء كانت إنتاجية أم بيولوجية، علاقة نجدها مسجلة ضمن التململ في الانتماء إلى الفضاء العمومي وأيضا في التذمر والاستياء المعبر عنه، عبر الرمي العفوي للنفايات الذي غدا أسلوبا من أساليب الاحتجاج على إدارة الشأن العام مختار مروفل أستاذ التعليم العالي بقسم العلوم الاجتماعية والأنثروبولوجية، جامعة وهران 2. يرأس فرقة بحث بمخبر الفلسفة، العلوم والتنمية. منشوراته العلمية، \"في التغير المناخي وأثره علىالنظام البيئي: قراءة تقيمية لأهم ما ورد في التقرير السنوي للمعهد الفرنسي للعلاقات الدولية حولالمناخ سنة 2016\". مجلة حوليات جامعة الجزائر. وبحث بعنوان \"عن الوحشنة في العلم الاستعماريبالجزائر: قراءة في المسار ونقد للطروحات والأفكار\" مجلة أفاق وأفكار 2020. بحث آخر \"على هامشدورية العالم الإسلامي والمتوسطي: مجتمعات الجبل والإصلاح الديني بأرض الإسلام، قراءة تحليلية فيالتحول الديني بالجزائر: مجلة المواقف للبحوث والدراسات في المجتمع.2021، الذات القمامية والتحولالبيئي: نحو قراءة نقدية للنفايات وللجدل التقنوا ثقافي الخاص بالمعالجة والتعامل مع البواقي، مجلةالمستقبل العربي العدد 513 تشرين الثاني / نوفمبر 2021 تم تسجيل هذه الحلقة في 15 فبراير 2022 في اطار اليوم الدراسي \"التحديات الاجتماعية للبيئة\" الذي نظمه مركز الدراسات المغاربية في الجزائر و وحدة البحث في العلوم الاجتماعية و الصحة . الاستاذ كريم وراس, استاذ في جامعة وهران 2 ونائب مدير في مركز الدراسات المغاربية في الجزائر,ادار المناقشة Nous remercions Dr. Tamara Turner, Ethnomusicologue et chercheur au Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Centre for History of Emotions, pour son interprétation de Sidna Ali du répertoire du Diwan Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["18:28"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/c7b4af40-82f3-3e7a-b752-2705a7e8d211","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/%d8%b1%d9%85%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%86%d9%81%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a8%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%88%d8%b3%d8%b7-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ad%d8%b6%d8%b1%d9%8a/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Mroufel_Mokhtar_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["La pollution atmosphérique, un risque majeur en Algérie"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 137: La pollution atmosphérique, un risque majeur en Algérie Dans ce podcast, Dr. Farid Rahal présente une communication portant sur la pollution atmosphérique, un phénomène considéré par le législateur algérien comme un risque majeur, en raison de son impact fortement négatif sur la santé des citoyens et sur l’environnement. Pour évaluer ce risque, le système APOMOS (Air Pollution Monitoring System) a été développé ce qui a permis de mesurer en continu, les concentrations des principaux polluants atmosphériques. Une chaine de modélisation a été également développé en vue d'établir des simulations et des prévisions de la qualité de l’air en milieu urbain. Dr. Farid Rahal est Maitre de conférences au Département d'Architecture de l'Université des Sciences et Technologies d'Oran Mohamed Boudiaf en Algérie. Il enseigne aux étudiants en architecture, la modélisation et la géomatique. Ses activités de recherche sont menées au laboratoire des sciences, de la technologie et du génie des procédés au sein de la même université. L'axe principal de ses recherches concerne la qualité de l'air. Il a travaillé sur les inventaires d'émissions, la modélisation météorologique, la modélisation de la dispersion des polluants et la surveillance de la qualité de l'air par le biais de capteurs électrochimiques. Il a également travaillé sur les risques urbains et environnementaux ainsi que sur le traitement et l’analyse des images satellitaires afin d’évaluer l'étalement urbain et la nature des sols. Il s’agit notamment des sols argileux à fort potentiel de retrait-gonflement. Dr Farid Rahal est l'auteur de plusieurs articles sur l’architecture paramétrique. Cet épisode a été enregistré le 15 février 2022 à l’occasion de la journée d'étude Les enjeux sociaux de l’environnement, organisée par l'Unité de Recherche en Sciences Sociales et Santé (GRAS) et le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Pr. Karim Ouaras, Université d’Oran 2 / CEMA a modéré le débat. pour consulter les diaporamas associés à ce podcast veuillez visiter notre site web: www.themaghribpodcats.com Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón, étudiant en master à l'EHESS, pour sa prestation à la guitare pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["16:24"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/6321b133-62c7-3be1-bc70-bf253e869e1f","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/la-pollution-atmospherique-un-risque-majeur-en-algerie/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Farid_Rahal_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Hygiène publique et citoyenneté : un lien indissociable"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 136: Hygiène publique et citoyenneté : un lien indissociable Dans ce Podcast, Pr. Mohamed Mebtoul, Professeur de sociologie à l’Université d’Oran 2 et directeur-fondateur du Groupe de Recherche en Anthropologie de la Santé (GRAS) devenue Unité de recherche en sciences sociales et santé, revient sur le sujet de l’hygiène publique et son rapport avec la citoyenneté en examinant les sens attribués à l’absence récurrente de l’hygiène publique dans la majorité des villes algériennes. Pour étayer son propos, il a mis en lumière la banalisation de la saleté dans les espaces sociaux (quartiers, recoins des rues, marchés, etc.) qui sont d’abord caractérisés par leur matérialité, leurs objets contenus, qui, loin d’être neutres, obligent à opérer le lien avec les dynamiques sociales et politiques qui se déploient dans ces différents milieux (Remy, 2015). Cet épisode a été enregistré le 15 février 2022 à l’occasion de la journée d'étude Les enjeux sociaux de l’environnement, organisée par l'Unité de Recherche en Sciences Sociales et Santé (GRAS) et le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Pr. Karim Ouaras, Université d’Oran 2 / CEMA a modéré le débat. Nous remercions infiniment Mohammed Boukhoudmi d'avoir interprété un morceau musical de Elli Mektoub Mektoub, pour les besoins de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["26:29"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/1d358b1f-0829-3b20-9ca9-00e592badea1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/hygiene-publique-et-citoyennete-un-lien-indissociable/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/mebtoul_sizeb3f8x.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Durabilité et résilience urbaines face aux risques majeurs: outils et méthodes"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 135: Durabilité et résilience urbaines face aux risques majeurs: outils et méthodes Dans ce podcast, Pr. Mahi Tabet-Aoul aborde la question de l'environnement en mettant l'accent sur les outils et les méthodes nécessaires pour la durabilité et la résilience urbaines face aux risques majeurs. La résilience urbaine consiste, selon lui, à optimiser le fonctionnement des structures et réseaux du système urbain pour permettre une gestion urbaine durable et une réponse optimale aux impacts des risques majeurs. Il s’agit, à partir d’un diagnostic objectif de l’état actuel du système urbain, d’identifier de nouvelles mesures et actions permettant d’améliorer les interactions et les synergies entre les structures et réseaux urbains. La résilience sert aussi à amortir les perturbations et dysfonctionnements qui risquent d’altérer la pérennité du système urbain, tout en minimisant les impacts des risques majeurs sur la population urbaine, les biens et les infrastructures de base, et assurant la continuité des activités socioéconomiques urbaines. Pr. Mahi Tabet-Aoul est diplômé des Universités de Strasbourg et de Paris-Sorbonne (DEA en Géophysique). Il est ingénieur des Télécommunications (École Normale Sup-Télécom, Paris) et de la Météorologie (École Normale Sup-Météo, Paris). Il s’est spécialisé dans le domaine de l’atmosphère (Universités de Fort-Collins et Miami USA). Pr. Mahi Tabet-Aoul a été le premier directeur de l'Institut Hydrométéorologique de Formation et de Recherches d’Oran. Il a participé à de nombreuses rencontres internationales, notamment en qualité d'expert invité au colloque sur la Planète Terres (Paris- 1989) et aux Conférences des parties de la Convention Cadre sur le Changement Climatique (2001-2006). Il est membre du groupe intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (IPCC/GIEC) et est l'auteur de plusieurs communications scientifiques. Il a présidé des groupes de travail de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Météorologie (OMM). Professeur associé à l’Université de Laval (Québec-Canada) en 2008, il est co-auteur de la publication Méditerra 2009 (Sciences Po, Plan Bleu et Ciheam-Paris). Il a été chercheur au CRASC et coordonnateur de la revue Société, environnement et Santé. Il est également l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur le changement climatique, l’environnement, l’agriculture, le développement durable et le bioclimat au Maghreb. Cet épisode a été enregistré le 15 février 2022 à l’occasion de la journée d'étude Les enjeux sociaux de l’environnement, organisée par l'Unité de Recherche en Sciences Sociales et Santé (GRAS) et le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie(CEMA). Les mots d’introduction de cette journée d'étude ont été prononcés par Pr. Karim Ouaras, Université d’Oran 2/CEMA, Pr. Mohamed Mebtoul, GRAS et Mr. Mahi Tabet-Aoul, GRAS. Nous remercions Dr. Jonathan Glasser, anthropologue culturel au College of William & Mary, pour son istikhbar in sika à l'alto pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["43:51"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/36f6241b-3e1c-3905-ae16-174e942dd264","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/durabilite-et-resilience-urbaines-face-aux-risques-majeurs-outils-et-methodes/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Mahi_Tabet_Aoul_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["En hommage à feu Omar Carlier (Décédé le 22 octobre 2021): Fabriquer une élite intellectuelle en situation coloniale. Le cas de l’hypokhâgne d’Alger 1929-1961"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 134: En hommage à feu Omar Carlier (Décédé le 22 octobre 2021): Fabriquer une élite intellectuelle en situation coloniale. Le cas de l’hypokhâgne d’Alger 1929-1961 Dans ce podcast, feu Omar Carlier, Professeur émérite d’Histoire à l’Université Paris VII et Chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle, Professeur à l’Université d’Oran de 1969 à 1993, a exposé pour la première fois son travail de recherche en cours, dédié à l’histoire de l’Hypokhâgne d’Alger, un moment clé de la formation d’une élite intellectuelle en situation coloniale (1929-1961). L’Hypokhâgne est une Classe de Lettres supérieures au Lycée Émir Abdelkader (Ex. Bugeaud) à Alger. Son intérêt, qu’il dit tardif, pour cet objet est né après avoir découvert que son amie et collègue Fanny Colonna est passée par l’Hypokhâgne d’Alger (1953-1954). Peu de temps après, il découvrira que d’autres chercheurs et écrivains de renom sont issus de cette Classe de Lettres supérieures à l’instar d’Albert Camus (Promotion 1932-1933), Jacques Derrida (Promotion 1948-1949), Fatima Zohra Imalayene, Alias Assia Djebar (Promotion 1953-1954), Claude Cohen Tannoudji et bien d’autres. Pr. Carlier est revenu, avec beaucoup de détails, sur les choix méthodologiques qui étaient les siens pour interroger cet objet atypique en expliquant pourquoi et comment il s’est servi de l’Hypokhâgne d’Alger comme une entrée d’analyse de la société algérienne en situation coloniale. En filigrane de son exposé, il a retracé l’évolution du champ culturel algérien, surtout dans ses expressions littéraire, artistique et musicale, et l’histoire de quelques figures emblématiques ayant marqué ce champ culturel. Toute une communauté de savoir, unie par de solides liens de sociabilité, est née de cette Hypokhâgne d’Alger. A l’occasion de cette conférence, Pr. Carlier a invité les jeunes chercheurs à explorer ces objets/expériences méconnus qui ont été à l’origine d’une élite intellectuelle qui a marqué d’une empreinte indélébile l’histoire de l’Algérie. Pr. Carlier a restitué les résultats de son travail de recherche, ou peut-être une partie de ces résultats, dans une contribution intitulée « La khâgne d’Alger et le devenir d’une élite intellectuelle » parue en 2019 dans Mélanges en l’honneur de Gilbert Meynier (Éd. L’Harmattan), un ouvrage dirigé par Pr. Tahar Khalfoune. Les débats de cette conférence, qui fait date, ont été modérés par feu Hadj Miliani (décédé le 02 juillet 2021), Professeur de littérature à l’Université de Mostaganem, Chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle à Oran, fondateur et animateur du Ciné-Pop d'Oran (1973-1987), membre du conseil scientifique du CEMA, membre du collectif de la revue Voix-Multiples (1981-1989), Commissaire du Festival du raï (2006-2007), responsable du pôle Ouest de l'École Doctorale Algéro-Française de Français (2004-2012) et responsable de la partie algérienne du réseau Langue Française et Expressions Francophones. Musique de Mohamed Iguerbouchene: Senif isevragh felakh. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:36:12"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/23e42131-d0a2-3edf-a19f-d06277558a40","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/en-hommagea-feu-omar-carlier%c2%a0decede-le22-octobre-2021-fabriquer-une-elite-intellectuelle-en-situation-coloniale-lecasde-lhypokhagned-alger-1929-1/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Omar_Carlier_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Museums, Cultural Infrastructures, and Multiple Publics in Morocco"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 133: Museums, Cultural Infrastructures, and Multiple Publics in Morocco In this podcast, Katarzyna Pieprzak discusses her work on museums and experimental museology in Morocco. She proposes an expanded understanding of the museum, attending equally to physical museum sites, the ephemeral outdoor museum, as well as to the “discursive museum”. In doing so, Pieprzak explores how individuals and communities envision the role of museums in their personal and collective lives. What are their expectations towards cultural institutions, both existing and imagined ones? Pieprzak also sketches out her new book project titled Poetics of Repair: Artistic Afterlives of Modernist Mass Housing in the Maghreb, which argues that art sees, builds and imagines colonial-era mass housing and its residents in a way that architectural history, political science and sociology can not. For Pieprzak, art has the potential to trigger unexpected sensations and attachments, and in so doing, illuminate the connective fibers and relationships between structures, histories and the people they shape. She calls this “a poetics of repair”: an art practice that enjoins, connects or simply brings closer together broken relations, separated elements and severed histories. Katarzyna Pieprzak is Professor of French and Comparative Literature and currently Chair of Arabic Studies at Williams College. Her research and teaching have focused on North African museums, modern and contemporary visual art, 20th-century Francophone literature, and art’s engagements with colonial modernist architecture (from bidonvilles to grand ensembles). She is the author of Imagined Museums: Art and Modernity in Postcolonial Morocco (University of Minnesota, 2010), co-editor of Land and Landscape in Francographic Literature, and co-editor of a special issue of Critical Interventions entitled Africanity and North Africa. Her current book in progress, Poetics of Repair: Artistic Afterlives of Modernist Mass Housing in the Maghreb, explores how visual, literary and performance-based art illuminates the connective fibers and missing relationships between built housing environments, histories and the people they shape, in Casablanca, Algiers and Nanterre. The book argues that this work is a poetics of repair: a de-colonial art practice that enjoins, connects or simply brings closer together broken relations, separated elements and severed histories. This episode is part of the Modern Art in the Maghrib series, and was recorded on January 22, 2022, via zoom. This is part of a larger Council of American Overseas Research Centers program, organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and financed by the Andrew Mellon Foundation that seeks to collaborate with local institutions for a greater awareness of art historical research in north Africa. To see related slides please visit our website: www.themaghribpodcast.com. Edited by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["31:01"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/8f87c39b-4a88-323b-b2c6-329b4a50708d","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/museums-cultural-infrastructures-and-multiple-publics-in-morocco/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Katarzyna_Pieprzak-size8rkti.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Queens Of Words: Moroccan Women Zajal Poets"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 132: Queens Of Words: Moroccan Women Zajal Poets In this podcast, Catherine Cartier speaks about Queens Of Words: Moroccan Women Zajal Poets. Zajal, which flourished in 14th century Andalusia, is a genre of poetry composed in spoken Arabic—Moroccan Arabic/Darija in this case. The genre reemerged in postcolonial Morocco, when it was largely published in newspapers. The recent history of zajal may appear male dominated: the 1992 edition of Afaq, the Journal of the Moroccan Writer’s Union, highlighted modern zajal poetry but included only one poem by a woman poet. But many Moroccan women who write zajal today look to history for inspiration, often citing Kharbousha, an iconic figure who resisted oppressive rulers through her poetry, as an example they seek to emulate. Beyond this, Facebook and TikTok, provide a rich and accessible realm for sharing poetry. Her research, grounded in interviews with zajalat (women zajal poets) and close readings of their work, examines how and why Moroccan women write zajal poetry today, and what their experiences on and off the page can tell us about Darija as a literary language. Catherine Cartier received her B.A. in History and Arab Studies in May 2020 from Davidson College (USA). Prior to Fulbright, she worked as an investigative intern and consultant at the Center for Advanced Defense Study and reported as an independent journalist from Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tajikistan. Her Fulbright research examines zajal poetry written by Moroccan women. This episode was recorded on September 22, 2021 at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["13:30"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/5c18eebd-028a-3209-b93c-2fb5485235fe","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/queens-of-words-moroccan-women-zajal-poets/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Catherine_Cartier_size8ebtk.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Roots And Traces Of Contemporary Cultural Life In Tangier"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 131: Roots And Traces Of Contemporary Cultural Life In Tangier In this discussion at Youmein 2021: Roots and Traces, anthropologist George Bajalia and journalist Aida Alami explore the roots and traces of contemporary cultural life in Tangier, especially as they relate to northern Morocco’s border regions. From questions of diversity and difference to the roots of present debates around representation, responsibility, and justice, Youmein 2021: Roots and Traces was an open-ended artistic inquiry into how the structures of our past have shaped our current moment. The traces of this past appear in unexpected places, both institutionally and in the social milieu from which we develop artistic reflections. Uncomfortable inequities and realities sit adjacent to the rise of powerful populist and progressive movements worldwide. Since Youmein began in 2014, xenophobia, isolationism, and neo-imperialism have grown simultaneously with new forms of solidarities and ways of being in-common. How will these movements leave their traces in our shifting social orders, and how will they transform, sediment, and root themselves differently? So far, each edition of the Youmein Festival has taken on themes speaking to Tangier as a space of both border and bridge: al-barzakh, crisis, imitation, limit(s), and desire. This year, those themes became the fertile ground on which we will reconvene and dig deep into what has come before and make choices about where we want to go next. After a year of isolated reflections, and alongside the Bicentennial of the Tangier-American Legation, Youmein invited the artists, speakers, and the public to critically reflect on the view from Tangier, and the cultures, peoples, and conditions which compose it. As a part of the 2021 Youmein Festival, Alami and Bajalia reflected on Tangier and its myths, past and present, and alternative cultural histories and present realities in this corner of the Strait of Gibraltar. From Maalem Abdellah Gourd and the renovation of his home in Tangier medina to the role of the Tangier American Legation Museum in the city, they share thoughts how different flows of people through the city, categorized differently as migrants, immigrants, “ex-pats,” and artists, intersect and overlap. George Bajalia is an anthropologist (Ph.D., Columbia University), Assistant Professor at Wesleyan University, and theatre director based between Morocco and New York. He is the co-founder of the annual Youmein Creative Media Festival in Tangier, Morocco and the Northwestern University in Qatar Creative Media Festival. His work has been supported by the CAORC-Mellon Mediterranean Research Fellowship, the American Institute of Maghrib Studies Long-Term Fellowship, and the Fulbright Foundation, and he is a Fellow of the Tangier- American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies. Aida Alami is a Moroccan freelance journalist who’s frequently on the road, reporting from North Africa, France, the Caribbean, and more recently, Senegal. She regularly contributes to the New York Times, and her work has also been published by the New York Review of Books, The Financial Times, and Foreign Policy. She earned her bachelor’s degree in media studies at Hunter College and her master’s degree in journalism at Columbia University. She mainly covers migration, human rights, religion, politics and racism. These days, Aida spends a lot of time in France, where she is directing a documentary feature on antiracism activists and police violence. This episode was recorded on July 28th, 2021 at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["27:45"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/b7409d3d-162f-35e2-b577-d903c3e42ed8","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/roots-and-traces-of-contemporary-cultural-life-in-tangier/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/George_Bajalia_Aida_Alami_size8ckm4.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Writing on Kingdom Walls: Practices, Narratives and Visual Politics of Graffiti and Street Art in Jordan and Morocco"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 130: Writing on Kingdom Walls: Practices, Narratives and Visual Politics of Graffiti and Street Art in Jordan and Morocco Soufiane’s focus is a comparative study on cultural practices and narratives related to art production and its entanglement with resistance and visual politics in North Africa and the Middle East. By working on Morocco and Jordan, he mainly focus on wall-writings, street art, and graffiti in order to understand what wall expressions do, the extent to which they have a particularly political place in society, and how they relate to socio-political transformations. Soufiane Chinig is a first-year PhD student of anthropology in the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies at Freie Universität Berlin. His research in anthropology is on writing and painting on walls in Morocco and Jordan. He also holds an MA in Sociology and Anthropology from Hassan II University in Mohammedia, and a BA in Sociology from Mohammed V University. Alongside his academic work, he is also active in promoting Moroccan cultural heritage and evaluating urban policies in that country. This episode was recorded on July 31st 2021, at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["21:21"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/053bb7b0-db07-385c-9784-1eead09aa271","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/writing-on-kingdom-walls-practices-narratives-and-visual-politics-of-graffiti-and-street-art-in-jordan-and-morocco/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Soufiane_Chinig-size8lvp5.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["L’école de médecine de Kairouan dans l’histoire de la médecine arabe médiévale : repères historiographiques"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 129: L’école de médecine de Kairouan dans l’histoire de la médecine arabe médiévale : repères historiographiques Dans ce podcast, qui prend la forme d’un retour historiographique, Dr. Meyssa Ben Saad présente l’école médicale de Kairouan, ses fondateurs, ses innovations et les traces qu’elle a laissé dans la longue histoire de la médecine. De la médecine arabe médiévale, l’histoire a surtout retenu des grands noms comme Rāzī (865-925) et Ibn Sīnā (980-1037), ou encore Abul Qāsim al-Zahrāwī (940-1013), représentant respectivement l’école dite de Bagdad, et celle de Cordoue (Al-Andalus). Mais un autre centre culturel avait prospéré au IX-Xe siècle dans une autre sphère de l’empire arabo-islamique, à Kairouan, alors capitale de l’Ifriqya et grand pôle de rayonnement scientifique et culturel du IXe siècle. Plusieurs médecins y ont exercé, notamment Isḥāq Ibn ‘Imrān (IX-Xe), et ses disciples Isḥāq Ibn Sulaymān (832-932), et Ibn al-Jazzār (898-980), dont les œuvres ont circulé et ont influencé autant le monde arabe que l’Europe latine, mais dont certaines se sont faites appropriées par leur traducteur latin, Constantin l’Africain (1020-1087). Meyssa BEN Saad est Docteur en Histoire des sciences spécialisée en Histoire de la zoologie arabe médiévale. Elle est chercheuse associé au Labo SPHère CNRS UMR 7219, Université Paris Diderot, et Coordinatrice du Pôle Recherche & Innovation à l’Université Mahmoud el Materi, Tunis. Cet épisode a été enregistré entre Oran et Tunis le 3 Juin 2021 et s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle des conférences “Santé et humanités au Maghreb” de l'American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS), organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) en étroite collaboration avec Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Professeur Marouane Ben Miled, Enseignant-chercheur à l'Ecole nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis (ENIT), a modéré la conférence et le débat. Montage : Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["48:08"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/9aee9cef-5668-3c4f-aafe-61a27fc47d2d","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/l-ecole-de-medecine-de-kairouan-dans-l-histoire-de-la-medecine-arabe-medievale-reperes-historiographiques/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Meyssa_Ben_Saad-size8hdnv.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Protecting Morocco´s Rarest Forests"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 128: Protecting Morocco´s Rarest Forests The high mountains of Talassemtane National Park protect some of the rarest trees and animals in Morocco and North Africa. Forest fires can have negative as well as positive effects on conserving these unique ecosystems. Research ranging from satellite images to tree-ring analysis is being applied to help forest managers protect the forest and adapt to changing climate. Dr. Peter Fulé is a professor in the School of Forestry at Northern Arizona University. His research is at the intersection of forests, wildfire, climate and people around the world. Peter works with students and colleagues using multiple research techniques including tree rings to assess tree growth and forest fires over many centuries. Using models of forest growth and climate, they test forest restoration treatments and simulate changes into the future. He has taught and done research on five continents. Currently he is a visiting Fulbright Scholar in Tétouan, Morocco, working with Abdelmalek Essaâdi, University and Talassemtane National Park. This episode was recorded on June 12th, 2021 at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["19:04"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/4f95d581-9575-3eaf-9995-20ef650c3c44","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/protecting-morocco%c2%b4s-rarest-forests/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Peter_Fule__sizeaerml.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Oran et ses expressions culturelles"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 31: Oran et ses expressions culturelles Dans cet entretien-podcast accordé à Karim Ouaras, Pr. Hadj Miliani raconte la ville d’Oran et ses diverses expressions culturelles à l’ère contemporaine. Le choix de consacrer ce 31ème podcast à Oran n’est pas anodin car ce chiffre revoie au code de la wilaya d'Oran. Cette coïncidence numérique nous a paru une occasion de nous pencher sur le champ culturel oranais et de solliciter Pr. Hadj Miliani pour en parler. Ce podcast se veut donc un aperçu chargé d'enseignements et de détails précieux sur l’histoire de la ville d’Oran, ses populations, ses langues, ses cultures, ses aventures littéraires, ses musiques, ses pratiques religieuses, ses quartiers et ses lieux de sociabilité. Les jeunes chercheurs y trouveront une infinité de pistes de recherche qui appellent un traitement urgent. Hadj Miliani est professeur de littérature à l’Université de Mostaganem, chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle à Oran, fondateur et animateur du Ciné-Pop d'Oran (1973-1987), membre du conseil scientifique du CEMA, membre du collectif de la revue Voix-Multiples (1981-1989), Commissaire du Festival du raï (2006-2007), responsable du pôle Ouest de l'École Doctorale Algéro-Française de Français (2004-2012) et responsable de la partie algérienne du réseau Langue Française et Expressions Francophones. Il a notamment travaillé et travaille encore sur le champ littéraire et culturel algérien et ses diverses expressions. Parmi ses centres d’intérêt, nous pouvons citer sans être exhaustifs : littératures et sociétés en Algérie et au Maghreb ; littératures orales et expressions populaires ; musique Raï; anthropologie des pratiques culturelles, culturalité et interculturalités ; théories théâtrales et théorie de la littérature, analyse du discours médiatique, et édition et lecture en Algérie. Ces différentes thématiques sont au cœur de sa réflexion et de ses nombreuses publications scientifiques. Dr. Karim Ouaras est enseignant-chercheur à l'Université de Mostaganem, chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), et Directeur-adjoint du Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie(CEMA). Musique et paroles : Bakhta, une chanson inspirée de la poésie du maître du Melhun, Abdelkader El Khaldi, interprétée par Cheb Khaled. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:36:50"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/oran-et-ses-expressions-culturelles-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/oran-et-ses-expressions-culturelles/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/oran.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Digitalisation des manuscrits arabes. Cas d’études : Les manuscrits traitant de la religion musulmane"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 127: Digitalisation des manuscrits arabes. Cas d’études : Les manuscrits traitant de la religion musulmane Constituant une ressource appréciable pour les sciences humaines et sociales, les manuscrits berbères écrits en caractères arabes sont répartis un peu partout dans les pays du Maghreb. Un bon nombre de ces manuscrits se trouve dans des bibliothèques publiques mais beaucoup d’autres appartiennent à des particuliers. La journée d’étude organisée par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) intitulée: Reflexions autour des manuscrits maghrébins, s’adresse aux chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs et doctorants qui s’intéressent aux manuscrits. Les approches mobilisées dans les différentes communications programmées dans le cadre de cette journée sont riches et variées par les objets qu’elles traitent. Elles se penchent chacune à leur manière sur l’identification et la conservation des fonds documentaires, la paléographie, la codicologie, l’étude du contenu qui font l’objet de plusieurs branches de savoir telles les humanités numériques qui peuvent offrir des perspectives insoupçonnées. Dans ce podcast Imène Ait Abderrahim, doctorante en informatique à l'Université d'Oran 1, présente son travail qui s'inscrit dans le domaine de la digitalisation des manuscrits, où elle explique les étapes et les règles importantes à suivre dans le processus de numérisation des manuscrits, et nous dit quels sont les manuscrits numérisés parmi ceux traitant de la religion musulmane. En effet, les manuscrits sont une principale source de recherche et malgré tous les efforts fournis, il est impossible de les conserver sous leur forme physique, notamment les plus anciens, en raison de leur détérioration rapide après un certain temps de stockage. D’après Imène Ait Abderrahim la numérisation apporte des solutions à ce genre de problèmes en améliorant la méthode de conservation et de préservation des documents et en facilitant leur accessibilité grâce à un espace de stockage numérique. Cet episode s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Langues et sociétés au Maghreb ». Il a été enregistré à l’occasion de la journée d’études « Reflexions autour des manuscrits maghrébins », qui a eu lieu le 12 février 2020 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Pr. Ouahmi Ould-Braham, Professeur des Universités, fondateur de la revue académique Études et Documents Berbères, domiciliée à la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme - Paris Nord a modéré le débat. Nous remercions infiniment Mohammed Boukhoudmi d'avoir interprété un morceau musical de Elli Mektoub Mektoub, pour les besoins de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["16:48"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/48d32b5b-b3f0-3c22-85fa-918c6c2870ea","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/digitalisation-des-manuscrits-arabes-cas-d-etudes-%c2%a0les-manuscrits-traitant-de-la-religion-musulmane/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Imane_Ait_Abderrahim-size7wywv.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Al-Harf as a site of Negotiating Modernism and Unity"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 126: Al-Harf as a site of Negotiating Modernism and Unity The articulation of the Arabic letter in modern art in the Arab world has been a popular topic of discussion. The letter served 20th century artists on multiple levels and allowed for contradictory arguments. The letter became part of a more complex discourse of signs that drew on a collective and historical memory of difference, rupture and continuity. It disrupted and subverted the rhetoric of regional separation and promoted unity; its prominence in this imaginative and constructed discourse alluded to an emphasis on cultural overlaps, intersections, connections, and continuity between the Mashriq and the Maghreb. Equally, it gave artists comfort and confidence that came from the immediate perception of a marked cultural (and at times political) identity for the work. Manipulating the Arabic letter in art, thus, served as a mediator between national identity, heritage and modern art. Nada Shabout is a Regent Professor of Art History and the Coordinator of the Contemporary Arab and Muslim Cultural Studies Initiative (CAMCSI) at the University of North Texas. She is the founding president of the Association for Modern and Contemporary Art from the Arab World, Iran and Turkey (AMCA). She is the author of Modern Arab Art: Formation of Arab Aesthetics, University of Florida Press, 2007; co-editor with S. Mikdadi, New Vision: Arab Art in the 21st Century, Thames & Hudson, 2009; and co-editor with S. Rogers and A. Lenssen, Modern Art in the Arab World: Primary Documents, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2018. She is also founding director of Modern Art Iraq Archive. Notable among exhibitions she has curated: Sajjil: A Century of Modern Art, 2010; traveling exhibition, Dafatir: Contemporary Iraqi Book Art, 2005-2009; and co-curator, Modernism and Iraq, 2009. In 2017, she received The Crow Collection of Asian Art’s Achievement in Asian Arts and Culture Award, and in 2018, the UNT Presidential Excellency Award. Shabout was the Project Advisor for the Saudi National Pavilion, Venice Biennale 2019. Shabout is on the Board of Directors, Visual Art Commission, Ministry of Culture, Saudi Arabia (2020-2023), the Board of The Academic Research Institute in Iraq (TARII), and the College Art Association (CAA) Board of Directors (2020-2024). Her current projects include, leading an AMCA team, as part of the Getty Foundation Connecting Art Histories initiative, in support of “Mapping Art Histories from the Arab World, Iran and Turkey,” coediting with Sarah Rogers and Suheyla Takesh, Modern Art in the Arabian Peninsula, and working on a new book project, Demarcating Modernism in Iraqi Art: The Dialectics of the Decorative, 1951-1979, both under contract with the American University in Cairo Press. This episode is part of the Modern Art in the Maghrib series, and was recorded on April 9, 2021, via zoom. This is part of a larger Council of American Overseas Research Centers program organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and financed by the Andrew Mellon Foundation that seeks to collaborate with local institutions for a greater awareness of art historical research in north Africa."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["53:47"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/b602eceb-1149-3fa2-9552-20acc12cd525","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/al-harf-as-a-site-of-negotiating-modernism-and-unity/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Nada_Shabout-sizeb95gl.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Curating Modern Art from North Africa and West Asia: Methodological Conundrums and Contentions of Language"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 125: Curating Modern Art from North Africa and West Asia: Methodological Conundrums and Contentions of Language In this podcast, Suheyla Takesh addresses the methodological challenges in studying modernism in the non-West and the question of language and terminology for discussing developments that conceptually preside outside established art-historical frameworks. Focusing on two exhibitions as case studies: Taking Shape: Abstraction from the Arab World, 1950s–1980s (Grey Art Gallery, 2020) and Lasting Impressions: Baya Mahieddine (Sharjah Art Museum, 2021), Takesh considers curatorial strategies, pitfalls, and questions in studying the multiple and manifold histories of global modernism in the arts. Suheyla Takesh is Curator at the Barjeel Art Foundation, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, where she works on research, curatorial development of exhibitions, and oversees the production of publications. She is the co-curator of Taking Shape: Abstraction from the Arab World, 1950s–1980s at the Grey Art Gallery, New York University, and co-editor of the eponymous volume of essays (Hirmer Publishers, 2020). Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Rutgers Art Review (Department of Art History, Rutgers University) and Thresholds (Department of Architecture, MIT). This episode is part of the Modern Art in the Maghrib series, and was recorded on May 6, 2021, via zoom. This is part of a larger Council of American Overseas Research Centers program organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and financed by the Andrew Mellon Foundation that seeks to collaborate with local institutions for a greater awareness of art historical research in north Africa. Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["31:10"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/683e6652-574c-3b41-9b8e-9a2b1d1c01ac","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/curating-modern-art-from-north-africa-and-west-asia-methodological-conundrums-and-contentions-of-language/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Suheyla_Takesh-sizeaib95.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Berrechid 81. Retour sur une expérience collective à la lisière de l'art et de la psychiatrie"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 124: Berrechid 81. Retour sur une expérience collective à la lisière de l'art et de la psychiatrie Dans ce podcast, Abdeslam Ziou Ziou revient sur la naissance et la disparition d’une expérience originale consistant à adopter une approche humaine de la psychiatrie en mobilisant d’autres acteurs dans le processus des soins mentaux. Berrechid 1981. Au début de l'été chaud de 1981, une activité inhabituelle eut lieu à l'Hôpital psychiatrique de Berrechid. Peintres, écrivains, réalisateurs et intellectuels, dont Mohamed Melehi et Mohamed Chebâa, sont invités à partager le quotidien des patients pendant une semaine. Cette expérience ouvrira l'hôpital, ce « sanctuaire de la folie » comme on l'appelle au Maroc, à son environnement immédiat. Des peintures murales y sont réalisées, des concerts et des spectacles ont lieu dans son enceinte, la presse y est invitée et des débats y sont organisés. Les habitants de Berrechid auront l’opportunité de visiter l'hôpital. Au-delà de son aspect anecdotique, cet événement s'inscrit dans une démarche globale initiée en 1975 par Dr. Abdellah Ziou Ziou, consistant à jumeler un intérêt pour les pratiques populaires de traitement des maladies mentales au Maroc et l'approche anti-psychiatrique ayant émergé à Trieste en Italie. Abdeslam Ziou Ziou est diplômé en anthropologie sociale de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris. Il est chercheur indépendant et consultant dans le domaine des arts et de la culture au Maroc, et a été coordinateur de projet et de recherche à l’Atelier de l’Observatoire de Casablanca. Il a été lauréat du Projet de recherche transdisciplinaire « Houdoud » dirigé par la Chaire de Fatéma Mernissi (Université Mohammed V et HEM) – UNESCO. Sa recherche est soutenue par le projet School of Casablanca, initié par le KW Institute for Contemporary Art et Sharjah Art Foundation, en collaboration avec le Goethe-Institut Marokko, ThinkArt et Zamân Books & Curating. Depuis 2020, il est boursier du CAORC / Andrew W. Mellon en histoire de l'art moderne au CEMAT. Cet épisode s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle des conférences “Santé et humanités au Maghreb” de l'American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS), organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) en étroite collaboration avec Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Ce podcast a été enregistré via Zoom le 25 mars 2021 entre Oran et Tunis. Dr. Samia Henni, historienne et théoricienne de l'architecture au département d’architecture de l’université de Cornell aux États-Unis, a modéré le débat. Posté par: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:05:48"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/4239d514-8fa9-3108-8b27-a8bfb990805a","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/berrechid-81-retour-sur-une-experience-collective-a-la-lisiere-de-lart-et-de-la-psychiatrie/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Abdesslam_Ziouziou-size99o1i.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Rencontre avec Denis Martinez, artiste plasticien et pédagogue. Un parcours en partage"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 123: Rencontre avec Denis Martinez, artiste plasticien et pédagogue. Un parcours en partage Dans ce podcast, l'artiste plasticien et pédagogue, Denis Martinez, revient sur sa trajectoire dans le domaine de l’art et partage avec nous les grands moments de sa longue carrière artistique à travers la présentation du film documentaire intitulé « Denis Martinez, un homme en libertés », que le cinéaste Claude Hirsh lui a consacré en 2013. Né le 30 novembre 1941 à Mars-el-Hadjadj, prés d'Oran en Algérie, Denis Martinez figure parmi les plus importants artistes peintres et poètes algériens contemporains. Enseignant à l'Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts d'Alger de 1963 à 1993. En 1967 il est fondateur, avec Choukri Mesli, du groupe Aouchem (tatouage). Exilé à Marseille en 1994, il enseigne à l'Ecole Supérieure d'Art d'Aix-en-Provence jusqu'en 2006. Denis Martinez a été l'initiateur de plusieurs manifestations artistiques en France, dont ''Culture Algérienne Cultures Vivantes'' en 1995 à la Friche de la Belle de Mai à Marseille, ''Expressions algériennes contemporaines'' en 2000 à Aix-en-Provence et ''Jonctions'' Djazair en 2003 à la Friche de la Belle de Mai. Depuis 2000, il réoccupe régulièrement son atelier dans sa demeure familiale à Blida. En juillet 2004, il participe avec Hassan Metref et Salah Silem, à la création du festival nomade ''Raconte Arts'' en Kabylie. C'est à partir de cette date qu'il se lance dans une aventure qui l'amène à intervenir régulièrement avec des créations éphémères in situ dans les Tajmaats de différents villages de Kabylie. L'artiste a des œuvres au Musée Nationale des Beaux-arts d'Alger et dans des collections particulières et publiques en Algérie et en France. Il est l'auteur de plaquettes de poésie, de portfolio, et d'anthologies illustrées. Son parcours a inspiré plus d'un, l'écrivain Nourredine Saadi a publié Denis Martinez, peintre algérien aux éditions Barzakh-Le bec en l'air. Le cinéaste Jean-Pierre Lledo lui a consacré trois courts métrages (1985,1996). Dominique Devigne, sa compagne, a réalisé plusieurs courts métrages vidéo sur ses interventions en Algérie de 1990 à nos jours. En 2013, le cinéaste Claude Hirsh lui consacre un film intitulé : « Denis Martinez, un homme en libertés ». Cet épisode a été enregistré le 13 mai 2018 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Arts et lettres au Maghreb ». Dr. Mohamed Bensalah, Enseignant-chercheur à l’Université d’Oran 2 et cinéaste a modéré le débat. Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón, étudiant en master à l'EHESS, pour sa prestation à la guitare du titre A vava Inouva de Idir pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["54:51"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/4f010964-cb5b-35eb-bd4e-1f41fb190bca","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/rencontre-avec-denis-martinez-artiste-plasticien-et-pe%cc%81dagogue-un-parcours-en-partage/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Denis_Martinez-size7eujj.