Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ActivatedTime | string | The time stamp e911 was provisioned | [optional] |
CallerName | string | The name that will show to emergency services | [optional] |
ExtendedAddress | string | The suit/floor/apt. address where the number is in service | [optional] |
Latitude | string | The e911 provisioning system calculated service address latitude | [optional] |
LegacyData | PhoneNumbersE911LegacyData | [optional] | |
Locality | string | The locality (city) where the number is in service | |
LocationId | string | The e911 provisioning system internal id for this service address | [optional] |
Longitude | string | The e911 provisioning system calculated service address longitude | [optional] |
PlusFour | string | The extended zip/postal code where the number is in service | [optional] |
PostalCode | string | The zip/postal code where the number is in service | |
Region | string | The region (state) where the number is in service | |
Status | string | The e911 provisioning system status for this service address | [optional] |
StreetAddress | string | The street address where the number is in service |