Name | Type | Description | Notes |
AsrApiKey | string | API key for Google Cloud Speech | [default to ""] |
AsrEnableAutomaticPunctuation | bool? | detect and insert punctuation in transcription results | [optional] [default to true] |
AsrEnableWordTimeOffsets | bool? | top result includes a list of words and the start and end time offsets | [optional] |
AsrModel | string | model to select for the given request | [optional] [default to AsrModelEnum.Phonecall] |
AsrProfanityFilter | bool? | server will attempt to filter out profanities, replacing all but the initial character in each filtered word with asterisk | [optional] |
AsrUrl | string | Google Cloud Speech API url | [optional] [default to ""] |
AsrUseEnhanced | bool? | use an enhanced model for speech recognition | [optional] [default to true] |
TtsApiKey | string | speech google tts_api_key | [optional] [default to ""] |
TtsUrl | string | speech google tts_url | [optional] [default to ""] |