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Sur les manuscrits ibâdites des anciens “Siyar” et en particulier l’ouvrage de Shammâkhi (9e / 15e siècle)"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 122: Sur les manuscrits ibâdites des anciens “Siyar” et en particulier l’ouvrage de Shammâkhi (9e / 15e siècle) Constituant une ressource appréciable pour les sciences humaines et sociales, les manuscrits berbères écrits en caractères arabes sont répartis un peu partout dans les pays du Maghreb. Un bon nombre de ces manuscrits se trouve dans des bibliothèques publiques mais beaucoup d’autres appartiennent à des particuliers. La journée d’étude organisée par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) intitulée: Reflexions autour des manuscrits maghrébins, s’adresse aux chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs et doctorants qui s’intéressent aux manuscrits. Les approches mobilisées dans les différentes communications programmées dans le cadre de cette journée sont riches et variées par les objets qu’elles traitent. Elles se penchent chacune à leur manière sur l’identification et la conservation des fonds documentaires, la paléographie, la codicologie, l’étude du contenu qui font l’objet de plusieurs branches de savoir telles les humanités numériques qui peuvent offrir des perspectives insoupçonnées. Dans ce Podcast, Mohamed Hassen, Professeur des Universités en Histoire et Archéologie Médiévale et membre de l’Académie tunisienne des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts Beït al-Hikma, présente une communication portant le titre : « Sur les manuscrits ibadites des anciens ‘siyar’ et en particulier l’ouvrage de Shammakhi (9e/15e siècle) ». Le texte du Pr. Mohamed Hassen, absent à la journée d’étude suite à des perturbations du trafic aérien, a été lu par Pr. Ouahmi Ould-Braham, Professeur des Universités, fondateur de la revue académique Études et Documents Berbères , domiciliée à la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme - Paris Nord. Les ouvrages de syar sont à la fois des chroniques et des recueils de biographies de la notabilité religieuse, aussi bien au Mashriq qu’au Maghrib. Ils rendent compte d’une situation culturelle complexe, héritée de l’Antiquité et transformée tout le long du Moyen Âge. Ils reflètent une période qui a connu la mise en place, dans les montagnes, les oasis et les tribus du Sud de l’Ifrîqiya, d’un système socio-économique et culturel, caractérisé par une acculturation défensive, opérée selon le prisme de l’ibadisme. Tenant compte du grand intérêt historique de ces ouvrages, une édition critique serait une tâche impérieuse pour la majorité d’entre eux. Pr. Mohamed Hassen a publié plusieurs articles et ouvrages en arabe, français et anglais sur l’Histoire et l’archéologie du Maghreb et de l’Andalus en général et de l’Ifrîqiya en particulier. Cet épisode s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Langues et sociétés au Maghreb ». Il a été enregistré à l’occasion de la journée d’études « Réflexions autour des manuscrits maghrébins », qui a eu lieu le 12 février 2020 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Dr. Karim Ouaras, Maître de conférences à l’Université d’Oran 2 et Directeur adjoint du CEMA a modéré le débat. Nous remercions Dr. Jonathan Glasser, anthropologue culturel au College of William & Mary, pour son istikhbar in sika à l'alto pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["23:54"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/40a6239d-6e41-3103-ada9-fa9cadd3461a","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/sur-les-manuscrits-ibadites-des-anciens-siyar-et-en-particulier-l-ouvrage-de-shammakhi-9e-15e-siecle/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Mohamed_Hassen-size8td1z.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Libya: Continuities and Discontinuities of Political Order After 2011"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 121: Libya: Continuities and Discontinuities of Political Order After 2011 To what extent is the political instability witnessed in Libya since 2011 an inheritance of the ousted regime of Mu'ammar al-Gaddafi, which ruled the country for over four decades? In his new article in Middle East Law and Governance, \"Of Conflict and Collapse: Rethinking State Formation in Post-Gaddafi Libya,\" Emadeddin Badi of the Atlantic Council and Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime discusses these connections. Using this article as the basis of their conversation, Professor Jacob Mundy of Colgate University and Badi attempt to contextualize much of what is seen coming out of Libya today in terms of historical forces present within the Libyan polity and the powerful contingencies that have produced significant ruptures within the socio-economic orders that long governed day-to-day realities in Libya under its unique blend of an increasingly centralized security states and a post-populist corporatist regime from 1969 to 2011. Above all, Badi focuses our attention on the external shock of repeated outside interventions that have generated new dynamics within Libya, occasioning new political forms and horizons while ossifying and reinforcing others. Emadeddin Badi is a Libyan researcher and consultant that specializes in governance, post-conflict stabilization, hybrid security and peacebuilding. He currently works as Senior Analyst at the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime and as Advisor for Libya at the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF). He is also Non-resident Senior Fellow with the Middle East Program at the Atlantic Council, where he focuses primarily on U.S. and European policies towards Libya. Previously, he was a Non-resident Scholar at the Countering Terrorism and Extremism Program at the Middle East Institute and a Policy Fellow at the European University Institute. Badi holds a Bachelors degree in Business and Economics from the University of Essex, a bachelors in French language from the https://uot.edu.ly/ in Libya, as well as a Masters degree in Violence, Conflict and Development from the School of Oriental and African Studies. He is fluent in English, French and Arabic. Jacob Mundy, Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at Colgate University, conducted this interview on March 11, 2021. This podcast is part of the \"Supporting Critical Research and Strengthening Scholarly Capacity in Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia\" project organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and the Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), and funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Prof. Mundy heads the contemporary Libya studies research unit, of which Badi is a member. Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["27:28"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/a20570b4-ace9-3931-8fb3-08717044828d","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/interview-with-emadeddin-badi/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Picture1.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["La dimension berbère dans les manuscrits arabes du Maghreb. Essai de lecture de quelques documents"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Épisode 120: La dimension berbère dans les manuscrits arabes du Maghreb. Essai de lecture de quelques documents Constituant une ressource appréciable pour les sciences humaines et sociales, les manuscrits berbères écrits en caractères arabes sont répartis un peu partout dans les pays du Maghreb. Un bon nombre de ces manuscrits se trouve dans des bibliothèques publiques mais beaucoup d’autres appartiennent à des particuliers. La journée d’étude organisée par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) intitulée: Réflexions autour des manuscrits maghrébins, s’adresse aux chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs et doctorants qui s’intéressent aux manuscrits. Les approches mobilisées dans les différentes communications programmées dans le cadre de cette journée sont riches et variées par les objets qu’elles traitent. Elles se penchent chacune à leur manière sur l’identification et la conservation des fonds documentaires, la paléographie, la codicologie, l’étude du contenu qui font l’objet de plusieurs branches de savoir telles les humanités numériques qui peuvent offrir des perspectives insoupçonnées. Dans ce podcast Dr. Ramdane Boukherrouf présente son travail qui s’inscrit dans le domaine de la linguistique du corpus (Firth 1957) qui considère qu’un énoncé ne peut avoir de sens en dehors de son contexte historique et culturel de production. Il s’appuie également sur les travaux de Sinclair (1991) qui, s’inscrivant dans le prolongement et le développement de la première vision, considère que toute analyse linguistique doit se baser sur un ensemble de grands corpus. Dr. Ramdane Boukherrouf a choisi de travailler sur des parlers, autres que le kabyle, à partir d’un dépouillement profond des indications que fournissent les manuscrits médiévaux. Le manuscrit dont il question ici a été recueilli par Motylinski auprès de Brahim Ouslimane Chemakhi, Taleb d’Ifren au Mzab. Il s’agit d’un document de 54 pages qui nous renseigne en profondeur sur des données géographique, historique et linguistique du Djebel Nefousa. L’intérêt de ce manuscrit réside dans le fait qu’il constitue non seulement un témoignage historique sur la langue berbère, mais un document densément fourni en termes d’indications géographique, sociologique, linguistiques, historique et autres sur le Djebel Nefoussa. Dr. Ramdane Boukherrouf est enseignant chercheur (Maître de conférences classe A) à l’Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou et Directeur du Laboratoire d’Aménagement et d’Enseignement de la langue Amazighe. Il a obtenue le 23 avril 2017 une Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches Universitaires en Langue et Culture Amazighes. Il est également titulaire d'un Doctorat (Cotutelle UMMTO, Algérie & UNIL, Lausanne) en Langue et Culture Amazighes, Option : Linguistique, obtenu le 08 septembre 2015 aux Universités Mouloud Mammeri et Lausanne. Cet épisode s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Langues et sociétés au Maghreb ». Il a été enregistré à l’occasion de la journée d’études « Réflexions autour des manuscrits maghrébins », qui a eu lieu le 12 février 2020 Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Dr. Karim Ouaras, Maître de conférences à l’Université d’Oran 2 et Directeur adjoint du CEMA a modéré le débat. Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón, étudiant en master à l'EHESS, pour sa prestation à la guitare du titre A vava Inouva de Idir pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["11:58"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/b8df8a77-82bd-353d-88af-30b0fc7c36da","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/la-dimension-berbere-dans-les-manuscrits-arabes-du-maghreb-essai-de-lecture-de-quelques-documents/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Boukherrouf-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"ar-Arab":["الحدود المجتمعية: قراءة في أشكال التمزق ومقترح في سبل الاندماج"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"ar-Arab":["Episode 119:الحدود المجتمعية: قراءة في أشكال التمزق ومقترح في سبل الاندماج يتتبع ماهر الزغلامي في هذه الحوارية المعنونة بـ\"الحدود المجتمعية: قراءة في أشكال التمزّق و مقترح في سبل الاندماج\"، أشكال الانقسام الاجتماعي التي تعيد إنتاج نفسها باستمرار ضمن نظام تسلسلي للشروخ المجتمعية. وهو ما يحاول قراءة تمظهراته في المجالين الثقافي والديني، حيث يماثل بين العجز عن إنتاج \"الأغنية التونسية\" (معرفة بالألف واللاّم) والفشل في إنتاج \"سردية للإسلام التونسي\"، اعتباراً للخلل الوظيفي الذي اعترى عملية التحديث الفوقي منذ لحظة الاستقلال الّتي رافقتها مركزة شاملة لكل المجالات في مستوىً ثانٍ، يتطرّق إلى السبل الاندماجية المتمحورة في ضرورة الموازنة بين اكساب الدولة صفة الوطنية عن جدارة من طريق فهم ثقافيّ للامركزيّة، وبين إعادة الفاعلية للمجتمع الأهلي وأشكاله التضامنية، ضمن تصوّر لمفهوم الرعاية الإيجابية، المتجاوز لقصور النظرة القانونية الصرفة ماهر الزغلامي هو باحث في علم الإجتماع يتركز جهده البحثي على المزاوجة بين التحليل السوسيولوجي للظواهر الاجتماعية من ناحية أولى، والتنبؤ الاستشرافي المبني على تقنية السناريوهات من ناحية ثانية، والرسم الستراتيجي للسياسات العمومية عبر المفاضلة بين السيناريوهات المتوقعة من ناحية ثالثة. وهو المنهج الذي سعى إلى تطبيقه في سياق الاشتغال على مبحث السياسات الدينية ونزع الراديكالية في تونس تم تسجيل هذه الحلقة من المحاضرات عن \"المجتمع والسياسة في شمال إفريقيا \" بتاريخ 5 مارس 2021 وذلك ضمن برنامج مجلس مراكز البحث الأمريكية بما وراء البحار حول \" تعزيز البحوث والدراسات النقدية بالجزائر وليبيا وتونس\" التي ينظمها بالتعاون كل من مركز الدراسات المغاربية بتونس ومركز الدراسات المغاربية بالجزائر بدعم من مؤسسة كارنيغي بنيويورك. أدار الحوار كريم المرزوقي وهو باحث في العلوم القانونية. ماهر الزغلامي وكريم المرزوقي عضوان باحثان بوحدة البحث \"الحدود والمناطق الهامشية بشمال إفريقيا\" التابع لبرنامج البحث حول \"تعزيز البحوث والدراسات النقدية بالجزائر وليبيا وتونس\" لمجلس مراكز البحث الأمريكية بما وراء البحار نشرمن طرف: حياة لنصاري، امينة مكتبة، مسؤولة نشر الأنشطة العلمية لدى مركز الدراسات المغاربية في الجزائر"]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["43:53"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/a3f19254-605e-3a43-b859-ece3a95f7cb4","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/maher-zoghlami/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Maher_Zoghlami-size9vrg4.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"ar-Arab":["الديناميكية الحضرية والتحولات السوسيواقتصادية بالتجمعات الحدودية الواقعة على المحور برج باجي مختار- تمنارست"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"ar-Arab":["Episode 118:الديناميكية الحضرية والتحولات السوسيواقتصادية بالتجمعات الحدودية الواقعة على المحور برج باجي مختار- تمنارست تعد الاقاليم الحدودية الجنوبية للجزائر مجالات جغرافية ديناميكية سوسيواقتصادية معتبرة، بحيث تشهد التجمعات الحضرية الحدودية الواقعة على المحور برج باجي مختار - تمنراست تحولات مجالية واجتماعية واقتصادية متسارعة. هذا المحور مجال طبيعي غني بمختلف الثروات المعدنية ومصادرالطاقة والماء ، ومجال بشري يمتاز بخصوصيات اجتماعية وعرقية وثقافية شكلت هويته وفق انظمة عرفية لتسيير المجال و مراقبته. لكنه يعاني من مشاكل و عراقيل ناتجة عن الظروف الطبيعية للصحراء المتمثلة في قساوة المناخ و ندرة المصادر المائية،و مشكل كسر العلاقات السوسيواقتصادية التقليدية القديمة بعد رسم الحدود الدولية، اضافة الى زوال انظمة خدمة الارض و الري التقليدية نتيجة لتغير الأدوار الاجتماعية و السوسيواقتصادية للمجتمع منذ الاستقلال مر هذا المجال بعدة مراحل من الترقيات الإدارية (1963 ، 1975 ، 1985 ، 2019). كانت هذه الترقيات المتعاقبة سببًا في تطوير مؤشراته السوسيواقتصادية في كل التجمعات السكانية الواقعة بين تجمعتي برج باجي مختار وتمنراست الرئيسيتين. اذ عرفت هذه التجمعات تحسناً معتبرا في مؤشرات خدمة الارض ، الإسكان ، التعليم ، والتكوين...الخ مقارنة بما كانت عليه في نهاية القرن التاسع عشر. و تعد تجمعة تمنراست القلب النابض للشبكة الحضرية بهذا المحور بعدما خضعت لتحولات مجالية عميقة بين عامي 1987 و 1998 عن طريق تكتل التجمعات الثانوية بالتجمعة الأم مشكلة تجمعة حضريًة هامة في قلب الأهقار هذه الديناميكية العمرانية كانت ناتجة عن انفجار ديموغرافي كبير بهذه المناطق الحدودية بعد استقطابها للسكان من جميع المناطق الخارجية (هجرات، نزوح ولجوء) و الداخلية (تحركات سكانية شمالية- جنوبية سعيا وراء العمل). ثم صارت ديناميكية حضرية تتميز بتطورات عميقة في مشاريع التهيئة بعد تدخل الدولة كفاعل رئيسي في فرض سياسة التنمية المحلية عبر مشاريع البنى التحتية و مختلف اشكال التجهيزات والمرافق ناهيك عن الدعم الفلاحي والسكني. و لا زالت التجمعات الثانوية تشهد ديناميكية عمرانية و حضرية بحثا عن دورها الوظيفي في الشبكة الحضرية لهذا المحور أحمد مختار لنصاري متحصل على شهادة الدكتوره في الجغرافيا وتهيئة والإقليم، تخصص مدن وأقاليم تحت موضوع الديناميكية الحضرية والتحولات السوسيواقتصادية للتجمعات الحضرية الحدودية الواقعة على المحور برج باجي مختار-تمنراست\" بقسم الجغرافية وتهيئة الإقليم، كلية علوم الأرض والكون، جامعة محمد بن أحمد وهران2، وهران- الجزائر. باحث في مخبر الفضاء الجغرافي و التهيئة القطرية EGEAT تم تسجيل هذه الحلقة من المحاضرات عن \"الأفضية والأقاليم بشمال إفريقيا\" بتاريخ 6 جانفي 2021 وذلك ضمن برنامج مجلس مراكز البحث الأمريكية بما وراء البحارعن \"البحوث والدراسات النقدية بالجزائر وليبيا وتونس\" التي ينظمها بالتعاون كل من مركز الدراسات المغاربية بتونس ومركز الدراسات المغاربية بالجزائر بدعم من مؤسسة كارنيغي بنيويورك (CAORC, CEMAT, CEMA, CARNEGIE CORPORATION) قام بإدارة الحوار د. طارق غضباني، أستاذ محاضر في قسم الجغرافيا والتنظيم المدني بجامعة وهران 2، وهو مدير مخبرأبحاث الفضاء الجغرافي والتخطيط العمراني (EGEAT)، وباحث في مركز الأبحاث الأنثروبولوجية والعلوم الاجتماعية (CRASC)، وعضو في المجلس العلمي التابع للمركز الأمريكي للدراسات المغاربية (AIMS)، ورئيس وحدة البحث حول الشبكات الاقتصادية والسياسية والاجتماعية عبر الإقليمية التابع لبرنامج البحث حول \"تعزيز البحوث والدراسات النقدية بالجزائر وليبيا وتونس\" لمجلس مراكز البحث الأمريكية بما وراء البحار (CAORC). نشرمن طرف: حياة لنصاري، امينة مكتبة، مسؤولة نشر الأنشطة العلمية لدى مركز الدراسات المغاربية في الجزائر"]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["26:44"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/550504b4-b34a-3312-b2bc-a58a367ad216","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 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{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Description de quelques manuscrits mystico-religieux de Kabylie."]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 117: Description de quelques manuscrits mystico-religieux de Kabylie. Constituant une ressource appréciable pour les sciences humaines et sociales, les manuscrits berbères écrits en caractères arabes sont répartis un peu partout dans les pays du Maghreb. Un bon nombre de ces manuscrits se trouve dans des bibliothèques publiques mais beaucoup d’autres appartiennent à des particuliers. La journée d’étude organisée par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) intitulée: Reflexions autour des manuscrits maghrébins, s’adresse aux chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs et doctorants qui s’intéressent aux manuscrits. Les approches mobilisées dans les différentes communications programmées dans le cadre de cette journée sont riches et variées par les objets qu’elles traitent. Elles se penchent chacune à leur manière sur l’identification et la conservation des fonds documentaires, la paléographie, la codicologie, l’étude du contenu qui font l’objet de plusieurs branches de savoir telles les humanités numériques qui peuvent offrir des perspectives insoupçonnées. Dans ce podcast Dr. Sadek Bala présente une communication portant sur la description de quelques copies de manuscrits de type mystico-religieux en circulation en Kabylie dont des textes de Hadj Said Ibehriyen, de Cheikh Mohand Ou Lhoussine et de Lhadj Mhand Ath Lhoucine. La translittération de ces documents du vingtième siècle de langue kabyle est partagée entre l’adoption des caractères de l’arabe et du latin. Sur le plan rythmique et formel, il n’y a que des sizains (amesdis pour sizain en kabyle). Les poèmes sont adaptés au souffle du corps ; ce qui crée une certaine harmonie entre le texte et sa progression mélodique quand le poème est invoqué ou chanté. La description est une phase préliminaire dans l’étude et l’exploration du manuscrit dans le sens, elle permet d’inventorier et de dresser des portraits d’auteurs et de textes. A cette même description se greffe d’autres disciplines à l’exemple de la codicologie et de l’ethnomusicologie. Ce triptyque est le noyau central d’une matrice de recherche interdisciplinaire en perspective sur le manuscrit. À travers ce travail, Dr. Bala révèle la richesse du patrimoine manuscrit et la nécessité de sa prise en charge réelle et effective par les institutions de recherches de façon particulière. Titulaire d’un doctorat en Études Méditerranéennes et Orientales auprès de l’université de Strasbourg en 2008, Dr. Sadek Bala est Maître de conférences à la Faculté des Lettres et des Langues à l’Université de Bejaïa. Il est auteur de plusieurs articles sur la traduction en berbère et sur la thématique bio-hagiographique. Cet épisode s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Langues et sociétés au Maghreb ». Il a été enregistré à l’occasion de la journée d’études « Réflexions autour des manuscrits maghrébins », qui a eu lieu le 12 février 2020 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Dr. Karim Ouaras, Maître de conférences à l’Université d’Oran 2 et Directeur adjoint du CEMA a modéré le débat. Pour consulter les diaporamas associés à ce podcast veuillez visiter notre site web www.themaghribpodcast.com Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón, étudiant en master à l'EHESS, pour sa prestation à la guitare pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["34:28"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/44fff72f-1dba-365d-9c27-f3e1267a3721","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/description-de-quelques-manuscrits-mystico-religieux-de-kabylie/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Sadek_Bala-size75hmn.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Ahmed Cherkaoui in Warsaw: Polish-Moroccan Artistic Relations during the Cold War, 1955-1980"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 116: Ahmed Cherkaoui in Warsaw: Polish-Moroccan Artistic Relations during the Cold War, 1955-1980 In this podcast, Dr. Przemysław Strożek reflects on Polish-Moroccan artistic relations between 1955 and 1980. He situates them within the broader historical phenomenon of a political and cultural rapprochement between countries of the Eastern Bloc and of the Global South during the Cold War. Focusing on Ahmed Cherkaoui’s sojourn in Warsaw from October 1960 to July 1961, he traces the artist’s connections with Polish artistic circles, particularly the Krzywe Koło Gallery in Warsaw. He then discusses other Moroccan artists (e.g. Farid Belkahia, Mustapha Hafid, Aziz Sayed, Najib Kheldouni, Azzedine Douieb and Abdelkader Lagtaa) who studied and interned at art schools in Warsaw and Kraków, as well as at the Film School in Łódź. He examines how these artists experienced Polish matter painting and abstract art of the 1960s, as well as academic art, experimental film, conceptual practices and the graphic art of the late 1970s. Pzemysław Strożek is Assistant Professor at the Art Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, associate researcher at the Archiv de Avantgarden in Dresden, Germany, curator of exhibitions, and author of multiple publications. Dr. Strożek is a recipient of fellowships awarded by the Foundation for Polish Science, as well as the Fulbright Foundation. His research interests include histories of the avant-garde, studies on workers' sport, global modernism, and contemporary art. In 2020, he co-curated (together with Sara Lagnaoui) the exhibition titled Ahmed Cherkaoui in Warsaw: Polish-Moroccan Artistic Relations during the Cold War, 1955-1980 at the Zacheta National Art Gallery in Warsaw, Poland (March 10 to August 2, 2020). This interview was led by Dr. Katarzyna Faleçka, CAORC Project Coordinator and Postdoctoral Humanities Fellow at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and was recorded on February 7, 2020, as part of the Modern Art History in the Maghrib series. This is part of a larger Council of American Overseas Research Centers' program, financed by the Andrew Mellon Foundation, that seeks to collaborate with local institutions for a greater awareness of art historical research in North Africa. to see related slides visite our website www.themaghribpodcast.org Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["41:38"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/8723bcc3-1293-3c6c-a40b-745457ab851c","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/ahmed-cherkaoui-in-warsaw-polish-moroccan-artistic-relations-during-the-cold-war-1955-1980/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Przemys_aw_Stroz_ek_sizeb3gl5.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Les significations profanes de la pandémie Covid-19 à Oran"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 115: Les significations profanes de la pandémie Covid-19 à Oran Dans ce podcast, Pr. Mohamed Mebtoul présente les résultats de son enquête menée à Oran, avec la participation de l’Association Santé Sidi El Houari et L’Observatoire Régional de la Santé d’Oran sur les significations profanes de la pandémie Covid-19. D'après lui, les mots, les métaphores et les propos des personnes sont essentiels pour comprendre les sens attribués à la pandémie Covid-19 à Oran. Les sens du mal sont importants à mettre en exergue. Ils traduisent les rapports des individus à la société et au politique. Seule une recherche socio-anthropologique centrée sur l’écoute attentive de la personne, pouvait nous permettre de prendre distance avec les certitudes, les jugements moraux et les étiquetages rapides sur la façon de se comporter vis-à-vis de la pandémie (« inconscience », « indiscipline », etc.). La rigueur scientifique est déployée à partir d’une enquête qualitative plus soucieuse de la qualité des mots que de la représentativité. Elle permet de relever les profondes secousses relationnelles occasionnées durant la pandémie, les inégales valeurs de vie face au confinement identifié à une « prison », une gestion sécuritaire, administrée et patriarcale de la pandémie. Mohamed Mebtoul est en retraite. Il a été professeur de sociologie à l’Université d’Oran 2, directeur de l’Unité de Recherche en Sciences Sociales et Santé, fondateur de l’anthropologie de la santé en Algérie en 1991 et co-fondateur du GRAS (groupe de recherché en anthropologie de la santé). Ses recherches socio-anthropologiques ont porté sur les questions sociosanitaires centrées sur les logiques sociales déployées par les malades chroniques, les familles, les professionnels de santé et les pouvoirs publics. Sa trajectoire scientifique sur le “sens du mal” a été remobilisée pour décrypter les pratiques de la population vis-à-vis de la crise sociosanitaire D’autres travaux ont concerné la sexualité des jeunes, la santé dite “reproductive” des femmes, les tensions autour de l’alimentation de l’enfant, sous le prisme des rapports sociaux de sexe. Ces recherches micro-sociologiques lui ont permis de questionner la notion de citoyenneté en Algérie, dans une perspective anthropologique, montrant son absence dans la société algérienne et surtout les raisons de sa non-constitution. Ce qui l’a conduit à appréhender le “Hirak” algérien du 22 février 2019, en investissant l’espace public pour tenter de comprendre de l’intérieur les objectifs, les logiques d’action et les interactions des manifestants. Sa trajectoire scientifique sur le “sens du mal” a été remobilisée pour décrypter les pratiques de la population vis-à-vis de la pandémie Covid-19. Ce dernier travail a été réalisé avec la participation de l’Association Santé Sidi El Houari et L’Observatoire Régional de la Santé d’Oran Cet épisode s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle des conférences “Santé et humanités au Maghreb” de l'American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS), organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) en étroite collaboration avec Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Ce podcast a été enregistré via Zoom le 10 décembre 2020 entre Oran et Tunis. Dr. Robert P. Parks, Directeur du CEMA, a modéré le débat. Nous remercions Dr. Jonathan Glasser, anthropologue culturel au College of William & Mary, pour son istikhbar in sika à l'alto pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["35:15"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/869a30a4-2fb5-35e4-8729-4227b1edcfea","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/les-significations-profanes-de-la-pande%cc%81mie-covid-19-a%cc%80-oran/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/mebtoul_sizeb3f8x.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Entretien avec Dr. Asma Nouira : Les relations entre l'État et la religion en Tunisie"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 114: Entretien avec Dr. Asma Nouira : Les relations entre l'État et la religion en Tunisie Dans ce podcast, Dr. Asma Nouira présente ses recherches sur les relations entre l'État et la religion en Tunisie. Ayant commencé avec une analyse du rôle du Mufti de la République en Tunisie, le spectre de cette recherche s'est élargi pour inclure les divers acteurs religieux en Tunisie, notamment après la révolution du 14 janvier 2011. Dr. Nouira analyse l'évolution de cette dynamique relationnelle entre État et religion à travers une exploration de l'histoire des institutions religieuses tunisiennes, de l'évolution des interprétations des textes de droit ainsi que de l'impact de l'ascension de l'Islam politique à l'aube de la révolution tunisienne. À travers cette recherche de longue durée, Dr. Nouira développe une compréhension particulière du concept d'Islam d'État en Tunisie, de ses usages complexes par les différents acteurs ainsi que des différents sens qu'il a pu avoir à travers l'histoire du pays et des acteurs politiques. Asma Nouira est maître de conférences en sciences politiques, habilitée à diriger des recherches universitaires et ancienne Directrice du département des sciences politiques à la Faculté de droit et des sciences politiques de Tunis (FDPST), Université de Tunis El Manar. Elle a également travaillé sur les thématiques des partis politiques, du genre, de la décentralisation, et la démocratisation en Tunisie. Dr. Nouira est membre fondateur de l'Observatoire tunisien de la transitions démocratique (OTTD), crée en 2011. Sous forme d'entretien avec Dr. Meriem Guetat, Directrice Adjointe du Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), ce podcast s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Conversations en droit et sociétés » et a été enregistré le 20 décembre 2019 au CEMAT. Posté par: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["33:09"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/0ea39d13-f72c-3652-ae8b-2f1564732d86","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/entretien-avec-dr-asma-nouira-les-relations-entre-letat-et-la-religion-en-tunisie/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Asma_nouira_size7lnsz.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["À la découverte de copies manuscrites d'une même œuvre : Le 'Kitâb al-siyar' de Wisyânî, un auteur Ibâdite Nord-Africain du 6ème AH. / 12ème"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 113: À la découverte de copies manuscrites d'une même œuvre : Le 'Kitâb al-siyar' de Wisyânî, un auteur Ibâdite Nord-Africain du 6ème AH. / 12ème Constituant une ressource appréciable pour les sciences humaines et sociales, les manuscrits berbères écrits en caractères arabes sont répartis un peu partout dans les pays du Maghreb. Un bon nombre de ces manuscrits se trouve dans des bibliothèques publiques mais beaucoup d’autres appartiennent à des particuliers. La journée d’étude organisée par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) intitulée: Reflexions autour des manuscrits maghrébins, s’adresse aux chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs et doctorants qui s’intéressent aux manuscrits. Les approches mobilisées dans les différentes communications programmées dans le cadre de cette journée sont riches et variées par les objets qu’elles traitent. Elles se penchent chacune à leur manière sur l’identification et la conservation des fonds documentaires, la paléographie, la codicologie, l’étude du contenu qui font l’objet de plusieurs branches de savoir telles les humanités numériques qui peuvent offrir des perspectives insoupçonnées. Dans ce podcast Pr. Ouahmi Ould-Braham nous emmène à la découverte de copies manuscrites d’une même œuvre : le Kitâb al- siyar de El Wisyânî, un auteur ibâdite nord-africain du 6e H. / 12e siècle. Notre conférencier revient d’abord et avec force détails sur le climat socioculturel post-fatimide (11ème /12ème siècle), marqué par les travaux d’un certain nombre d’écrivains et de poètes dont El Wisyânî. Il retrace ensuite la trajectoire de ce manuscrit issu d’une chronique ibadite en vieux berbère (dans ses différentes variantes). Ouahmi Ould-Braham est qualifié professeur des universités par le CNU et habilité (7e Section, Sciences du langage). Il est aussi un berbérisant reconnu dans son champ de compétences, ayant produit des études sur diverses personnalités, dont l’historien Masqueray, sujet d’une thèse soutenue avec succès, et sur un certain nombre d’objets littéraires ou linguistiques. D’autres investigations l’ont mené vers le berbère médiéval et d’autres encore vers la tradition orale contemporaine. Connu depuis plusieurs années, d’abord pour avoir fondé et maintenu la revue académique Études et Documents Berbères (40 numéros parus jusqu’ici), domiciliée à la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme - Paris Nord et devenue une publication interuniversitaire reconnue. Depuis l’année 2002, il a lancé le « Projet berbère multimédia » qui est en train de générer la préfiguration de la Bibliothèque numérique berbère. Il travaille actuellement sur la valorisation numérique des manuscrits berbères en graphie arabe, un projet qui associera plusieurs établissements de France et des pays du Maghreb. Cet episode s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Langues et sociétés au Maghreb ». Il a été enregistré à l’occasion de la journée d’études « Reflexions autour des manuscrits maghrébins », qui a eu lieu le 12 février 2020 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Dr. Karim Ouaras, Maître de conférences à l’Université d’Oran 2 et Directeur adjoint du CEMA a modéré le débat. Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón, étudiant en master à l'EHESS, pour sa prestation à la guitare du titre A vava Inouva de Idir pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["33:55"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/424aad64-1333-34ca-ab53-9673ee239004","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/a-la-decouverte-de-copies-manuscrites-dune-meme-oeuvre-le-kitab-al-siyar-de-wisyani-un-auteur-ibadite-nord-africain-du-6eme-ah-12eme/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Ouahmi_Ould-Braham_size83mjh.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Terra Incognita: Mapping the Afterlives of French Nuclear Imperialism in the Sahara"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 112: Terra Incognita: Mapping the Afterlives of French Nuclear Imperialism in the Sahara How can aesthetic works and humanities training help us to apprehend the danger that nuclear toxicity poses to ecological health and human life? Taking off from the premise that French maps of the Sahara Desert have long served to enable military occupation and violent erasure, this podcasts explores how aesthetic works such as film and photography can act as countercartographies that push back against the dangerous idea of the desert as empty space. Beginning in 1960, the French military carries out seventeen nuclear bomb detonations at two secret bases they built for this purpose in the Algerian Sahara. The desert sites near Reggane and In Ekker were selected for their supposed remoteness and emptiness – according to the French state, for purposes of safety, cleanliness, and containment. Of course, the Sahara is anything but empty, and these deadly bombs were anything but safe, clean, or contained. The term 'afterlife' recognizes that nuclear imperialism is not a past problem, but a present and future one. In this talk, Dr. Jill Jarvis, Assistant Professor in the Department of French at Yale University, discusses maps and images taken in and around the village of Mertoutek, whose residents were in the direct path of radioactive cloud released during the underground detonation of the bomb named 'Béryl' at nearby In Ekker in 1962. A striking document of this disaster and its enduring impact is the short documentary film At(h)ome, by Elisabeth Leuvrey, inspired by landscape photographs taken of the site by Bruno Hadjih. Leuvrey's and Hadjih's works combine image and sound to chart an archival blank zone where old taboos on naming French colonial violence intersect with present state secrets. As it stands, aesthetic works – photography, film, poetry, narrative, song – might be among the forms best attuned to register this toxic afterlife, and to train us to recognize and reckon with nuclear imperialism much differently than do our governments and legal systems. This episode is part of “Health and Humanities in the Maghrib” a lecture series by the American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS), organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and the Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), in close collaboration with the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). It was recorded on the 19th of November 2020 between Oran, New Haven (CT), Ithaca (NY) and Tunis. Dr. Samia Henni, Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture at Cornell University, moderated the lecture and debate. Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:04:28"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/bfc46f48-adaf-358d-af52-f63e3a645aac","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/terra-incognita-mapping-the-afterlives-of-french-nuclear-imperialism-in-the-sahara/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Jill_Jarvis.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Non-State Actors and State-Building in Libya after 2011"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 111: Non-State Actors and State-Building in Libya after 2011 In this podcast, Professor Amal El-Obeidi discusses power struggles in Libya, as well as the country's instability since 2011. In the absence of a central state after the fall of Qaddafi's regime, processes of national reconciliation and transitional justice have been ineffective. Additionally, the increased number of municipalities after 2014 has led to new political divisions. El-Obeidi argues that local-level governing coalitions have often filled the void of state sovereignty and worked to reduce marginalization, as well as ensure equal access to resources. She focuses specifically on the increasing role of non-state actors in national reconciliation. In this context, tribes played a significant role in Libya's political and social life through ‘urf, or customary law. El-Obeidi highlights the position of women in local reconciliation dialogs within male-dominated councils. In addition to her research, El-Obeidi also speaks of the ways in which academic life has changed significantly for Libya scholars since 2011. The conflict in Libya has not only impacted academic facilities, but has made field research difficult, if not impossible. Amal El-Obeidi is Professor of Comparative Politics in the Department of Political Science at the University of Benghazi, Libya. Currently she is a fellow researcher at the Institute for African Studies at Bayreuth University, Germany. She is a founding member and vice president of the Libyan Experts Forum for Development since 2017. Author of Political Culture in Libya, her work has appeared in Open Democracy and Middle East Monitor. Prof. El-Obeidi's research interests include gender issue, local reconciliation, governance and security issues, migration, conflict resolution, and peace building. Her current research addresses tribalism in Libya from a gender perspective. Jacob Mundy, Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at Colgate University, conducted this interview on November 23, 2020. This podcast is part of the \"Supporting Critical Research and Strengthening Scholarly Capacity in Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia\" project organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and the Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), and funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Prof. Mundy heads the contemporary Libya studies research unit, of which Prof. El-Obeidi is a member. Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["28:50"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/c0f691c9-988d-30ab-a494-f7f856ef538b","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/non-state-actors-and-state-building-in-libya-after-2011/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Amal_El-Obeidi-sizeal6t3.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Centralization and Decentralization in the Middle East and North Africa"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 110: Centralization and Decentralization in the Middle East and North Africa In this podcast on local governance in Morocco and Jordan, Dr. Janine A. Clark, Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto, examines how decentralization and centralization mechanisms are implemented at the municipal level. She asks why Morocco decentralized while Jordan did not. Relying on the history of electoral politics and municipal laws in both countries, her research covers the periods from Morocco's independence until 2015, and from 1995 to 2015 in Jordan. Her work specifically considers the 2009 municipal elections in Morocco, and the 2007 municipal elections in Jordan. Clark argues that decentralization processes are determined by governments' coalition strategies since regimes tend to build alliances with certain social groups that keep them in power through elite capture. This, decentralization offers numerous opportunities for local elites to pursue their interests. Clark too shows how decentralization stabilizes authoritarian regimes while centralization can have destabilizing effects. Janina A. Clark. is author of Local Politics in Jordan and Morocco (Columbia University Press, 2018), Islam, Charity, and Activism: Middle-Class Networks and Social Welfare in Egypt, Jordan, and Yemen (Indiana University Press, 2004) and co-editor of Economic Liberalization, Democratization and Civil Society in the Developing World (Palgrave, 2000), and of numerous single and co-authored articles. She is editor-in-chief of Middle East Law and Governance (MELG). This episode is part of the Society & Politics in the Maghrib series and was recorded on January 13th, 2020 at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["43:43"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/b4ef77a0-3161-3e06-ac97-931bbd2de397","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/centralization-and-decentralization-in-the-middle-east-and-north-africa-1613474554/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Untitled.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Bread and Circuits: Illness, Food, and the Course of Empire in Algeria"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 109: Bread and Circuits: Illness, Food, and the Course of Empire in Algeria In the midst of ongoing drought, famine, and epidemic disease in the 1860s, a few settlers in Algiers got sick with a mysterious illness. Investigations determined that the culprit was construction debris from the Haussmannization of Paris, shipped across imperial channels and then used as fuel in a few Algiers bakeries. Lead pain become poison in loaves as this material combusted in colonial bread ovens. The modernization of the imperial metropole, that is, turned into toxic debris in the colony. In this podcast, Dr. Brock Cutler takes a look at how this story about poisoned bread can expose the filaments that tied together an imperial space in the western Mediterranean, along the way illuminating the role bread played in performances of modern imperialism. Dr. Brock Cutler is an Associate Professor in the Department of History at Radford University. He is the author of numerous articles and book chapters dealing with ecology and history in North Africa. His forthcoming book, \"Crisis Ecologies: Imperialism, Death, and Debris in Algeria,\" centered around a massive ecological disaster in which 800,000 Algerians died between 1865 and 1872, explores how the new eco-social dynamics in the late nineteenth century cleaved societies from environments and people from society, creating the new insides and outsides of modernity and imperialism. This episode is part of “Health and Humanities in the Maghrib” a lecture series by the American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS), organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and the Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), in close collaboration with the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). It was recorded on the 15th of October 2020 between Oran, Radford (VA), St. Petersburg (FL) and Tunis. Dr. Adam Guerin, Associate Professor in the Department of History at Eckerd College, moderated the lecture and debate. To see related slides visit our web site www.themaghribpodcast.com We thank Dr. Jonathan Glasser, Cultural Anthropologist at the College of William & Mary for his istikhbar in sika on viola for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Realization and editing: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["50:30"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/72ff8851-15f2-3d24-8feb-2ea8725f7e28","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/bread-and-circuits-illness-food-and-the-course-of-empire-in-algeria/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Brock_Cutleratkpj.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Anti-Elitism in Tunisia: Condition of Political Success?"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 108: Anti-Elitism in Tunisia: Condition of Political Success? In this podcast, Associate Professor Tarek Kahlaoui reflects on populism in the post-revolutionary context of Tunisia. Kahlaoui questions the idea of an umbrella definition of Tunisian populism, a misleading term that overlooks important nuances. He asks whether populism is a real threat to representative democracy. He compares the two distinctive frontrunners of the 2019 presidential elections, Kais Saied and Nabil Karoui. Associate Prof. Kahlaoui taught history and Islamic civilization at Rutgers University for a decade after completing his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania in 2008. After serving as the general director of the Tunisian Institute of Strategic Studies, Tunisia's leading think tank tied to the Presidency of the Republic, he resumed teaching history of the Arab World at the South Mediterranean University in Tunis. He is author of a 2020 book on Ahmed Ben Salah, a powerful super-minister under Tunisia's first president, Habib Bourguiba. This podcast, in CEMAT's Politics Now lecture series, was recorded as part of the roundtable on \"Populism, Politics and Popularity - Reflections on the Politics of Today,\" organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) on February 6, 2020, at Le 15 in downtown Tunis. Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["20:00"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/682edb8a-7fe8-352b-a232-d8809543fac8","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/anti-elitism-in-tunisia-condition-of-political-success/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Kahlaoui_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"ar-Arab":["الشعبوية: قراءة حول المثال التونسي"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"ar-Arab":["Episode 107: الشعبوية: قراءة حول المثال التونسي في هذا التسجيل الصوتي، يناقش الأستاذ محمد شفيق صرصار آثار الخطاب الشعبوي الذي عرفه المشهد السياسي التونسي منذ 2011 على نتائج الانتخابات المتعاقبة في البلاد، كما يربط هذه الظاهرة ببروز الشخصيات السياسية الشعبوية في الإنتخابات الرئاسية والتشريعية ل 2019. ويأتي الأستاذ صرصار على العوامل التي أعدت المناخ السياسي التونسي لصعود الخطابات الشعبوية مؤكدا على أن تظافر أزمة الأحزاب السياسية والمؤسسات الديمقراطية بتعمق الإشكاليات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية، قد عبّد الطّريق لظهور اوليغارشية سياسية جديدة سيطرت على مسار البناء السياسي والديمقراطي في تونس منذ 2011. ويعتبر الأستاذ أن المناخ السياسي المتسم بفشل السياسيين في تحقيق المطالب الاجتماعية والاقتصادية للثورة وإيغالهم في الانعزال عن المشاغل الشعبية يفسر إلى حد كبير شعبية الشخصيات السياسية التي تتماهى وفكرة \"الشعب\" محاولة تقمص مشاعره ومطالبه عبر الخطاب والممارسة الشعبوية. محمد شفيق صرصار هو أستاذ القانون العام بكلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية بتونس- جامعة تونس المنار والرئيس السابق للهيئة العليا المستقلة للانتخابات (2014-2017). وقد تولى الأستاذ صرصار، غداة الثورة التونسية في 2011 عضوية لجنة الخبراء بالهيئة العليا المستقلة لتحقيق أهداف الثورة والإصلاح السياسي والانتقال الديمقراطي. تم تسجيل هذه الحلقة من المحاضرات عن \"السياسة اليوم\" في إطار الندوة التي نظمها مركز الدراسات المغاربية بتونس بتاريخ 6 فيفري 2020 حول \"الشعبوية، السياسة والشعبية: تأملات حول سياسات اليوم\" بفضاء \"Le Quinze \" بتونس. Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["14:16"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/8f711a74-f09f-3a81-91b9-4d5bca1bc953","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/populism-the-case-of-tunisia/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Chafik_Sersar_size7o9pm.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Populism and the Crisis of the Republic"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 106: Populism and the Crisis of the Republic In this podcast, Professor Charles Tripp argues that populism is a form of collective politics that embodies distinct ideas, particularly those about popular sovereignty. Populism, he stresses, claims to communicate and respond directly to the political base – the people – by passing increasingly unpopular political elites and institutions. Three features characterize populism: (1) demagogic simplification; (2) anti-representative confrontation of below and above; and (3) assertion of a clear and uniform will of the people. The rise of populism is a symptom of a crisis of governance and particularly a crisis of the republic, which fails to fulfill its promises of citizen equality. From this perspective, populism becomes a technique for disguising deep inequalities of power. Charles Tripp is Professor Emeritus of Politics with reference to the Middle East and North Africa at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, and is a Fellow of the British Academy. His PhD was from SOAS and examined Egyptian politics in the latter years of monarchy. At SOAS he had been head of the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies and is one of the co-founders of the Centre for Comparative Political Thought. His research has mainly focused on political developments in the Middle East and includes the nature of autocracy, war and the state, as well as Islamic political thought, the politics of resistance and the relationship between art and power. He is currently working on a study of the emergence of the public and the rethinking of republican ideals in North Africa. This podcast, in CEMAT's Politics Now lecture series, was recorded as part of the roundtable on \"Populism, Politics and Popularity - Reflections on the Politics of Today,\" organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) on February 6, 2020, at Le 15 in downtown Tunis. Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["17:09"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/eb32645d-5ebe-3506-b52d-a76134522a89","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/populism-and-the-crisis-of-the-republic/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Tripp.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Jedba, Jinns, and Hāl: Bodily Modalities of Mental-Emotional Health and 'Musico-thérapie' in Algeria"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 105: Jedba, Jinns, and Hāl: Bodily Modalities of Mental-Emotional Health and 'Musico-thérapie' in Algeria In this podcast, Dr. Tamara Turner illustrates the inextricable relationship between mental-emotional health, sound, and consciousness through a spectrum of 'psychological' states that are locally mapped in Algeria as bodily modalities: jedba, hāl, and bori. These three bodily modalities constitute a wide and fluctuating spectrum of musically-cultivated, ritual trance dancing seen in various contexts from weddings and festivals to 'Sufi' hadrat, particularly among the Dīwān of Sīdī Bilāl tarīqa. Drawing from in-depth ethnographic fieldwork on Morocco and Algeria, Dr. Turner shows how notions of 'music' exceed social, symbolic, and aesthetic valence because sound and music are thought about medicinally as vibrating agents in ongoing health maintenance. A cultural anthropologist, Dr. Tamara Turner is a researcher at the Center for the History of Emotions at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin. Her research is at the intersection of psychological anthropology, musical and performance practice, and affect studies. She specializes in North African Sufism, anthropology of religion and medicine, and the links between cultural notions of affect, consciousness, and mental-emotional health. Her doctoral thesis was the first research to thoroughly document the musical repertoire, practice, and history of Algerian dīwān, a nocturnal trance ritual of the Bilaliyya Sufi Order that emerged out of the trans-Saharan slave trade. As a musician as well as a scholar, she studied with ritual musicians and experts, attending and documenting dīwān rituals across Algeria from the Mediterranean coast to the Saharan Desert. Analytically, Dr. Turner's work investigates the critical role of emotions and affects in rituals in general, particularly as they pertain to varieties of altered states of 'consciousness,' social and trans-personal pain and suffering, and memory. In 2017, her doctoral thesis won an Elsevier Outstanding Thesis prize. Her research in Algeria and Morocco has previously been funded by various grants from King's College London, the British Forum for Ethnomusicology, the Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie, and the West African Research Association. This episode is part of “Health and Humanities in the Maghrib” a lecture series by the American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS), organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and the Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), in close collaboration with the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). It was recorded on the 1st of October 2020 between Berlin, Oran, and Tunis. Dr. Robert P. Parks, CEMA Director, moderated the lecture and debate. To see related slides please visit our web site: www.themaghribpodcast.com We thank Dr. Tamara Turner, Ethnomusicologist and Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Center for the History of Emotions, for her interpretation of Sidna Ali, from the diwan repertoir. Realization and editing: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:08:45"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/78eb803a-ff58-3c35-9567-ba6140a9cdfd","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/jedba-jinns-and-hal-bodily-modalities-of-mental-emotional-health-and-musico-therapie-in-algeria/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Tamara_Turner_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Of Jinn Theory and Germ Theory: Translating Bacteriological Medicine and Islamic Law in Algeria"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 104: Of Jinn Theory and Germ Theory: Translating Bacteriological Medicine and Islamic Law in Algeria In this podcast, focusing on colonial Algeria c. 1890 to 1940, Dr. Hannah-Louise Clark explores how Muslim intellectuals and ordinary people learned about microbes and responded to bacteriological medicine. Many Algerians feared invisible spirits (jinn) and sought the healing powers of saints and exorcists. Was it then permitted to use French treatments and follow rules of Pasteurian hygiene? Specialists in Islamic law, other intellectuals, and unlettered villagers showed a persistent concern with these and other questions in the wake of colonial conquest and violence, as novel techniques, therapeutics, and forms of epistemic authority were introduced, and new visions of religious orthodoxy and national revival were formulated. Examining material culture and writings across a range of genres and formats, Dr. Clark argues that Islamic tradition and law were integral to the emerging science and culture of microbes in 20th-century Algeria. While Islamic reformists sought to displace jinn theories, other Algerian intellectuals and colonial officials found it convenient to explain germs in terms of jinn. Both French and Muslim elites combined religious principles and hygiene to advance their competing projects of political and social control targeted at the Muslim family, thereby attempting to displace women’s jinn-based practices. Dr Hannah-Louise Clark is lecturer in global economic and social history at the University of Glasgow. Her work investigates cross-cultural translations of knowledge and professional hierarchies, technology transfer, state governance, and epidemics in North Africa, c. 1800-present, with a current focus on Algeria. Clark pays particular attention to neglected archives and Arabic-language sources to document and analyse long-term local, regional, and trans-regional trends in health and social welfare. Her research has informed teaching on history of medicine within Algeria’s medical curriculum, and has been recognized and supported by awards and grants from the National Endowment of the Humanities “Constructing African Medical Heritage: Legacies of Empire and the Geopolitics of Culture, 1890–1990,” with Helen Tilley [PI] and Michael Afolayan, 2020-2023), The Leverhulme Trust, Princeton University Committee on Academic Programmes for Alumni, and the US Department of Education DDRA Fellowship and others. Clark also collaborated with cultural heritage professionals and students at the University of Glasgow to develop “global history hackathons” as a format for research incubation and teaching with archives and museum collections. She is currently working on a book manuscript on race, religion, and the Pasteurian public health worldview in early 20th-century Algeria. This episode is part of “Health and Humanities in the Maghrib,” a lecture series by the American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS), organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and the Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), in close collaboration with the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). It was recorded on the 26th of October 2020 between Glasgow, Oran, Oxford, and Tunis. James McDougall, Professor of History at St. Anthony's College, University of Oxford, moderated the lecture and debate. To see related slides, visit our web site: www.themaghribpodcast.org We thank our friend Ignacio Villalón for his guitar performance for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Realization and editing: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["56:11"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/33dceb14-b6a9-3c3d-a788-025eb7a11210","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/of-jinn-theory-and-germ-theory-translating-bacteriological-medicine-and-islamic-law-in-algeria/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Hannah-Louise_Clark_size78bmv.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Memoirs, Memory, and the History of the Tunisian Left"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 103: Memoirs, Memory, and the History of the Tunisian Left In this podcast, Dr.Idriss Jebari contemplates the outpouring of memory from the former leftists of the Perspectives movement, following the 2011 Tunisian Revolution. In a series of published memoirs, the likes of Gilbert Naccache, Fethi Ben Haj Yahia and others take their readers from their experience of prison in the sixties and seventies, as well as their reflections on critical moments of Tunisia's political transition, particularly transitional justice and national reconciliation. Through these memoirs, Dr. Jebari explores how they could help write new histories for the Tunisian people: one that is plural and democratic. On the ten-year anniversary of the Revolution, after unprecedented transformations and the global pandemic, we are reminded of the fleeting nature of memory in light of the tragic passing of several figures from the Maghrib's past. Dr. Idriss Jebari is Al Maktoum Assistant Professor in Middle East Studies at Trinity CollegeDublin. His work investigates the distinctiveness of the Maghribi critique of modernity in contemporary Arab intellectual and cultural history. He completed a doctorate on the history of the production of critical thought in Morocco and Tunisia at the University of Oxford on the intellectual projects of Moroccan thinker Abdallah Laroui and Tunisian thinker Hichem Djaït. He then held an Arab Council for Social Sciences postdoctoral fellowship at the American University of Beirut to study the dynamics of intellectual and cultural exchanges between the Maghrib and the Mashriq after 1967. He has published on the intellectual projects of several North African intellectual figures such as Abdelkebir Khatibi, Mohamed Abed al-Jabri and Malek Bennabi, and how the younger generations remember this intellectual heritage and the Arab Left. He is currently working on his first book manuscript that will address the critical societal debates that shaped North Africa's path today modernity in the sixties and seventies. This podcast was recorded between Tunis and Dublin on January 8, 2021, by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and the Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) and is part of the special podcast series, \"The Ten-Year Anniversary of Tunisia's Revolution (January 14, 2021).\" The podcast was introduced by Dr. Robert P. Parks, CEMA Director. We thank Yesser Jradi for his interpretation of \"Narja3lk dima.\" A talented artist, Yesser is a painter, musician with interests in cinema and theatre. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["42:32"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/b55a22c1-29b5-3b60-9cbb-08d422494365","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/memoirs-memory-and-the-history-of-the-tunisian-left/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Idriss_Jebari_size2.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Making Space(s) for Arts and Culture in Libya"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2023],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1444,1445],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 152: Making Space(s) for Arts and Culture in Libya In this episode, Hadia Gana, founder of Bayt Ali Gana, and Faraj Alsileeni, Cultural Manager at Tanarout Organization for Libyan Creativity, share their experiences opening community spaces for art and culture in Libya. Providing two generations of perspective, the speakers find commonalities in their trials and successes. While budget remains an elusive problem and support from governing institutions can be fickle, both Gana and Alsileeni have found strength in building community networks including within their own families. Above all, the leaders seek strategies for sustainability. Reflecting on Libya’s past and present, they raise the questions: To what extent could traditional tribal systems be integrated into this new burgeoning cultural sphere? How to convince the public that art can be a powerful tool for change? And amidst the current political uncertainty, what are the spaces in which ongoing cultural education can take place? Faraj Alsileeni is the Cultural Manager of Tanarout Organization for Libyan Creativity, an arts and cultural center in Benghazi, Libya. Opened in 2015, Tanarout offers exhibitions, theater performances, workshops, a book circle, a cinema club, and an open arts space for the community. Alsileeni is also a Resource Center Officer for Civil Society at ACTED Libya. He is an active cinema blogger and cinema researcher, recently presenting his first paper, “The Libyan in the Others Screen,” at the cultural policies symposium of Axiology magazine at the Libyan International University. He is a fellow researcher with Network for Arab Alternative Screens. Hadia Gana is a pottery artist and founder of Gana House for Arts, a cultural space in Tripoli that includes an archive and museum of Ali Gana’s art works and art research. Hadia was appointed in late 2018 as a Board Member at the Old City of Tripoli Administration Bureau that manages the restoration and rehabilitation of the heritage site, including public and private cultural spaces. This podcast is part of \"Libya Studies\" lecture series and was recorded at Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) on October 9, 2022 at Bait Al Hikma in Tunis, as part of the 2022 AIMS Arts & Humanities Conference on Libya. We thank Hisham Errish, a music composer and an Oud soloist, for his interpretation of “ One Song of Libya ” in the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Posted by: Hayet Yebbous Bensaid, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["16:09"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/73a9b808-1c7e-3a9b-b327-988fe1427066","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/making-spaces-for-arts-and-culture-in-libya/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Faraj_Hadiaa7kci.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["En hommage à feu Rachid Sidi Boumedine (Décédé le 07 novembre 2022): Céramiques d’Alger, toute une histoire"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 151: En hommage à feu Rachid Sidi Boumedine (Décédé le 07 novembre 2022): Céramiques d'Alger, toute une histoire Dans ce podcast, feu Rachid Sidi Boumedine, sociologue et urbaniste à l'Université d'Alger a présenté son dernier ouvrage intitulé Céramiques d'Alger, toute une histoire. « Le travail de Rachid Sidi Boumedine vient après un parcours assez diversifié et des écrits sur l’urbanisme et est assez novateur dans la mesure où il ne s’attache pas outre mesure à la technique de fabrication du carreau de céramique, même s’il trace l’évolution dans divers pays, mais au cheminement de cet objet venu de toutes parts pour élire à jamais domicile chez nous et faire partie de notre histoire. Son travail ne revient pas à figer la présentation de ces carreaux sous forme d’un catalogue comme il en existe tant, mais consiste à intégrer leur utilisation dans la décoration des habitations et palais dans le contexte économique et social de l’époque, à savoir la période qui va du XVIIe au XIXe siècle inclus. Et la nomenklatura du régime ottoman, les grands négociants et les raïs qui commandaient la flotte étaient assez riches pour acquérir ces carreaux coûteux pour décorer leurs demeures et leurs palais, créant au passage une «façon de faire» et un «goût» dominant et donnant aux constructions de la Casbah cette beauté et ce charme si particulier, devenus notre patrimoine. » (Texte tiré de la 4ème de couverture : Sidi Boumedine, Rachid, 2021. Céramiques d'Alger, toute une histoire, ANEP Éditions, Alger.) Les débats de cette rencontre on été modérés par Djilali Tahraoui, architecte-enseignant et directeur de la Revue de l’Urbanisme, de l’Architecture et de la Construction MADINATI. Cette conférence a été organisée par Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) en collaboration avec le Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), l’Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran (USTO) et la Revue de l’Urbanisme, de l’Architecture et de la Construction (MADINATI). Elle a eu lieu le 10 janvier 2022 et a été suivie d’une vente dédicace. Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón, pour sa prestation à la guitare pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Yebbous Bensaid, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:00:55"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/57ace7c8-3458-3078-91da-dde26f1a3654","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/en-hommage-a-feu-rachid-sidi-boumedine-decede-le-07-novembre-2022-ceramiques-d-alger-toute-une-histoire/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Rachid_Sidi_Boumedine_size9fgpy.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Roman Dougga (Thougga), Heritage Preservation in an Antique City"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 149: Roman Dougga (Thougga) Heritage Preservation in an Antique City Dougga (Thugga) is one the best-preserved Roman towns in North Africa and it is just an hour and a half away from the capital Tunis in the governorate of Jendouba. Because of its excellent preservation and its position as a popular tourist attraction, Dougga serves as a wonderful example and experience of one of the many spaces of cultural heritage in Tunisia. In this podcast, Prof. Mounir Khélifa guides listeners through the basic history of Dougga and contextualizes broader discussions of cultural heritage in Tunisia. In his analysis of this specific ancient Roman site, he outlines what Tunisians need to prioritize as they move forward in their journey of preserving cultural heritage. Seeing as though Tunisia has a long and beautiful history it is up to individuals as well as the government and private organizations to protect and celebrate Tunisia’s culture. As a former professor and now director of the School for International Training study abroad program in Tunisia, Prof. Khélifa is well practiced in condensing thousands of years of history for listeners that are new to Tunisia. He works diligently to make sure his students understand Tunisia at a historical and political level by connecting multiple lines of thought. Mounir Khelifa studied English at the Sorbonne and Yale where he received his MA and PhD. A professor of English language and literature at Tunis University he has taught for more than three decades poetry, poetics, literary theory and comparative literature. In addition to teaching, he has also been a director of English graduate studies and a senior advisor in the cabinet of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, responsible for international cooperation and curricular reform. In 2012, he was made a lifetime member of the Tunisian Academy for the Arts, Letters, and Science. This episode is part of « Cultural Heritage Conservation in the Maghrib » lecture series organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). It was recorded at the CEMAT on April 19, 2022 with Neely Egan, the CEMAT Cultural History of Tourism Fellow. To see related slides please visit our website: www.themaghribpodcast.com We thank Dr. Jonathan Glasser, Cultural Anthropologist at au College of William & Mary, for his istikhbar in sika on viola for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["15:53"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/45a87cf2-a9a9-323e-b8c5-bdc77419cccd","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/roman-dougga-thougga-heritage-preservation-in-an-antique-city/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Mounir_Khelifa.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Cultural Preservation in the Medina of Tunis: A Conversation with Leila Ben Gacem"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2022],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1443,1444],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 148: Cultural Preservation in the Medina of Tunis: A Conversation with Leila Ben Gacem In this podcast, Leila Ben Gacem discusses her projects in the Tunis medina working to preserve physical spaces as well as support, promote and protect local artisans. Her work includes but is not limited to Dar Ben Gacem guest house, Mdiniti (the medina’s first economic interest group), and Dar el Harka (creative industry hub). Dar Ben Gacem encapsulates her work on physical space in the medina. Starting in 2007 Ben Gacem began the process of renovating a dilapidated, historic building. During this first project, the renovations faced many difficulties including ambiguous governmental regulations and of course a revolution after which social dynamics shifted significantly. Finally in 2013, the first Dar Ben Gacem opened as a boutique hotel in the medina of Tunis, followed by a second Dar renovation project shortly thereafter. Together these two hotels have opened their doors to countless guests from all over the world and hosted events with artisans, chefs and startups. Mdiniti, a more recent effort, is an economic initiative that represents 17 different start-ups, artisans and businesses that all have the same goal: revitalizing and celebrating the culture of the Tunis medina. As individuals, these representatives would not have much sway, but as a conglomerate, their collective voices can influence change at a higher level. This work on reviving cultural heritage is not isolated. Ben Gacem explains that the problems her organizations face are a product of more complex issues, including how the increase in the high school dropout rate trickles down and affects efforts to revitalize the medina. By addressing these hurdles as a part of her programming with Dar el Harka, a coworking space that encourages student involvement and provides study spaces, Ben Gacem ends up revitalizing more than just spaces in the medina. This podcast sheds light on a thoughtful and diligent leader in the medina of Tunis. Leila Ben Gacem’s initiatives prove that efforts are forever being made, not without a struggle, to preserve the history and culture of Tunis. Leila Ben-Gacem is a social entrepreneur, Ashoka Fellow, founder of Blue Fish, a consultancy that designs and implements projects to improve the economic dynamics of heritage to improve its resilience. Leila also founded Dar el Harka, a creative industry hub; Dar Ben Gacem, a Boutique Hotel and cultural catalyst in the medina of Tunis. Leila is also a founder and president of Mdinti, Medina’s first economic interest group, and member of the organization committee of UltraMirage El Djerid. Leila is an elected city council member at Beni Khalled. Before switching careers, Leila held various positions at multinational corporations and has a BS in Biomedical Engineering. This episode is part of « Cultural Heritage Conservation in the Maghrib » lecture series organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). It was recorded at Dar Ben Gacem on Friday April 15, 2022 with Neely Egan, the CEMAT Cultural History of Tourism Fellow. We thank our friend Ignacio Villalón for his guitar performance for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Posted by: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["14:08"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/2681d966-48cc-3937-8138-8b0a5296d6e2","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/cultural-preservation-in-the-medina-of-tunis-a-conversation-with-leila-ben-gacem/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Leila_Ben_Gacem_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["En hommage à feu Pr. Abdelkader Lakjaa"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 98: En hommage à feu Pr. Abdelkader Lakjaa La méthode n'enfante pas d'idées par elle-même En hommage à feu Pr. Abdelkader Lakjaa, Sociologue à l'Université d'Oran 2, qui nous a quittés le 7 novembre 2020, nous vous proposons de réécouter sa communication intitulée \"La méthode n'enfante pas d'idées par elle-même\", programmée dans le cadre de la rencontre autour de l'ouvrage collectif La scientificité de l'empirisme en sociologie, coordonné par Pr. Abdel-Halim Berretima, Sociologue à l’Université de Bejaïa, laquelle rencontre a eu lieu au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), le 20 février 2020. Nos sincères condoléances à sa familles, à ses ami(e)s, et à la communauté universitaire. Pour écouter le podcast de la rencontre dans son intégralité, veuillez consulter l'épisode 88. Nous remercions Dr. Jonathan Glasser, anthropologue culturel au College of William & Mary, pour son istikhbar in sika à l'alto pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["28:09"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/ca20be6d-07f6-3081-901f-727fbfc6cc09","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/en-hommage-au-pr-abdelkader-lakjaa/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Abdelkader_Lakjaa-size7vyzy.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Maghrébins en Méditerranée: Complicités corsaires maghrébines à l'époque moderne entre Méditerranée et Atlantique"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"ar-Arab":["Episode 97: Maghrébins en Méditerranée: Complicités corsaires maghrébines à l'époque moderne entre Méditerranée et Atlantique La journée d’étude « Maghrébins en Méditerranée » s’inscrit dans le prolongement du workshop « La Méditerranée vue d’Afrique du Nord » organisé par l’Institut Américain d’Études Maghrébines en juillet 2019 à Tunis. Cette journée d’études, coordonnée par Pr. Fatima Zohra Guechi, se penche sur la présence et les rôles des Maghrébins en Méditerranée entre le 16ème et 19ème siècles. La course et la piraterie figurent parmi les faits historiques ayant marqué cette période. Les Chrétiens les associent à une guerre sainte, les musulmans au jihad. Les communications présentées dans le cadre de cette journée examinent dans un premier temps les enjeux économiques et diplomatiques de la course en mettant l’accent sur les complicités corsaires maghrébines entre la Méditerranée et l’Atlantique, et les parcours familiaux des commerçants évoluant entre Alger, Livourne et Marseille. Elles interrogent dans un second temps les circuits d’échange et les trajectoires des corsaires et négociants méditerranéens en interrogeant le cas de la course maritime de la Régence d’Alger entre l’Europe et la Sublime porte. فاطمة الزهراء قشي، أستاذة التاريخ الحديث والمعاصر، جامعة عبد الحميد مهري قسنيطنة 2 ,مديرة مخبر تاريخ تراث ومجتمع 2012-2018 (سابقا), عضو في المجالس العلمية للكلية ( سابقا), رئيسة فريق التكوين لماستر ودكتوراه \"المغرب الحديث: تاريخ وحضارة\" (2011- 2018), رئيسة تحرير مجلة العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية- جامعة عبد الحميد مهري- قسنطينة 2 ,عضو محكم في مجلة إنسانيات ومجلة أسطور، وغيرهما. من بين منشوراتها: - المؤسسات والحراك الاجتماعي والسياسي في الجزائر و تونس (18 و19م)، كتاب جماعي تحت إشراف فاطمة الزهراء قشي، منشورات مخبر تاريخ، تراث ومجتمع- دار بهاء الدين للنشر والتوزيع، قسنطينة، 2018. - \" السلطة العثمانية و الزعامات القبلية والحضرية في إيالة الجزائر (16 -19م) \"، العرب: من مرج دابق إلى سايكس- بيكو(1516- 1916)- تحولات بنى السلطة والمجتمع: من الكيانات والإمارات السلطانية إلى الكيانات الوطنية،المركز العربي لأبحاث ودراسة السياسات، بيروت، 2019، صص. ؟ - 2013. La presse algérienne de langue arabe 1946-1954, enjeux politiques et jeux de plumes. (2d édition), Midad University Press. - (dir). 2004. Constantine, une ville, des héritages. Constantine : Media-Plus. 2e édition en 2010. - Compte rendu de l’ouvrage de Gilbert Meynier : L’Algérie et la France, Deux siècles d’histoire croisée, (iReMMO, L’Harmattan. 2017. Khalfoune, T. (Dir.), 2019. Mélanges en l’honneur de l’historien Gilbert Meynier. Paris :L’Harmattan, 2019, pp. 47-63. Dans ce podcast, Leila Maziane professeure d’histoire moderne à l’Université Hassan II Casablanca et membre du Réseau International de « La Gouvernance des Ports Atlantiques (XIVe XXIe siècles) » présente une communication portant sur les complicités corsaires maghrébines à l’époque moderne entre Méditerranée et Atlantique. A cette époque, Salé et Tétouan deviennent les ports corsaires les plus importants du littoral marocain et les plus florissants du Maghreb. Leurs corsaires sont partout et rabattent vers leurs ports d’attache captifs et marchandises. Leur réussite s'explique en partie par une entente de grande envergure qui s’est tissée entre les corsaires du Maghreb, ceux de Tunis, Tripoli et surtout d’Alger qui se sont alliés avec zèle depuis le XVIe siècle à l'entreprise corsaire marocaine. Elle a donc tenté de comprendre comment ces différentes places portuaires maghrébines ont su tirer le meilleur profit de la densité de leur réseau et de leur connexion pour devenir des foyers corsaires prospères du Maghreb à l'époque moderne. Et ce, malgré la contrainte des expéditions navales punitives des puissances européennes et des accords diplomatiques signés avec elles. Leïla Maziane vient de publier l’Oriental et la Méditerranée, au-delà des frontières, Casablanca, Croisée des Chemins, 2019. Outre l’histoire et le patrimoine maritime et portuaire, ses thèmes de recherche sont les mobilités. Récemment, elle a coordonné avec Khalid Bensrhir, le dernier numéro de la Revue Hespéris-Tamuda, dédié à la Mobilité individuelle et collective en Méditerranée et en Méditerranée Atlantique : bilan et perspectives, LIII, 3, 2018. Elle a participé à plusieurs ouvrages collectifs tel que Cautivas y esclavas: el tráfico humano en el Mediterráneo, Granada, Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2016 ; La Gobernanza de los Puertos Atlánticos. Siglos XIV-XX, Madrid, Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, n°. 155, 2016. Pour consulter les diaporamas associés à ce podcast, veuillez visiter notre site web: www.themaghribpodcast.com Podcasts similaires: صناعة البحر المتوسط في المتخيلة الاسلامية، تصور المسلمين لمنطقة البحر المتوسط من خلال تاريخ الخرائط من القرن العاشر للقرن السادس عشر La Méditerranée aux yeux des géographes maghrébins au Moyen Âge Nous remercions notre ami Mohammed Boukhoudmi pour son interpretation de l'extrait de nouba, \"Dziriya,\" par Dr. Noureddine Saoudi pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["36:39"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/c51698c0-22f4-35fe-ad28-554be2a98c7c","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/maghrebins-en-mediterranee-complicites-corsaires-maghrebines-a-lepoque-moderne-entre-mediterranee-et-atlantique/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/cartejemediterrane_e7hbh5.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Conversation with Lisa Anderson and Tarek Kahlaoui: Reflections on Tunisia's State Building History and Contemporary Democratization Experience"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 102: Conversation with Lisa Anderson and Tarek Kahlaoui: Reflections on Tunisia's State Building History and Contemporary Democratization Experience In this discussion, Lisa Anderson and Tarek Kahlaoui reflect on Tunisia's post-independence state-building history and the country's contemporary democratization experience. The conversation draws listeners to the transformative moments that preceded the 2011 Revolution, which had subsequent pivotal effects. Reflecting on their own intellectual and professional engagement with Tunisia, the speakers underscore the shortcomings of minimalist and purely institutional academic approaches to the study and practice of democracy. Prof. Anderson is the James T. Shotwell Professor Emirita of International Relations at Columbia University, former President of the American University in Cairo, the Dean Emerita of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, and author of The State and Social Transformation in Tunisia and Libya: 1830-1980 (Princeton University Press, 1986). Associate Prof. Kahlaoui taught history and Islamic civilization at Rutgers University for a decade after completing his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania in 2008. After serving as the general director of the Tunisian Institute of Strategic Studies, Tunisia's leading think tank tied to the Presidency of the Republic, he resumed teaching history of the Arab World at the South Mediterranean University in Tunis. He is author of a 2020 book on Ahmed Ben Salah, a powerful super-minister under Tunisia's first president, Habib Bourguiba. This podcast recorded on January 6, 2021 between Tunis and New York, as a part of CEMA and CEMAT's \"The Ten-Year Anniversary of Tunisia's Revolution (January 14, 2011)\" lecture series. Organized by the Tunis Officeof Columbia Global Centers (CGC) with the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) and the Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), this podcast was moderated by Dr. Laryssa Chomiak, CEMAT Director, and introduced by Youssef Cherif, CGC Director. We thank Yesser Jradi for his interpretation of \"Narja3lk dima.\" A talented artist, Yesser is a painter, musician with interests in cinema and theatre. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["37:44"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/2287cec8-c494-34f0-8fc9-f5c506192aa6","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/conversation-with-lisa-anderson-and-tarek-kahlaoui-reflections-on-tunisias-state-building-history-and-contemporary-democratization-experience/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Kahlaoui_book.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["\"Willis from Tunis, 10 ans et toujours vivant!\" - Entretien avec Nadia Khiari"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 101: \"Willis from Tunis, 10 ans et toujours vivant!\" - Entretien avec Nadia Khiari Le chat Willis from Tunis est né jeudi le 13 janvier 2011 au moment où le président tunisien déchu, Ben Ali, prononçait un discours dans lequel il promettait, entre autres, la liberté d'expression. Cette chronique graphique était pour l'auteur un moyen de partager avec son entourage direct via les réseaux sociaux, son ressenti vis-à-vis de la situation politique que la Tunisie vivait. Sur un ton satirique, le matou commentait l'actualité politique au jour le jour et n'a pas cessé depuis. Dans ce podcast, Dr. Meriem Guetat, Directrice-adjointe du Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), s’entretient avec Nadia Khiari sur son nouveau livre de dessins Willis from Tunis, 10 ans et toujours vivant !, paru récemment aux Éditions Elyzad. La conversation relate l'engagement de Nadia Khiari pour la liberté d'expression et les droits humains, la portée de son œuvre caricaturale et artistique ainsi que les développements du personnage Willis, ponctués par la révolution elle-même. Nadia Khiari, enseignante en arts plastiques, peintre et dessinatrice, a publié plusieurs recueils de chroniques sur la révolution tunisienne. Elle publie ses dessins dans Siné Mensuel, Courrier International et est membre de Cartooning for Peace. Elle a reçu le Prix Honoré Daumier (2012), les insignes de Docteur Honoris Causa de l'Université de Liège (2013), le prix international de la satire politique (2014), le prix Couilles au cul (2016) ainsi que le Prix Sokol (2018). Ce podcast a été enregistré le 5 janvier 2021 par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) dans le cadre de la série \"Ten-Year Anniversary of Tunisia's Revolution (January 14, 2021).\" Nous remercions Yesser Jradi pour son interprétation de \"Narja3lk dima.\". Un artiste talentueux, Yesser est peintre et musicien, il s’intéresse aussi au cinéma et au théâtre. Posté par: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["26:20"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/047b8c7a-46ac-3448-90ad-78b706ee0ea4","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/willis-from-tunis-10-ans-et-toujours-vivant-entretien-avec-nadia-khiari/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Khiari.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Constitution-Making Processes During Democratization: Egypt and Tunisia after the 2010/11 Uprisings"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2021],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1442,1443],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 100: Constitution-making Processes during Democratization: Egypt and Tunisia after the 2010/11 Uprisings In this podcast, Dr. Tereza Jermanová, discusses the differences in the constitution-making processes and design in Tunisia and Egypt during their transitions. Dr. Jermanová looks at how constitution-making procedures are perceived as, on the one hand, constraints –that might restrict the ability of majority actors to debate and set the rules for how a constitution will be made; and on the other hand, as a space where regular social interactions between individuals coming from different political backgrounds can help them to shed some of the prejudices that they have of their opponents and to build interpersonal ties. Dr. Jermanová argues that the inclusive procedures enabled constitutional agreement to become a possibility in Tunisia, while the lack of inclusion in Egypt made such an outcome improbable. Both countries set off on different tracks towards – and away from – democracy not because they followed different constitution-making designs, but because of factors that shaped their adoption in the first place. Dr. Tereza Jermanová is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Middle Eastern Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague where she lectures on Contemporary politics of the Middle East and North Africa. She earned her Ph.D. in Comparative Politics at the University of Warwick, Great Britain. She holds her MA in North African Politics from the University of Exeter, and before that studied politics at the Sciences Po in Paris and the Charles University in Prague. Her research focuses on Egypt, Tunisia, and processes of democratization and constitution-making. This interview was led by CEMAT Associate Director, Dr. Meriem Guetat, and was recorded on February 7, 2020, at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), as part of the Conversations in Law and Society Series. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["23:00"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/6656a56e-e2bb-3b96-9667-2b6a5d793806","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/constitution-making-processes-during-democratization-egypt-and-tunisia-after-the-201011-uprisings/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Jermanova_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Oran, The Plague and COVID 19"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 99: Oran, The Plague and COVID 19 The French critical tradition has seen in Camus’ La peste (1947) an allegorical representation of German occupation, during the Second World War. He staged it in Oran, a coastal town in French Algeria, at the time, closed to the rest of the world because of a plague pandemic. The recent COVID-19 pandemic that flared up through the world sparked off reminiscences of the novel, which remains a master piece of French literature because of its most realistic description of social angst, which recalls paranoiac collective crisis, throwing crowds into panics, from the Middle Ages. Using two literary devices ‘Le pacte autobiographique’ (P. Lejeune) and the ‘Chronotope’ (M. Bakhtin) we propose another reading of this novel, away from the over trodden paths of studies of its human gallery of portraits, as institutionalized by a North/South (French) approach, which we consider as aesthetically valuable as legitimate for its cultural context. We proceed through a South/North (Algerian) approach, based on two main protagonists ‘Oran’ and ‘the plague’ as characters by reference to another allegorical representation by ‘preterition’ (present in absentia) of a missing human entity, the Algerian people. While Camus stigmatizes the terrible suffering of the French people under the clamps of the German invader, he excludes the indigenous ‘Arab community’ from the setting of La peste, keeping silent on the painful ordeal of the Algerian people, under the clamps of 132 years of colonization. Camus’ ambivalent posture induced very controversial debates over the ‘genuineness’ of his commitment to the Algerian cause. Yet, today, Camus has become more than a symbolic trade mark that two different cultural-makings of history dispute, whereas he has always dedicated his life and writings to the whole of mankind. Professor Sidi Mohamed Lakhdar Barka has been teaching ‘African non-native English and French writers’ literatures and African/American literatures of the first half of the twentieth century’, at the Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Mohamed Ben Ahmed University of Oran 2, since 1972. He produced several articles applying discourse analysis theories in the didactics of teaching literature to students coming from an oral tradition background, in Algeria. His pedagogical experience brought him to question the paradoxes of transmission of cultures through languages with a literary tradition (Arabic, French and English) to Algerian learners whose oral cultures have always been conveyed by local linguistic varieties of spoken Tamazight and Arabic, excluded from their literary syllabi. This episode is part of “Arts and Letters in the Maghrib” lecture series and was recorded on the 26th of October 2020 at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) We thank our friend Ignacio Villalón, Master candidate at EHESS, for his guitar performance for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Realization and editing: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["39:35"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/bb0164fd-77a9-3f54-866b-86d49405e7aa","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/oran-the-plague-and-covid-19/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Hammi_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Why is the \"everywhere war\" mostly in the Middle East and North Africa?"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 96: Why is the \"everywhere war\" mostly in the Middle East and North Africa? In this podcast, Professor Jacob Mundy examines the historical and geographical definition and categorization of the MENA region through the discourse of the “everywhere war”, questioning the middle east as a permanent structure of conflict. In nowhere else in the world, war-particularly foreign intervention-is as prevalent and constant as in the MENA region. Professor Mundy argues that the creation of the MENA region as an identity component can be considered as a form of “violence”. He also traces the oil-security nexus, particularly the instability that it engenders across cases and time. Jacob Mundy is an Associate Professor at Colgate University in the Peace and Conflict Studies Program. He is the author of Imaginative Geographies of Algerian Violence: Conflict Science, Conflict Management, Antipolitics (Stanford University Press, 2015) and more recently Libya (Polity Press, 2018). During the 2018-19 academic year, Professor Mundy was a Fulbright Scholar with the Université de Tunis and a research affiliate with CEMAT. He has also twice served on the board of the American Institute for Maghrib Studies, and is also on the editorial committee of Middle East Report. His current research examines the political economy of Libya’s transition after 2011. This episode is part of the Contemporary Thought series and was recorded on September 12, 2019, at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis, as part of “Reinforcing Critical Research on North Africa” project organized by CEMAT and CEMA and funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. To see related slides visit our web page www.themaghribpodcast.com Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["58:43"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/66d7ceda-69e1-57cc-9741-0c45cc5b60c1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/why-is-the-everywhere-war-mostly-in-the-middle-east-and-north-africa/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Jacob_Mundi_size_ajvk8.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Medieval Ifriqiya & the Emergence of the Hafsid Dynasty"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 95: Medieval Ifriqiya & the Emergence of the Hafsid Dynasty In this podcast, Samantha Cloud, PhD candidate in the Department of History at Saint Louis University, discusses her work on medieval Ifriqiya and the emergence of the Hafsid dynasty. The Hafsid dynasty ruled Medieval Ifriqiya (roughly the territory of modern-day Tunisia, Eastern Algeria, and parts of Libya) from the 13th through the 16th century. The self-proclaimed inheritors of the Almohad empire, the Hafsids were the first rulers of Berber-descent to reign over the newly independent kingdom of Tunis, wholly untethered from foreign domination. The success of the Hafsids owed largely to the prowess of its first two sovereigns, Abu Zakariya Yahya and Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad al-Mustansir, whom possessed respectively a keen understanding of Maghrebi tribal politics and the politics of prestige. This podcast provides an overview of the history of medieval Ifriqiya to highlight the significance of this dynasty in a region whose past is haunted by foreign rule and occupation. Addressing the impact of colonialism in the region’s history and historiography, it seeks to reframe the history of the Maghrib from its peripheral position in Western and Islamic studies to a central focus. Also, in focus is the historical agency of Berber peoples – or rather the Amazigh – with the medieval period especially and Hafsid dynasty in particular providing great example of this. Samantha Cloud is writing a dissertation on “A Mediterranean King in the Age of Crusade: Interreligious Diplomacy between Charles of Anjou and Mohamed Al-Mustansir of Tunis.” This podcast is part of the «History of the Maghrib, History in the Maghrib» series and was recorded on November 18, 2019, at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["32:40"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/aa52bbfd-126b-53e0-a8fc-9c1b5756d328","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/medieval-ifriqiya-the-emergence-of-the-hafsid-dynasty/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Samantha_Cloud_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Economic Justice and Global Political Trends: Framing the Fight over Populism"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 90: Economic Justice and Global Political Trends: Framing the Fight over Populism In this podcast, Dr. Shana Marshall frames global discussions on populist trends in the Middle East and North Africa. Dr. Marshall argues that populism is an articulation of global capitalism that is marked by an anti-elite sentiment and a class-based ideology. She considers that the rise of populism is due to the difficulty of dismantling the bureaucratic and professional structures that keep the “ultra-rich” protected. Dr. Marshall explains that, by putting the burden on the poor to change their situation rather than slowing down the engine of accumulation, these structures recreate the conditions leading to populism. Shana Marshall is Associate Director of the Institute for Middle East Studies and Assistant Research Faculty member at the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs. She earned her PhD in International Relations and Comparative Politics of the Middle East at the University of Maryland in 2012. Her dissertation, “The New Politics of Patronage: The Arms Trade and Clientelism in the Arab World” (forthcoming, Columbia University Press) examines how Middle East governments use arms sales agreements to channel financial resources and economic privileges to domestic pro-regime elites. Her work has appeared in The Middle East Report (MERIP), The International Journal of Middle East Studies, Middle East Policy, Jadaliyya, and the Carnegie Middle East Center. This podcast is part of the Contemporary Thought series and was recorded on November 5, 2019 at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["22:26"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/75de4662-b00c-57ee-8032-8d57f0e462d2","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/economic-justice-and-global-political-trends-framing-the-fight-over-populism/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Shana_Marshall_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["France's Shattered Empire: Fascism and Republicanism in Colonial Tunisia, 1931-1944"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 89: France's Shattered Empire: Fascism and Republicanism in Colonial Tunisia, 1931-1944 In this podcast, Luke Sebastian Scalone, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of History at Northeastern University, discusses his research project on “France's Shattered Empire: Fascism and Republicanism in Colonial Tunisia, 1931-1944.” In the midst of the ideological upheaval of the global 1930s, fascist movements developed in countries as wide ranging as France, Romania, Spain, and Sweden. However, European fascist movements did not limit their activities to Europe itself. Rather, they spread across colonial empires, establishing roots far from the centers of imperial metropoles. In this project, Luke Scalone examines the Fédération Tunisienne du Parti Populaire Français (PPF), an organization led by French settlers that could veritably be called “fascist,” in colonial Tunisia. Scalone argues that there were two mobilizing factors of the PPF in Tunisia: concerns about Italian fascist claims over Tunisia, and the rapid development of Habib Bourguiba’s Neo-Destour. These same concerns would, in 1940, push the colonial administration of Tunisia to rally to the pseudo-fascist Vichy France. Due to its opposition to Italian claims, the Fédération Tunisienne du PPF offers an interesting case study into two fascist movements who were combative against one another, suggesting that nationalism was a much stronger point of identification than shared fascist values. This interview was led by CEMAT Associate Director, Dr. Meriem Guetat, and was recorded on July 16, 2019, at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["29:48"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/b360e5d0-5f4e-55c1-a5e0-ae1dfe966577","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/frances-shattered-empire-fascism-and-republicanism-in-colonial-tunisia-1931-1944/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/luke_scalone_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Rencontre autour de l’ouvrage : La scientificité de l’empirisme en sociologie"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 88: Rencontre autour de l’ouvrage : La scientificité de l’empirisme en sociologie Cet ouvrage collectif, qui réunit plusieurs auteurs, est le résultat des actes d’une journée d’étude qui s’est tenue le 18 octobre 2015 à l’université de Bejaïa consacrée à La méthodologie : conceptions et pratiques et au cours de laquelle l’on a eu à débattre des différentes pratiques de la méthodologie. Les textes présentés ici ont fait corps d’idées débattues, proposées et parfois opposées, mettant au jour la diversité des paradigmes que pose la problématique de la recherche dans tous ses états : épistémologique, théorique et empirique. Les contributions des auteurs, au nombre de neuf, s’articulent en trois parties : la première traite de la problématisation de l’objet d’étude. La deuxième s’interroge sur l’expérimentation et la rationalité effective. La troisième se penche sur la pluralité des techniques et l’objectivité d’investigation. Abdel-Halim Berretima est professeur de sociologie à l’Université de Bejaïa (Algérie) et membre associé de l’Institut interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux sociaux, sciences sociales, politiques et santé (L’IRIS), EHESS, Paris. Fondateur du master sociologie de la santé et du doctorat sociologie de la santé et du travail à la faculté des Sciences humaines et sociales (Université de Bejaïa), ses recherches portent sur la santé publique, la santé au travail, l’immigration et la ville. Ont collaboré à ce volume: Abdel-Halim Berretima (Bejaïa), Jean-Yves Causer (Mulhouse), Gisèle Dambyant-Wargny (Paris), Gilles Ferréol (Besançon), Rachid Hamadouche (Alger), Smaïn Laacher (Strasbourg), Abdelkader Lakjaa (Oran), Madani Safar Zitoun (Alger), Tassadit Yacine (Paris). Cette rencontre a été organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 20 février 2020 au CEMA, Oran. Pr. Abdelkader Lakjaa, Sociologue à l'Université d'Oran 2 a modéré le débat. Nous remercions Dr. Jonathan Glasser, anthropologue culturel au College of William & Mary, pour son istikhbar in sika à l'alto pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:09:03"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/d923527f-4676-5688-b2b4-f07c83a10464","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/rencontre-autour-de-l-ouvrage-la-scientificite-de-l-empirisme-en-sociologie/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Bertima_-_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Building Habitat: The Atelier des Bâtisseurs in North Africa and Beyond"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 87: Building Habitat: The Atelier des Bâtisseurs in North Africa and Beyond In this podcast, Johanna Sluiter, PhD Candidate at the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University, discusses the building habitat: The Atelier des Bâtisseurs in North Africa and Beyond. In 1949, the Atelier des Bâtisseurs (ATBAT) founded their first overseas bureau in Tangiers, Morocco. Having split with their mentor, Le Corbusier, and garnered worldwide attention for their first building site, the Unité d’Habitation in Marseille, ATBAT sought to expand its practice beyond France by establishing ATBAT-Afrique, before embarking upon future plans for ATBAT-Orient and ATBAT-Amérique, to be installed in Beirut and New York, respectively. This initial work abroad would therefore serve as both a critical test and potential catalyst for the young multinational, multidisciplinary firm. It would demonstrate the ability (or lack thereof) of European-trained architects to respond to contexts defined by radically new cultures, climates, and clients than they had previously addressed or even considered, and would articulate their idea of ‘habitat’ – a comprehensive framework for universal building – in visual form. This podcast addresses methodological approaches and challenges in researching ATBAT’s theoretical and concrete developments of habitat in Morocco before tracing the afterlives of these projects in adjacent Algeria, far-flung Cambodia, and ultimately returning to the Parisian suburbs at the end of the decade. Johanna Sluiter is writing a dissertation on the Atelier des Bâtisseurs and the development of habitat in post-war architecture. She is currently an associate researcher at the École Normale Supérieure d’Architecture Belleville in Paris and a Chester Dale Fellow at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. TALIM Director John Davison moderated the discussion for this podcast, which was recorded on 21 February 2020, at the Tangier American Legation and Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM), in Tangier, Morocco. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["22:36"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/c380fa6e-7904-517c-8749-d8acee195068","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/building-habitat-the-atelier-des-batisseurs-in-north-africa-and-beyond/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Johanna_Sluiter_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["The Arab Transformations Project"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 86: The Arab Transformations Project In this podcast, Professor Andrea Teti discusses the findings of the Arab Transformations Project. Led by Aberdeen University, the project carried out public surveys in seven Arab countries in late 2014 and compiled a longitudinal database. According to the survey data, Professor Andrea Teti examines the economic, social and political transformations in the region. The survey observations indicate challenging popular perceptions in relation to a broad range of topics such as: corruption, youth, democracy, migration, gender, religion, security and stability, and Eu-MENA relations. The analysis of the surveys data shows that, contrary to popular belief, the 2011 Uprisings weren’t “youth revolution” but were rather carried out by protesters from all age groups and all sorts of social backgrounds. Data also reveals that people in the Arab world, have a holistic conception of democracy which extends its perception beyond narrow definitions based on free and fair elections to include both civil-political and socio-economic rights. Of all the factors associated with democracy, corruption is one of the most important variables that people are concerned with. In addition, the 2011 Uprisings provided a framework for examining issues that have been long linked to the Orientalist stereotypes about how the region is not suited to democracy, shifting attention to how effective the ongoing mass mobilization can be putting governments under pressure. The survey concludes that claims for both socio-economic and political inclusion are at the heart of the Arab Uprisings. Andrea Teti is Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He is author of The Arab Uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan: Social, Political and Economic Transformations (2018) with Pamela Abbott and Francesco Cavatorta, and his book Democratization Against Democracy: How the EU failed to learn from the Arab Uprisings with Pamela Abbott, Valeria Talbot and Paolo Maggiolini is forthcoming in 2020 by Palgrave. CEMAT Director, Dr. Laryssa Chomiak, led this interview, which was recorded on June 20, 2019, at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["30:42"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/1fd0431a-3018-5687-a4c5-2e85a8ea8609","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/the-arab-transformations-project/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Andrea_Teti_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["No Country for Young Men"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 85: No Country for Young Men In this podcast, Karim Zakhour, PhD candidate in Political Science at Stockholm University focuses on the relationship between young men in the margins and the state in periods of transition. By looking at everyday experiences of the state, Zakhour argues that one aspect of the Tunisian democratic transition and the opening of the public sphere has been a widespread deconstruction of the state. Another aspect is the increased opportunity for viewing the failures of society and of the self. It is by no means the case that the young men only externalize their critical gaze; they also turn it inwards. This increased opportunities for, and expressions of, self-critique coexist with a widely noted and prevalent nostalgia for Bourguiba, Ben Ali, and ‘strong man’ leaders more generally. Zakhour attempts to understand young men’s ambivalent attitude towards the state; as both deconstructive and desired and seeks to understand how these seemingly contradictory tendencies coexist, but also how they feed each other. The interview is based on Karim Zakhour’s Doctoral research and fieldwork conducted in Kasserine and Gafsa. To that regard, he argues that it is only through an ethnographic approach that brings in the everyday that we can capture the complexities of state-citizen dynamics. Karim’s other research interests include field methodology, political ethnography and the political economy of development. CEMAT Assistant Director, Dr. Meriem Guetat, led this interview which was recorded during the CEMAT Director’s Conference on “Narratives of Legitimacy and the Maghrebi State: Power, Law and Comparison” held on 21 June 2019 in Sidi BouSaid, Tunisia. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["19:10"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/a7dfa6c5-9a50-5600-9c1a-00f7d46d4c06","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/no-country-for-young-men/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Karim_Zakhour-_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Algérie, une autre histoire de l’indépendance. Trajectoires révolutionnaires des partisans de Messali Hadj"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 84: Algérie, une autre histoire de l’indépendance. Trajectoires révolutionnaires des partisans de Messali Hadj Dans ce Podcast, Dr. Nedjib Sidi Moussa, Historien à l'université de Paris I, présente son dernier ouvrage Algérie, une autre histoire de l’indépendance. Trajectoires révolutionnaires des partisans de Messali Hadj (Barzakh, 2019). Comment des Algériens sont-ils devenus révolutionnaires dès les années 1930 ? Et comment ont-ils mené leur révolution encore après 1962 ? Faire l'histoire du messalisme, expérience politique décisive en Algérie, consiste à révéler une autre histoire de l'indépendance. En éclairant le parcours de ceux qui animèrent un courant réprimé par les autorités françaises et marginalisé par le FLN devenu hégémonique, cet ouvrage redonne vie au mouvement fondé par Messali Hadj, le pionnier malheureux du nationalisme algérien qui a émergé dans l'émigration ouvrière. Il interroge le legs colonial, la pluralité des engagements et les tensions mémorielles qui les traversent jusqu'à la période contemporaine. À l'heure où le regard sur la guerre d'Algérie s'est renouvelé et alors que le destin politique du pays est en jeu, les racines messalistes de la démocratie algérienne apparaissent d'une grande actualité. La conférence de Dr. Nedjib Sidi Moussa a été programmée dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Histoire du Maghreb, histoire au Maghreb » organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 09 octobre 2019 au CEMA, Oran. Dr. Amar Mohand Amar, Chercheur permanent au CRASC a modéré le débat. Nous remercions Dr. Tamara Turner, Ethnomusicologue et chercheur au Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Centre for History of Emotions, pour son interprétation de Sidna Ali du répertoire du Diwan Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["54:04"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/4dc1916b-7930-5f51-980e-c8244cae4aaf","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/algerie-une-autre-histoire-de-l-independance-trajectoires-revolutionnaires-des-partisans-de-messali-hadj/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Nedjib_Sidi_Moussa_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["The “Student Question” in Tunisia: Between the Attraction of Leftism and the Steamroll of Authoritarian Paternalism (1963-1979)"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 94: The “Student Question” in Tunisia: Between the Attraction of Leftism and the Steamroll of Authoritarian Paternalism (1963-1979) In this podcast, Dr. Idriss Jebari discusses the student question’s emergence in the context of the Parisian radical sixties and the importance of Maoist insights. Jebari examines the way Perspectives seized on the “student question” in its journal in relation to the state’s reforms in the education sector and its discourse on youth faced with contestation. Jebari explores how the repressive events of 1968 and 1973 were highly revealing of Bourguiba’s thinking on Tunisian youth and how Perspectives countered it by promoting students to leadership positions. This podcast ends by depicting the atmosphere in the wing of the Tunisian prison where both generations were simultaneously held in the 1970s, as described in certain memoirs, as yet another reason to speak of many iterations of Tunisian leftism in the postcolonial era, and as an entry point to start compiling a growing archive to shed light on this occulted episode of the country’s history and work toward national reconciliation. Dr. Jebari is Al Maktoum Assistant Professor in Middle East Studies at Trinity College Dublin. His work investigates the distinctiveness of the Maghribi critique of modernity in contemporary Arab intellectual and cultural history. He completed a doctorate on the history of the production of critical thought in Morocco and Tunisia at the University of Oxford on the intellectual projects of Moroccan thinker Abdallah Laroui and Tunisian thinker Hichem Djaït. He then held an ACSS postdoctoral fellowship at the American University of Beirut to study the dynamics of intellectual and cultural exchanges between the Maghrib and the Mashriq after 1967. He has published on the intellectual projects of several North African intellectual figures such as Abdelkebir Khatibi, Mohamed Abed al-Jabri and Malek Bennabi, and how the younger generations remember this intellectual heritage of the Arab Left. He is currently working on his first book manuscript that will address the critical societal debates that shaped North Africa’s path toward modernity in the sixties and seventies. This podcast is part of the Contemporary Thought series and was recorded on July 22, 2019 at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:00:48"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/4c1ba413-380a-550d-8d72-64263b1df241","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/the-student-question-in-tunisia-between-the-attraction-of-leftism-and-the-steamroll-of-authoritarian-paternalism-1963-1979/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Idreiss_Jebari_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["The Transmission and Effectivity of the Ma’luf Tradition, an Andalusian Music within Tunisia and Libya"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 93: The Transmission and Effectivity of the Ma’luf Tradition, an Andalusian Music within Tunisia and Libya In this podcast, Jared Holton discusses the transmission and effectivity of ma'luf, an Andalusian musical tradition of North Africa. Holton’s research project explores the historical and ethnographic circulations of Tunisian and Libyan ma'luf primarily through the tubu', which are recognized as stabilized structures of sound and identity. Jared has completed extensive fieldwork in Tripoli, Libya and Sfax, Tunisia. Other research interests include the connections between music, religion, and soundscapes; globalization and musical practices; and music pedagogy. Jared Holton is a doctoral candidate and Chancellor's Fellow in Ethnomusicology with an interdisciplinary emphasis in Global Studies at the University of California in Santa Barbara (UCSB). He has undergraduate and graduate degrees in piano performance, intercultural studies, and music education, with over seven years experience teaching private and classroom-based music curricula. On the stage, his performances range from solo piano concerts, collaborative work in the Western Classical repertoire, and most recently as oud and vocal performer with the Middle East Ensemble at UCSB. This interview was led by CEMAT Associate Director, Dr. Meriem Guetat, and was recorded on July 26, 2019, at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). We thank Jared Holton for his ma'luf oud performance for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["25:06"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/9419d082-9b51-59e9-901f-facb7aedbcd2","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/the-transmission-and-effectivity-of-the-ma-luf-tradition-an-andalusian-music-within-tunisia-and-libya/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Jared_Holton_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["The Buffalo Agency: Maghribi Ibadis in Cairo, 1850-1950"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 92: The Buffalo Agency: Maghribi Ibadis in Cairo, 1850-1950 In this interview, Paul Love discusses the early stages of his new book project on the history of Ibadi Muslims from the Maghrib who lived, worked, and studied in Ottoman Cairo. Tentatively titled The Buffalo Agency: Ibadi Muslims in Ottoman Cairo, the book follows the history of a trade agency, school, and library known as the ‘Buffalo Agency’ (Wikalat al-jamus), operated by Ibadis for nearly four centuries in the Tulun district of Cairo. From its founding in the 17th to century to its closure in the 20th, the Agency served as a waystation for students, scholars, and merchants on their journeys through Cairo. During that same period, it also became a school and library for Ibadi students and scholars connected to the famous al-Azhar mosque, some of whom stayed in Egypt for decades. By exploring the lives of Ibadi Muslims as they moved through the world of sharʿiah courts, made use of waqf to endow properties and books, and studied alongside and did business with their Sunni coreligionists, The Buffalo Agency shows the way in which Ibadis belonged fully to the Ottoman world. At the same time, the book shows how Ibadis in Cairo maintained connections with their coreligionists in North Africa, East Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. The interview focuses on the early chapters of the book, including those based on research in the Tunisian National Archives during summer 2019. Paul spent part of the summer on an AIMS grant, which allowed him time to examine the correspondence of one of the most prominent Ibadis of the Ottoman Empire: Saʿid b. Qasim al-Shammakhi, who served as both the director of the Buffalo Agency and the representative of the Tunisian Bey in Egypt during the mid-19th century. Paul Love earned his PhD in Near Eastern Studies from the University of Michigan (2016). He is currently Assistant Professor of North African, Middle Eastern, and Islamic History at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco. His research focuses on the history of Ibadi Muslim communities in northern Africa, the Arabic manuscript traditions of the Maghrib, and colonial knowledge production in North Africa and the Sahara. His first book, Ibadi Muslims of North Africa (Cambridge University Press, 2018), traced the history of the formation of an Ibadi Muslim tradition in the Maghrib from the 11th-16th centuries. His recent publications have appeared in the Journal of African History, the Journal of Islamic Manuscripts, and Etudes et Documents Berbères. This interview was led by CEMAT Director, Dr. Laryssa Chomiak, and was recorded on July 19, 2019, at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["26:40"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/ca6a298c-e2dc-5580-8c88-48f779dbb3e1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/the-buffalo-agency-maghribi-ibadis-in-cairo-1850-1950/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Paul_Love_Size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["La socio-anthropologie rurale. Structure, organisation et changement au Maghreb"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 81: La socio-anthropologie rurale. Structure, organisation et changement au Maghreb Dans ce podcast, Pr. Hassan Rachik, Professeur d'anthropologie et Directeur du Centre Marocain des Sciences Sociales à l’Université Hassan II, Casablanca, Professeur visiteur dans des universités américaines, européennes et arabes, présente son dernier ouvrage Socio-anthropologie rurale : structure, organisation et changement au Maghreb (Editions la croisée des chemins, 2019). Le milieu rural tient une place importante dans les sociétés maghrébines. Il est de plus en plus l’objet d’actions politiques et civiques visant sa domestication, son développement. Sur le plan académique, il a fait l’objet d’études socio-anthropologiques menées par d’éminents auteurs. Le présent livre vise à restituer et à examiner, de façon didactique, l’essentiel de ces études souvent négligées. Il comprend un texte théorique, proche d’un manuel critique, et un recueil de textes illustrant les principales questions soulevées. La partie théorique procède à de brèves synthèses, à des mises au point et à des évaluations critiques. Les entrées choisies s’imposent à toute étude et action engagées en milieu rural. Qu’on travaille sur le développement, l’approche participative, l’éducation, les élections, le rituel, ou tout autre phénomène, on est obligé d’avoir un minimum d’informations sur les structures et la stratification sociales des groupes concernés. On doit également avoir une idée sur la morphologie et l’organisation sociales, la place des individus dans la communauté. En rapport avec ces entrées théoriques, des textes de sociologues et d’anthropologues éminents maghrébins ou ayant travaillé sur le Maghreb sont choisis pour illustrer et approfondir les questions analysées. C’est une invitation à visiter les sources et à dépasser la lecture des textes de seconde main. Pr. Hassan Rachik a consacré ses premières recherches de terrain à l’interprétation des rituels et aux changements sociaux en milieu rural. Il s’est intéressé ensuite à l’étude des idéologies, aux processus d’idéologisation de la religion, et à la sociologie de la connaissance anthropologique. Auteur de plusieurs ouvrages dont Le sultan des autres, rituel et politique dans le Haut Atlas (1992), Comment rester nomade (2000), Symboliser la nation (2003), Le proche et le lointain. Un siècle d’anthropologie au Maroc (2012), L’esprit du terrain (2016), Éloge des identités molles (2016). La conférence de Pr. Hassan Rachik a été programmée dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Espaces et territoires au Maghreb » organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 27 novembre 2019 au CEMA. Pr. Abdelkader Lakjaa, sociologue à l'Université d’Oran 2 a modéré le débat. Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón, étudiant en master à l'EHESS, pour sa prestation à la guitare pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:16:05"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/5bf395e2-ad01-58a0-9284-a7e937555541","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/la-socio-anthropologie-rurale-structure-organisation-et-changement-au-maghreb/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Hassan_Rachik-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["La Méditerranée aux yeux des géographes maghrébins au Moyen Âge"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 80: La Méditerranée aux yeux des géographes maghrébins au Moyen Âge Dans ce podcast, Dr. Boutheina Ben Hassine, Maître de conférences à la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences humaines de Sousse et Cheffe d’atelier d'histoire médiévale au laboratoire « Occupation du sol, peuplement et modes de vie au Maghreb antique et médiéval », présente une communication portant sur la vision spécifique des géographes et voyageurs maghrébins sur la Méditerranée tout au long du Moyen Âge. Ces géographes ont fait une description des côtes de la partie occidentale et de la partie orientale. Le côté Est de la Méditerranée a été à l'origine de la marine et de la flotte islamique à l’époque de Mu’âwiya Ibn Abî Sufyân. Le savoir-faire maritime et la domination politique des Musulmans a été visible aux époques des dynasties aghlabide, fatimide et almohade. Les relations économiques entre la rive nord et la rive sud de la Méditerranée étaient très étroites à travers les ports d’al-Andalus, du Maroc, du Maghreb moyen et de l’Ifrîqiya. Mme Ben Hassine est membre du conseil scientifique du laboratoire LR13ES11 et membre de la commission de l’agrégation. Elle a publié des livres sur l’histoire omeyyade et des articles sur les ibadites au Maghreb à l'époque médiévale. Ce podcast s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Histoire du Maghreb, Histoire au Maghreb ». Il a été enregistré durant le Workshop annuel de l’American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS), organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) à Sidi Bou Saïd en Tunisie le 20 et 21 juillet 2019 intitulé: La Méditerranée vue d'Afrique du nord. Pour consulter les diaporamas associés à ce podcast, veuillez visiter notre site web: www.themaghribpodcast.com Nous remercions infiniment Mohammed Boukhoudmi d'avoir interprété un morceau musical de Elli Mektoub Mektoub, pour les besoins de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["19:45"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/la-mediterranee-aux-yeux-des-geographes-maghrebins-au-moyen-age-689d18a9ebf38573a24c0c32e0e401c7","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/la-mediterranee-aux-yeux-des-geographes-maghrebins-au-moyen-age/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Ben_Hassine_Boutheina-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Making the Dinar, Producing the State in Postcolonial Tunisia"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 78: Making the Dinar, Producing the State in Postcolonial Tunisia This interview focuses on the archives around the creation of the Tunisian Central Bank and the Tunisian dinar in 1958/1959. Looking at these documents as material assemblages, help illuminate how the making of national currency is a process that links state power and the production of the economy. Indeed, the entanglements between economic imaginaries and state power are revealed through the body of money, as national currency becomes a privileged site of intervention for the state. By considering different archives, that of the Central Bank along with state plans of the same period the talk also reveals the debates around what the economy ought to be and ultimately about the nature and modes of state power in the postcolonial moment. Myriam Amri's PhD project is on social relations around money in Tunisia. More specifically, she considers how monetary policies around creation, conversion and inflation permeate social discourses and everyday economic practices. The project ultimately seeks to see how the forms and meanings of money help trace relations of power in contemporary Tunisia. Myriam Amri is a Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology & Middle Eastern studies at Harvard University. She previously completed an MSc in anthropology & development from the London School of Economics and is the co-founder of the literary magazine \"Asameena\". CEMAT Director, Dr. Laryssa Chomiak, led this interview which was recorded during the CEMAT Director’s Conference on “Narratives of Legitimacy and the Maghrebi State: Power, Law and Comparison” held on 21 June 2019 in Sidi BouSaid, Tunisia. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["11:57"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/making-the-dinar-producing-the-state-in-postcolonial-tunisia-8a3b755f0c19557644d563b94f83db36","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/making-the-dinar-producing-the-state-in-postcolonial-tunisia/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Myriam_Amri-_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Workshop sur « Écriture, mémoire et histoire »: Écrire ses mémoires ou comment parler de soi ?"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 77: Workshop sur: « Écriture, mémoire et histoire » Écrire ses mémoires ou comment parler de soi ? Elaine Mokhtefi est une écrivaine et peintre américaine. Elle est issue d’une famille de la classe ouvrière américaine de New York. La lutte pour l’indépendance l’a conduite à vivre douze ans en Algérie où elle a travaillé comme journaliste et traductrice. Elle s’est mariée à un ancien membre de l’Armée de libération nationale algérienne (ALN) devenu écrivain lui aussi, Mokhtar Mokhtefi, décédé en 2015, auteur de mémoires très remarqués J’étais Français-Musulman (barzakh, 2016). Elaine Mokhtefi a travaillé pendant la guerre de libération nationale (1954-1962) au bureau du FLN à New York qui avait pour mission de défendre la cause algérienne auprès des Nations Unies. Elle a vécu à Alger de 1962 à 1974 et elle a été l'un des organisateurs du premier festival culturel panafricain de l'été 1969. Elle a joué un rôle déterminant dans la création de la section internationale du parti des Black Panthers à Alger et est devenue une proche collaboratrice d’Eldridge Cleaver, leader des Black Panthers. Ses mémoires, Alger, troisième capitale mondiale, ont été publiés par les Éditions Verso (États-Unis et Royaume-Uni) en août 2018, et par les éditions La Fabrique (France) en mai 2019. Ils seront publiés par les Editions Barzakh (Algérie) sous l'intitulé Alger, capitale de la révolution. De Fanon aux Black Panthers en juillet 2019. Elaine Mokhtefi vit actuellement à New York. Dans ce podcast, Elaine Mokhtefi anime un workshop sur : « Écriture, mémoire et histoire » où elle revient en détails sur son expérience d'écriture. La conférence d'Elaine Mokhtefi a été programmée dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Témoignages sur la Guerre de Liberation Nationale » co-organisé par Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie sociale et culturelle (CRASC). Elle a eu lieu le 06 novembre 2019 au CEMA, Oran. Dr. Karim Ouaras, Maître de conférences, Université d’Oran 2 / CEMA, a modéré le débat. Nous remercions Dr. Jonathan Glasser, anthropologue culturel au College of William & Mary, pour son istikhbar in sika à l'alto pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:04:20"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/workshop-sur-%c2%ab-ecriture-memoire-et-histoire-%c2%bb-ecrire-ses-memoires-ou-comment-parler-de-soi-98effb0809e355c9d7dd825403ab0e8b","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/workshop-sur-%c2%ab-ecriture-memoire-et-histoire-%c2%bb-ecrire-ses-memoires-ou-comment-parler-de-soi/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Elaine_Mokhtefi-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Land, Labor, and Youth Aspirations in the Gharb, Morocco"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 76: Land, Labor, and Youth Aspirations in the Gharb, Morocco In this podcast, David Balgley, Masters candidate in Arab Studies at Georgetown University, discusses some of the factors impacting the labor decisions of young people in the Gharb, including the ways in which gender, class, and access to productive capital create and constrain the opportunities for youth in the Moroccan countryside. In addition, he breaks down how young rural people negotiate the tension between maintaining social ties to their ancestral land with economic pressures to migrate. In this context, David explores how the privatization of collective land in the Gharb could stimulate new labor possibilities, livelihood shifts, and youth aspirations. In 2015, the Government of Morocco and the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a U.S. aid agency, signed the Morocco Land and Employability Compact. This Compact includes a project to title 51,000 hectares of collective land in the Gharb region, thereby turning it into private property. The project’s discourse emphasizes that integrating land into market systems leads to greater productivity, enhanced access to credit, and increased land values, all of which benefit rural populations. However, government reports largely fail to account for how agrarian transformations resulting from privatization have differentiated impacts on different rural population groups, particularly young people. The Gharb plain, which is located along the north-western Atlantic coast, has long been one of the most agriculturally productive regions of Morocco. Since the 1970s, demographic growth, land fragmentation, and the rise of foreign investment in agro-business have all contributed to shifts in rural livelihoods and income-generating activities. Many households no longer rely solely on agriculture as their primary source of income. As a result, young people living in collective land in the Gharb are pursuing diverse livelihood strategies, even as their future aspirations diverge significantly from those of previous generations. This episode was recorded on August 23rd 2019, at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["38:02"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/land-labor-and-youth-aspirations-in-the-gharb-morocco-ea4e66621b321030930b1c853bf96673","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/land-labor-and-youth-aspirations-in-the-gharb-morocco/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/David_Balgley_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["The Husyanid Dynasty and Spatial Control and Judicial Control of the Enslaved Blacks of Tunis"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 75: The Husyanid Dynasty and Spatial Control and Judicial Control of the Enslaved Blacks of Tunis In this podcast, Dr. Ismael Montana, Associate Professor of History at Northern Illinois University, discusses the impact of the Husaynid dynasty (1705-1957) on the enslaved Sudanic communities of Tunis. Montana does so by looking at the Stambali, a ritual of musical possession based on the fusion of the Hausa Bori cult and popular Islam, performed primarily by the Sudanic communities of Tunis. He argues that the Husaynid dynasty actively sought to transform Sudanic communities into on of several corporatist communities in the Tunisian Beylic, by means of spatial control. In the early eighteenth century, the Husaynid Beys promoted the sainthood of Sidi Saad al-Abid, a former slave from Borno, in order to serve as a rallying figure for the freed and enslaved Sudanic communities that had been settled in Tunis as a result of the trans-Saharan slave trade. The Sufi brotherhood that formed around this saint was given a judicial-administrative apparatus, designed to self-regulate the community, and structure it within the state's religio-political scheme. Montana maintains that while the Sudani community entered the Husaynid political system via the Stambali, the processes by which that group was integrated relied on its specific religious culture, which continued to set them apart from the rest of Tunisian society. Ismael Montana's research interests include the social and economic history of slavery, culture, and citizenship in Northwest Africa and the western Mediterranean basin from the 18th century to the present. He is currently the Vice-President of West Africa Research Association (WARA). This podcast was recorded at the CEMAT Director’s Conference on “Narratives of Legitimacy and the Maghrebi State: Power, Law and Comparison” held on 21 June 2019 in Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia. We thank Dr. Tamara Turner, Ethnomusicologist and Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Center for the History of Emotions, for her interpretation of Natiro/ Ya Joro, from the Hausa repertoire of diwan. Edited and posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["19:31"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/the-husyanid-dynasty-and-spatial-control-and-judicial-control-of-the-enslaved-blacks-of-tunis-c57d9d2c929a2cfc64c5e090d9ee39f1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/the-husyanid-dynasty-and-spatial-control-and-judicial-control-of-the-enslaved-blacks-of-tunis/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Ismael_Musah_Montana-_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Volunteer Networks in the Mediterranean / Réseaux de volontariat en Méditerranée"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 74: Volunteer Networks in the Mediterranean / Réseaux de volontariat en Méditerranée Dans ce podcast, Brooke Durham, doctorante au département d'histoire à Stanford University, propose une étude du volontariat comme stratégie de développement en Algérie et au Maghreb avant et après l’indépendance en Algérie. Sa thèse cherche à mettre en valeur l’histoire des associations sociales en Algérie entre 1945 et 1972. Son travail sur les associations de volontariat en Algérie met en évidence les rôles que l’action volontaire pouvait être amené à remplir au niveau national, international et régional. À partir des sources d’archives en France, en Suisse et en Algérie, et des entretiens avec des anciens volontaires, cette communication se concentre sur une poignée d’associations de volontariat active en Algérie pendant la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle, notamment, le Service Civil International (SCI), Jeunesse du Front de Libération Nationale (JFLN), et Jeunes Travailleurs Volontaire Algériens (JTVA). Pour chacune de ces associations la question de qui doit être mobilisé pour quel type de service volontaire est toujours pertinente, ainsi que la tension entre une orientation nationaliste, régionaliste, ou internationaliste du volontariat en Algérie et au Maghreb. La communication de Brooke Durham a été enregistrée durant le Workshop annuel de American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS), organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) à Sidi Bou Saïd en Tunisie le 20 et 21 juillet 2019 intitulé: La Méditerranée vue d'Afrique du nord. Ce podcast s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Histoire du Maghreb, Histoire au Maghreb ». Pour consulter les diaporamas associés à ce podcast, veuillez visiter notre site web: www.themagribpodcast.com Nous remercions Mr. Souheib Zallazi, (Étudiant au CFT, Tunisie) et Mr. Malek Saadani (Étudiant à l'ULT, Tunisie), pour leur interprétation de el Ardh Ardhi de Sabri Mesbah, pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Souheib au mélodica et Malek à la guitare. Réalisation & montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["27:33"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/volunteer-networks-in-the-mediterranean-reseaux-de-volontariat-en-mediterranee-5cb97c75c53014a139b1c9c906045b9a","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/volunteer-networks-in-the-mediterranean-reseaux-de-volontariat-en-mediterranee/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/brook_SIZE_copy.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["L'anthropologie des pratiques langagières dans le contexte maghrébin"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 91: L’anthropologie des pratiques langagières dans le contexte maghrébin L'anthropologie linguistique se donne pour objectif d’examiner, dans une perspective comparative, comment la langue façonne la vie sociale, la culture, l'identité et l'appartenance à un groupe social, et comment elle met en place des idéologies et des croyances culturelles dans la vie sociale. Langues, cultures et sociétés sont inextricablement liées. Les interroger suppose une approche interdisciplinaire mêlant anthropologie, linguistique, histoire, ethnographie, ethnologie, géographie sociale, sémiotique, analyse du discours et bien d’autres disciplines. Se démarquant du structuralisme des années 1950-1960, l’anthropologie linguistique, l’ethnographie de la communication et plus tard l’ethnolinguistique et l’analyse du discours s’affirment comme courants émergents appréhendant la langue comme une pratique sociale. L’appareillage conceptuel de cette nouvelle approche du fait langagier s’articulant autour des travaux de Goffman, Hymes, Gumperz, Duranti, Clame-Griaule, Searle, Pêcheux, Austin, Malinowski et bien autres, a permis d’interroger autrement les rapports entre langues et sociétés. L’approche anthropologique, surtout pour le cas du Maghreb, est porteuse de perspectives scientifiques prometteuses à plus d’un titre, invitant à reconsidérer les pratiques de recherche aussi bien théoriques qu’empiriques. Pratiques discursives, humour et créativité dans les espaces numériques: Cas des tweets algériens présenté par Dr. Kheira Yahiaoui, Maître de conférences à l’École Normale Supérieure d’Oran. La présente contribution constitue une recherche linguistique portant sur les discours du réseau Twitter. A travers l’étude du hashtag, lieu de participation discursive, nous nous intéressons aux pratiques des twitteurs algériens. L’objectif est d’analyser d’une part, les pratiques langagières des internautes sur Twitter ; et voir d’autre part si ces pratiques dépendent de la nature, de la thématique et de la fonction du hashtag. L’analyse essaiera de répondre aux questions suivantes : Quel (s) genre (s) de pratiques discursives peuvent accompagner un hashtag ? La thématique du hashtag a-t-elle un impact sur la nature de ces pratiques ? Quelle fonction occupe le hashtag dans la pratique discursive sur Twitter ? Notre recherche, de type qualitatif, interroge les pratiques langagières où nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement à l’analyse des stratégies discursives mises en place par l’auteur afin de se conformer à la thématique du hashtag, mais aussi à la définition de la fonction du hashtag à travers l’analyse des messages qui y sont associés. l'intervention de Dr Kheira Yahiaoui débute à partir de 15:55. Le conte populaire Amazigh en Tunisie. Cas d’étude : le conte des sept filles et de l’ogresse Présenté par Pr. Mansour Ghaki, Directeur de recherche à l’Institut National de Patrimoine en Tunisie. Stumme, linguiste allemand a publié en 1900 à Leipzig 24 contes de Tamazret (sud -est de la Tunisie), parmi lesquels : le conte des 7 filles et de l'ogresse.C’est l’histoire d'un veuf, père de 7 filles, remarié et obligé par sa nouvelle femme à abandonner ses filles. La plus jeune se retrouve esclave chez une ogresse et son mari l'ogre. l'intervention de Pr. Mansour Ghaki débute à partir de 36:22. Rapport fragmenté de l’Homme à son espace. Etude sociolinguistique des lieux dits/vécus et perçus. Cas de la Casbah d’Alger. Présenté par Dr. Réda Sebih, Maître de conférences à l’Université de Bouira. Ma contribution à cette journée d’étude consacrée à « L’anthropologie linguistique de l’Afrique du nord » tentera de mettre l’accent sur le rapport des citadins à leur espace tel qu’il se dégage sous les outils d’étude de la sociolinguistique urbaine. Ce qui a animé ma motivation est un discours qu’on pourrait qualifier de « dédoublé » tenu par les Casbadjis et qui semble être contradictoire. Ce discours fait partie d’un corpus récolté lors des enquêtes de terrain que j’ai menées à la Casbah d’Alger, il s’avère que son contenu est particulièrement intéressant car il véhicule un rapport à l’espace qui est en lui-même pluriel : il reflète un vécu complexe. Ainsi, une analyse de ce discours pourrait révéler la nature de ce rapport « multiple » et les « mises en mots » qui le caractérisent. En vue de concrétiser cette recherche, ma démarche sera pluridisciplinaire (je ferai appel à la géographie et la psychologie sociales) à l’image de mon enquête de terrain qui est basée sur plusieurs techniques (le questionnaire, les entretiens, le parcours commenté et le récit de vie sur carte géographique). l'intervention de Dr. Réda Sebih débute à partir de 01:01:55. Les graffiti artistiques à Tizi-Ouzou : émergence d’un espace discursif Présenté par Mr. Nacer Si Hamdi, Maître Assistant à l’Université d’Alger 2. D’usage limité dans les pratiques linguistiques quotidiennes, l’alphabet tifinagh refait surface ces dernières années dans les espaces urbains de la ville de Tizi-Ouzou. Le tifinagh s’affiche donc sur les différents supports urbains et devient une marque et une particularité du graffiti artistique local. Une expression moderne et mobilisant essentiellement des jeunes appartenant à une culture urbaine universelle, répartis en microgroupes, se manifeste alors dans un système graphique ancien, voire antique. Quelles sont les raisons et les contextes de cette référence aux caractères tifinagh ? Leur usage dans le graffiti artistique répond-il à des normes ou conventions ? Quelles sont les fonctions attribuées aux caractères tifinagh au niveau local ? Telles sont les questions auxquelles tentera de répondre notre communication. l'intervention de Mr. Nacer Si Hamdi débute à partir de 01:19:04. La BD muette algérienne : une autre façon de s'exprimer Présenté par Pr. Saad Eddine Fatmi de l’École Normale Supérieure d’Oran. D’une manière générale, la bande dessinée est un savant équilibre entre le texte et l’image. Parfois, le texte peut disparaitre laissant la part belle au dessin qui s’accapare de sa mission de communication en priorité. Notre objectif est d’aborder ce phénomène dans la BD algérienne des quarante dernières années. Nous nous interrogerons sur la place occupée par une BD dite muette. Pour Groensteen, il n’existe aucun doute sur l’ancienneté de la B.D. muette : « La bande dessinée sans texte, entièrement silencieuse, existe depuis le XIXe siècle et connaît même une vogue particulière depuis quelques années. » Quant à Pomier, certaines formes de la B.D. peuvent se passer du texte à l’exemple du : « …strip, forme brève et qui permet donc d’être allusif… » Les strips qui paraissaient dans les différents journaux algériens ne répondaient guère à cette vision puisque les textes ont, encore une fois, une présence accrue à l’intérieur des cases et où la lecture se fait obligatoirement de la première case jusqu’à la dernière. Des extraits seront présentés et analysés pour évaluer la portée graphique et aussi idéologique d’une BD alliant texte et image sans réelles instauration de codes réguliers. l'intervention de Pr. Saad Eddine Fatmi débute à partir de 01:34:56. Les pratiques langagières à l’épreuve des mobilités sociales Présenté par Dr. Karim Ouaras, Maître de conférences à l’Université d’Oran 2, chercheur associé au CRASC et Directeur adjoint du CEMA. Ma communication s’insère dans un vaste projet de recherche qui se propose d’interroger le fonctionnement des langues vernaculaires dans le contexte urbain en prenant en compte leurs dimensions synchroniques et diachroniques. L’accent est mis sur le cas de la langue kabyle dans la ville d’Oran et son évolution à travers l’espace et le temps sans avoir la prétention de le faire dans une perspective globalisante. L’intérêt est donc porté sur le cas précis du parler des Kabyles des Ath Abbès, localité située su Sud de la vallée de la Soummam, Béjaïa, installés à Oran à partir de la fin du 19ème siècle. Ce parler régional sera traité dans sa dimension historique ancienne et dans ses ramifications actuelles. La migration des Ath Abbassiens intervient irréversiblement après l’insurrection d’El Mokrani en 1871, mais les populations de cette région d’Algérie étaient bel et bien préparées à ce grand départ, vu la famine qui prévalait dans cette contrée et l’intransigeance de l’administration coloniale au sujet de l’impôt de guerre. À cela s’ajoute le Décret Crémieux qui signa la volonté délibérée de la France coloniale de maintenir les Algériens dans un statut d’indigénat. Pour fuir cette atmosphère invivable et échapper à la déportation, les populations ne voyaient de salut que dans la migration qui les mènera indifféremment vers l’est et l’ouest du pays et vers les pays voisins et/ou les pays européens. Cette migration a pour corollaire une mobilité linguistique. Les deux ont généré des situations ethno-sociolinguistiques complexes par leurs composantes, leurs trajectoires et les enjeux actuels d’urbanisation et d’homogénéisation qui les guettent. Les objectifs de cette recherche consistent à retracer l’évolution du parler d’Ath Abbès à Oran, évaluer ses usages actuels et analyser les représentations sociolinguistiques des Ath Abbassiens. l'intervention de Dr. Karim Ouaras débute à partir de 01:49:46. Ce podcast a été enregistré à l’occasion de la journée d’études « l’anthropologie des pratiques langagières dans le contexte maghrébin », qui a eu lieu le 5 mars 2019 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) Cette journée a été organisée par l’équipe de recherche Pratiques langagières et religieuses au Maghreb, dirigée par Dr. Karim Ouaras Maître de conférences à l’Université d’Oran 2 et Directeur adjoint du CEMA, dans le cadre d’un programme de recherche en Sciences sociales soutenu par le CAORC et Carnegie Corporation of New York et réalisé par le CEMA et le CEMAT. Cet episode s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Langues et sociétés au Maghreb ». Pour consulter les diaporamas associés à ce podcast, veuillez visiter notre site web: www.themaghribpodcast.com Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón, étudiant en master à l'EHESS, pour sa prestation à la guitare pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["02:11:21"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/5566c4a4-8f39-5a06-8ec6-c77000d9b15f","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/journee-detudes-lanthropologie-des-pratiques-langagieres-dans-le-contexte-maghrebin/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/image_J_E.jpeg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Moroccan Shari’a In The Age Of Colonialism"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 72: Moroccan Shari’a In The Age Of Colonialism In this podcast, Ari Schriber, PhD Candidate in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University, discusses his research project entitled: 'Moroccan Shari’a in The Age of Colonialism.' Ari Schriber performed his dissertation fieldwork as a grantee of the American Institute of Maghrib Studies from 2018-2019. Likewise, he is a former Fulbright research grantee (2013-2014) and FLAS grantee (2012) in Morocco. He holds an AM (masters) in NELC from Harvard and a BA from the University of Virginia. This episode was recorded on July 25th 2019, at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["37:20"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/moroccan-shari-a-in-the-age-of-colonialism-2ee531e252c7106c1c34af4a3df045de","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/moroccan-shari-a-in-the-age-of-colonialism/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Ari_schriber-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Sex, France, and Arab Men, 1962-1979"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 71: Sex, France, and Arab Men, 1962-1979 In this podcast, Professor Todd Shepard, historian at Johns Hopkins University, discusses his book Sex, France, and Arab Men, 1962-1979, which is a history of how and why, during the period from 1962 through 1979, highly sexualized claims about Arab men saturated important French public discussions. The sexual revolution in France, he argues, was profoundly shaped by the continuing effects of the Algerian war of liberation and its revolution. Sex, France, and Arab Men reveals how the struggle for Algerian independence and the sexual revolution in France are intertwined moments. Oftentimes imagined as an American or European invention, Shepard demonstrates how the struggle for sexual liberation was shaped by and grew out of the mid-twentieth century worldwide anticolonial movements. The monograph, his second, first appeared in France as Mâle décolonisation. “L’homme arabe” et la France, de l’indépendance algérienne à la révolution iranienne. This podcast is a recorded keynote lecture of the February 2019 Harry Franck Guggenheim Foundation (HFG), CEMA and CEMAT workshop on violence and social sciences methodology, held in Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia. We thank Dr. Jonathan Glasser, Cultural Anthropologist at the College of William & Mary for his istikhbar in sika on viola for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["26:36"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/sex-france-and-arab-men-1962-1979-731d1842db905e2d8282d317405e9dc6","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/sex-france-and-arab-men-1962-1979/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Todd_Shepard-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Interview with Mieczysław Boduszyński about his book: U.S. Democracy Promotion in the Arab World: Beyond Interests vs. Ideals"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 70: Interview with Mieczysław Boduszyński about his book: U.S. Democracy Promotion in the Arab World: Beyond Interests vs. Ideals In this podcast, Professor Mieczysław Boduszyński discusses his forthcoming book, U.S. Democracy Promotion in the Arab World: Beyond Interests vs. Ideals (Lynne Rienner, 2019), which looks at the place of democracy promotion in American foreign policy. Though a key pillar of U.S. foreign policy, democracy promotion is the subject of significant debate within and outside of policy-making circles, especially regarding why, where, when, and how the United State promotes democracy. In this podcast, Prof. Boduszyński looks at the temporal shift in U.S. support for the 2011 Arab Uprisings during the Obama administration - first supporting and later retreating from democracy promotion - highlighting the longstanding tension between interests and ideals in U.S. foreign policy. The podcast concludes with a discussion on the Trump administration's policy on democratic promotion and its relationship with regional autocrats. Mieczysław (Mietek) Boduszyński is Assistant Professor of Politics and International Relations at Pomona College in California, USA. He was previously a diplomat with the U.S. Department of State with postings in Albania, Egypt, Iraq, Japan, Kosovo, and Libya. Professor Jacob Mundy of Colgate University, and current Visiting Fulbright Scholar in Tunisia, led the interview, which was recorded as part of the Contemporary Thought series on March 20th, 2019 at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). We thank our friend Mohamed Boukhoudmi for his interpretation of the extract of \"Nouba Dziriya\" by Dr. Noureddine Saoudi for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["33:34"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/interview-with-mieczyslaw-boduszynski-about-his-book-us-democracy-promotion-in-the-arab-world-beyond-interests-vs-ideals-a614c2d39c7e6fc035ec138985a25fad","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/interview-with-mieczyslaw-boduszynski-about-his-book-us-democracy-promotion-in-the-arab-world-beyond-interests-vs-ideals/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Mietek-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Alger, capitale de la révolution. De Fanon aux Black Panthers"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 83: Alger, capitale de la révolution. De Fanon aux Black Panthers. Dans ce podcast, Elaine Mokhtefi, auteur, présente son livre, Alger, capitale de la révolution. De fanon aux Black Panthers (Barzakh, 2019). La trajectoire d’Elaine Mokhtefi, jeune militante américaine, a, dès la guerre d’Algérie et pendant deux décennies, épousé celle de la cause algérienne. Ce combat la mène à New York, au siège des Nations unies avec la délégation du FLN ; à Accra, aux côtés de Frantz Fanon pour la conférence de l’Assemblée mondiale de la jeunesse ; à Alger, enfin, où elle atterrit en 1962, quelques semaines après l’indépendance. Elle y restera jusqu’en 1974. Journaliste, interprète et organisatrice efficace, elle assiste, remplie d’espoir, aux premiers pas de la jeune république, accueille les Black Panthers en exil et participe à mettre sur pied le Festival panafricain d’Alger. Ses mémoires témoignent de l’effervescence des luttes anticoloniales des années 1960, vécue dans l’intimité des grandes figures de l’époque – Ben Bella, Castro, Eldridge Cleaver –, dans une ville qui a gagné avec sa liberté des allures de capitale de la révolution mondiale. Une histoire fascinante, qu’Elaine Mokhtefi raconte avec une passion et une conviction intactes. Elaine Mokhtefi, issue d’une famille de la classe ouvrière américaine, est née en 1928 à New York. La lutte pour l’indépendance l’a conduite à vivre douze ans en Algérie où elle a travaillé comme journaliste et traductrice. Elle s’est mariée à un ancien membre de l’Armée de libération nationale algérienne (ALN) devenu écrivain, Mokhtar Mokhtefi, décédé en 2015, auteur de mémoires très remarqués J’étais Français-Musulman (Barzakh, 2016). La conférence d'Elaine Mokhtefi a été programmée dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Histoire du Maghreb, histoire au Maghreb » co-organisé par Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie sociale et culturelle (CRASC). Elle a eu lieu le 06 novembre 2019 au CRASC, Oran. Pr. Hassan Remaoun, chercheur associé, CRASC, a modéré le débat. Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón, étudiant en master à l'EHESS, pour sa prestation à la guitare pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["26:46"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/658a99c5-07b2-5b18-ad04-14706dfa37b3","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/alger-capitale-de-la-revolution-de-fanon-aux-black-panthers/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Elaine_Mokhtefi-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["The Monopoly of Criminal Justice and the Formulation of State-Society Relations in Morocco"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2020],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1441,1442],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 82: The Monopoly of Criminal Justice and the Formulation of State-Society Relations in Morocco In this podcast, Fatim-Zohra El Malki seeks to retrace the socio-legal history of Morocco’s criminal justice system and its impact on the formulation of state-society relations. El Malki argues that Morocco’s Penal Code (PC) can serve as a useful object of analysis for tracing how the Moroccan state used the criminal system to deepen and consolidate its power following independence. Through the historicization of the criminal system, El Malki aims to center the legal processes that contributed to the territorial construction and consolidation of what is now the Kingdom of Morocco. Rather than focusing on the trajectory of the codes and legal systems, this presentation is an attempt to understand the mechanisms of violence and repression embedded in the legal system across time, of which the penal code is only a fragment. This discussion unravels an enduring paradox: how the makhzen’s deepening authority and territorial expansion created a strong central state at the expense of the progressive alienation of the citizen from the central power. In relation to criminal justice, the makhzen’s monopoly over judicial power placed a chokehold on the sphere of checks and balances between the citizen and the central authority. The PC constitutes a space for the legal expression of political violence perpetrated by the state against society, bearing in mind that the violence of the law is not inevitably illegitimate nor unethical. The unbalanced interplay of power dynamics, which lead to the overwhelming monopoly of violence by the state is what constitutes the core of the argument that places the PC at the center of this space. El Malki argues that reforming the system today would mean transferring the discursive monopoly of violence outside this scope, therefore shaking the safeguarded equilibrium of power that the modern Moroccan state holds. Fatim-Zohra El Malki is a DPhil student at the University of Oxford. Her research project revolves around the making of the criminal justice system in Morocco, with a particular focus on the Penal Code. Fatim-Zohra El Malki holds master’s degrees in Arab Studies from Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service (2016) and in Security Studies from Queen's University of Belfast (2013). This podcast is part of the Contemporary Thought series and was recorded on 21 June 2019. at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). We thank Dr. Tamara Turner, Ethnomusicologist and Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Center for the History of Emotions, for her interpretation of Natiro/ Ya Joro, from the Hausa repertoire of diwan. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["13:31"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/the-monopoly-of-criminal-justice-and-the-formulation-of-state-society-relations-in-morocco-1d44f7cabaebf0115c6bc98fa00d3eb9","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/the-monopoly-of-criminal-justice-and-the-formulation-of-state-society-relations-in-morocco/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/El_Malki_FZ-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Moroccan-American Archaeological Project of Ancient Sijilmasa"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 79: Moroccan-American Archaeological Project of Ancient Sijilmasa In this podcast, Prof. James Miller, Emeritus Professor of Geography at Clemson University, discusses the joint Moroccan-American archaeological project at the site of Sijilmasa, and the publication of that projects findings, The Last Civilized Place: Sijilmasas and Its Saharan Destiny (University of Texas Press, 2015). Co-authored with project director Prof. Ronald Messier, Emeritus Professor of History at Middle Tennessee State University, the book places Sijilmasa in the context of Moroccan and Islamic history, revealing the 1,000-year history of the caravan center as a focus of trans-Saharan trade and focal point of dynastic change. The podcast covers a wide variety of topics associated with Sijilmasa: its origins in the second century A.H. and the establishment of the Midrarid dynasty and their Sufri religious background, the significance of the surrounding irrigated oasis landscape of the Tafilalt, the unprotected nature of the site of Sijilmasa today, and the threats to it posed by the growth of the adjacent modern town of Rissani. The relations Sijilmasa long held with ancient Ghana and successor states south of the Sahara were rooted in the element of trade for which Sijilmasa was known far and wide from its earliest days, namely gold. Gold, African gold, was Sijilmasa’s fame, and the city and its caravans and commercial reach were the result of its long-held monopoly on the trans-Saharan gold trade. Prof. Miller received his Ph.D. in cultural geography from the University of Texas at Austin and taught in the Department of History and Geography at Clemson University for 28 years. Upon retiring from Clemson, he became the Executive Director of the Moroccan-American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange (MACECE – Fulbright Morocco) in 2009 and retired from that position in 2018. He was President of the American Institute for Maghrib Studies from 2007 to 2010 and has been Vice President since 2018. He serves on the boards of the Tangier American Legation and Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM) and CorpsAfrica. Prof. Miller is the author of a number of works, including Imlil: A Modern Moroccan Geography (Westview, 1984) and A Question of Place (Wiley, 1989 - co-authored with Paul Ward). TALIM Director John Davison moderated the discussion for this podcast, which was recorded on 30 September 2019, at TALIM, in Tangier, Morocco. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["28:08"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/moroccan-american-archaeological-project-of-ancient-sijilmasa-363a19e820e271155c4e33dc746005bf","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/moroccan-american-archaeological-project-of-ancient-sijilmasa/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/James_Miller-_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Le Prix de l'Engagement Politique dans la Tunisie Autoritaire"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 73: Le Prix de l'Engagement Politique dans la Tunisie Autoritaire Dans ce podcast, Dr. Michaël Bechir Ayari discute son dernier livre, Le prix de l'engagement politique dans la Tunisie autoritaire. Cet ouvrage retrace l’histoire des militants tunisiens d’extrême gauche et du mouvement islamiste durant la période autoritaire tunisienne, et apporte une analyse biographique de leurs combats politiques de jeunesse. À travers cette perspective, l’apport essentiel de ce travail consiste en la formulation de la notion de l’origine « socio-identitaire » des militants qui, selon l’auteur, permet d’illustrer et d’expliquer les différents intérêts et prises de position politiques des uns et des autres. À travers la conversation sur la thématique initiale du livre, ce podcast a été aussi une opportunité pour élargir le débat à des questions plus contemporaines et a permis d’orienter le débat vers l’effet de cette fracture sociale et identitaire sur les dynamiques politiques actuelles en Tunisie. Il a été notamment question de contextualiser les controverses émanant de certains processus engagés suite à la révolution tunisienne, tel que celui de la justice transitionnelle. Michaël Ayari est analyste senior pour International Crisis Group depuis 2011. Il est docteur en sciences politiques, chercheur associé à l'Institut de recherches et d'études sur le monde arabe et musulman (IREMAM) d'Aix-en-Provence. Auteur de nombreux articles sur la Tunisie et le monde arabe, il contribue régulièrement à la revue L'Année du Maghreb (CNRS-Éditions). Sous-forme d'entretien avec Dr. Meriem Guetat, Directrice Assistante au CEMAT, ce podcast s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle de conférences Pensées contemporaines et a été enregistré le 11 Avril 2019 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). Nous remercions notre ami Mohammed Boukhoudmi pour son interpretation de l'extrait de nouba, \"Dziriya,\" par Dr. Noureddine Saoudi pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Posté par: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["55:35"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/le-prix-de-lengagement-politique-dans-la-tunisie-autoritaire-aabad8cb66093771d9f75fe73510ec1e","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/le-prix-de-lengagement-politique-dans-la-tunisie-autoritaire/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Michael_Bechir_Ayari-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Educational Transitions in Post-Revolutionary Spaces: Islam, Security, and Social Movements in Tunisia"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 69: Educational Transitions in Post-Revolutionary Spaces: Islam, Security, and Social Movements in Tunisia In this podcast, Dr. Tavis D. Jules is interviewed on his recent book, Educational Transitions in Post-Revolutionary Spaces : Islam, Security and Social Movements in Tunisia, co-authored with Dr. Teresa Barton. Jules and Barton trace the development of Tunisia’s educational system to the 2010/2011 contestatory events that led to the Tunisian Revolution and embarked on a period of large-scale institutional reform, including education sector reform. This post-Revolutionary reform has primarily been concerned with providing young Tunisian citizens with the necessary skills for a rapidly changing job market. In his presentation, Jules engages with the issue of how a strong educational system produced generations of educated citizens, but whose most recent generation is frustrated by a weakened socio-economic system unable to absorb a young and educated workforce. The book itself traces the history and evolution of Tunisia’s educational system since independence in 1956 to the contemporary period, and ties its analysis to an « educational transitologies framework ». Through several chapters, the book engages and explores themes related to education, including security, gender, political Islam and social movements and analyses these comparatively pre- and post-political transition which commenced in 2011. In this podcast, Dr. Jules was invited to answer a number of questions touching upon the following themes : Definition of the concept of conscientization and its importance to understand the role of education. The common link that the book draws between education and Islam, security and social movements. The book’s methodology to study 'educational transitologies' and what the example of Tunisia tells us about this theoretical framework. Dr. Tavis D. Jules is Associate Professor in Cultural and Educational Policy at Loyola University, specializing in Comparative and International Education. His research interests include, regionalism and governance, transitory spaces, and policy challenges in small island developing states (SIDS). CEMAT Assistant Director Dr. Meriem Guetat, CEMAT led the interview, which was recorded as part of the Contemporary Thought series on December 13th, 2018 at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["33:17"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/educational-transitions-in-post-revolutionary-spaces-islam-security-and-social-movements-in-tunisia-361d846242ba817e19c59aeda9439d1f","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/educational-transitions-in-post-revolutionary-spaces-islam-security-and-social-movements-in-tunisia/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Tavis-Jules-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"ar-Arab":["صناعة البحر المتوسط في المتخيلة الاسلامية، تصور المسلمين لمنطقة البحر المتوسط من خلال تاريخ الخرائط من القرن العاشر للقرن السادس عشر"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"ar-Arab":["Episode 64: صناعة البحر المتوسط في المتخيلة الاسلامية، تصور المسلمين لمنطقة البحر المتوسط من خلال تاريخ الخرائط من القرن العاشر للقرن السادس عشر (In Arabic) In this podcast, Dr. Tarek Kahlaoui presents his recent book, Creating the Mediterranean: Maps and the Islamic Imagination (Brill, 2017), in which he traces the depictions of the Mediterranean from from Islamic sources dating between the 9th to the 16th century. During that span, he argues, the profession of map-makers shifted from bureaucratic authors to active mariners and professional cartographers, whereas the, from the dominance of the centers of the Islamic dominion in the eastern Islamic lands to the Maghrib. Dr. Kahlaoui (Ph.D University of Pennsylvania, 2008) is currently an assistant professor at the South Mediterranean University (Tunisia). He was formerly an assistant professor at Rutgers University and the general director of the Tunisian Institute of Strategic Studies. His research focuses on Mediterranean history and visual culture. This episode is part of the History of the Maghrib / History in the Maghrib series organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) and was recorded on 28 April 2019 at Unité de Recherche sur la Culture, Communication, Langues, Littérature et Arts (UCCLLA). Ms. Saliha Snouci, Researcher (CRASC), moderated the discussion. To see related slides visit our web page www.themaghribpodcast.com We thank our friend Ignacio Villalón, Master candidate at EHESS, for his guitar performance for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Realization and editing: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:36:02"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/%d8%b5%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%b9%d8%a9%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8%d8%ad%d8%b1-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%aa%d9%88%d8%b3%d8%b7%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%-c5ba9055eb27521fa0b5e56d93508aeb","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/%d8%b5%d9%86%d8%a7%d8%b9%d8%a9%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8%d8%ad%d8%b1-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%aa%d9%88%d8%b3%d8%b7%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Tarek_Kahlaoui_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Contrôler la Casbah: la police coloniale à Alger et Marseille, 1920-1950"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 68: Contrôler la Casbah: la police coloniale à Alger et Marseille, 1920-1950 Dans ce Podcast, Danielle Beaujon, doctorante en histoire à New York University, présente une conférence dans le cadre de ses recherches doctorales qui portent sur la thématique suivante : Contrôler la Casbah: La Police Coloniale à Alger et Marseille, 1920-1950. La police coloniale a rempli plusieurs fonctions dans les villes méditerranéennes de Marseille et Alger. Ses agents ont servi à la fois comme exécuteurs répressifs de l’ordre colonial et comme intermédiaires recherchés. Dans cette présentation, Danielle Beaujon interroge le rapport quotidien entre les agents de la police coloniale et les Algériens dans les deux villes portuaires, Marseille et Alger entre 1920 et 1950. S'appuyant sur des documents d'archives, Danielle Beaujon a examiné la façon dont les hiérarchies coloniales, elles-mêmes en train d’être construites, ont influencé le contrôle des Algériens en métropole ainsi qu’en Algérie. La conférence de Danielle Beaujon a été programmée dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Histoire du Maghreb, Histoire au Maghreb », co-organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie sociale et culturelle (CRASC). Elle a eu lieu le 16 juin 2019 au CRASC. Dr. Amar Mohand Amar, Historien et Maître de recherche au CRASC, a modéré le débat. Pour consulter les diaporamas associés à ce podcast veuillez visiter notre site web www.themaghribpodcast.com Nous remercions infiniment Mohammed Boukhoudmi d'avoir interprété un morceau musical de Elli Mektoub Mektoub, pour les besoins de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["59:38"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/controler-la-casbah-la-police-coloniale-a-alger-et-marseille-1920-1950-da5793b92fe18a4d8af7118cdb5acadd","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/controler-la-casbah-la-police-coloniale-a-alger-et-marseille-1920-1950/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Beaujon-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["William Wordsworth and te French Revolution"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 67: William Wordsworth and te French Revolution Dr. Mounir Khélifa studied English at the Sorbonne and Yale University where he received his MA and PhD, respectively. A professor of English language and literature for more than three decades, he taught poetics, comparative literature, and literary theory at the University of Tunis. Former director of the graduate program in English, Dr. Khélifa was also a senior advisor to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, where he was responsible for international cooperation and curriculum reform. Currently, Dr. Khélifa runs the School for International Training study-abroad program in Tunisia. He is a lifetime member of the Tunisian Academy for the Arts, Letters, and Sciences, Beit al-Hikma. William Wordsworth was the only English poet of his generation to have been an eyewitness to the French Revolution. To the momentous event he devoted no less than three books in his autobiographical epic poem, The Prelude. It is conventionally accepted that his relation to the revolution altered radically during the course of the events, and that this relation went from passionate enthusiasm at the storming of the Bastille to doubt and fear during the Reign of Terror to utter rejection and denial at the rise of Napoleon and during the ensuing Napoleonic Wars. Yet even as this doxa accounts for the poet’s changing attitude towards the revolution, it fails to explain the complex emotional and intellectual processes that activated the change. It fails mainly to consider that the change occurs in a poem designed to ratify “the growth of the poetic mind.” Wordsworth has no pretense to be a historian. His recounting of the revolutionary events, he warns the reader, is justified only insofar as the events have been “storm or sunshine to [his] mind.” Dr Mounir Khélifa argues that if the expression “storm and sunshine” refers to the aesthetic emotion known as the sublime (beauty that has terror in it, Edmund Burke), then this emotion never abated in him and that throughout his entire life he kept “daring sympathies with power” whenever he recalled the French Revolution. This lecture was co-organised by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) and the École Normale Superieure d’Oran (ENS). This episode is part of the Arts & Literature in the Maghrib lecture series and was recorded on April 24th, 2019, at the École Normale Supérieure d’Oran (ENS). Pr. Sidi Mohamed Lakhdar Barka, Professor of Comparative Literature from the Department of English at University of Oran 2 moderated the lecture. We thank Dr. Jonathan Glasser, Cultural Anthropologist at the College of William & Mary for his istikhbar in sika on viola for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Realization and editing: Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:15:01"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/mounir-7453c3bc79c59a04fbdfec6daa000fcf","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/mounir/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Mounir_Khelifa.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Le trauma colonial: enquête sur les effets de l’oppression coloniale en Algérie"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 62: Le trauma colonial: enquête sur les effets de l’oppression coloniale en Algérie Dans ce podcast, Karima Lazali, psychologue clinicienne / psychanalyste, présente son livre, Le trauma colonial: enquête sur les effets de l’oppression coloniale en Algérie (Éditions Koukou, 2018). L’absence de travaux sur les effets psychiques de la colonisation en France et en Algérie, depuis Frantz Fanon, nous interpelle. Les effets du colonial relèvent-ils pour les deux sociétés d’une forme d’impensé à l’œuvre ? Malgré une forte présence dans les discours en Algérie de cet épisode de l’histoire, il n’empêche, que le recensement précis des problématiques dans les subjectivités et le social est resté lettre en souffrance. A partir de sa pratique de la psychanalyse dans les deux sociétés et du constat freudien d’une étroite intrication entre l’individuel et le collectif, Karima Lazali va tenter d’entrer dans cet univers des mémoires ou l’archivage habituel fonctionne difficilement pour construire des récits pluriels et singuliers. La confiscation politique de l’histoire dans les deux sociétés mène à l’hypothèse que nous avons affaire à un pacte dans lequel l’effacement joue un rôle majeur pour fabriquer une mémoire brouillée. Dans ce podcast, Lazali aborde donc quelques questions fondamentales : Le rapport à la parole, aux peurs et aux censures dans la société contemporaine algérienne. Comment les subjectivités et la structure du politique ont été façonnés par un tissage politique qui porte et reconduit le système colonial. La fabrique de l’illégitimité individuelle et politique comme conséquences majeures de la colonisation L’apport de la littérature algérienne pour traiter et soigner des déchirures du collectif et des subjectivités troublées dans la construction des traces mémorielles. Et enfin si pour la psychanalyse il n’y a de trauma qu’individuel alors comment penser les déflagrations intimes d’une histoire collective ? Qu’est-ce que l’héritage à l’échelle du collectif ? Est-ce juste une manière passive de recevoir la destruction sur plusieurs générations ? Ou n’est-ce pas plutôt une façon d’écrire cette destruction quitte parfois à y participer durant de très nombreuses décennies ? La conférence de Karima Lazali a été programmée dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Histoire du Maghreb, histoire au Maghreb » organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 06 mars 2019 au CEMA. Pr. Mohamed Mebtoul, sociologue, a modéré le débat. Nous remercions Dr. Jonathan Glasser, anthropologue culturel au College of William & Mary, pour son istikhbar in sika à l'alto pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["54:28"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/le-trauma-colonial-enquete-sur-les-effets-de-l-oppression-coloniale-en-algerie-432745ddde1ea404db4f27563957891a","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/le-trauma-colonial-enquete-sur-les-effets-de-l-oppression-coloniale-en-algerie/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Karima-Lazali-_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Power and Ridicule: Political Mockery and Subversion in the Middle East and North Africa"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 61: Power and Ridicule: Political Mockery and Subversion in the Middle East and North Africa In this podcast, Prof. Charles Tripp discusses how humor and mockery are considered ways of resilience against power through the use of cartoons, songs, images, or any form of art to reveal the lies, hypocrisy of those in power. Prof. Tripp is Professor Emeritus of Politics with reference to the Middle East and North Africa at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and is a Fellow of the British Academy. His PhD was from SOAS and examined Egyptian politics in the latter years of monarchy. At SOAS he has been head of the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies and is one of the co-founders of the Centre for Comparative Political Thought. His research has mainly focused on political developments in the Middle East and includes the nature of autocracy, war and the state, as well as Islamic political thought, the politics of resistance and the relationship between art and power. He is currently working on a study of the emergence of the public and the rethinking of republican ideals in North Africa. This episode is part of the Contemporary Thought series and was recorded on February 14th, 2019 at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). To see related slides, visit our web page www.themaghribpodcast.com We thank Mr. Souheib Zallazi, (student at CFT, Tunisia) and Mr. Malek Saadani (student at ULT, Tunisia), for their interpretation of el Ardh Ardhi of Sabri Mesbah, performed for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Souheib on melodica and Malek on guitar. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["54:34"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/power-and-ridicule-political-mockery-and-subversion-in-the-middle-east-and-north-africa-74c1c76e744923e779c0ce4f8321f95c","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/power-and-ridicule-political-mockery-and-subversion-in-the-middle-east-and-north-africa/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/charles-tripp-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["L’architecture de la contre-révolution : l’armée française dans le nord de l’Algérie"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 59: L’architecture de la contre-révolution : L’armée française dans le nord de l’Algérie Dans ce Podcast, Dr. Samia Henni, historienne d’architecture au Département d’Architecture à Cornell Université présente son livre, L’Architecture de la contre-révolution : L’Armée française dans le nord de l’Algérie. Elle examine l'intersection des politiques coloniales françaises et des opérations de contre-insurrection militaires en architecture en Algérie pendant la révolution algérienne (1954-1962). Au cours de ce conflit armé sanglant et prolongé, les autorités civiles et militaires françaises ont profondément réorganisé le vaste territoire urbain et rural de l'Algérie, transformé radicalement son environnement bâti, implanté rapidement de nouvelles infrastructures et construit de nouvelles implantations stratégiques afin de maintenir l'Algérie sous domination française. Le régime colonial avait conçu et mené à bien non seulement des destructions tactiques, mais aussi de nouvelles constructions afin de permettre un contrôle strict de la population algérienne et la protection des communautés européennes algériennes. Cette étude porte sur trois mesures contre-révolutionnaires spatiales interdépendantes : la réinstallation forcée massive d'agriculteurs algériens ; les programmes de logements de masse conçus pour la population algérienne dans le cadre du Plan de Constantine du général Charles de Gaulle ; et la nouvelle ville administrative fortifiée prévue pour la protection des autorités françaises au cours des derniers mois de la révolution algérienne. L'objectif est de décrire le mode opératoire de ces établissements, leurs racines, leurs développements, leurs champs d'action, leurs acteurs, leurs protocoles, leurs impacts et leurs mécanismes de conception. La conférence de Dr. Samia Henni a été programmée dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Espaces et territoires au Maghreb » co-organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le département d’architecture de l'Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d’Oran Mohamed Boudiaf (USTO-MB). Elle a eu lieu le 24 janvier 2019 à la Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie (SNV), USTO-MB, Oran. M. Rabia Mouloud Chef du département d’architecture Faculté d’architecture et de génie civil, USTO-MB a modéré le débat. Pour consulter les diaporamas associés à ce podcast veuillez visiter notre site web www.themagribpodcast.com . Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón pour sa prestation à la guitare pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["49:54"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/l%e2%80%99architecture-de-la-contre-revolution-l%e2%80%99armee-francaise-dans-le-nord-de-l%e2%80%99algerie-c292151bc2d9ddc75279aec57bdd380a","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/l%e2%80%99architecture-de-la-contre-revolution-l%e2%80%99armee-francaise-dans-le-nord-de-l%e2%80%99algerie/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Samia-Henni_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Moroccan and Ottoman Contributions to 18th c. Diplomatic Developments"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 58: Moroccan and Ottoman Contributions to 18th c. Diplomatic Developments Throughout the eighteenth century, the Ottoman and Russian Empires were at war. However, a decisive victory by the Russian Empire helped them assert their influence over both Crimea and the Mediterranean. The Ottomans, wanting to counteract this assumption of power fought to prevent Russian ships from entering through the Straits of Gibraltar, seeking assistance from the Moroccan king Sidi Muhammed Ben Abdallah. In this episode, Peter Kitlas, Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University, discusses the vibrant developments in diplomatic activity between Morocco and the Ottoman Empire throughout the eighteenth century. The increased exchange of diplomats between these two non-European powers demonstrates how Morocco and the Ottoman Empire responded to changes in international relations during this time period while still maintaining a particular diplomatic ethos. Focusing on some entertaining anecdotes about diplomats and their adventures, Peter takes us through the travelogues (riḥla and sefaretname) of several Moroccan and Ottoman diplomats to demonstrate how they navigated the changing field of international relations. Here, Peter highlights that diplomatic history should deal just as much with developments in bureaucracy and statecraft as it does with its foundational standards and practices governed by a particular diplomatic mentality. Focusing on both actions and the governing influences behind those actions will help bring Morocco and the Ottoman Empire into broader conversations about diplomacy during this time period and might even help to uncover outlying developments in the European theater that have not fit into the particular ethos of a state-craft focused, bureaucratic teleology. Peter Kitlas is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University He is a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer from Morocco and holds an M.A. from the University of Michigan. He research in Morocco, Turkey, Gibraltar, and Dubrovnik has been funded by the Social Science Research Council and the Department of Education through the Fulbright-Hays Commission. This Podcast was recorded on 10 January at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM), in Tangier, Morocco. TALIM Resident Director John Davison moderated the discussion. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["35:49"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/moroccan-and-ottoman-contributions-to-18th-c-diplomatic-developments-d1f6493ccfad55b2e11a59e4228c6b20","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/moroccan-and-ottoman-contributions-to-18th-c-diplomatic-developments/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Peter_Kitlas-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Tuning in to Morocco’s “Recitational Revival”"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 66: Tuning in to Morocco’s “Recitational Revival” According to some religious leaders and other intellectuals, Morocco is in the midst of a 'recitational revival' (sahwa tajwidiyya). Though its scope and effectiveness are not yet clear, the intention is a re-emphasis on two core Islamic disciplines that relate to recitation of the Qur’an: first, tajwid, a system of rules that govern pronunciation and rhythm of the Qur’anic text in recitation performance; and the variance of those rules across seven, coherent, recitals or 'readings' (qira’at) that are equally sound. Within this revival, Moroccan’s historical preference for riwayat warsh, a lesser-practiced variant of one of the seven qira’at has become almost a point of national pride, and thus the Moroccan state has devoted many resources not only to specialist study of the qira’at, but also popularization of tajwid through mass media. Engaging fieldwork at a variety of institutions, including new and pre-existing schools and state radio, in this Podcast, Ian VanderMeulen, doctoral candidate in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at New York University, maps an institutional framework of this revival and describes some of its core elements. In particular, he compares and contrasts the work going on at two institutions of qira’at study, the state-funded Ma‘had Muhammad Assadiss lil-dirasat wal-qira’at al-Qur’aniyya in Rabat, and the private Madrasat Ibn al-Qadi lil-qira’at in Sale. Taking inspiration from the growing field of 'sound studies,' and grounding his fieldwork in historical research on tajwid, the qira’at, and the history of sound recording, Ian suggests that the sahwa tajwidiiyya is less a 'revival' of previous practices of recitation per se, but a refashioning of such practices and their pedagogies through the application of new technologies, from modern classroom whiteboards to digital studio recording. A performing musician, Ian holds bachelor’s degrees in music and religious studies from Oberlin College and an M.A. from The Graduate Center, City University of New York. His research in France and Morocco has been funded by NYU’s Graduate Research Initiative and the American Institute for Maghrib Studies. This podcast was recorded at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM) on February 7, 2019. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["35:46"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/tuning-in-to-morocco-s-recitational-revival-0574c73e3a86d19142b9a887a6f95054","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/tuning-in-to-morocco-s-recitational-revival/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Ian_Vandermeulen-_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["l'Oasis de Jemna en Tunisie, entre dissidence et négociation"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 65: l'Oasis de Jemna en Tunisie, entre dissidence et négociation Dans ce Podcast, Pr. Mohammed Kerrou, professeur de sciences politiques à la Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Politiques de Tunis, Université de Tunis El-Manar et Professeur visiteur dans plusieurs universités étrangères (Aix-en-Provence, Tarragone, Rome La Sapienza, Yale University...) présente une de ses enquêtes sur l'Oasis de Jemna. Située au Sud-Ouest tunisien, cette oasis est devenue dans le sillage de « la révolution de la dignité », le lieu d’exercice d’une citoyenneté libre et conviviale, par le biais de la récupération d’un ancien domaine agricole colonial « Henchir el-mâamer ») devenu, au lendemain de l’indépendance nationale, domaine de l’Etat. Du coup, le conflit entre la légalité étatique et la légitimité de l’appropriation de la terre par les Oasiens offre l’opportunité d’un débat démocratique inédit. L’Association de protection des Oasis de Jemna, expression de la société civile locale, se trouve aujourd’hui en rapport de négociation avec les autorités en vue de la création d’une coopérative de production agricole. L’enjeu consiste dans la résistance en vue de réaliser l’objectif d’une économie sociale et solidaire, tout en maintenant la flamme de cette expérience innovante. Toutefois, une telle expérience court le risque, à l’instar de tous les mouvements de mobilisation collective, de l’étiolement progressif et de la banalisation par le système de reproduction inégalitaire, tant sur le plan social que régional, réduisant de la sorte l’expérience à un produit historique des marges, avec ce que cela implique comme processus de marginalisation et d’isolement des individus et des communautés périphériques. Pr Mohamed Kerrou est l'auteur de plusieurs ouvrages parmi lesquels : Tunisie, l’autre révolution. Essai, Tunis, Editions Cérès, 2018. L’homme des questions. Hommage à Abdelkader Zghal (1930-2015), Tunis, Cérès Editions, 2016. Hijâb. Nouveaux voiles et espaces publics, Tunis, Editions Cérès, 2010. Kairouan. Phare éternel de l’islam, Tunis, Editions Apollonia, 2009.
D’Islam et d’Ailleurs. Hommage à Clifford Geertz (1926-2006), Tunis, Cérès Editions, 2007. Public et Privé en Islam. Espaces, autorités et libertés, Paris, Maisonneuve & Larose, 2002. L'Autorité des Saints. Perspectives historiques et anthropologiques en Méditerranée Occidentale. Postface de Lucette Valensi, Paris, ERC, 1998. La conférence de Pr. Mohammed Kerrou a été programmée dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Espaces et territoires au Maghreb » co-organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie sociale et culturelle (CRASC) . Elle a eu lieu le 24 avril 2019 au CRASC. Pr. Abdelkrim Elaidi, sociologue à l'Université d’Oran 2 a modéré le débat. Pour consulter les cartes associées à ce Podcast, veuillez visiter notre site web: www.themaghribpodcast.com Nous remercions Dr. Tamara Turner, Ethnomusicologue et chercheure à Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Center for the History of Emotions pour son interprétation de Sidna Boulal du répertoire Hausa du Diwan (Hausa Sug). Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:27:42"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/loasis-de-jemna-en-tunisie-entre-dissidence-et-negociation-55fb6906b079b76f8d073f1cf8a82be7","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/loasis-de-jemna-en-tunisie-entre-dissidence-et-negociation/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Kerrou_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Les enjeux politiques du 11 décembre 1960"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 56: Les enjeux politiques du 11 décembre 1960 Dans ce Podcast, Dr. Amar Mohand Amer, historien et maître de recherche au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie sociale et culturelle (CRASC), présente une conférence sur les enjeux politiques du 11 décembre 1960. Ce moment historique n'est pas une simple manifestation historique, il est le marqueur d'un basculement majeur dans la Guerre de libération nationale. Il engage le FLN dans une nouvelle dynamique ou le peuple et la ville redeviennent des ferments de sa stratégie politiques et diplomatique. Le 11 décembre 1960 est également la fin du mythe de la \"Troisième force\" et l'échec de la politique gaullienne sur le plan militaire, psychologique et économique. La conférence de Dr. Amar Mohand Amer a été programmée dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Histoire du Maghreb, histoire du Maghreb » organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 12 décembre 2018 au CEMA, Oran. Dr. Saddek Benkada, Historien, Maître de recherche au CRASC et membre du Conseil Scientifique du CEMA a modéré le débat. Nous remercions infiniment Mohammed Boukhoudmi d'avoir interprété un morceau musical de Elli Mektoub Mektoub, pour les besoins de ce podcast. Montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["51:19"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/les-enjeux-politiques-du-11-decembre-1960-a7627df991a6128d53255864020991f6","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/les-enjeux-politiques-du-11-decembre-1960/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Amar_Mohand_Amer_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["The Mad-For-Maghreb Generation : The Maghreb In the Pan-African Cultural Project"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 55: The Mad-For-Maghreb Generation : The Maghreb In the Pan-African Cultural Project Paraska Tolan Szkilnik is a PhD candidate at the University of Pennsylvania. She obtained her BA from Brandeis University in 2011 and an MA from the EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales) in 2014, working on the relationship between Senegal and Tunisia in the 1960s and 70s. Her doctoral work is concerned with the history of cultural Pan-Africanism in the Maghreb in the decades following independence. Moving away from the strictly political approach of much of the literature on Pan-Africanism, her dissertation reconsiders the history of Pan-Africanism in the postcolonial period by centering on three Maghrebi cultural spaces of encounter between Black and non-Black African and Diaspora artists in the late 1960s and early 1970s: the Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage (JCC), the Moroccan literary journal Souffles, and the Pan-African Festival of Algiers of 1969 (PANAF). Beginning in Morocco, this podcast follows the adventures of a group of Luso-African poets and militants (chief amongst them Mario de Andrade, Marcelino dos Santos and Aquino Bragança) from Paris to Rabat. Starting in the late 1950s, these young militants used Rabat as a home-base for anti-colonial activism in the Portuguese colonies. The Moroccan government provided them with passports, headquarters, press coverage, and weapons. Morocco also served as a liberated space, on the African continent, to imagine what one could be in the wake of empire. In Rabat, these militant-poets met young Moroccan writers who were haunted by similar concerns over their role in the postcolonial world, amongst them poet Abdellatif Laabi founder of the Moroccan literary journal Souffles. Over the course of its seven years of publication, 1966-1973, Souffles took off from a marginal Moroccan literary journal to a paper caucus through which writers from across the African diaspora called for an African cultural revolution. On the pages of this shabby 30-something page journal, Laabi welcomed contributions from Haitian poet René Depestre, Moroccan novelist Tahar Ben Jelloun, Angolan insurgent Mario de Andrade, and Cape Verdean militant Amilcar Cabral. Working in tandem with these writers, the journal provided a platform to discuss the great issues of the decade: decolonization, Marxism-Leninism, civil rights in the United States, and of course Portuguese colonialism. This episode is part of the Arts and Letters in the Maghrib series and was recorded on November 8th, 2018 at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), in Tunis, Tunisia. The music in the introduction and conclusion of this podcast was performed by street artists on Avenue Bouguiba, Tunis, Tunisia. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["30:18"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/the-mad-for-maghreb-generation-the-maghreb-in-the-pan-african-cultural-project-365388cf539f80ee1e54fdda939102b7","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/the-mad-for-maghreb-generation-the-maghreb-in-the-pan-african-cultural-project/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Picture1.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["GPRA, un mandat historique (1958-1962)"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 54: GPRA, un mandat historique (1958-1962) Dans ce Podcast, Pr. Abdelmadjid Merdaci, sociologue et historien à l'Université de Constantine 2, présente son dernier ouvrage : GPRA, un mandat historique, 19 septembre 1958 - 3 août 1962 (Les Éditions du Champ Libre, 2018). Cet ouvrage s'attache à éclairer les conditions de formation du GPRA et en quoi la constitution du GPRA procédait-elle d'une solution de continuité dans la conduite de la guerre par le FLN-ALN et de quelle manière introduisait-elle une rupture historique significative ? Cela impose l'examen attentif des successives séquences ayant marqué la direction du FLN-ALN, de rapporter les choix des hommes et des objectifs à l'évolution du conflit tant au plan militaire que politique et diplomatique. La conférence de Pr Abdelmadjid Merdaci a été programmée dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Histoire du Maghreb, histoire du Maghreb » co-organisé par Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie sociale et culturelle (CRASC). Elle a eu lieu le 4 novembre 2018 au CEMA, Oran. Dr. Amar Mohand Amer, Maître de recherche au CRASC, a modéré le débat. Nous remercions Dr. Jonathan Glasser, anthropologue culturel au College of William & Mary, pour son istikhbar in sika à l'alto pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:02:33"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/gpra-un-mandat-historique-1958-1962-f4d0a4f8c756255756bf4632877b9318","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/gpra-un-mandat-historique-1958-1962/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Merdaci_book.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Entretien avec Dr. Khadija Mohsen-Finan sur son dernier livre : Les Dissidents du Maghreb depuis les Independences"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 63: Entretien avec Dr. Khadija Mohsen-Finan sur son dernier livre : Les Dissidents du Maghreb depuis les Independences Dans ce podcast, Dr. Meriem Guetat , Directrice Adjointe du CEMAT, s’entretient avec Dr. Khadija Mohsen-Finan sur son dernier livre Les Dissidents du Maghreb depuis les Indépendences. L’ouvrage de Dr. Khadija Mohsen-Finan est l’un des premiers travaux post-2011 qui s’intéressent au concept de la dissidence à travers le Maghreb (Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie) et qui se base sur une recherche rétrospective de longue durée. Dans cet episode, Dr. Mohsen-Finan souligne l’importance d’étudier l’histoire du Maghreb à travers le prisme de la dissidence, tout courants idéologiques confondus, ce qui constitue un renversement de la perspective traditionnelle de recherche se concentrant exclusivement sur le pouvoir. Selon Dr. Mohsen-Finan, il s’agit d’aborder une histoire méconnue du Maghreb qui permet de comprendre ses diffrentes évoultions historiques mais aussi d’interprèter et d’imaginer les développements politiques futures dans la région. Lors de cette conversation, Dr. Mohsen-Finan a été invitée à répondre à un nombre de questions s’articulant autour des thèmes suivant : La définition de la notion de dissidence dans son ouvrage ainsi que le rapport du dissident au pouvoir. Les moments phares de l’histoire du Maghreb qui décrivent au mieux le rapport de lutte entre le pouvoir et ses opposants et ce en concentrant sur le moment Youssefiste et de l’affaire Ahmed Ben Salah. Le groupe « perspectives » en Tunisie et l’évolution de ses relations avec le pouvoir. Le rôle des défenseurs des droits humains et le rôle joué par la LTDH dans l’analyse de la Tunisie. Le printemps noir de Kabylie dans le cadre de la dissidence post-2011 et le rôle des minorités ethniques et linguistiques pour la compréhension de la notion de dissidence. Dr. Khadija Mohsen-Finan est politologue spécialiste du Maghreb et du monde arabe, Docteur en sciences politiques (IEP Paris) et diplômée d’histoire (Université d’Aix-en-Provence). Actuellement enseignante et chercheure à l’Université de Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne (laboratoire SIRICE), elle enseigne parallèlement à l’Université Ca’Foscari de Venise. Elle contribue également au comité de rédaction et à l’animation du journal en ligne Orient XXI. Cet épisode a été enregistré le 21 février 2019 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) et s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle de conférences Pensées contemporaines. Nous remercions notre ami Mohammed Boukhoudmi pour son interpretation de l'extrait de nouba, \"Dziriya,\" par Dr. Noureddine Saoudi pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["43:25"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/entretien-avec-dr-khadija-mohsen-finan-sur-son-dernier-livre-les-dissidents-du-maghreb-depuis-les-independences-71f426608ed1c2498c75bf967549f13c","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/entretien-avec-dr-khadija-mohsen-finan-sur-son-dernier-livre-les-dissidents-du-maghreb-depuis-les-independences/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Khadija_Mohsen-Finan-_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Interview avec Pr. Mohammed Kerrou sur son dernier livre : L’Autre Révolution"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 60: Interview avec Pr. Mohammed Kerrou sur son dernier livre : L’Autre Révolution Dans ce Podcast, Pr. Mohammed Kerrou, professeur de sciences politiques à la Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Politiques de Tunis, Université de Tunis El-Manar, revient sur son nouvel ouvrage, L'autre révolution (Cérès Éditions, 2018). L'ouvrage est une série de réflexions sur les transformations politiques et sociales en Tunisie depuis la révolution de 2011. Pr. Kerrou examine comment les tendances politiques postrévolutionnaires ont soulevé des questions théoriques autour des termes « rupture » et « continuité ». Il pose des questions sur la nature de l'État et les relations entre l'État et la société ; le rôle de la société civile ; la transformation de l'espace politique ; les mythes de l'origine de la révolution ; la question de la religion et du religieux ; ainsi que l'évolution des notions de citoyenneté dans la Tunisie contemporaine. Cet épisode est présenté sous forme d'entretien, avec Dr. Laryssa Chomiak, Directrice du Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). Il a été enregistré le 21 février 2019 au CEMAT et s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle de conférences Pensées contemporaines. Nous remercions Emna Ben Issa et Bassem Zribi de l'Institut Supérieur de Musique à Tunis d'avoir bien accepté d'interpréter Bani Watani pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Posté par: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["40:29"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/interview-avec-pr-mohammed-kerrou-sur-son-dernier-livre-l%e2%80%99autre-revolution-712f002c09c76b51e6873d2e70c8b2e0","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/interview-avec-pr-mohammed-kerrou-sur-son-dernier-livre-l%e2%80%99autre-revolution/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Kerrou_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Anthropologie, généralisation et identité culturelle"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2019],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1440,1441],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 57: Anthropologie, généralisation et identité culturelle Dans ce Podcast, Pr. Hassan Rachik, Anthropologue à la Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Économiques et Sociales Ain Chock Université Hassan II de Casablanca, interroge en profondeur le champ de l'anthropologie dans le contexte maghrébin en mettant l’accent sur les présupposés théoriques des travaux réalisés en la matière. Son argumentation s’articule autour des notions de dispositions théoriques, de dispositions culturelles et de rencontres anthropologiques. En sciences sociales, et en anthropologie en particulier, les chercheurs utilisent des théories et des concepts pour caractériser des peuples (industrieux, pragmatique, laborieux, négociateur, etc.), leurs cultures (dionysiaque, apollinienne, modérée, excessive, etc.), leurs religions (fanatique, quiétiste, etc.). Ce type de caractérisation et de généralisation assez fréquent mérite d’être interrogé en explicitant et en critiquant ses présupposés théoriques, et dépassé en proposant un mode alternatif de généralisation qui ne met pas tout un peuple, tous les adeptes d’une religion, dans une même catégorie. La conférence de Pr. Hassan Rachik a été programmée dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Espaces et territoires au Maghreb » organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 15 janvier 2019 au CEMA, Oran. Pr. Abdelkader Lakjaa, Sociologue à l'Université d'Oran 2 a modéré le débat. Nous remercions Dr. Tamara Turner, Ethnomusicologue et chercheur au Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Centre for History of Emotions, pour son interprétation de Sidna Ali du répertoire du Diwan. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:01:58"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/anthropologie-generalisation-et-identite-culturelle-6bc66333dfdc8b2fca4c43cedc416061","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/anthropologie-generalisation-et-identite-culturelle/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/hassan-Rachik-size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["The History of Pan-Africanism in the Postcolonial Period: The Pan-African Festival of Algiers of 1969 (PANAF)"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 53: The History of Pan-Africanism in the Postcolonial Period: The Pan-African Festival of Algiers of 1969 (PANAF) Paraska Tolan Szkilnik is a PhD candidate at the University of Pennsylvania. She obtained her BA from Brandeis University in 2011 and an MA from the EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales) in 2014, working on the relationship between Senegal and Tunisia in the 1960s and 70s. Her doctoral work is concerned with the history of cultural Pan-Africanism in the Maghreb in the decades following independence. Moving away from the strictly political approach of much of the literature on Pan-Africanism, her dissertation reconsiders the history of Pan-Africanism in the postcolonial period by centering on three Maghrebi cultural spaces of encounter between Black and non-Black African and Diaspora artists in the late 1960s and early 1970s: the Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage(JCC), the Moroccan literary journal Souffles, and the Pan-African Festival of Algiers of 1969 (PANAF). In this podcast, Paraska Tolan Szkilnik gives us a sample of the fourth chapter in her dissertation, a chapter focusing on what she calls the Alt-PANAF, the group of radicals who participated in giving the festival its Pan-African character from the margins. These young actors, revolutionaries and writers did not meet on the rue Didouche Mourad or in the Palais des Nations. Instead they gathered in Algerian poet Jean Sénac’s stuffy basement apartment where they received Moroccan poets and editors of the revolutionary poetry journal Souffles, Haitian poet René Depestre, leader of the MPLA Mario Pinto de Andrade, and many more. Raised to the beat of Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth,they were not enticed by the nationalistic promises of the ruling elite. Through personal interviews, critical reading of these writers’ fiction, and the material she have gathered in Jean Sénac’s archives in Algiers, she showcases the encounters that, though they did not occur in the spotlight, were just as crucial in building a community of radical artists committed to the project of African cultural unity. In this piece she tells the story of a handful of radicals from across the world who were looking to build a Pan-African network that ran deeper than the ceremonious speeches their presidents and state-sponsored artists so often delivered. This episode is part of the Arts and Letters in the Maghrib series and was recorded on June 4th, 2018 at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), in Tunis, Tunisia. The music in the introduction and conclusion of this podcast was performed by street artists on Avenue Bouguiba, Tunis, Tunisia. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["25:44"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/paraska_tolan_szkilnik-41fb7ee2376db0e8c9570c1b75d99c55","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/paraska_tolan_szkilnik/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Picture1.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["La résilience architecturale en Mauritanie"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 48: La résiliance architecturale en Mauritanie Dans cet épisode, Dr. Franklin Graham, professeur de géographie à l'University of South Florida, présente une communication sur la résilience architecturale en Mauritanie. Traditionnellement le peuple sédentarisé en Mauritanie construisait leurs édifices et murs à base de pierres et d`argile. Le mot « toqleedi » en Arabe et en Hassaniyya, explique cette maçonnerie traditionnelle. Typiquement, les pierres sont d’origine sédimentaire et elles proviennent d'anciennes couches océaniques. Le grès, facile de retirer est mélangé à l’argile locale; la majorité des bâtiments ont été construits de cette façon. Des anciens quartiers d’Atâr, Ouâdâne, Chinguetti, Tidjikja, Er-Rachid, Ksar el-Barka et Oualata en sont des modèles. Dans les sites spécifiques, comme à Terjitt, Aoujeft, Tichitt et Néma, la schiste et l’argile sont utilisés par le peuple de « Trab el Hajra » pour bien profiter de leurs ressources locales. Pour charpenter les toits, ils utilisaient les plantes cultivées dans les jardins ou les plantes sauvages trouvées près de leurs habitations. Le bois de palmier, du dattier, « en nakhîl » en Arabe, trouvé dans les palmeraies, généralement fut utilisé à supporter les toits. Les arbres d’acacia, « talha et tamât », et le bois de dattier sauvage « teïchott » en Hassaniyya, étaient ramassés et utilisés pour renforcer les seuils et pour fabriquer les portes et les fenêtres. Typiquement les personnes s'adaptaient à l’environnement pour construire leurs maisons, magasins, greniers et mosquées. Les traditions peuvent évoluer dans le temps. Effectivement la maçonnerie mauritanienne témoigne d’un changement dynamique et profond. Mais le changement n’est ni facile ni uniforme à comprendre. Pour des raisons diverses des villes et villages toqleedi sont en train de vivre une renaissance, ils sont tombés dans l'oubli. Les circonstances environnementales, économiques et sociales influencent cette complexité. Ci-dessous se trouve le bilan des entretiens et observations enregistrées dans les onze villes et villages dans l’intérieur de la Mauritanie durant l’été 2017. Quarante-trois maçons ont été interviewés à Ouâdâne, Chinguetti, Aoujeft, Tidjikja, Er-Rachid, Tichitt et Oualata. L’enquête a démontré que le type de maçonnerie concernant les quartiers d’Ouâdâne, Chinguetti, Atâr, Tidjikja, Tichitt, Oualata, Néma et Ksar el Barka a été abandonné avant la période coloniale. Le site de Terjitt est le plus petit et dispose d'un ancien quartier, et le reste est habité et sillonné par une ancienne ville qui s’appelle en Hassaniyya et en Arabe « El Qadeema ». Ci-dessous, les résultats de la recherche sont expliqués pour chaque site, un sommaire est consacré aux régions de l’Adrâr, du Tagant et de l’Hodh ech-Chargui, et en conclusion pour la Mauritanie. Des propositions pour une recherche éventuelle sont proposées dans la conclusion. La conférence de Dr. Franklin Graham a eu lieu le 26 juin 2018 au Tangier American Legation Institute of Moroccan Studies (TALIM),à Tanger, Maroc. Pour consulter les diaporamas et la bibliographie, visitez notre site web: www.themaghribpodcast.com Posté par Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:32:26"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/la-resilience-architecturale-en-mauritanie-d1fa00b7546f343be976ada5054f8061","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/la-resilience-architecturale-en-mauritanie/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Franklin_Graham.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Le patrimoine en question : Entre métissages et territoires linguistiques"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 47: Le patrimoine en question : Entre métissages et territoires linguistiques Dans ce Podcast,Pr. Nadir Marouf interroge en profondeur la question du patrimoine / patrimonialité / patrimonialisation / néo-patrimonialisme dans ses différentes ramifications historiques, socio-culturelles, stratégiques et autres. Il l’aborde essentiellement du point de vue des métissages / territoires linguistiques et des processus de socialisation. Il interroge également les articulations entre la question de l’espace et de la temporalité dans le contexte maghrébin. Les pratiques syncrétiques au Maghreb et ailleurs sont également au cœur de son intervention, la praxis populaire donne à voir des pratiques opposées au rites canoniques dominants. Au fil de son exposé, Pr. Marouf revient, exemples à l’appui, sur les différents rapports à l’historicité représentés dans la conscience populaire maghrébine. Pr. Nadir Marouf est né en 1940 à Tlemcen, titulaire d’un doctorat en droit public interne (Université Paris I) et d’un doctorat ès Lettres (Université Paris V). Il a enseigné la sociologie et l’anthropologie appliquée à l’université d’Oran entre 1968 et 1988, l’Université d’Aix-Marseille entre 1981 et 1982, l’Université de Harvard en 1989, l’Université de Lille I entre 1988 et 1991, et l’Université de Picardie Jules Verne entre 1991 et 2009. Il est actuellement Professeur Émérite. Il a été directeur du CRASC (anciennement URASC) de 1984 à 1989, et directeur du CEFRESS (1994-2007). Il a notamment travaillé sur la sociologie et anthropologie maghrébine. Parmi ses centres d’intérêt, l’on peut citer sans être exhaustif : l’espace oasien, l’espace maghrébin, les fondements anthropologiques de la norme maghrébine, le chant arabo-andalou, les cultures et métissages, le fait colonial au Maghreb…etc. Ces différentes thématiques sont au centre de sa réflexion et production scientifiques. La conférence de Pr. Nadir Marouf est programmée dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Langues et sociétés au Maghreb ». Elle a eu lieu le 06 Mars 2018 à Oran, au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Pr Abdelkrim El Aidi, sociologue à l'université d'Oran 2 a modéré le débat. Nous remercions notre ami Mohammed Boukhoudmi pour son interpretation de l'extrait de nouba, \"Dziriya,\" par Dr. Noureddine Saoudi pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:08:37"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/le-patrimoine-en-question-entre-metissages-et-territoires-linguistiques-444a4b64da5eb58ecceb0d7924dfb457","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/le-patrimoine-en-question-entre-metissages-et-territoires-linguistiques/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Nadir_Marouf.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Rencontre avec Pr. Mohamed Mebtoul autour de son dernier ouvrage: Algérie, la citoyenneté impossible?"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 52: Rencontre avec Pr. Mohamed Mebtoul autour de son dernier ouvrage: Algérie, la citoyenneté impossible? Dans ce Podcast, Pr. Mohamed Mebtoul, professeur de sociologie à l’université d’Oran 2, fondateur de l’anthropologie de la santé en Algérie et fondateur également du Groupe de Recherche en Anthropologie de la Santé (GRAS) devenue (Unité de recherche en sciences sociales et Santé), présente son dernier ouvrage : Algérie, la citoyenneté impossible ? Partant d’une analyse empirique, dans le droit fil de l’anthropologie du quotidien, l’ouvrage du Pr. Mebtoul interroge en profondeur la question de la citoyenneté dans le contexte algérien. Il se donne pour objectif de répondre à cette problématique : Comment peut-on mettre l’épreuve la question de la citoyenneté par rapport aux comportements civiques ? Pr. Mebtoul assigne à la citoyenneté à un double sens : le premier renvoie à une citoyenneté formelle régie par le droit, le second à une citoyenneté informelle consistant à avoir un sentiment d’appartenance à une communauté sociale. Pr. Mebtoul revient avec beaucoup de détails sur les multiples enjeux qui sous-tendent le champ social en Algérie : le clientélisme, le patriarcat politique et social, la corruption, la cooptation, l’allégeance et l’informel. La conférence de Pr Mohamed Mebtoul a été programmée dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Soirées ramadanesques» co-organisé par Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et l'Institut de Développement des Ressources Humaines (IDRH). Elle a eu lieu le 29 mai 2018 à l'IDRH, Oran. Dr Belkacem Benzenine, Maître de recherche au CRASC, a modéré le débat. Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón pour sa prestation à la guitare pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["43:48"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/algerie-la-citoyennete-impossible-baf8c2daf98b323445457ca2d04b8e7e","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/algerie-la-citoyennete-impossible/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Mebtoul_book.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Why William Wordsworth is needed today"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 51: Why William Wordsworth is needed today Dr. Mounir Khélifa studied English at the Sorbonne and Yale University where he received his MA and PhD, respectively. A professor of English language and literature for more than three decades, he taught poetics, comparative literature, and literary theory at the University of Tunis. Former director of the graduate program in English, Dr. Khélifa was also a senior advisor to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, where has was responsible for international cooperation and curriculum reform. Currently Dr. Khélifa runs the School for International Training study-abroad program in Tunisia. He is a lifetime member of the Tunisian Academy for the Arts, Letters, and Sciences. This episode is part of the Contemporary Thought series and was recorded on May 7th, 2018 at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). We thank the duo Ÿuma for use of their song, \"Hleli,\" from their album Ghbar Njoum for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, Outreach Coordinator, Content Curator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["32:18"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/why-william-wordsworths-is-today-needed-in-arab-culture-73e5371300b749665b2189bab18073c4","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/why-william-wordsworths-is-today-needed-in-arab-culture/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Mounir_Khelifa.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Rencontre avec Bouziane Ben Achour autour du théâtre algérien d'aujourd'hui"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 50: Rencontre avec Bouziane Ben Achour autour du théâtre algérien d'aujourd'hui Dans ce Podcast, M. Bouziane Ben Achour, écrivain, dramaturge et journaliste, retrace la trajectoire du théâtre algérien en mettant l’accent sur ses expressions actuelles. M. Ben Achour défend l’idée que le théâtre est le reflet de la société et de ses multiples dynamiques. Depuis la création des compagnies théâtrales ou ce que l’on appelle les coopératives théâtrales, le théâtre algérien n’a pas cessé d’évoluer et d’accompagner les dynamiques sociales en s’y adaptant parfois, même s’il est grandement concurrencé suite à l’ouverture du champ audiovisuel en Algérie qui a développé une culture d’appartement. M. Ben Achour a souligné que le théâtre algérien a toujours été politique du temps du mouvement national à nos jours, et c’est pratiquement l’un des rares secteurs culturels à avoir échappé à la censure. M. Ben Achour a également interrogé dans son exposé les rouages de la machine théâtrale en Algérie en passant en revue ses modalités de financement et de sponsoring. Au fil de son exposé, M. Ben Achour a soulevé la question du public théâtral qui a lui aussi subi des métamorphoses conduisant à de nouvelles pratiques théâtrales. M. Ben Achour a conclu son exposé sur une note d’espoir en disant qu’il y a une vraie culture d’initiative parmi les jeunes et qu’un renouveau est en train de se produire grâce à des activités menées par des jeunes qui ne s’insèrent pas dans les modèles structurels traditionnels, donnant ainsi un nouveau souffle à la création théâtrale en Algérie. Bouziane Ben Achour est journaliste, romancier, dramaturge et essayiste. Parmi ses romans, l’on peut citer : Sabrinel (Éditions Enadar, 2018); Kamar ou le temps abrégé (Éditions ANEP, 2016); et Brûlures (2012) qui a eu le Prix littéraire Mohamed Dib. Il est également l’auteur de trois essais sur la musique et le théâtre algérien. Dramaturge, Bouziane Ben Achour a écrit quinze pièces théâtrales toutes montées par les théâtres régionaux et les compagnies privées. Sa pièce Yamna (2015) produite par le théâtre régional Kateb Yacine de Tizi- Ouzou, a été mise en scène par la grande dame de la scène algérienne, Sonia. Hbil Soltane (2018) est sa dernière œuvre théâtrale produite par l’association El –Murdjadjo d’Oran. La conférence de M. Bouziane Ben Achour est programmée dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « soirées ramadanesques » co-organisé par Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et l'institut de Développement des Ressources Humaines (IDRH). Elle a eu lieu le 24 Mai 2018 à l'IDRH, Oran. Pr Hadj Miliani, Professeur de littérature à l'université de Mostaganem, chercheur associé au CRASC, a modéré le débat. Nous remercions notre ami Ignacio Villalón pour sa prestation à la guitare pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:15:02"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/rencontre-avec-bouziane-benachour-autour-du-theatre-algerien-daujourdhui-b7a34e0ecf2ef7104d107a9bc70ffdb2","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/rencontre-avec-bouziane-benachour-autour-du-theatre-algerien-daujourdhui/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/bouziane_benachour_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Muhammad I al-Mustansir of Tunis and the Northern Mediterranean"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 49: Muhammad I al-Mustansir of Tunis and the Northern Mediterranean In this episode, Dr. Michael Lower, Associate Professor of History at the University of Minnesota, discusses the world of Muhammad I al-Mustansir of Tunis and his relationship with the northern Mediterranean His recent research on the crusades tries to bring together Arabic and European-language sources to tell the story of these complex multi-lateral conflicts from multiple perspectives. He is the author of \"The Barons' Crusade of 1239: A Call to Arms and Its Consequences\" (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005) and \"The Tunis Crusade of 1270: A Mediterranean History\" (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018). This was recorded on 14 February 2018 at at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) Early Hafsid Tunis: Capital of Caliphate Symposium. posted by Hayet Lansari, Librarian, outreach coordinator, content curator (CEMA)"]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["21:04"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/muhammad-i-al-mustansir-of-tunis-and-the-northern-mediterranean-03a30df42a0f975777753529aeb330f7","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/muhammad-i-al-mustansir-of-tunis-and-the-northern-mediterranean/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Michael_Lower.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["La science-fiction et la littérature algérienne: Discussion entre Kamel Daoud et l'auteur Riadh Hadir autour de son dernier roman, « Pupille »"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 46: La science-fiction et la littérature algérienne, discussion avec Kamel Daoud et l'auteur Riadh Hadir autour de son dernier roman « Pupille » Rencontre littéraire autour du roman de Riadh Hadir, Pupille, animée par l'écrivain Kamel Daoud. Cette rencontre est programmé dans le cadre du Cycle des conférences Arts et Lettres au Maghreb, organisé le 19 avrir 2018 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), à Oran. L'Auteur Graphiste en publicité primé, Riadh Hadir, né en 1982 à Oran, écrit depuis son plus jeune âge. Lecteur passionné, grand amateur de littérature de genre et particulièrement de science-fiction, c’est tout naturellement vers ce pan du livre qu’il se tourne lorsqu’il présente le manuscrit de son premier roman, Pupille, au Prix Littéraire Mohammed Dib en 2016. Le roman est finaliste, puis publié à la rentrée 2017 aux éditions ANEP. Il sera également nominé au Grand Prix Assia Djebar du roman de la même année. À travers le prisme de la dystopie satirique, Pupille traite principalement des dérives de la foi dans un monde régi par des idéologies superficiellement opposées mais indiscutablement totalitaires. À cet effet, le biais social et humain assumé de Pupille vient rompre avec les visions d’autres romanciers algériens, habituellement très politisées. Riadh Hadir publie régulièrement des billets et des textes courts sur son blog, « Vivre à l’oreille ». Le Modérateur Kamel Daoud est journaliste, chroniqueur et écrivain depuis les années 1990 en Algérie, Rédacteur en chef de l’un des plus importants journaux francophones algériens, Le Quotidien d’Oran. Il a été aussi signataire de la rubrique « Raïna Raïkoum », l’une des plus lues en Algérie. Il est par ailleurs chroniqueur dans le magazine Le Point , l’un des principaux hebdomadaires en France et signe des colonnes dans le New York Times. Deux chroniques seront particulièrement surmédiatisées, « Cologne, lieu de fantasmes », publiée dans Le Monde, traitant du désir et de la sexualité dans le monde arabe et l’autre, sous le titre « L’Arabie Saoudite, un Daech qui a réussi » publiée dans le New York Times. Kamel Daoud est aussi lauréat du Prix Jean-Luc Lagardère du journaliste de l’année en 2016. Sa carrière littéraire commence avec la publication de quelques récits dans le début des années 2000 et un premier recueil de nouvelles, La préface du Nègre (Edition Barzakh), qui a reçu le Prix littéraire Mohammed Dib, le plus prestigieux prix littéraire algérien en 2008 et a été nominé pour le Prix Goncourt de la Nouvelle en France une année plus tard et le Prix Wepler. Le recueil sera traduit en plusieurs langues. La consécration viendra avec le roman Meursault contre-enquête, publié d’abord en Algérie chez les Editions Barzakh, puis en France avec Actes Sud. Le roman sera traduit en 34 langues et recevra le Prix du Goncourt du Premier Roman, le Prix des cinq continents de la Francophonie, le Prix François Mauriac, entre autres. Le roman sera adapté au théâtre en France et en Allemagne et va être adapté au cinéma l’année prochaine. En 2017, Kamel Daoud signe Mes indépendances, un recueil de chroniques, une sélection sur dix ans d’activité, qui sera récompensé par le 16ème Prix Livre et Droits de l’Homme de la Ville de Nancy, en France; et un roman Zabor ou Les psaumes, qui reçoit le Prix Littéraire Transfuge du meilleur roman en langue française (2017), et le Prix Méditerranée 2018. Des traductions de ce roman vers d'autres langues sont en cours. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:21:09"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/rencontre-litteraire-avec-lecrivain-riadh-hadir-autour-de-son-dernier-roman-pupille-8f5e3f972b269a188e0d6118634a1a1d","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/rencontre-litteraire-avec-lecrivain-riadh-hadir-autour-de-son-dernier-roman-pupille/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/39032320_1877258582341005_3218705352694431744_n.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["La sociolinguistique de l'écrit dans le Trans-Sahara"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 44: La sociolinguistique de l'écrit dans le Trans-Sahara Basé sur des re-conceptualisations récentes de l'échange culturel et linguistique dense entre le Maghreb, le Sahara et le Sahel - un espace que Pr. Fiona McLaughlin appelle ici le Trans-Sahara - ce podcast se focalise sur l'écriture transsaharienne comme une pratique socialement intégrée. L'espace trans-saharien se caractérise non seulement par le plurilinguisme, mais aussi par le plurigraphisme, ou l'utilisation de systèmes d'écritures multiples, notamment le tifinagh, l'arabe, et le latin. Dans ce podcast, le Pr. Fiona McLaughlin, professeure de sociolinguistique à l'University of Florida, présente un certain nombre de sujets prometteurs dans le domaine émergent de la sociolinguistique de l'écriture qui pourraient potentiellement enrichir notre compréhension de la culture de l'écriture dans le Trans-Sahara. Plutôt que de se concentrer sur des textes historiques ou des textes d'érudits, ce podcast plaide en faveur de l'examen des pratiques d'écriture vernaculaires quotidiennes qui vont au-delà des contraintes des systèmes normatifs d'alphabétisation. Les exemples incluent l'utilisation quotidienne de l'alphabet arabe dans l'écriture des langues sénégalaises et l'usage des langues dans la sphère publique dans le nord du Mali. Le but ultime de ce podcast est toutefois de stimuler les discussions sur les pratiques d'écriture populaires dans la région du Trans-Sahara. La conférence de Pr. Fiona McLaughlin est programmée dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Études sahariennes », a été co-organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC). Elle a eu lieu le 25 avril 2018 au CEMA, Oran. Dr. Karim Ouaras, sociolinguiste à l'Université de Mostaganem, chercheur associé au CRASC, et Directeur-Adjoint du CEMA a présenté la conférencière et modéré le débat. Nous remercions Dr. Tamara Turner, Ethnomusicologue et chercheure à Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Center for the History of Emotions pour son interprétation de Sidna Boulal du répertoire Hausa du Diwan (Hausa Sug). Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:00:03"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/la-sociolinguistique-de-lecrit-dans-le-trans-sahara-b9c5239ec4a3179d671f2c842c25cd32","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/la-sociolinguistique-de-lecrit-dans-le-trans-sahara/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Fional.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Aux origines de l’imprimerie en Algérie : les mythes, les médias, et les masses"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 40: Aux origines de l’imprimerie en Algérie : Les mythes, les médias, et les masses Dr. Arthur Asseraf est maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine à l'Université de Cambridge et Fellow de Trinity College. Ses travaux portent sur l'histoire de la colonisation, des médias, et de l'information au Maghreb et en France au XIXe et XXe siècles. Son premier livre, Electric News in Colonial Algeria, porte plus particulièrement sur les transformations de la notion d'\"actualité\" en Algérie. Dans ce podcast, il revient sur les commencements des médias de masse en Algérie, en examinant les débuts de la presse et de ses multiples publics. L'Algérie est une pionnière méconnue de la presse dans le monde arabe. Si l’historiographie se focalise sur l’Egypte ou le Liban, le XIXe siècle voit le développement d’une presse algérienne abondante et peu étudiée. En effet, en Algérie la presse est souvent réduite à son origine française. Comme l'imprimerie est arrivée en Algérie par les bateaux de l’armée française à Sidi-Ferruch en 1830, la presse ne serait-elle qu’une importation coloniale? Pas tout à fait. Proches de l’Europe, les Algériens connaissent l’existence de l’imprimerie bien avant la conquête. Ensuite, sous la période coloniale, bien qu’une bonne partie des journaux soit destinée à un public français, les Algériens s’approprient des publications qui ne leur sont pas destinées. En outre, l’imprimerie en langue arabe au XIXème siècle traverse les frontières impliquant des Libanais, des Italiens et des Tunisiens dans l’essor des publications en Algérie et dans toute la Méditerranée. Bien avant la télévision satellitaire et les réseaux sociaux, elle crée des publics unifiés de Fès à Baghdad. En croisant les imprimeurs et leurs publics, le cas de l'imprimerie peut servir de base à une réflexion sur les liens actuels entre progrès technologiques, médias, modernisation et conscience nationale. La conférence de Dr. Arthur Asseraf est programmée dans le cadre du cycles des conférences « Histoire du Maghreb, histoire au Maghreb », co-organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC). Elle a eu lieu le 10 Avril 2018 à Oran, Algérie. Dr. Saddek Benkada, historien, maître de recherche au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), et membre du Conseil Scientifique du CEMA a modéré cet évènement. Nous remercions Dr. Tamara Turner, Ethnomusicologue et chercheurs au Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Centre for History of Emotions, pour son interprétation de Natiro / Ya Joro du répertoire du Diwan Hausa. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["56:15"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/aux-origines-de-l%e2%80%99imprimerie-en-alge%cc%81rie-les-mythes-les-me%cc%81dias-et-les-masses-b2b721c28edd82a13e82e631f08acb5b","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/aux-origines-de-l%e2%80%99imprimerie-en-alge%cc%81rie-les-mythes-les-me%cc%81dias-et-les-masses/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/arthur_Asseraf_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"ar-Arab":["الأمازيغية والإباضية في السياق التونسي بين دينامكية الهوية المحلية الجربية الأقلية والهويات الوطنية والمعولمة المهيمنة"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"ar-Arab":[":Episode 39 الأمازيغية والإباضية في السياق التونسي بين دينامكية الهوية المحلية الجربية الأقلية والهويات الوطنية والمعولمة المهيمنة وليد بن عمران طالب دكتوراه في السوسيولوجيا السياسية بكلية العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية بتونس، متحصل على DEA في الدراسات الأفريقية (اللغة البربرية ) من INALCO بباريس. يتمحور موضوع بحثه حول التساؤلات والشؤون المتعلقة بالاباضية و الأمازيغية في الإطار التونسي (جربة) و في الإطار الليبي (زوارة و نافوسة). تحصل وليد بن عمران على شهادة حول الوضع الجيوسياسي بجنوب الصحراء الإفريقية وتأثيره على الوضع الداخلي التونسي من معهد الدفاع الوطني سنة 2013 . كما شارك كباحث في إنجاز أعمال أكاديمية بمعاهد مثل ASSF لدراسة الراديكالية وتعقيداتها في تونس. كما يعمل كمستشار مع جمعيات تونسية حول موضوع المساءلة الاجتماعية والحوكمة. سجلت هذه الحلقة يوم 8 ديسمبر 2017 بمركز الدراسات المغاربية بتونس (CEMAT), يتحدث فيها السيد وليد بن عمران عن موضوع بحثه \"الأمازيغية والإباضية في السياق التونسي بين دينامكية الهوية المحلية الجربية الأقلية والهويات الوطنية والمعولمة المهيمنة\". نشكر الثنائي يوما لأدائهم أغنية \"ليا سنين\" من ألبومهم غبار نجوم في مقدمة و خاتمة هذا البودكاست."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["40:53"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a3%d9%85%d8%a7%d8%b2%d9%8a%d8%ba%d9%8a%d8%a9%d9%88%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a5%d8%a8%d8%a7%d8%b6%d9%8a%d8%a9%d9%81-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a3%d9%85%d8%a7%d8%b2%d9%8a%d8%ba%d9%8a%d8%a9%d9%88%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a5%d8%a8%d8%a7%d8%b6%d9%8a%d8%a9%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%a7/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Walid_Ben_Omrane_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Rencontre littéraire avec l’écrivain Adlène Meddi autour de son dernier roman 1994"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 38: Rencontre littéraire avec l'écrivain Adlène Meddi: 1994 Rencontre littéraire avec l’écrivain Adlène Meddi autour de son dernier roman 1994, annimée par Pr. Hadj Miliani, professeur de littérature à l'Université de Mostaganem et chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC). Cette rencontre est programmée dans le cadre du Cycle des conférences Arts et Lettres au Maghreb, organisée le 21 Mars 2018 au CEMA, à Oran. L'auteur Adlène Meddi est écrivain et journaliste algérien. Né en 1975 à El Harrach, banlieue Est d’Alger, il a fait des études de journalisme et de sociologie des médias à l’Université d’Alger et à l’EHESS (campus de Marseille). Adlène est ex-rédacteur en chef d’El Watan Week-end à Alger, la version hebdomadaire du quotidien francophone algérien le plus influent. Collaborateur pour le magazine français Le Point, et pour la revue en ligne britannique Middle East Eye. Il a signé trois thrillers politiques sur l’Algérie, Le casse tête turc (2002, Éditions Barzakh), La prière du maure (2008, Éditions Barzakh), et 1994 (2017, Éditions Barzakh). Il a co-écrit Jours tranquilles à Alger (2016, Riveneuve) avec Mélanie Matarese. Le Modérateur Pr. Hadj Miliani est professeur de littérature à l'Université de Mostaganem, chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC) à Oran, membre du conseil scientifique du CEMA, fondateur et animateur du Ciné-Pop d'Oran (1973-1987), membre du collectif de la revue Voix-Multiples (1981-1989), Commissaire du Festival du Raï (2006-2007), responsable du pôle Ouest de l'École Doctorale Algéro-Française de Français (2004-2012), et responsable de la partie algérienne du réseau Langue Française et Expressions Francophones 2017. Nous remercions notre ami Mohammed Boukhoudmi pour son interpretation de l'extrait de nouba, \"Dziriya,\" par Dr. Noureddine Saoudi pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:36:55"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/rencontre-litteraire-avec-l%e2%80%99ecrivain-adlene-meddi-autour-de-son-dernier-roman-1994-6ca83dd4bf2a1c59edeb1a8b16a46310","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/rencontre-litteraire-avec-l%e2%80%99ecrivain-adlene-meddi-autour-de-son-dernier-roman-1994/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Adlene_Meddi_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Gunpowder Women: A Generation Galloping Past the Mudawana"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 45: Gunpowder Women: A Generation Galloping Past the Mudawana In this podcast, Gwyneth Talley, Ph.D. Candidate in Anthropology at the University of California at Los Angeles, presents Morocco's little known tradition of women troupes who perform the famous tbourida (Fantasia) equestrian ceremony. A Fulbright scholar in Morocco (2017-2018), Gwyneth Talley shared insights into how the revival in women's equestrian sports, in particular the tbourida, coincided with the 2004 Moroccan personal status code, the Mudawana. This podcast was recorded on 23 April 2018 at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["44:07"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/gunpowder-women-a-generation-galloping-past-the-mudawana-52f1bd322af15793fe5e5075c59396bd","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/gunpowder-women-a-generation-galloping-past-the-mudawana/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Talley_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Interview with Dr. Ruth Hanau Santini on her recently published book: Limited Statehood in Post-revolutionary Tunisia. Citizenship, Economy and Security"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 43: Interview with Dr. Ruth Hanau Santini on her recently published book: Limited Statehood in Post-revolutionary Tunisia. Citizenship, Economy and Security Dr. Ruth Hanau Santini is Assistant Professor of Politics and International Relations at the Università degli Studi di Napoli \"L'Orientale.\" She earned her Master's degree in Near and Middle Eastern Studies at SOAS in London in 2002, and her Ph.D. from Università Federico II in Naples in 2008. She was Visiting Fellow at The Brookings Institution from January to December 2011 and she has been working and carrying out research at l'Orientale since 2012. Dr. Ruth Hanau Santini has led as Principal Investigator two research projects on changing state-society relations in Maghreb after the Arab Uprisings: EUSPRING and STREETPOL. This episode was recorded on 4 April 2018 at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT). In this podcast, Dr. Meriem Guetat, CEMAT Assistant Director, interviews Dr. Hanau Santini, Assistant Professor of Politics and International Relations at Università Orientale in Naples, Italy, about her new book entitled Limited Statehood in Post-revolutionary Tunisia. Citizenship, Economy and Security (Palgrave, 2018). We thank Emna Ben Issa and Bassem Zribi from the Institut Supérieur de Musique à Tunis for their interpretation of Bani Watani for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["29:44"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/limited-statehood-in-post-revolutionary-tunisia-citizenship-economy-and-security-e7cf30c84e42b0f232d8634965bad552","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/limited-statehood-in-post-revolutionary-tunisia-citizenship-economy-and-security/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Santini.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Colonial Andalus"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 42: Colonial Andalus In this episode, Dr. Eric Calderwood, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature at the Department of Comparative and World Literature, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign speaks about his recent book, Colonial al-Andalus: Spain and the Making of Modern Morocco (Harvard University Press, 2018). Dr. Calderwood offers an overview of his book, and reflects on how the time he has spent in Morocco (especially Tetouan) has shaped his research topic and his understanding of Moroccan history and literature. Grounded in nearly a decade of research in Spain and North Africa, Colonial al-Andalus explores the culture, politics, and legacies of Spanish colonialism in Morocco (1859-1956). It traces the genealogy of a widespread idea about Morocco: namely, the idea that modern Moroccan culture descends directly from al-Andalus. This idea is pervasive in contemporary Moroccan historiography, literature, and political discourse. Colonial al-Andalus argues that Morocco's Andalusi identity is not a medieval legacy, but is, instead, a modern invention that emerged from the colonial encounter between Spain and Morocco in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In pursuit of this argument, the book examines a diverse array of Arabic, Spanish, French, and Catalan sources, including literature, historiography, journalism, political speeches, tourist brochures, and visual culture. Dr. Eric Calderwood is an Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he also holds faculty appointments in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, the Program in Medieval Studies, the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory, and the Program in Jewish Culture and Society. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 2011. His research explores modern Mediterranean culture, with a particular emphasis on Spanish and North African literature and film. In addition to his recent book on Morocco, he has published articles in such journals as PMLA, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, The Journal of North African Studies, and International Journal of Middle East Studies. He has also contributed essays and commentary to such venues as NPR, the BBC, Foreign Policy, and The American Scholar. This podcast was recorded at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM), on 11 May 2018. To see related slides, visit our website: www.themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["37:09"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/colonial-al-andalus-af38e439e94ae05bfa05773a9ad7fb83","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/colonial-al-andalus/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Calderwood.jpeg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Child Labor and Schooling in Tunisia"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 41: Child Labor and Schooling in Tunisia Dr. Donia Smaali Bouhlila is Assistant Professor of Economics at the Faculté des Sciences Économiques et de Gestion, at the University of Tunis El Manar. Her current research on education in Tunisian explores the causes and consequences of student drop-out, teacher training, and the impact of language on educational performance. A board member for the International Journal of Education Development, in 2017, she received an award from the Comparative and International Education Society for her distinguished service in education reform. In this podcast, Dr. Smaali Bouhlila discusses child labor and its effects on education in Tunisia, and is based on a co-authored with with Dr. Mouez Souiss from the University of Carthage. This podcast was recorded at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), on 20 April 2018 We thank Yasser Jradi for his interpretation of \"Dima Dima\" for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["25:17"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/child-labor-and-schooling-in-tunisia-c1d95f6dfdbad85995852a3aef3cfa1d","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/child-labor-and-schooling-in-tunisia/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Donia_Smaali_Bouhlila.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Looking for Abu'l Abbas"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 37: Looking for Abu'l Abbas In 801 CE, an elephant named Abu’l Abbas landed in Portovenere, Italy from Ifriqiya. According to The Royal Frankish Annals, he was as a gift from Caliph Harun al-Rashid to Charlemagne. Although he appears regularly in any discussion of the period, Abu’l Abbas, like many other animals, remains a cipher. For world history, he tells a story about the circuits of diplomacy and trade that linked the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean or fuels more speculation on the relationship of Holy Roman Christendom to the Islamic Caliphate. For art history, he is translated into the ivories, oliphants and imagery of elephants in the European imagination. Or else, he finds his proper province in children’s fables. In this podcast, Dr. Radhika Subramaniam, Director of The Sheila Johnson Center and Associate Professor of Art History & Design at the New School / Parsons School of Design reconstructs a plausible tale of this Asian elephant’s travels, which would undoubtedly have been in the company of a mahout or handler, who, although unacknowledged and unnamed, probably accompanied him from India. This podcast is adapted from a longer work-in-progress that is part animal biography, part migration story, part tale of human-animal relationships and all quest narrative. It explores the writing of an animal biography as a challenge to both research and narrative as well as a promise for re-articulating an interspecies relationship. This episode, part of the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) History of the Maghrib / History in the Maghreb lecture series, was recorded at the Library of the Medina of Tunis - Dar Ben Achour - on 12 April 2018. We thank Ahmed Fetoui for his interpretation of \"Bellah Ya Ghazali\" for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast. Curator: Hayet Lansari, Librarian / Liaison Coordinator (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["29:52"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/looking-for-abul-abbas-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/looking-for-abul-abbas/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Radhika_Subramanian_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"ar-Arab":["عقائد السنوسي و اختلافاتها عن العقائد الفلسفية المعاصرة في المشرق"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"ar-Arab":["Episode 36: عقائد السنوسي و اختلافاتها عن العقائد الفلسفية المعاصرة في المشرق قد تغير فهم الباحثين للتاريخ المتأخر للفلسفة وعلم الكلام تغيراً كبيراً. بينما افترض الباحثون السابقون أن الفلسفة اختفت بعد وفاة ابن رشد في القرن الثاني عشر (م) وأن علم الكلام لم يتغير منذ ذلك الحين، فالدراسات الحالية تشير إلى مسلك آخر وهو اندماج الفلسفة إلى علم الكلام. مع ذلك، فحتى الآن ركز معظم هذه الدراسات على التيارات في الشرق الأوسط وبلد الفرس في هذه المحاضرة، الباحثة كايتلين أولسون طالبة دكتوراه في ,Harvard University The Near Eastern Languages and Civilization Department , تتناول السؤال من وجهة نظر شمال إفريقيا وتقوم بذلك عبر تحليل مؤلفات أكبر متكلم المنطقة في ذلك الوقت، أي محمد بن يوسف السنوسي (ت. 1490/895). تنظر بشكل خاص إلى تبويب السنوسي لخمسة من عقائده الرئيسية والشروح التي ألف على أربعة منها، فكان تبويبها تبويباً واحداً يتضمن تقديم الصفات الواجبة في حق الله والصفات المستحيلة في حقه والصفات الممكنة وتبعاً لذلك, الصفات الواجبة والمستحيلة والممكنة في حق الرسل. مما يبدو لمن ينظر في هذا التقسيم العقلي بين الواجب والمستحيل والممكن أنه يرجع إلى مؤلفات المتكلم الفارسي أبي المعالي الجويني (ت. 1085/478) الذي سبق لاندماج الفلسفة الكاملة إلى علم الكلام مع أنه تناولها إلى حد ما. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فتبويب السنوسي يختلف بشكل واضح عن تبويب المؤلفات الكلامية المعاصرة له في المشرق. هكذا، يشير هذا التحليل المنحصر إلى الاحتمال أن مسلك علم الكلام في شمال افريقيا شهد تيارات مختلفة عن التيارات المشرقية في هذه القرون المتأخرة التي ما زلنا نقوم ببداية فهمها. سجلت هذه الحلقة في 26 فبراير 2018 في كلية أصول الدين بتطوان في المغرب و تمّت بتقديم الدكتور رشيد كهوس, منسق ماستر العلوم الإسلامية: مناهج الاستمداد و آليات التجديد, كلية أصول الدين و تنسيق الدكتور جمال علال البختي رئيس مركز أبي الحسن الأشعري للدراسات والبحوث العقدية, الرابطة المحمدية للعلماء"]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["35:25"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/%d8%b9%d9%82%d8%a7%d8%a6%d8%af%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b3%d9%86%d9%88%d8%b3%d9%8a-%d9%88%d8%a7%d8%ae%d8%aa%d9%84%d8%a7%d9%81%d8%a-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/%d8%b9%d9%82%d8%a7%d8%a6%d8%af%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b3%d9%86%d9%88%d8%b3%d9%8a-%d9%88%d8%a7%d8%ae%d8%aa%d9%84%d8%a7%d9%81%d8%a7%d8%aa%d9%87/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/caitlyn_olson_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Ce que je dois au désert"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 35: Ce que je dois au désert Aride dans sa topographie, hostile dans ses fureurs climatiques, le désert est, paradoxalement, une inépuisable source de spiritualité, un incomparable lieu de fécondité intellectuelle. Épreuve pour le corps, il est exercise pour l'esprit. Écrasant l'un pour mieux élever l'autre, il nous rapproche du vrai sens de l'humaine. Pour Farida Sellal, le désert, le nôtre, n'est pas une expérience vide, il déploie sous nos yeux et nos pas un immense espace culturel et spirituel. Dans cet épisode, Dr. Farida Sellal, physicienne, écrivaine et présidente de l'association « Sauvez l'Imzad », parle de son dernier ouvrage, Nomade (Éditions Casbah, 2017) et de ce que représente le désert pour elle. La conférence de Dr. Farida Sellal est programmée dans le cadre du cycles des conférences « Études Sahariennes », organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 28 février 2018 à Oran, Algérie. Dr. Ourida Nekkache, auteur et enseignante à l'Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran (USTO) a présenté l'ouvrage Nomade. Dr. Karim Ouaras, sociolinguiste à l'Université de Mostaganem, chercheur associé au Centre de Recherches en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC) et directeur adjoint du CEMA, a modéré le débat. Nous remercions Alamin khoulen, Nighat El Hoceyni et Seddik Khetalli de l'association « Sauvez l'Imzad » pour leur prélude d'Imzad. Seddik Khetali nous a quitté le 14 mai 2018. Le staff du CEMA présente ses sincères condoléances à sa famille et à ses amis. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:16:03"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/ce-que-je-dois-au-desert-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/ce-que-je-dois-au-desert/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Farida_Sellal_size84g2m.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Interview with Max Ajl: The Social Origins of Development and Underdevelopment in Tunisia"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 29: Interview with Max Ajl: The Social Origins of Development and Underdevelopment in Tunisia Max Ajl is a doctoral student in the Department of Development Sociology at Cornell University, and will graduate in late Spring 2018. His work focuses on and contributes to the study of historical sociology, environmental justice, agrarian change, planning, and heterodox Arab / North African social thought. His research is focused on the MENA region, with a particular focus on Tunisia. His work has been published widely, including in Historical Materialism, Review of African Political Economy, Middle East Report, and popular publications like teleSUR. He is an editor at Jadaliyya and Viewpoint. In this podcast, CEMAT Director, Dr. Laryssa Chomiak, interviews Max Ajl on his dissertation research. His dissertation analyses the social origins of development and underdevelopment in Tunisia by analyzing both the liberation struggle and post-colonial planning using a global history approach. It looks at planning as pivot in order to understand the various local, regional, and national forces at play which led to Tunisia's current state of underdevelopment. It focuses on the agricultural sector and analyses successive development plans from the perspective of the rural world. This podcast is part of the Contemporary Through Series, and was recorded at the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), on 6 March 2018, in Tunis, Tunisia."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["31:59"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/interview-with-max-ajl-the-social-origins-of-development-and-underdevelopment-in-tunisia-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/interview-with-max-ajl-the-social-origins-of-development-and-underdevelopment-in-tunisia/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Fellaga_2.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Sub-Saharan Migrant Networks in Tangier"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 28: Sub-Saharan Migrant Networks in Tangier In this episode, Fulbright scholar Sam Metz (University of California Berkeley), speaks with John Davison, Director of the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM) to share some of the findings of his current research, \"Spreading Awareness or Stealing Stories? How sub-Saharan Migrant Networks in Tangier Perceive and Act Toward Outsiders.\" Having spent the final months of his fellowship in the peripheral Tangier neighborhood of Masnana, living with migrant communities, Sam offers unique insights into this timely and important theme. Sam Metz is a reporter currently based in California who spent a year and a half in Morocco as a Fulbright Scholar, researching sub-Saharan migrant communities living on the outskirts of Tangier. He has reported freelance for outlets like Jadaliyya, Quartz, and VICE News, and worked as a consultant for International Organization for Migration, the UN's migration agency. This Podcast was recorded at the Tangier American Legation for Moroccan Studies on the 15th of December 2017."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["25:55"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/sub-saharan-migrant-networks-in-tangier-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/sub-saharan-migrant-networks-in-tangier/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Sam_Metz_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Recompositions et métissages religieux : Les années 1980, une rupture ?"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 34: Recompositions et métissages religieux : Les années 1980, une rupture ? En Algérie, au Maghreb et de manière générale dans le monde de l'Islam, les changements dans les pratiques et les discours relatifs au religieux ont pu être remarqués à différents niveaux et depuis longtemps déjà. Les années 1980 ont exacerbé certains traits, devenus plus manifestes au point de s'imposer dans le paysage quotidien. Le vêtement, le parler et bien d'autres aspects ont pu être recomposés selon des modèles souvent légitimés par la référence religieux. Dans cet épisode, Pr. Abderrahmane Moussaoui, professeur d'anthropologie à l'Université de Lyon 2, explore comment en quelques années des conduites et des manières d'être ont pu à ce point se transformer. C'est ce questionnement qui a servi de toile fond au travail mené depuis quelques années sur ces recompositions du religieux. La conférence de Pr. Abderrahmane Moussaoui est programmée dans le cadre du cycles des conférences « Société et Politique au Maghreb », organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 18 mars 2018 à Oran, Algérie. Pr. Abdelkader Lakjâa, sociologue au département de sociologie et d'anthropologie à l'Université d'Oran 2, a modéré le débat. Nous remercions notre ami Mohammed Boukhoudmi pour son interpretation de l'extrait de nouba, \"Dziriya,\" par Dr. Noureddine Saoudi pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:44:58"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/recompositions-et-metissages-religieux-les-annees-1980-une-rupture-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/recompositions-et-metissages-religieux-les-annees-1980-une-rupture/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Abderrahman_Moussaoui_Size.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Rencontre littéraire avec Amina Mekahli: Nomade brûlant"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 27: Rencontre littéraire avec Amina Mekahli: Nomade brûlant Rencontre littéraire autour du dernier roman d'Amina Mekahli, Nomade brûlant, animée par l'écrivaine Maïssa Bey. Cette rencontre est programmé dans le cadre du Cycle des conférences Arts et Lettres au Maghreb, organisé le 13 février 2018 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), à Oran. L'Auteure Passionnée par la littérature, Amina Mekahli a écrit de la poésie depuis son jeune âge. Son premier recueil de poésie, Tiaret, Chevaux & Légendes, a été co-signé avec le photographe Nacer Ouadahi en 2015 (Alger: ANEP). La collection comprend une soixantaine de poèmes et cinq contes populaires sur les chevaux de la région de Tiaret, très connue pour ses traditions équestres. En 2016, elle publie son premier roman, Le Secret de laGirelle, œuvre consacrée à l'art et à la peinture (Alger: ANEP), nominée pour le Grand Prix Assia Djebar du roman, cette année-là. Son deuxième roman, Nomade Brûlant, sorti en automne 2017 (Alger: ANEP), a été également nominé pour le Grand Prix Assia Djebar du roman. En 2017, elle a été primée à du deuxième Prix International de Poésie L. S. Senghor (Milan, Italie) pour le poème « Je suis de vous », extrait de son roman Nomade Brûlant. Amina Mekahli publie régulièrement ses poèmes et ses écrits sur son website ainsi que la page Lisez Algerien sur Facebook. Elle édite également une section littéraire, \"Invitation en Auteur\" dans le journal numérique, Le Journal de l’Oranais. La Modératrice Auteur de seize textes littéraires, dont la prose, la poésie et le théâtre, Maïssa Bey est une écrivaine algérienne de renommée internationale. Son premier roman, Nouvelles d’Algérie (Paris: Éditions Grasset), a remporté le Grand Prix de littérature de la Société des gens de lettres, en 1998. Son deuxième roman, Cette fille-là (Paris: Éditions de l'Aube), a reçu le Prix Marguerite Audoux, en 2001. D’autres prix lui ont été décernés : le Prix Cybèle pour Surtout ne te retourne pas (Alger: Barzakh), en 2005, le Grand Prix du roman francophone 2008 pour Pierre, Sang, Papier ou Cendre (Alger: Barzakh), en 2008 et le Prix de l'Afrique, Méditerranée / Maghreb pour Puisque mon coeur est mort (Éditions de l'Aube). Son dernier roman, Hiyza (Alger: Barzakh) a été nominé pour le Grand Prix Assia Djebbar du roman, en 2015."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:35:54"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/rencontre-litteraire-avec-amina-mekahli-nomade-brulant-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/rencontre-litteraire-avec-amina-mekahli-nomade-brulant/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/amina_mekahli_book.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Être femme dans l'Afrique du Nord ancienne"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 26: Être femme dans l'Afrique du Nord ancienne Pr. Nacéra Benseddik examine, dans ce podcast, la place et le rôle des femmes dans l'Afrique du Nord ancienne. Des bribes sont réservées aux femmes berbères par les auteurs grecs et latins qui, à partir du Ve siècle av. J.-C., mentionnent les peuples de l'Afrique du Nord. De quels outils dispose l'historien pour suivre l'évolution des Africaines à l'époque romaine ? Cris ou chuchotements dans des textes littéraires ou juridiques, tous écrits par des hommes, d'innombrables mais partiales et fragmentaires inscriptions latines, images endormies dans le sol africain. Pr. Nacéra Benseddik est historienne de l'Afrique du Nord antique, épigraphiste, et archéologue, Docteur de IIIe cycle en Histoire ancienne et épigraphie latine (Université de Paris X-Nanterre, 1977) et Docteur d'État (Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, 1995). Elle prépare, dans le cadre du Centre de Recherches en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), une monographe historique et archéologique d'Icosim-Icosium (Alger). La conférence de Pr. Nacéra Benseddik est programmé dans le cadre du cycles de conférences «Histoire du Maghreb / Histoire au Maghreb», organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 23 janvier 2018 à Oran, Algérie. Dr. Karim Ouaras, Sociolinguiste à l'Université de Mostaganem, chercheur associé au CRASC, et Directeur-Adjoint du CEMA a modéré cet évènement. Nous remercions notre ami Mohammed Boukhoudmi pour son interpretation de l'extrait de nouba, \"Dziriya,\" par Dr. Noureddine Saoudi pour l'introduction et la conclusion de ce podcast. Pour consulter les diaporamas et la bibliographie, visitez notre site web: www.themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:29:53"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/etre-femme-dans-lafrique-du-nord-ancienne-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/etre-femme-dans-lafrique-du-nord-ancienne/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Slide01.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Mouvements sociaux en Tunisie"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 33: Mouvements sociaux en Tunisie Dans ce podcast, Pr. Mohamed Kerrou, professeur des sciences politiques à la Faculté de Droit et de Sciences Politiques à l'Université de Tunis El-Manar, parle de ses recherches sur les mouvements sociaux en Tunisie après la révolution de du 14 janvier 2011. Focalisant sur les mouvements tels que Fech Nestanaw, Winou el Petrol, Manish M'sameh, Pr. Kerrou montre que les nouveaux mouvements sociaux en Tunisie sont très différents des mouvements nationalistes et syndicaux du passé. Ils se démarquent de ces anciens mouvements par la composante de leurs militants, leurs demandes spécifiques, leur visibilité sur le terrain, et leur présence sur les médias sociaux. Pr. Kerrou souligne qu'ils ne cherchent pas à s'emparer du pouvoir, mais à changer radicalement le rapport entre le citoyen et l'Etat. Dans ce podcast, Dr. Meriem Guetat, Directrice adjointe du Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) s'entretient avec Pr. Kerrou à propos de ses récentes recherches sur les mouvements sociaux. Cet épisode a été enregistré le 21 février 2018 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT) et s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle des conferences Pensées contemporaines."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["33:49"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/mouvements-sociaux-en-tunisie-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/mouvements-sociaux-en-tunisie/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Kerrou_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Rencontre littéraire avec Amara Lakhous"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 32 : Rencontre littéraire avec Amara Lakhous: Choc des civilisations pour un ascenseur à piazza Vittorio Divorce à la musulmane à Viale Marconi. Rencontre littéraire autour des romans d'Amara Lakhous, Choc des civilisations pour un ascenseur Piazza Vittorio, et Divorce à la musulmane à Viale Marconi, animée par Dr. Karim Ouaras, sociolinguistique à l'Université de Mostaganem, chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC) et directeur adjoint du Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Cette rencontre est programmé dans le cadre du Cycle des conférences Arts et Lettres au Maghreb, organisé le 20 février 2018 au CEMA, à Oran. L'auteur: Dans ce podcast, l’auteur Amara Lakhous revient sur son parcours atypique, son écriture hors normes et ses aventures linguistiques. Amara, faut-il le rappeler, est un écrivain algérien d’expression italienne. Il est né à Alger en 1970, vit à Rome depuis 1995. Il est journaliste, anthropologue et romancier. Il a obtenu une licence en Philosophie à l’Université d’Alger. Il obtient une maîtrise et un doctorat en anthropologie à Sapienza - Università di Roma. Il est venu à la littérature par la lecture, entre autres, de Madame Bovary de Flaubert et par le biais du cinéma italien. Parmi ces publications, l’on peut citer : - Choc des civilisations pour un ascenseur à piazza Vittorio (Éditions Barzakh 2008) - Divorce à la musulmane à Viale Marconi (Éditions Barzakh 2012) - Querelle autour d’un petit cochon italianissime à San Salvario (Éditions Barzakh 2014) - L’Affaire de la pucelle de la rue Ormea (Éditions Barzakh 2017) L’accent sera mis dans ce podcast sur deux de ses romans, Choc des civilisations pour un ascenseur à piazza Vittorio et Divorce à la musulmane à Viale Marconi. Le premier roman a eu un succès foudroyant, couronné par le prix international Flaiano 2006 qu’il partage avec l’œuvre de l’écrivain espagnol Enrique Vila Matas. L’histoire de cette comédie policière se déroule dans un immeuble de Piazza Vittorio, un quartier multi-ethnique de la capitale italienne, Rome. L’histoire s’articule autour d’un ascenseur qui devient une scène sur laquelle les identités, les cultures, les religions et les classes sociales se côtoient, se frottent et se confrontent. C’est un vrai patchwork migratoire qui met en relief la peur de l’Autre et l’impossibilité du vivre ensemble. Ce roman, nourri de réflexions anthropologiques et historiques, donne à réfléchir sérieusement sur la question épineuse de l’émigration/immigration. C’est une comédie sociale où le drame et l’humour font bon ménage. Le second roman a d’abord été écrit en arabe, paru chez les éditions Ikhtilef en 2010, sous le titre El qahira assaghira, puis réécrit en italien. Il sera traduit en langue française par Elise Gruau et co-édité, par les éditions Barzakh et Actes Sud, en 2012 Ce roman se veut un clin d’œil au film italien culte Divorce à l’italienne de Pietro Germi. Il est miné de sous-intrigues et de tensions. Amara Lakhous met en avant une satire sociale et une vision critique du phénomène de l’émigration/immigration. C’est aussi un roman très dense et très profond dans le sens où il interroge les archaïsmes religieux (entre autres, l’excision), les préjugés et les stéréotypes de tout bord. Il revient longuement sur la question du mariage et du divorce dans la tradition musulmane, le terrorisme, les discours médiatiques, l’hypocrisie des uns et des autres. C’est un regard sans concession à la fois sur les migrants musulmans et les occidentaux. En dénonçant les injustices et les inégalités, l’auteur a essayé tout au long de son roman, de défaire les préjugés au sujet des migrants et des musulmans. Réalisation et montage: Hayet Lansari, Bibliothécaire / Chargée de la diffusion des activités scientifiques (CEMA)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:41:09"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/rencontre-litteraire-avec-amara-lakhous-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/rencontre-litteraire-avec-amara-lakhous/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Amara-Lakhous_books.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["La carte archéologique de la région de Sétif"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 30: La carte archéologique de la région de Sétif Dans ce podcast, Pr. Youcef Aibeche, professeur d'histoire antique à l'Université de Sétif 2, explique à travers quelques exemples de l’arrière- pays de Cuicul et de Sitifis, que l’élaboration d’une carte archéologique exige une large collecte des données archéologiques, historiques et géographiques et leur intégration dans une approche spatiale, afin de saisir différents aspects de l’occupation du sol. L’aspect rural de la région Sétifienne, lui donne une importance particulière, non seulement à travers ces vestiges archéologiques, mais en fonction de ses Gens et agglomérations, et aux rapports qu’elles auraient entretenus en matière de production et de commerce durant l’Antiquité. Par ailleurs, les limites de la documentation historique nous oblige à entrevoir une approche spatiale et cartographique, et tenter de reconsidérer cette région dans sa continuité historique. Le choix de l’approche cartographique n’est pas une fin en soi, Pr. Aibeche explique : Il répond à un souci d’introduire le territoire comme un élément de réflexion, et de chercher les explications dans les caractères physiques du milieu dans lequel l’occupation humaine s’est effectuée. Toutefois, la mise en place d’un SIG, s’avère une aventure qui soulève plusieurs difficultés à caractère historique, archéologique et logistique: Délimiter le champ du travail et faire les choix thématiques nécessaires, s’agit-il de présenter la wilaya de Sétif ? la Maurétanie Sitifienne ? ou une région plus vaste, afin de se donner la possibilité d’une analyse plus large. Définir le cadrage chronologique. S’agit-il de dresser une carte de l’antiquité et omettre les sites préhistoriques, ou même médiévaux ? Identifier un point archéologique, en absence de textes épigraphiques, ou de document historique. Le ramassage de surface, notamment de la céramique ne peut éclairer qu'une partie de son occupation. Etablir un état de conservation de nos sites : L’expansion rapide de l’urbanisation des villes et campagnes, devient le facteur principal de la disparition des vestiges et sites archéologiques. Le rythme de l’urbanisation et l’absence d’une politique de suivi minutieux, font perdre à notre pays de grandes quantités d’informations qui peuvent alimenter le débat historique. Pr. Aibeche est professeur d’histoire antique à l’Université de Sétif 2 et Vice-recteur de la post-graduation et de la recherche. Spécialiste de l’Antiquité tardive, il consacre ses recherches à la transition de l’Antiquité au Moyen-âge au Maghreb. Responsable de la carte archéologique de la région sétifienne qui englobe l’ancienne Maurétanie sétifienne, le Hodna et la partie ouest de la Numidie, il est également co-directeur du Programme de recherche archéologique de Lambèse (Ministère de la culture algérien, CNRS-ENS) depuis 2014 et chercheur associé au Centre National de Recherche en Archéologie (CNRA). Il dirige aussi le projet de recherche du site antique de Milev et collabore à différentes fouilles notamment celle du site préhistorique de Ain el Hennech, Sétif. La conférence de Pr. Youcef Aibeche est programmée dans le cadre du cycles de conférences «Histoire du Maghreb / Histoire au Maghreb», organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 30 janvier 2018 à Oran, Algérie. Dr. Saddek Benkada, historien, maître de recherche au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), et membre du Conseil Scientifique du CEMA a modéré cet évènement. Pour consulter les diaporamas et la bibliographie, visitez notre site web: www.themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:06:31"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/la-carte-archeologique-de-la-region-de-setif-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/la-carte-archeologique-de-la-region-de-setif/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/carte.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Trade Unions, Armed Resistance, and the Struggle for Independence in Tunisia: Unlikely Alliances and Contested Nationalism in the Gafsa Mining Basin, 1947-1963"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 25: Trade Unions, Armed Resistance, and the Struggle for Independence in Tunisia: Unlikely Alliances and Contested Nationalism in the Gafsa Mining Basin, 1947-1963 In this podcast, Rebecca Gruskin, Ph.D. Candidate in History at Stanford University, proposes a re-evaluation of the Tunisian nationalist movement in the 1940s-1950s, by decentering Tunis, and instead focusing on the alliances and contestations that undergirded anti-colonial resistance in the Gafsa phosphate-mining basin. She argues that Tunisia's independence from France was not an event but a process – one in which the construction of the nation and the meaning of sovereignty were hotly contested by a wide variety of actors throughout the 1950s, even (and especially after) formal independence was achieved on March 20, 1956. These contestations were especially visible in Gafsa because of the ways in which French economic and security imperatives intersected in this particular location. During this podcast, Gruskin tells the story of organized labor's collaboration in Gafsa with the armed resistance to French colonial rule in both Tunisia and Algeria. Specifically, she shows how local actors in Gafsa were not bound within the confines of Tunisia's borders but were instead situated within the context of transnational, Afro-Asian anti-colonial movements more broadly. She too explores how local actors in Gafsa imagined alternate possibilities for post-independence Tunisia, possibilities that played a decisive role in the 1950s even as it became clear, by the early 1960s, that they would not materialize. Gruskin’s research is based on extensive archival research in both Tunisia and France and on oral historical interviews. The lecture was presented at the Gafsa in Past and Present Symposium, organized at the Centre d’Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), in Tunis, Tunisia, on 23 October 2017. Music performed for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast were captured live, on Avenue Bourguiba, in Tunis, Tunisia. We thank Bendir Man for use of his song, 'Redeyef.' To see related slides, visit our website: www.themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["31:09"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/tradeunions-armedresistanceandthestruggle-for-independencein-tunisia-unlikely-alliances-andcontestednationalism-inthegaf-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/tradeunions-armedresistanceandthestruggle-for-independencein-tunisia-unlikely-alliances-andcontestednationalism-inthegafsamining-basin19471963/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/rebecca_size2.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Akfadou, un an avec le Colonel Amirouche"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 24: En hommage à feu Hamou Amirouche, Décédé le 12 février 2018, à San Diego, USA Le Colonel Amirouche raconté par son Secrétaire particulier, 1957-1957 Hamou Amirouche (1937-2018), secrétaire particulier du Colonel Amirouche Aït Hamouda entre 1957-1958, auteur du best-seller Akfadou, un an avec le Colonel Amirouche et de Memoirs of a Mujahed, Algeria’s Struggle for Freedom, 1945-1962, revient dans ce Podcast sur son itinéraire de combattant de l’ALN dans les maquis de la wilaya III, sous le commandement du Colonel Amirouche Aït Hamouda (1926-1959). Il relate également avec beaucoup d’émotion quelques épisodes marquants de la guerre de libération nationale (1954-1962). Hamou Amirouche est né à Tazmalt (Béjaia) en 1937. Après le Certificat d'Etudes primaires et trois années de labeur dans la forge de son père, il fut admis au Centre d'Apprentissage de Béjaia où il fut l'un des organisateurs de la grève des étudiants de mai 1956. Il rejoignit les maquis quelques mois après et devint le secrétaire particulier du Colonel Amirouche Aït Hamouda en 1957-1958. En mars 1958, il fut désigné par le Colonel pour faire partie d'une mission qui achemina le courrier et les fonds vers la Tunisie. À Tunis, il fut nommé responsable du foyer des étudiants créé par Si Amirouche en 1957, mais sur ordre du Colonel, il reprit ses études, décrocha son baccalauréat et fut envoyé aux États-Unis où il obtint une licence en économie politique à l'Université de Wesleyan et un DEA en sociologie politique à l'Université du Colorado. En 1967, il entama sa carrière professionnelle au Ministère de l'Industrie et de l'Énergie. Après vingt ans dans le secteur public industriel, il prit sa retraite en 1987. En 1988-1989, il fut appelé à l'Institut d'études de stratégie globale (INESG) et participa à quelques-uns de ses travaux. En 1994, il rejoignit sa famille installée aux États-Unis et entama une nouvelle carrière de chercheur, de conférencier à Boston, puis d’enseignant universitaire à Mesa College, California State University (San Marcos) et University of California (San Diego). Hamou Amirouche est l’auteur de plusieurs publications académiques en français et en anglais, certaines accessibles sur http://hagereseb.com/hamouamirouche.com/ (Biographie tirée de la 4ème de couverture : Hamou Amirouche, Akfadou, un An avec le Colonel Amirouche, Éditions Casbah, Alger. La conférence de M. Hamou Amirouche est programmée dans le cadre du cycle des conférences « Témoignages sur le Guerre de Libération Nationale », co-organisée par le Centre d’Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre de recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC). Elle a eu lieu le dimanche 26 avril 2015 au siege du CRASC, Oran. Dr. Saddek Benkada, chercheur permanent au CRASC a modéré le débat. Musique et paroles : Lewjab n wassan est une chanson patriotique composée et interprétée par Cheikh Allaoua Zerrouki (1915-1968) en 1959, en hommage à la figure historique de la Guerre de libération Nationale (1954-1962), le Colonel Amirouche Aït Hamouda (1926-1959). (L’une des chansons préférées de Hamou Amirouche)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:07:37"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/akfadou-un-an-avec-le-colonel-amirouche-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/akfadou-un-an-avec-le-colonel-amirouche/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Hamou_Amirouche_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Rencontre littéraire avec Kamel Daoud autour de son roman, Zabor ou Les psaumes"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 23: Zabor ou Les psaumes, un roman Rencontre littéraire du dernier roman de Kamel Daoud, Zabor ou Les psaumes, animée par Dr. Karim Ouaras, sociolinguiste, Université de Mostaganem, CEMA, CRASC, et Adnan Hadj Mouri, journaliste et animateur culturel Cette rencontre est programmé dans le cadre du Cycle des conférences Arts et Lettres au Maghreb, organisé le 17 janvier 2018 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), à Oran. L'Auteur Kamel Daoud est journaliste, chroniqueur et écrivain depuis les années 1990 en Algérie, Rédacteur en chef de l’un des plus importants journaux francophones algériens, Le Quotidien d’Oran. Il a été aussi signataire de la rubrique « Raïna Raïkoum », l’une des plus lues en Algérie. Il est par ailleurs chroniqueur dans le magazine Le Point , l’un des principaux hebdomadaires en France et signe des colonnes dans le New York Times. Deux chroniques seront particulièrement surmédiatisées, « Cologne, lieu de fantasmes », publiée dans Le Monde, traitant du désir et de la sexualité dans le monde arabe et l’autre, sous le titre « L’Arabie Saoudite, un Daech qui a réussi » publiée dans le New York Times. Kamel Daoud est aussi lauréat du Prix Jean-Luc Lagardère du journaliste de l’année en 2016. Sa carrière littéraire commence avec la publication de quelques récits dans le début des années 2000 et un premier recueil de nouvelles, La préface du Nègre (Edition Barzakh), qui a reçu le Prix littéraire Mohammed Dib, le plus prestigieux prix littéraire algérien en 2008 et a été nominé pour le Prix Goncourt de la Nouvelle en France une année plus tard et le Prix Wepler. Le recueil sera traduit en plusieurs langues. La consécration viendra avec le roman Meursault contre-enquête, publié d’abord en Algérie chez les Editions Barzakh, puis en France avec Actes Sud. Le roman sera traduit en 34 langues et recevra le Prix du Goncourt du Premier Roman, le Prix des cinq continents de la Francophonie, le Prix François Mauriac, entre autres. Le roman sera adapté au théâtre en France et en Allemagne et va être adapté au cinéma l’année prochaine. En 2017, Kamel DAOUD signe Mes indépendances, un recueil de chroniques, une sélection sur dix ans d’activité, qui sera récompensé par le 16ème prix Livre et Droits de l’Homme de la Ville de Nancy, en France; et un roman Zabor ou Les psaumes, Prix Littéraire Transfuge du meilleur roman enlangue française, en passe d’être traduit dans plus d’une dizaine de langues. Les modérateurs Adnan Hadj Mouri est journaliste (contribuer au Carrefour d’Algérie et Ubber Mag), animateur culturel, membre de l’Association de Acte Psychanalytique de Bruxelles. Dr. Karim Ouaras, enseignant-chercheur à l'Université de Mostaganem, chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), et Directeur-adjoint du Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) Note: Les questions de la salle sont lues par Hayet Lansari, bibliothécaire du CEMA, parce que la voix des intervenants est inaudible."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:35:55"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/rencontre-litteraire-avec-kamel-daoud-autour-de-son-roman-%c2%abzabore-ou-les-psaumes%c2%bb-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/rencontre-litteraire-avec-kamel-daoud-autour-de-son-roman-%c2%abzabore-ou-les-psaumes%c2%bb/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Kamel_Daoud_book.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Yennayer: une pratique ancestrale en Afrique du Nord"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 18: Yennayer Une pratique ancestrale en Afrique du Nord S’appuyant sur des recherches documentaires et des observations sur le terrain, Dr. Karim Ouaras, enseignant à l'Université de Mostaganem et chercheur associé au CRASC, revient sur la dimension agraire de la fête de Yennayer et sa portée symbolique en Afrique du nord. Il considère Yennayer comme une ode à la nature et à la terre nourricière qui place la nouvelle année sous d’heureux auspices, un rituel agraire qui renvoie à des faits sociaux perpétués dans l'imaginaire collectif nord-africain. La reconnaissance officielle de cette fête en Algérie est une décision historique, selon Dr. Ouaras, et un pas vers la réconciliation des Algériens avec leurs histoires, leur(s) patrimoines et leurs langues, plusieurs fois millénaires. Dans ce podcast, Dr. Ouaras a d’abord interrogé, les différentes significations de Yennayer qui tirent leurs origines des pratiques agraires anciennes, de la mythologie, des croyances païennes et religieuses, de l’histoire et bien évidemment dans de la pratique effective de ce rituel agraire ancestral, antérieur à l’avènement des États-Nations en Afrique du nord. Il a aussi souligné quelques anachronismes historiques concernant l’intronisation de Sheshonq 1er sur la 22ème dynastie pharaonique, qui marque l’an zéro du calendrier amazigh et renvoie à un événement fondateur de l’historiographie amazigh. Il s’est ensuite attardé sur la dimension agraire de cette pratique ancestrale en citant quelques rituels des différentes régions d’Algérie et d’Afrique du nord. Il a enfin examiné, avec beaucoup de détails, les différentes expressions de la célébration de Yannayer en Algérie et dans les pays limitrophes en soulignant les retombées socio-historiques, économiques, écologiques et civilisationnelles de la fête de Yennayer. Dr. Ouaras a conclu son intervention en disant que l’accumulation du savoir sur ces pratiques anciennes, occultées auparavant, est une tâche immense qui conduira certainement à la revalorisation du patrimoine local et à la réconciliation avec soi. Il soutient que la littérature disponible en la matière apporte des éclairages précieux et appelle des investigations complémentaires pour approfondir les savoirs dans ce champ. Si Yennayer a survécu aux péripéties de l’histoire en traversant plusieurs millénaires, c’est qu’il revêt une importance majeure pour les sociétés amazighes de l’Afrique du Nord, qui le célèbrent continuellement. Cette conférence est programmée dans le cadre de La semaine du patrimoine amazigh, Yennayer 2968, organisée par la Direction de la culture de la Wilaya d’Oran et l’Association culturelle Numidia avec la participation de la Direction de la jeunesse et des sports et la Direction de l’éducation, en date du 10 janvier 2018 au Musée d’Arts Modernes d’Oran."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:00:20"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/yennayer-une-pratique-ancestrale-en-afrique-du-nord-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/yennayer-une-pratique-ancestrale-en-afrique-du-nord/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Photo_Karim.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Poetry Slam Evening, Rencontre avec Noussayba Lahlou"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 17: Poetry Slam Evening Rencontre avec Noussayba Lahlou Figure connue de la scène Slam au Maroc, Noussayba Lahlou, née à Ksar el Kebir, est une artiste et poète urbaine. Elle s'est notamment produite à la Fédération des oeuvres laïques de Casablanca, au Festival Youmein à Tanger, au Théâtre Mohamed V de Oujda, au Live Room à Tanger, au théâtre Afifi d'El Jadida, à Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM), ainsi qu’aux Soirées Slam du Cinéma Renaissance à Rabat avec Dkhla b’ktab. Tout en poursuivant des études de littérature à l’Université Ben M’sik, elle intervient régulièrement dans des ateliers slam organisés dans des lycées et écoles au Maroc. Elle présente dans ce podcast quelques-uns de ses célèbres slams. Cet épisode a été enregistré le 30 Septembre 2017 à Tanger au Maroc, dans le cadre de l’événement « Poetry Slam Evening » organisé par Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["19:42"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/poetry-slam-evening-rencontre-avec-noussayba-lahlou-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/poetry-slam-evening-rencontre-avec-noussayba-lahlou/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Noussayba_Lahlou.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["L'expérience du nationalisme arabe radical"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 16: L'expérience du nationalisme arabe radical Pr. LahouariAddi est professeur de sociologie à l’Institut d’Études Politiques de Lyon et chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC) d’Oran. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs publications consacrées à l’Afrique du Nord et l’islam politique, dont L’Algérie et la démocratie (Paris: La Découverte, 1994) et Algérie, chroniques d’une expérience postcoloniale de modernisation (Alger: Barzakh, 2012) et Le nationalisme arabe radical et l’islam politique. Produits contradictoires de la modernité (Alger: Barzakh, 2017), objet de la conférence présentée par Pr. Addi au CEMA. Pr. Addi revient dans sa conférence sur les dynamiques socio-idéologiques qui caractérisent les sociétés arabes, confrontées à une modernisation simultanément souhaitée et rejetée. Pour ce faire, il est remonté aux sources de ce malaise qui a immobilisé le monde arabe dans son ensemble. Depuis la moitié du XXe siècle, les pays arabes sont en attente d’un changement qui leur apporterait progrès et sécurité. Dans le passé, c’était les nationalistes qui promettaient de réaliser cette attente ; aujourd’hui, ce sont les islamistes. Pr. Lahouari Addi tente de cerner l'histoire et l'héritage politiques du nationalisme arabe radical, démontrant au passage que celui-ci était, dès l'origine, porteur de limites idéologiques qui l'ont empêché de développer l'économie et de moderniser la culture. Si les régimes révolutionnaires promettaient bien le développement économique et social, et se fixaient pour but l'unité des nations arabes, ils n'avaient pourtant pas pris la mesure de certaines transformations sociales, comme l'exigence de la liberté de parole, ce qui explique qu'ils aient fini par perdre toute crédibilité. Cependant, bien que le nationalisme arabe radical se soit in fine idéologiquement épuisé, le populisme de type autoritaire n'en restait pas moins présent. Aujourd'hui, il s'exprime à travers l'Islam politique qui ambitionne de réaliser les objectifs du nationalisme arabe radical en appliquant la chari'a. Pr. Lahouari Addi établit un lien créatif entre passé et présent tout en s'interrogeant sur l'avenir des pays arabes : l'Islam politique est-il l'héritier du nationalisme arabe radical ? Si l'Islam politique s'enracine, fera-t-il face aux mêmes défis que le nationalisme arabe radical ? C'est des réponses à ces questions, souligne Lahouari Addi, que dépend l'avenir des pays arabes. Ce Podcast a été enregistré le 05 novembre 2017 au Centre d’Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) à Oran en Algérie. Dr. Mansour Kedidir, chercheur associé au CRASC, a modéré le débat."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["54:17"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/lexperience-du-nationalisme-arabe-radical-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/lexperience-du-nationalisme-arabe-radical/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Lahouari_addi_book.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Rencontre littéraire avec Maïssa Bey autour de son roman «Hizya»"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 22: Hizya, un roman Rencontre littéraire du dernier roman de Maïssa Bey, Hizya, animée par l'écrivaine Amina Mekahli. Cette rencontre est programmé dans le cadre du Cycle des conférences Arts et Lettres au Maghreb, organisé le 20 décembre 2017 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), à Oran. Les Auteures Auteur de seize textes littéraires, dont la prose, la poésie et le théâtre, Maïssa Bey est une écrivaine algérienne de renommée internationale. Son premier roman, Nouvelles d’Algérie (Paris : Éditions Grasset), a remporté le Grand Prix de littérature de la Société des gens de lettres, en 1998. Son deuxième roman, Cette fille-là (Éditions de l'Aube), a reçu le Prix Marguerite Audoux, en 2001. D’autres prix lui ont été décernés : le Prix Cybèle pour Surtout ne te retourne pas (Alger: Barzakh), en 2005, le Grand Prix du roman francophone 2008 pour Pierre, Sang, Papier ou Cendre (Alger: Barzakh), en 2008 et le Prix de l'Afrique, Méditerranée / Maghreb pour Puisque mon coeur est mort (Éditions de l'Aube). Son dernier roman, Hiyza (Alger : Barzakh) a été nominé pour le Grand Prix Assia Djebbar du roman, en 2015. Passionnée par la littérature, Amina Mekahli a écrit de la poésie depuis son jeune âge. Son premier recueil de poésie, Tiaret, Chevaux & Légendes, a été co-signé avec le photographe Nacer Ouadahi en 2015 (Alger : ANEP). La collection comprend une soixantaine de poèmes et cinq contes populaires sur les chevaux de la région de Tiaret, très connue pour ses traditions équestres. En 2016, elle publie son premier roman, Le Secret de laGirelle, œuvre consacrée à l'art et à la peinture (Alger : ANEP), nominée pour le Grand Prix Assia Djebar du roman, cette année-là. Son deuxième roman, Nomade Brûlant, sorti en automne 2017 (Alger: ANEP), a été également nominé pour le Grand Prix Assia Djebar du roman. En 2017, elle a été primée à du deuxième Prix International de Poésie L. S. Senghor (Milan, Italie) pour le poème « Je suis de vous », extrait de son roman Nomade Brûlant. Amina Mekahli publie régulièrement ses poèmes et ses écrits sur son website ainsi que la page Lisez Algerien sur Facebook. Elle édite également une section littéraire, \"Invitation en Auteur\" dans le journal numérique, Le Journal de l’Oranais."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:22:53"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/rencontre-avec-maissa-bey-autour-de-son-roman-%c2%abhizya%c2%bb-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/rencontre-avec-maissa-bey-autour-de-son-roman-%c2%abhizya%c2%bb/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/maissa__bey_book.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Le contact des langues au Sahara : Le cas du touareg et du haoussa"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 21: Le contact des langues au Sahara : Le cas du touareg et du haoussa Le touareg occupe une place particulière dans l’ensemble berbère. Il est parfois considéré par rapport au reste de la berbérophonie, comme une langue indépendante. Alors que depuis les premières actions de l’aménagement du lexique du berbère, dans les années 1940, sa place était centrale ; aux yeux des militants-aménageurs, le touareg était considéré comme la variante la plus authentique, raison pour laquelle il constituait la source principale dans la néologie berbère moderne. En s'appuyant sur ses observations et enquêtes de terrain, dans le Sahara algérien, concernant le contact linguistique entre les différents groupes touaregs d’une part, et ces derniers avec d’autres groupes berbérophones et étrangers (notamment haoussa), d’autre part, Ramdane Touati, doctorant en linguistiques à l'IREMAM a essayé dans ce podcast de répondre aux questions suivantes: Pour quelle raison le touareg parait-il si différent des autres variétés du berbère? Cela n’est-il pas une des incidences linguistiques et sociolinguistiques du contact permanent et très ancien entre la branche sud du berbère, que représente le touareg (ou ces différentes variétés), et les langues de l’Afrique subsaharienne, notamment le haoussa? L’étude de ce contact montre combien la dimension africaine de l’Afrique du Nord, sur le plan culturel et ethnique, reste essentielle, et cela grâce notamment à la double appartenance de l’aire touarègue, assumant le rôle d’un chaînant entre les « deux Afriques ». Ce podcast a été enregistré le 19 décembre 2017 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) à Oran, à l’occasion de la journée d'études « L'anthropologie linguistique du Sahara » organisée dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Langues et sociétés au Maghreb ». Dr. Karim Ouaras, Sociolinguiste, Université de Mostaganem, Directeur adjoint au CEMA et chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), a modéré le débat."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["56:29"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/le-contact-des-langues-au-sahara-le-cas-du-touareg-et-du-haoussa-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/le-contact-des-langues-au-sahara-le-cas-du-touareg-et-du-haoussa/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Ramdane_Touati_size.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["La linguistique historique au Sahara"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 20: La linguistique historique au Sahara Dans cet épisode, Dr. Lameen Souag, Linguiste, chargé de recherche et directeur adjoint du laboratoire Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale (LACITO), CNRS, concepteur du blog Jabal al-Lughat | Climbing the Mountain of Languages, et contributeur au blog Oriental Berber | All about the Berber languages of Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, développe, en se basant sur des recherches de terrain, l’idée que l'histoire d'une langue ne dépend pas que d'une tradition écrite. La linguistique nous fournit des outils pour reconstruire les changements qu'elle a subi et les mouvements de ses locuteurs, ainsi que leurs contacts avec d’autres cultures. Il faut seulement avoir assez de données sur la variation dialectale pour les appliquer. Au Sahara, comme presque partout en Afrique, ces outils n'ont pas été assez mis en valeur, mais les résultats déjà disponibles sont intéressants. Selon Dr. Souag, on peut ainsi montrer, par exemple, que l'amazigh comptait autrefois parmi ses phonèmes un coup glottal (ʔ), préservé comme tel qu'en Maurétanie, et une voyelle antérieure moyenne (é), utilisée encore en touareg et parfois en siwi. L'identification des correspondances régulières nous permet aussi d'identifier les emprunts intra-amazigh et de préciser la source des emprunts de l’amazigh en d’autres langues. Cela expose d'un côté l'influence zénète considérable sur le reste de l'amazigh et sur l'arabe maghrébin, et de l'autre l'ancien gloire du zénaga, qui allait autrefois jusqu'au Niger. La reconstruction des autres familles linguistiques du Sahara est moins avancée, mais elle suggère déjà certaines connexions lointaines. La linguistique historique peut ainsi élucider certains aspects de l'histoire du Sahara.
Ce podcast a été enregistré le 19 décembre 2017 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) à Oran, à l’occasion de la journée d'études « L'anthropologie linguistiquedu Sahara » organisée dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Langues etsociétés au Maghreb ». Dr. Karim Ouaras, Sociolinguiste, Université de Mostaganem, Directeur adjoint au CEMA et chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), a modéré le débat."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["52:26"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/la-linguistique-historique-au-sahara-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/la-linguistique-historique-au-sahara/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/lameen_souag1.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Migrant Subjectivities and Crisis Narratives in the Euro-med Region"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2018],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1439,1440],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 19: Migrant Subjectivities and Crisis Narratives in the Euro-med Region In this episode, Prof. Michael Collyer, a geographer at the University of Sussex tells us about the different narratives people employ when talking about migration and borders. According to French sociologist Abdelmalek Sayad, immigration policy reveals how a state “thinks of itself,” and a lot can be gleaned about Morocco, Collyer says, through understanding how it approaches migrant populations living within its borders. Through discussing different narratives hoisted upon migrants—such as victimization, rebellion and autonomy – Collyer sheds light on the motivations behind changing migration policies both in Morocco, the African Union, the European Union and beyond. The TangierAmerican Legation Institute of Moroccan Studies (TALIM) was pleased to welcome Prof. Collyer on October 9, 2017, over a decade after he taught in the Geography Department at Université Abdelmalek Essadi in Tetouan over a decade ago. Mr. Sam Metz, a Tangier-based Fulbright Scholar (2016-2017), working in migrant communities, moderated the event."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:24:13"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/migrant-subjectivities-and-crisis-narratives-in-the-euro-med-region-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/migrant-subjectivities-and-crisis-narratives-in-the-euro-med-region/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Michael_Collyer.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Le Maghreb aujourd'hui"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 15: Le Maghreb aujourd'hui Pour celui qui observe le Maghreb, la première impression qui lui vient à l’esprit est celle d’un paradoxe ; en effet, voilà une région où les éléments unificateurs sont tellement présents et prégnants qu’il comprend mal pourquoi non seulement l’intégration est bloquée, mais la coopération elle-même s'avère difficile. Pr. Ahmed Mahiou, juriste, directeur de recherche émérite au CNRS, et chercheur associé à l'IREMAM, revient sur les raisons profondes de ce paradoxe et apporte quelques éléments d’explication en mettant en évidence les potentialités qu’offre cet espace géographique qu’est le Maghreb, et en comparant ce dernier aux autres régions dont les éléments d'unité sont moindres, mais où l'intégration et la coopération ont réussi. Ce Podcast a été enregistré le 29 Octobre 2017, au Centre d’Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), et s'inscrit dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Espaces et Territoires au Maghreb ». Pr. Bachir Yelles Chaouche, Juriste, Université d'Oran 2, a modéré le débat."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["44:52"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/le-maghreb-aujourdhui-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/le-maghreb-aujourdhui/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Embleme-uma.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["L'UDMA et les UDMISTES, Contribution à l’histoire du nationalisme algérien"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 10: L'UDMA et les UDMISTES: Contribution à l’histoire du nationalisme algérien Dans cet épisode, Dr. Malika Rahal, historienne, chercheure à l'Institut d'Histoire du Temps Présente-CNRS, et auteure du blog Textures du temps: Algérie contemporaine, présente son dernier ouvrage, L’UDMA et les Udmistes. Contribution à l’histoire du nationalisme algérien (Barzakh, 2017). Il s’agit de revenir sur dix années d’expérience partisane, entre Seconde Guerre mondiale et Guerre d’Indépendance. L’Union démocratique du Manifeste algérien a été fondée en 1946 par Ferhat Abbas, et a connu une décennie de vie politique active avant de se rallier au Front de Libération nationale en 1956. On verra que le parti a connu une véritable activité militante développée autour d’un programme de République algérienne démocratique et sociale, avec des activités de formation, de mobilisation, d’organisation souvent très proches de l’Association des Ulama. Alors que se développent plusieurs partis concurrents (UDMA, PCA et MTLD de Messali Hadj), la rivalité MTLD-UDMA est l’articulation centrale de l’organisation d’une scène politique pluripartisane. Dans cette épisode, Dr. Malika Rahal examine également les spécificités de la vie politique à Oran durant cette période : dans cette ville où la population colonisée est reléguée à l’extérieur du centre-ville, la section de l’UDMA apparaît plus populaire et plus militante que dans d’autres villes. Ailleurs, le lieu nodal du parti est le cercle où on lit le journal, boit du café, et parle de politique. C’est un lieu exclusivement masculin. En revanche à Oran, les lieux sont multiples, et ils incluent un simple local, où la mixité est rendue plus facile notamment pour les plus jeunes. Cette section, très dynamique, est aussi terriblement contestataire. La conférence de Dr. Malika Rahal est programmée dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Histoire du Maghreb / Histoire au Maghreb », organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 11 octobre 2017 à Oran, Algérie. Pr. Hassan Remaoun, Sociologue à l'Université d'Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed et chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologies Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC) a modéré cet évènement."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["57:18"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/ludma-et-les-udmistes-contribution-a%cc%80-l%e2%80%99histoire-du-nationalisme-algerien-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/ludma-et-les-udmistes-contribution-a%cc%80-l%e2%80%99histoire-du-nationalisme-algerien/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Malika_Rahal_book.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"ar-Arab":["Poetry Slam Evening قعدة مع منعم الصلامور"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"ar-Arab":["Episode 9: Poetry Slam Evening قعدة مع منعم الصلامور عبد المنعم البوديابي المعروف بمنعم الصلامور، مغربي زاد في طنجة عام 1992. تقني متخصص في الشبكات المعلوماتية، عضو في لجنة تحكيم الصلام للمدارس بطنجة الي تنظمها المدرسة الفرنسية بطنجة. من مؤسسي الكولكتيف : الفرقة الي تعاون باش توصل الصلام للناس عن طريق ورشات في المدارس و المؤسسات. منعم بدا حياتو الفنية في 2005 بكتابة الراب، في 2007 دار الغنية تاعو اللولة و في 2013 بدا صلام مع جماعة كافي صلام طنجة لي كان الكافي صلام اللول في المغرب كامل. لعب في كثر من 50 سهرة محليا و دوليا كيما عيد الصلام اللول و الزاوج و الثالث ،الصلام في السجن، الدخلة بكتاب اللول والزاوج والثالث في طنجة. شارك تاني في المهرجان الوطني الثاني للشعر و الزجل ، و الحدث الدولي ل 100000 شاعر من اجل التغيير في العالم. منعم عندو بزاف الصلامات لي مشهورين ومحبوبين منهم : العربارجة , بلادي فوبي , كولورادو٠٠٠ في هاد البودكاست منعم يسمعنا شوي من الصلامات تاوعوالي يهدر فيها علا مواضيع مختلفة هاذي الحلقة تسجلت في 30 سبتمبر 2017 و تندارج في الحدث لي نظمو المعهد الامريكي للدراسات المغربية بطنجة \"Poetry Slam Evening\""]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["30:30"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/slam-moniem-el-boudiabi-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:32:59 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/slam-moniem-el-boudiabi/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Moniem_El_Boudiabi2.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Évolution du discours sur les berbères et catégorisation sociale dans les sources textuelles de l'occident musulman (IXe-XVIe siècles)"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 8: Évolution du discours sur les berbères et catégorisation sociale dans les sources textuelles de l'occident musulman (IXe-XVIe siècles) Dans cet épisode, Pr. Allaoua Amara, Historien, Université Islamique Emir Abdelkader de Constantine, nous montre que l’origine du peuplement de l’Afrique du Nord a fait l’objet d’un large débat historiographique. Les auteurs médiévaux de langue arabe ont utilisé plusieurs dénominations pour désigner les populations présentes au Maghreb au moment des conquêtes omeyyades. Cependant, c’est le mot barbar qui a pu être conservé pour dénommer toutes ces populations après un long processus de catégorisation sociale. Après l’avoir utilisé pour désigner les communautés schismatiques ou rebelles contre l’ordre califal, l’emploi du mot barbar a été étendu pour englober des communautés dont les traits communs sont linguistiques. A partir du XIIe siècle, la catégorisation de ces anciennes communautés du Maghreb a commencé à faire l’unanimité parmi les auteurs de langue arabe. Une lecture critique du discours historique est capable de mettre en exergue l’évolution de cette catégorisation de la période médiévale. La conférence de Pr. Allaoua Amara est programmée dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Histoire du Maghreb / Histoire au Maghreb », organisé par le Centre d’Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 3 octobre 2017 au CEMA, Oran. Dr. Saddek Benkada, historien et maître de recherches au Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC) a modéré cet évènement."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:00:46"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/evolution-du-discours-sur-les-berberes-et-categorisation-sociale-dans-les-sources-textuelles-de-loccident-musulman-ixe-x-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:33:00 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/evolution-du-discours-sur-les-berberes-et-categorisation-sociale-dans-les-sources-textuelles-de-loccident-musulman-ixe-xvie-siecles/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Allaoua_Amara_Podbean.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Interview With Dr. Laurence Michalak, \"Weekly Markets to Informality: Five Decades of Researching Tunisa\""]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 14: Interview with Dr. Laurence Michalak, \"Weekly Markets to Informality: Five Decades of Researching Tunisia\" A cultural anthropologist, Dr. Laurence Michalak is a specialist in the Arab World, particularly North Africa. Dr. Michalak received his BA from Stanford (1964), MA from the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London (1970) and his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley (1983). He was Vice Chair of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the UC-Berkeley for 23 years, retiring in 2002. Since, he has taught as a visitor at UC/Berkeley (2003, 2010, 2011) and on Semester at Sea (Fall 2005), has done postdoctoral work in alcohol studies (2002-2004), has directed the Centre d'Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), Tunisia (2006-10), and has consulted for the Council for a Community of Democracies. Dr. Michalak’s interests include informal commerce, migration, and economic development. He has edited books on social legislation in the contemporary Middle East and on international migration and social change in the Maghreb. He is currently working on a book about informal commerce in Tunisia. On October 5th, 2017, CEMAT Assistant Director Dr. Meriem Guetat interviewed Dr. Michalak on his five decades of research in Tunisia. In this podcast, Michalak discusses his experiences in Tunisia of the 1960s, his early interest in weekly markets, and his current interest in the informal commerce in post-Revolution Tunisia."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["31:37"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/interview-with-dr-laurence-michalak-on-weekly-markets-to-informality-five-decades-of-researching-tunisa-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:33:00 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/interview-with-dr-laurence-michalak-on-weekly-markets-to-informality-five-decades-of-researching-tunisa/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Laurence_Michalak.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Commerce transnational et espaces urbains en Algérie"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 13: Commerce transnational et espaces urbains en Algérie L’Algérie est un espace-clé en Méditerranée afin d’observer les réseaux qui se tissent depuis la Chine jusque dans des marchés qui trament l’ensemble des territoires nationaux. La mise en place d’une route commerciale globale reliant différentes places et comptoirs marchands, sur le mode d’une circulation transnationale s’apparente à une nouvelle « route de la soie ». Résultat d’une mondialisation discrète (appelée aussi « Globalization from below » ou « mondialisation silencieuse »), cette nouvelle « route de la soie » se matérialise en Algérie par le développement d’un réseau de places commerciales combinant expériences et compétences accumulées durant ces dernières décennies par ces acteurs marchands. De grands marchés urbains et périurbains se constituent reconfigurant la hiérarchie du réseau urbain et la structure interne des villes par la création de rues marchandes et de quartiers commerciaux. Il n’est pas une ville, grande ou petite, qui aujourd’hui ne soit pas dotée de son « marché » de produits d’importations de grande consommation. Avec ces 40 millions d’habitants et un pouvoir d’achat en progression constante, l’Algérie est devenue un important marché de biens de consommation liée à l’essor de ce commerce transnational. D’abord confinés à la périphérie des villes et souvent de manière « informelle », ces marchés du commerce transnational vont progressivement s’introduire dans les tissus urbains, s’installant dans les quartiers péricentraux, les anciens faubourgs coloniaux et dans les quartiers nouvellement urbanisés, créant de nouveaux « territoires mondialisés de la consommation » (mall et centres commerciaux). Dans cet épisode, Dr. Saïd Belguidoum, sociologue à Aix Marseille Université et chercheur à L'IREMAM / CNRS répond aux questions suivantes: Qui sont ces nouveaux acteurs de la mondialisation discrète? Comment les enjeux urbains et les reconfigurations en cours sont aujourd'hui liés à ces dynamiques commerciales (foncier, gouvernance urbaine)? Comment les modes de vie et l'usage des espaces publics en sont impactés? Cette conférence est co-organisée par le Centre d’Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) et le Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Espaces et Territoires au Maghreb ». Elle a eu lieu le 25 octobre 2017 au CRASC. Pr. Sid Ahmed Souiah, géographe, Université d’Oran 2 a modéré le débat."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:31:44"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/belguidoum-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:33:00 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/belguidoum/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Said_belguidoum_Podbean.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Villes et Mouvements sociaux au Maroc"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 12: Villes et mouvements sociaux au Maroc Dr. Abderrahmane Rachik, sociologue, urbaniste à la Faculté de gouvernance, des sciences économiques et sociales de Rabat, et chercheur associé au Centre marocain des sciences sociales, intervient dans cet épisode sur la thématique « Villes et mouvements sociaux au Maroc ». Après un survol historique de l’évolution des espaces urbains au Maroc, de l’époque coloniale à nos jours, Dr. Rachik explique comment le Maroc a subi le phénomène de l’urbanisation à partir de 1917, date du premier plan qui régit les grandes villes marocaines jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Ce plan qui date d’un siècle se caractérise par son aspect zonal consistant à découper la ville en plusieurs zones qui s’articulent autour d’une zone centrale où se concentrent tous les pouvoirs. L’on trouve pour le cas de Casablanca, une zone résidentielle située à l’ouest de la ville, une zone industrielle et ouvrière à l’est et une zone de l’habitat indigène au sud. Ce modèle de ville est essentiellement l’œuvre du Général Lyautey. Après l’indépendance du Maroc, le schéma colonial de la ville sera reproduit et perpétué jusqu’en 1973, l’année qui verra la mise en place du Ministère de l’habitat et de l’urbanisme qui se donnera pour tâche principale la gestion raisonnée du tissu urbain en rapport avec le lien social. Mais l’appel des syndicats marocains à une grève générale en 1981 après l’augmentation massive des prix des denrées alimentaires et la répression sanglante qui s’en est suivie, ont mis au jour une inadéquation flagrante entre la population marocaine et les espaces urbains qui la contiennent. Après l’explosion des différentes émeutes au Maroc (1981, 1984 et 1990), la conquête pacifique de l’espace public urbain devient subitement un enjeu politique de taille. Depuis, la politique ne se déroule plus seulement dans les sphères conventionnelles. Elle se fait également dans la rue. Pour illustrer cette métamorphose socio-urbaine, Dr. Rachik met l’accent sur le cas des événements de 2005, résultat des actions collectives des différents mouvements sociaux dans l’espace public (sit-in, manifestation, marche, etc.) estimées à environ 700 protestations, soit une moyenne de deux sit-in par jour. Ce chiffre passe de 5.000 actions en 2008 à 6.438 en 2009 pour atteindre 8.600 en 2010 et plus de 18.000 actuellement, soit 50 protestations collectives par jour. La conférence de Dr. Abderrahmane Rachik est programmée dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Espaces et Territoires au Maghreb », organisé par le Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 22 octobre 2017 à Oran, Algérie. Pr. Abdelkader Lakjaa, Sociologue à l'Université d'Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed a modéré cet évènement."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:19:12"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/villes-et-mouvements-sociaux-au-maroc-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:33:00 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/villes-et-mouvements-sociaux-au-maroc/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Abderrahmane_Rachik_Podbean.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Operation Torch: North Africa and the Allied Path to Victory"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 11: Operation Torch: North Africa and the Allied Path to Victory In this podcast, independent scholar and naval historian Vincent O’Hara presents his award-winning book, Torch:North Africa and the Allied Path to Victory (Naval Institute Press, 2015). Operation Torch (November 1942), was an US-UK joint-amphibious invasion of five landings in North Africa: Port Lyautey, Fédala, and Safi in Morocco; and Oran and Algiers in Algeria. Though overshadowed by other major campaigns during the Second World War, Operation Torch was an exceptional turning point on the Western European front. It stands out as a surprise (and rushed) invasion of a neutral nation (Vichy France owned Algeria and controlled Morocco at the time), failed to relieve pressure from (then) beleaguered Soviet forces at the Battle of Stalingrad, and failed to achieve its short-term goals. Operation Torch successfully, however, brought France back into the Allied camp, provided a template for intense American and British military cooperation, and served as a model for amphibious doctrine. Combined, O’Hara persuasively argues, Operation Torch radically affected the war’s outcome to the advantage of the Allies. The lecture was recorded at the Centre d’Études Maghrébinesen Algérie (CEMA), on the 75th anniversary of Operation Torch (7 November 2017), in Oran, Algeria. His Excellency John P. Desrocher, Ambassador of the Embassy of the United States of America in Algeria, moderated the lecture."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["38:38"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/operation-torch-north-africa-and-the-allied-path-to-victory-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:33:00 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/operation-torch-north-africa-and-the-allied-path-to-victory/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Vincent_O_Hara_Book.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Démographie et développement en Algérie"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 7: Démographie et développement en Algérie: Un lien a toujours été établi entre démographie et développement en des termes selon lesquels la démographie entretiendrait des liens directs avec le développement, c’est ainsi que, depuis plus d’un siècle, les populations du Sud sont confrontées à la culpabilité d’être, par des taux de fécondité importants, à la source du sous-développement et de la pauvreté qu’elles connaissent. Car ces populations, par leur comportement procréatif, mettraient en crise les politiques de développement de leurs gouvernements. Dans ce Podcast, Pr. Fatma Oussedik, sociologue à l’Université d’Alger 2 et chercheure associée au Centre de Recherche en Économie Appliquée du Développement, a choisi de déconstruire les termes démographie et développement pour les situer dans le contexte algérien. Dans ce but, elle a pris le soin de conduire ce débat en replaçant les enjeux auxquels est confronté l’Algérie dans un cadre plus large, celui du continent africain auquel elle appartient. Pour ce faire, elle s’est intéressée à trois aspects incontournables de cette problématique : Tout d’abord, un État des lieux où elle revient sur la périodisation de la politique de la population en Algérie. Ensuite, elle a présenté quelques réflexions d’experts dans le domaine du développement et de la démographie. Enfin, elle a proposé quelques pistes de réflexions issues d’une pratique du terrain algérien et de l’étude des comportements des familles en Algérie. Ces réflexions d’une pratique de sociologue tentent de saisir les rationalités sociales et les logiques régionales en mettant le fonctionnement des familles au centre du débat. La conférence de Pr. Fatma Oussedik est programmée dans le cadre du cycle de conférences « Espaces et Territoires au Maghreb », organisé par le Centre d’Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA). Elle a eu lieu le 28 septembre 2017 au CEMA, Oran."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:29:46"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/demographie-et-developpement-en-algerie-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:33:00 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/demographie-et-developpement-en-algerie/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Fatma_Oussedik_Podbean.png"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Volubilis: Between Romans, Awraba and Idris I"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 2: Volubilis: Between Romans, Awraba and Idris I [in English] In this lecture, Dr. Elizabeth Fentress, Archaeologist, Honorary Visiting Professor at University College London and creator of Fasti Online discusses findings from excavations carried out between 2000 and 2005 by the Moroccan Institut National des Sciences de l'Archéologie et du Patrimoinee and University College London. This podcast describes the excavations in detail, and concentrates on the differences between those two communities. It should be listened to with the slides (see here), which are essential to understanding the site. The lecture, part of Languages & Societies in the Maghrib lecture series, was recorded for the Centre d'Études Maghrébine en Algérie (CEMA), in Algiers, Algeria on 12 September 2017."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["42:15"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/volubilis-between-romans-awraba-and-idris-i-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:33:00 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/volubilis-between-romans-awraba-and-idris-i/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Slide_2.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Les événements d’Avril 1947 : Une perspective espagnole"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 6: Les événements d’Avril 1947 Une perspective espagnole Pr. Bernabé Lopez Garcia, Professeur émérite d’études islamiques à l’Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, présente une communication sur la crise provoquée par les discours prononcés par le Sultan Mohammed Ben Youssef (Roi Mohammed V) et la princesse Lalla Aicha Alaoui, les 10-11 avril 1947 à la zone internationale de Tanger. Prononcés dans une cité gérée par un consortium international, et revendiquée par les nationalistes espagnols et ceux de l’Istiqlal, ces discours, plaidant pour un Maroc indépendant et unifié, ont encouragé le mouvement national et envoyé des ondes de choc à travers la communauté internationale, conduisant ainsi au rappel du Général français Eirik Labonne et son remplacement par Alphonse Juin en mai de la même année. La conférence du Pr. Lopez Garcia s’appuie essentiellement sur les archives consulaires espagnoles de la zone internationale de Tanger. Cette conférence est enregistrée à Tangier American Legation Institute for MoroccanStudies (TALIM), le 6 avril 2017, Tanger, Maroc."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["28:45"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/the-events-of-april-1947-a-spanish-perspective-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:33:00 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/les-evenements-d-avril-1947-une-perspective-espagnole/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/artworks-000225378317-zwhf69-t500x500.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Interview with Nadia Marzouki"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 5: Interview with Nadia Marzouki: Islam: An American Religion [in English] Dr. Nadia Marzouki is a Lecturer in Law at Yale Law School and a Research Fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris. Her work examines public controversies about Islam in Europe and the United States. She is also interested in debates about religious freedom and democratization in North Africa. She is the author of Islam: An American Religion (Columbia University Press, 2017). She coedited with Olivier Roy and Duncan McDonnell, Saving the People, How Populists Hijack Religion (Oxford University Press, 2016). In this Podcast, CEMAT Director, Dr. Laryssa Chomiak, interviews Dr. Nadia Marzouki about her recent book, as well as public debates over religion and public space in the United States, North Africa, and beyond. The recording is part of the Contemporary Thoughts discussion series and was recorded at the Centre d’Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), on 03 October 2017, in Tunis, Tunisia."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["25:06"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/interview-with-nadia-marzouki-about-her-book-islam-an-american-religion-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:33:00 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/interview-with-nadia-marzouki-about-her-book-islam-an-american-religion/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/Nadia_Marzouki_Book.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Well-Being in Algeria: Findings from the 2017 World Happiness Report"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 4 : Well-Being in Algeria: Findings from the 2017 World Happiness Report [in French] Dr. Habib Tiliouine, Professor of Psychology at University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed and contributor to the World Happiness Report, discusses Algeria’s 2017 ranking: first on the African continent, and sixth in the MENA region. Comparing survey data results from participating countries in those regions, Prof. Tiliouine and colleagues found a strong negative association between perceptions of lived poverty and perceptions of well-being. For Algeria, Prof. Tiliouine underscores, the findings reveal the widespread popularity of social distribution and welfare programs unavailable elsewhere in the region. The lecture was recorded at the Centre d’Études Maghrébinesen Algérie (CEMA), on 9 May 2017, in Oran, Algeria. Dr. Mourad Moulai Hadj, Professor of Sociology at the University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed / Associate Researcher at the Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle moderated the lecture.This podcast should be listened to with the slides (www.themaghribpodcast.com)."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["54:29"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/le-bonheur-en-algerie-les-conclusions-du-rapport-mondial-sur-le-bonheur-2017-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:33:00 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/le-bonheur-en-algerie-les-conclusions-du-rapport-mondial-sur-le-bonheur-2017/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/HWR.jpeg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["The Saharan Diaspora and the end of Roman North Africa"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 3: The Saharan Diaspora and the end of Roman North Africa [in French] Although there is not much doubt that, in the early fifth century, Roman North Africa was having to defend itself from attacks by 'Moors,' there is little agreement on just who these 'Moors' actually were, and where they came from. In this podcast, Dr. Elizabeth Fentress, Archaeologist, Honorary Visiting Professor at University College London, and creator of Fasti Online presents an article co-written with University of Oxford Archaeologist, Prof. Andrew Wilson. In the work, they argue that the attacks were coming from the Saharan tribes who arrived in the Hodna and the Aurès mountains from the oases to the south, or the Saharan Atlas. Evidence for their settlement in the Tell comes from Saharan-type tombs and from the distribution of the so-called 'Zenatic' languages. An examination of the history of the kingdom of the Garamantes in the Fezzan shows the sort of ecological constraints that may have conditioned this northward movement of Berber tribes. This podcast should be listened to with the slides (www.themaghribpodcast.com). The lecture, part of the Saharan Lectures series, was co-organized by the Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA) and the Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), and given at CRASC in Oran, Algeria on 10 September 2017. Dr. Dida Badi Ag Khammadine, Anthropologist from the Centre National de Recherches Préhistoriques, Anthropologiques et Historiques (CNRPAH) moderated the lecture."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["53:42"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/the-saharan-diaspora-and-the-end-of-roman-north-africa-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:33:00 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/the-saharan-diaspora-and-the-end-of-roman-north-africa/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/fentress2.jpg"}}
{"agg_data_provider_collection":{"en":["Maghrib in Past & Present | Postcasts"],"ar-Arab":["المغرب في الماضي والحاضر | البث"]},"cho_title":{"und-Latn":["Le secret de la girelle, un roman"]},"cho_creator":{"en":["themaghribpodcast.com"]},"cho_date_range_norm":[2017],"cho_date_range_hijri":[1438,1439],"cho_dc_rights":{"en":["Use of content for classroom purposes and on other non-profit educational websites is granted (and encouraged) with proper citation."]},"cho_description":{"und-Latn":["Episode 1: Le secret de la girelle, un roman Rencontre littéraire du premier roman d'Amina Mekahli, Le secret de la girelle, animée par l'écrivaine Maïssa Bey. Cette rencontre est programmé dans le cadre du Cycle des conférences Arts et Lettres au Maghreb, organisé le 12 avril 2017 au Centre d'Études Maghrébines en Algérie (CEMA), à Oran. Les Auteures Passionnée par la littérature, Amina Mekahli a écrit de la poésie depuis son jeune âge. Son premier recueil de poésie, Tiaret, Chevaux & Légendes, a été co-signé avec le photographe Nacer Ouadahi en 2015 (Alger : ANEP). La collection comprend une soixantaine de poèmes et cinq contes populaires sur les chevaux de la région de Tiaret, très connue pour ses traditions équestres. En 2016, elle publie son premier roman, Le Secret de laGirelle, œuvre consacrée à l'art et à la peinture (Alger : ANEP), nominée pour le Grand Prix Assia Djebar du roman, cette année-là. Son deuxième roman, Nomade Brûlant, sorti en automne 2017 (Alger: ANEP), a été également nominé pour le Grand Prix Assia Djebar du roman. En 2017, elle a été primée à du deuxième Prix International de Poésie L. S. Senghor (Milan, Italie) pour le poème « Je suis de vous », extrait de son roman Nomade Brûlant. Amina Mekahli publie régulièrement ses poèmes et ses écrits sur son website ainsi que la page Lisez Algerien sur Facebook. Elle édite également une section littéraire, \"Invitation en Auteur\" dans le journal numérique, Le Journal de l’Oranais. Auteur de seize textes littéraires, dont la prose, la poésie et le théâtre, Maïssa Bey est une écrivaine algérienne de renommée internationale. Son premier roman, Nouvelles d’Algérie (Paris : Éditions Grasset), a remporté le Grand Prix de littérature de la Société des gens de lettres, en 1998. Son deuxième roman, Cette fille-là (Éditions de l'Aube), a reçu le Prix Marguerite Audoux, en 2001. D’autres prix lui ont été décernés : le Prix Cybèle pour Surtout ne te retourne pas (Alger: Barzakh), en 2005, le Grand Prix du roman francophone 2008 pour Pierre, Sang, Papier ou Cendre (Alger: Barzakh), en 2008 et le Prix de l'Afrique, Méditerranée / Maghreb pour Puisque mon coeur est mort (Éditions de l'Aube). Son dernier roman, Hiyza (Alger : Barzakh) a été nominé pour le Grand Prix Assia Djebbar du roman, en 2015."]},"cho_edm_type":{"en":["Sound"],"ar-Arab":["صوت"]},"cho_extent":{"en":["01:29:32"]},"cho_has_type":{"en":["Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["المقابلات"]},"agg_data_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_data_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"agg_provider":{"en":["The American Institute for Maghrib Studies"],"ar-Arab":["المعهد الأمريكي لدراسات المغرب"]},"agg_provider_country":{"en":["Morocco","Algeria","Tunisia"],"ar-Arab":["تونس","الجزائر","المغرب"]},"cho_type_facet":{"en":["Sound","Sound:Interviews"],"ar-Arab":["صوت","صوت:المقابلات"]},"id":"themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/le-secret-de-la-girelle-a-novel-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1","transform_version":"3624475","transform_timestamp":"2023-02-10 22:33:00 +0000","agg_data_provider_collection_id":"aims","dlme_source_file":"data/aims/data.csv","agg_is_shown_at":{"wr_id":"https://themaghribpodcast.podbean.com/e/le-secret-de-la-girelle-a-novel/"},"agg_preview":{"wr_id":"https://deow9bq0xqvbj.cloudfront.net/ep-logo/pbblog1668744/book.png"}}